Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great dissection of what is transpiring. My view is the mass psychosis was not spontaneous but built on the military/CIA playbook! Creating fear creates compliance! Agree?

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Fear has two companions: Uncertainty and Doubt. The infamous FUD factor!

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Four steps to political victory (from CIA doctrine):

1) create a crisis, any crisis will do, but scaled-to-fit

2) create a solution to said crisis

3) take credit for the solution (disclosure #1)

4) take credit for the crisis (disclosure #2)

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet."

- Matthew 10:14

Prayers for your safety, protection and peace. 🙏🏼

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When one recognizes severe evil with dire consequences befalling our nation’world and can offer major assistance for combating it - one looks for support from others with help to offer. One joins with others with similar qualities to strengthen the messages. Perhaps one of the finest examples was the gathering in January of 2022 at the Lincoln Memorial. As this group moved forward cracks appeared int the wall of lies. This IS THE IDEAL Response!

When, as you’ve identified, the seven deadly sins: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth and wrath arise and the unity breaks - EVERYONE actually loses. On an individual basis

there is no question that being unjustly set up, defamed, attacked, or demeaned is both infuriating and painful. When you (pl) and we recognize there much more is needed to better defeat the initial assault and that even more pressing assaults (The Great Reset, WHO ascendence, Greening and US Executive/Government Complicity) that have arisen - the loss of objectives by all too many is disheartening and in fact maddening.

From here, when you/we/our objectives are attacked, demeaned, ignored for unlaudable purposes, I and likely many of us share your reactions. I feel the hit (and I am angry), I see the damage to our pursuing our much needed goals (and I am angry) and I feel your (and our) hurt and it hurts/damages.

In that I am just a spot in the universe that shares your earlier strategy of keeping a low profile, I seldom experience personal attacks these days. On the other hand, on Gettr when sufficiently aggravated I come out politely punching. I state my view of the matter. In most cases I get no response. In the very few cases, the provoker, hits back - once I’ve clearly state my view/position I leave. Anyone subsequently reading the exchange has my perspective.

I so appreciate how you and Dr Jill have been positively doing your best to deal with these outrageous slings and arrows! Hopefully there is some solace in knowing we share your reactions. For one, I love you both, wholly believe what your have shared with us and stand ready to have your backs.

Our world has darkened and become all too evil. Together, lets keep moving forward to restore its light and goodness! I/we are here for you and our mutual goals!

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What a wonderful reply. I feel so angry and sad in equal measures for Dr Malone and his wife and others who have dared to take the high road, who have continued to be honest and level headed, kind and compassionate in the face of all of this. I agree with you whole heartedly...

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It seems we have a whole political party of chaos agents. At any moment they can send their brown shirt type goons after you to physically hurt you or your family. They have all of the 3 letter agency’s surveilling everyone tapping and recording every phone call, text message, e-mail etc. so if they want to prosecute you they will find a crime. If your an opposition political host they try to crush your advertisers. Some of these people are so fanatical and brainwashed they are willing to cut their own kids up or continually inject them with emergency use authorized drugs over and over again no questions asked. They do this because they are so messed up psychologically they believe it advances them in this system some how. It’s hard to watch this happening so quickly with no real push back from the opposing party. All I can say, like many in the old Soviet Union is the walls have ears, be careful. J.Goodrich

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These people, termites in the forest of humanity, don't know their history. They eventually will be forced to endure what they gleefully forced on others. As they are 'led to the ovens' they will wonder "how it came to this".

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here are the points I liked (and understood) best in your essay:

1. The distribution of defamation and slander as a means to advance information warfare is evil.

2. Evil exploits and feeds off the seven deadly sins: envy, gluttony, greed or avarice, lust, pride, sloth and wrath.

3. Don’t spread malicious gossip.

4. Don’t be evil.

5. Don’t take anyone’s word as gospel truth.

6. Do your own diligence.

7. Think for yourself.

and my #8, #9, and #10:

8. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated.

9. Read and follow the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution.

10. Read and follow the 10 commandments.

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As "conspiracy theorist," Alex Jones used to say.....

"There's a war on for your mind...."

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hey Dr. Malone,

I put this comment on another substack, I won't say which one out of respect.

I reference a very simple way you can show proof of how the tweet is faked.


That's a fake tweet someone probably made in photoshop. I could have made it in about 3 minutes. You don't even need photoshop, you can just edit the elements in any web browser by using developer tools.

You want proof? Look at the archive search of Dr. Malones twitter, you can find it here:


This searches Dr. Malones tweets that were archived between Jan 01 2017 thru Dec 31, 2019. There are three, load those three tweets up, any of them, they just happen to be close by in date to the fake photoshop tweet. Look at Dr. Malone's user avatar in the archive, it is nothing like the one he uses now.

This is proof because, IF someone did happen to screen grab this old (fake) tweet back in 2019, (unlikely) then that screen grab would have included that OLD avatar, not the new one. Since the Tweet supposedly was deleted, it would not be possible to grab it current day when the new user avatar is available.

