Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ladapo is one courageous guy with the highest level of integrity. Thanks for reporting this.

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You know, someday 49 other state surgeons general may be faced with suspicious glances and uncomfortable questions. I surely hope so.

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Followed up with indictments and jail time for the health officials that demonized ivermectin and HCQ.

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Glad to be a Florida resident!

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good for him! One Surgeon General who is standing up.

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Intelligent, informed and courageous man! How refreshing! Hopefully, more will follow in the near future.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I so want this man as our Surgeon General. He possesses my first priority in Government leadership. He's not for sale.

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The citizens of the state of Florida are getting what they paid for. The tragedy is that he is such an exception. Hopefully others will wake up and join him.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If only there were more gov officials like Lapado. So thankful for him. And Malone and other truthtellers

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

But there are. State AGs are waking up to what has happened to our federalist republic and beginning to take measures to repair the damage inflicted by over a century of an out of control federal behemoth. Worms are finally turning

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I like to think of this change as the first sign of our own guillotine movement. Minus actual guillotines this time around.

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After a proper trial, the guillotine would be most appropriate for those many who have committed crimes against humanity. Or hanging. I would volunteer to be a hangman.

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Sorry Richard, the hanging scene reminds me too much of what happened to the Natives in Mankato, Mn. Volunteering to be a hangman sounds manly, but your afterlife might not feel so good.

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I respect life, but the devils who brought this crime do not. Those who harm others like has been done deserve death. Humans have always executed the wicked. We could talk about this for days. I am generally against the DP, but there are exceptions to every rule and these crimes are heinous.

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Humans have always executed the innocent too!!!

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Right. But including loss of jobs, and in many cases, criminal prosecutions.

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Nice interview with Paxton showing up this morning re our exec aiding and abetting drug trafficking et al.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Although THEIR (usurped) power has been amassed inch by inch until more recently where it's in your face and in overdrive, we are unwinding THEIR despicable deeds the same way. Keep ONWARD.

Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo is doing us / USA proud.

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This will hopefully start to create a bigger crack for other states to join and stop harming their citizens. Countries like Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland have all put restrictions on the use of these shots. If states like Texas, South Catalina, Mississippi, Wyoming, Utah, Alabama, etc. would join Florida and begin restricting these shots with evidence of adverse reactions, the Federal narrative on these vaccines will collapse. J.Goodrich

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Restricting isn't enough! Take them off the market completely. Maybe that is what you meant.

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I meant restrict the sale of these products period. So yes pull them from the market. In the countries I mentioned they restrict injections to children under 18 I believe.

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Disagree. Any medication should be available to anyone who understands the risks and (perhaps) forfeits any recourse at law if things go wrong for him. Equivalently, in an ideal world the State could not mandate use.

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That is why states rights are so important, federalism.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Grateful to see this

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This man has courage. I heard him speak at the Florida Summit on COVID this fall in Ocala and was impressed. I do not live in FL but have many friends who do and they are so pleased with his actions. Thank you for sharing this, Dr Malone.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is he the only Surgeon General in the entire country to become aware of this danger or is he the only one with the ethics and courage to speak out?

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Jan 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I choose number 2. Hopefully his action will embolden others who simply need an example to follow.

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This explains why I got so sick after the initial vax and the booster. Each time I went through a week of severe bone pain. Then treated like a hysterical female when I reported it to my doctor.

This also happened when I was put on statins. Fortunately, I found Dr. David Diamond's work, neurobiologist at USF, exposing statins, the faulty research, etc.. His lectures on YouTube are very enlightening.

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Yes, I have had to fight off the tender ministrations of several doctors who insisted that my stroke survivor wife should be on statins in spite of trying 3 different versions and getting the same nasty side effects from all 3. They seem to take it personally when I say, no doc, we've already been there and we're not going back again.

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Outside of the covid bio-harm products, statin's are probably the next up on the list of pharma/medical institution atrocities that garner them big bucks.

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Once the DNA contamination was revealed by independent laboratories, it became only a matter of time before this platform unravels, due to market forces.

I'll have to delve more into what allows Dr. Ladapo to have much more independence of thought and action than most in his profession.

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He is not captured by his employer, he can speak his mind. Many doctors are employees and can’t or won’t speak up. Independent doctors are a dying breed, we are worse off for it.

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The only path to independent practice is to take cash only. Being able to take insurance is dependent on board certification, and you know what the Boards of medical specialties are doing. They suk.

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✅ Independent Medical Resources

Consider this list of organizations for independent medical information and provider resources. Many do not take insurance, but still could save you money and provide excellent care.

Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS Online)

AAPS Patient Resources & Medical Providers (Direct Primary, Cash Pay, etc)

The Wedge of Health Freedom

DPC Frontier - DPC Practice Mapper (DPC means Direct Primary Care)

Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)

FLCCC Medical Providers

Physicians for Informed Consent

For cancer care, consider approaches that have been suppressed or ridiculed for decades or recently. Two examples:

FLCCC Cancer Care Monograph

Burzynski: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up

Details with links here: https://eolson47.substack.com/i/136557135/independent-medical-resources

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Excellent observation.

