I am on the road again, writing from a hotel room, down in Ocala Florida for both a Lusitano horse event and Dr. John Littell’s 4th Annual Florida Summit on COVID. Both are coincidentally at the same venue, the Ocala World Equestrian Center. For those that are following along after our most recent Substack essay posted two days ago (sorry about that), much farm drama and chaos preceded loading the senior stallion Jade and two neophyte three-year-old mares onto the trailer and then a marathon 14 hour haul down the eastern seaboard from Virginia to Ocala, Florida beginning about 9:30 PM. Suffice to say, I think I would prefer an intercontinental flight in cattle class to a 14h nighttime horse haul. I don’t know how the long haul drivers do it - looking back, they tend to be younger men.
Long story made short, 14h of beef jerky and coffee-fueled driving interspersed with obscure truck stops is not my idea of a good time. Not much sleep was had until we arrived, then it was unload horses and all the trimmings, and then crash until the PM when we did the right and proper meet and greet social thing, with old and new horse friends and colleagues. In other words, my way of making a whinging excuse for not posting a substack essay yesterday.
Late in the afternoon, I received an apologetic email from Mr. David CM Carter, who has been trying to spin up a rally in the UK to advance the cause of pushing back for truth from the UK National Health Service regarding the infamous COVID jabs, which have proven neither safe nor effective. Unfortunately, he has had to cancel the planned November event, which I had agreed to participate in despite my reservations concerning the retaliatory censorship policies of the far-left “Starmer” Labor government. But for whatever reason, David had felt it necessary to provide me with an update regarding the various reasons (and excuses) he had encountered from various influential Brits that he had approached for funding and support for the planned “The Truth Contract” rally. His observations and insights are unique in my experience, and go a long way to addressing the vexing question of why so few of those guilty are coming clean and unburdening themselves after these last five years of propaganda, “mass formation”, PsyWar and just plain rampant lies.
Basically, it seems to distill down to the classic phrase coined by gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Fear and (self) Loathing.
The following summarizes, in his own words, David’s hard-won lessons regarding the timid classes. Keep in mind the observation that it is easy to tell yourself stories about what you would have done, given the opportunity, when confronting Hitler’s Fascist Totalitarian regime. What you did during the past five years of the COVID crisis has been proof of the pudding. Did you pass the test?
1. Employers do not want to acknowledge that they may have mandated employees to get a jab, that with hindsight, they should not have done so and potentially stir up class action lawsuits and so cannot be seen to be interested professionally – and are not willing or are too scared to expose themselves privately. There is a lot of fear of legal action on employers by employees if the government and the legal system accept that it should never have been mandated and advice reversed.
2. Larger professional services firms have earned hundreds of millions of $$$ selling advertising and consulting services – and do not wish to be associated with an event that could implicate them in any way – in particular the ability to secure future work. Even though they totally agree privately that the mRNA rollout should be stopped. They are concerned that all future such revenues would be stopped if their firms were associated with ‘outing’ the entire fraud that it so clearly was.
3. People who have been jabbed are ‘bad news resistant’. They even seem to be ‘protocol advice to help heal’ resistant.
4. I have learned a lot over the last 3 months in terms of who is interested in learning more about our topic – and who is not – and why they are not interested. I have been shocked and saddened at some of what I have learned. It has also made me have to snap out of a similar naivety I had to also snap out of 10 years ago, when I learned that child sex trafficking was a real thing. Greed and Power at any cost seems to be the order of the day with so many involved directly and indirectly. And ‘following orders’. It is sad and horrible to have to swallow and understand. Especially with friends whom I thought would rise above all the nonsense. <RWM: Fascinating parallel to the child sex trafficking issue, and note the similarities to Hannah Arendt’s “Banality of Evil”?>
5. Having said that countries like Slovakia have stopped the use of and roll out of mRNA – I heard that El Salvador will be doing the same – and a few other countries are close behind.
6. Of course, the BIG hope is that RFK Jr gets into power and can stop it in the USA – which will mean many of the other sheep nations around the world will follow. Plus of course we have Andrew Bridgen whom you know as Chairman of our Advisory Council at The Truth Contract.
7. Many ordinary people are waking up to C19 and it having been a big scam, that should not have happened. But sadly, there is also a lot of governmental and corporate momentum to ‘forgive and forget’ and ‘sweep it all under the rug’ and ‘move on’ hoping it doesn't come back to bite them in the a__ later.
8. It has been an ‘interesting’ and frustrating few months talking to people – all of whom accept that what we would have discussed and shared at the event is likely ‘true’ and ‘useful’ information – but it just seems that they feel it’s too risky to be associated with such an event in a professional capacity.
9. All of the interest that we have received has been from people who had intuitively avoided the jab altogether (but don't really understand the longer-term dangers to the wider population – even though they accept that they must exist) or those who took one or two shots and then suffered some kind of adverse reaction (and equally don't understand the wider implications but are concerned at their lack of knowledge). These folk are interested in finding out more. But they are ‘consumers’ (like the Highwire audience) vs business and governmental decision makers.
10. There are polar differences in attitudes of “Family Office” principals (how to gain from the mess) vs next gen (how to solve the mess – but who fear breaking free and doing something about it). One example of “Family Office” principals being the Gates Foundation people, as well as physicians who specialize in caring for the families of high-net-worth persons.
11. There is controlled opposition embedded within alt media – which are functionally focused on creating fear porn vs creating solutions.
NGO’s cover a multiple of sins, and there is Corporate and Family Office agency capture of many. With the left hand Gates feeds GAVI, CEPI, and WHO. With the right hand he makes millions from vaccines. The Wellcome Trust was a family office when established. Philanthrocapitalism at its best.
Look at Net Zero and Climate. Left hand feeds ‘research’ and propaganda. Right hand makes millions out of arbitrage and insider trading.
Sometimes NGOs are corrupted by Family Offices (as above). Sometimes they are corrupted by big business (CDC/FDA by Big Pharma). And Family Offices invest in big pharma because they know how the agency has been corrupted.
This happens in all the Truth Contract 10 topics (see below).
A recent example is chronic disease in the US – as has been so brilliantly explained by the Means siblings on the Tucker and Rogan podcasts in the last few weeks.
The same model is rolled out in every Industrial Complex – not just pharma.
A Lusitano horse event. And a COVID summit. Both at the same equestrian center. In the space of a few days.
I follow the science, and the science says the universe is bending in your direction. Best wishes for recuperative sleep and lumbar recovery.
Oh, and no explanations about missing days are necessary. Your written productivity is way higher than most on Substack. I hope that's because you find such communication fulfilling, rather than a debt owed. Good luck!
There are so many people that have been harmed by these shots, it seems somewhat a sin that people in the know stay silent or even worse, push another round of injections. You would think they are destined for misery in their life. I give you tons of credit Dr. Malone for being injured yourself and speaking out so that maybe someone else doesn’t have to go through medical harms as you did. Shouldn’t this be the standard for all people? If you have the power to keep people from harm you should not withhold it, you should speak up, what is wrong with these people? Thoughts won’t keep people safe you have to say it out load, I guess this is one of the biggest reasons I support you Dr. Malone you always put others above yourself by sharing information. The mercy you show others will be the mercy you will one day receive. J.Goodrich