This fake tweet uses Dr. Malone's NEW avatar because the person who created it is a clumsy low IQ troll. If I was fabricating something like this I would have at least taken two freaking minutes to do an archive search and used the old avatar. I mean, how lazy is this [clown]? Seriously.

Check this archive:


Then go look up how easy it is to modify a web page using any standard browsers built in developers tools, it's called "inspect element", it lets you modify things in your current browser session. It is so simple it is a joke kids do to goof on each other.


The [ds] is resorting to fake tweets. Tricks 12 year olds use to tease their friends. They are really going downhill regarding elegance of method.

What's next? The "I'm rubber you're glue" nursery rhyme?

The freedom movement should be ashamed that their discernment is so weak. Believing this juvenile trash can't be the best we can do. If it is we might as well line up for the gulag's now.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow! It sounds like entering into social media is really like an experience of the Abyss (the psychic space populated by the unredeemed, and perhaps irredeemable). One needs a full theological vocabulary to describe it! John Bunyan would have had lots to say about it - far more than about the "depths of despond". Thanks Robert for your clear and loud warning to those who may be thinking of giving it a try!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Today’s circus indictment of Pres. Trump in NYC….5GW writ large.

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Can't say I like it. However, I do agree! You are on the mark. On the other hand, they may end up not getting what they wish for. Thankfully many are making the goals of the 4 law suit attacks very clear for all to see.

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The path is now clear to indict, charge, arrest ALL of them. Dem, RINO, Deep state, etc.

More important than ever to stay vigilant and not get embroiled in the nonsense and noise of the left.

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Man's inhumanity to man. We have had a good dose of it here recently but nothing like what we are really capable of. We have given up on broadcast and cable t.v. Gather up the cats and watch videos--old t.v. shows, movies etc. Recently even foreign flicks w/ subtitles. And now an outright plug. Came across one on Amazon Prime called A French Village. It is about the German occupation of France and I never would have believed a French company could have produced something so intensely vivid about the depravity exhibited by the collaborationists towards their own people--Jews, communists, nationalists (called them anti-nationalists of course). It is a remarkable piece of work. Have some odd paywalls in some odd places but definitely worth the watch. This show demonstrates that the malevolent behavior discussed in this stack could be a warning of what may lie ahead for us.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please, do not grow weary in well doing, Drs Malone! In due season you will reap the rewards!


FWIW, when on the Internet and you find yourself arguing with an idiot or conspirator/instigator/troll, you can never win. With that said, you are in a position where you must correct false statements. I trust you will find a way to do this which preserves your sanity! Prayers for you both!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yup, Dr. Malone has blocked only two subscribers that I know of. He is a Saint, I would have much less patience!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Demand expanding budget for investigations of weaponization of security services

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First dump the proposed Restrict Act that gives the Pres carte blanche to destroy anyone it deems is a threat to national security without any oversight from Congress. It is not about banning Tiktok. I am not for giving the Fed Gov any more authority to do anything. Congress does not need a budget increase to do its job. It just needs the (--**--) to just do it.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I read through this incredibly detailed article, not only did I learn the workings of the underbelly of this area, I also was very impressed by the psychological understanding of this complicated mess. I love looking at how the human psyche works and this is enlightening and terribly disappointing. The seven sins indeed! Thanks for the time and effort both you and Jill contribute !!!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I once said to you - you’re better off ignoring, that it always takes two to participate. But I’ve watched as this fifth generation warfare just continues and continues.

While now, I’d say, you have no choice but to exploit their ineffectiveness and expose their lies, it gives many of us opportunity to get to know you more deeply and continues to reinforce initial and ongoing instincts.

While this must be somewhat tough for you and Jill, I hope you get a little bit of a kick out of fighting back directly- naming some of these specific people, this time, namely G Webb! Gee Whiz!!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once again you're getting the important information out to us. And there are others who are working against the massive 5th Generation misinformation. The comments on Yahoo stories about vaccines and Covid are almost completely against the government and MSM. And other websites are posting articles about the Democrats' totalitarian tactics.

More and more people in the know (as far as that goes) are predicting a repeat of the 2008 banking collapse and saying that will bring down Biden & Co. And the persecution of Trump is even getting the non-politician Democrats upset, according to a recent poll. ( I don't know the name of the poll because my husband told me about it and forgot the specs.)

We have to continue to hang tough and do whatever we can to get the truth out. And you, Dr. Malone,

are more heroic than ever.

You are a national treasure.

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Also another analogy is in the making. The dam of withheld information about the danger of the jabs is maybe about to break. Saw several stories about young relatives of pols dying suddenly with no given cause. How much more of this do you think will happen before a cause starts being given? The backlash if that happens will monumental.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great piece (as always, from you!).

HA, just so you know, I would never have believed that fake tweet (even if I didn’t notice the problems with it that others in these comments have cleverly pointed out) : It is simply not the way you write or think. It doesn’t reflect your character or wording. You don’t label people that way. So, obviously... FAKE.

I am grateful that I am able to see who has integrity and authenticity, and who doesn’t. I believe that all of us here know who you are.

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