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He has integrity?

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It probably helps to have the backing of a governor with a half a lick of common sense too.

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Exactly this!

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Probably his whole lifestyle supports his ability to make independent choices, and you could say that it's all related to integrity.

I found personally that it's easier to do if one is not in debt, and OK with living a simple lifestyle.

So I encourage people not to take on student loans or any other big debt. These are the chains on most Americans in the health care field.

There are ways to make it easier to do the right thing.

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A couple additional things likely help. First a Governor who supports him. Next, expert friends who share evidences and support him with regard to his initiatives.

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I was tallking to an independent doctor. The conversation lead to my making a comment "worried about patient lawsuits" she said it is not malpractice lawsuits we are worried about-It is the AMA.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Most doctors don't belong to the AMA, but it does lobby the government, and it has that useless JAMA that I've regarded as a junk journal over my entire career.

The real problem for the physicians are the boards of medical specialties, which grant certifications that render them worthy of serving medicaid and medicare patients. (Where most of the money is.) Also some states threatened or did revoke licensure for doctors who didn't submit to COVID tyranny. The vast role of government in paying medical bills is what nailed down the health care institutions to whatever idiocy was demanded of them by the feds and most of the states.

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He has the support of a governor capable of independent analytic thought. Too bad the rest of the country doesn’t see Governor DeSantis as Floridians do.

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DeSantis has done a good job in Florida. I think he suffered in the presidential running by relying too much on the party for campaign guidance and for foreign policy issues.

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It is a shame. I had kind of hoped he’d wait for the next cycle to run.

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He would have had a good chance in 2028, (if some election security measures could be adopted).

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More good news...



On Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024, Boise County Commissioners unanimously passed Resolution 2024-10! We are eternally grateful to our County Commissioners for their honesty, integrity, and sincere desire to do the right thing.

* SIGNED Resolution 2024-10: https://www.boisecounty.us/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Res-2024-10-signed.pdf

* Minutes from the 12/19/23 meeting testimony: https://www.boisecounty.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/12-19-23-official-minutes.pdf

So far, the following Idaho Counties have signed similar resolutions (with dates):

* Adams: Vote coming soon. Testimony on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v41fqh0-presentation-to-adams-county-commissioners-in-idaho.html

* Boise: 01/02/24

* Washington: 11/06/23 Details and Links to Testimony: https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/washington-county-idaho-resolution?utm_campaign=email-post&r=14nzxn&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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The avalanche begins!

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So grateful for DR Ladapo and his professional knowledge and courage to utilize his gifts. Hearing him speak at the Florida COVID Summit was inspiring . May all the attacks and negative attention this will probably bring on also make people aware of WHY he is doing this. I bet loads of people in the US have no clue about the dangers in these products. Thank you DRs Malone for reporting this :)))

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I have no way to know what benefits or repercussions Ladapo's action will have on his future. Surely he knows he's fired a shot across the bow of U.S.S. Pharma and reprisal is likely. Just the same, Ladapo seems to have made a sensible policy recommendation. Now it’s up to Pharma to defend their products and back up all those claims from three years ago about how they were the most tested vaccines in history and were safe and effective. Evidence, please.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am thinking of sending Dr. Ladapo a thank-you note. I hope millions of Americans do likewise.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Me too

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To the best of my research, this is the mailing address:

Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD

4052 Bald Cypress Way

Mail Bin A00

Talllahassee, FL 32399

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About time. Although it still takes guts to be the first official to break ranks and say "inappropriate for human use."

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Inappropriate for any use

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I drafted a letter to the director of IL Public health and cc the reps and senator for our district. If anyone is interested in sending a similar letter, feel free to borrow any or all of the below.

The Surgeon General of Florida, Dr. Joseph Ladapo has raised legitimate concerns regarding DNA contamination found in mRNA vaccines by multiple investigations. Two include Speicher DJ et al, DNA fragments detected in COVID-19 vaccines in Canada and Brigitte Konig and Jurgen Kirchner University of Magdeburg, Germany. Furthermore, the Canadian government admits to this contamination. In the US, Dr. Phillip Buckhaults at the University of SC has found the same contamination and has serious concerns. Specifically he stated,

“The Pfizer mRNA vaccine is contaminated with the plasmid DNA vector that was used as the template for in vitro transcription reaction. This DNA could be the cause of some of the rare but serious side effects like death from cardiac arrest. The DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomes of transfected cells. There is a very real hazard for genome modification of long-lived somatic cells, which could cause sustained autoimmune attack toward that tissue. There is also a theoretical risk of future cancer, depending on the piece of DNA and site of integration.”

The contamination includes SV40 enhancer which is known to cause cancer. The contamination is at least 83 times the limit that the WHO deems as safe. Furthermore, the level of contamination As I’m sure you know, this type of contamination is an even greater concern than in the past due to the lipid nanoparticle delivery system.

Dr. Ladapo has raised the concerns to the FDA and received a disingenuous and inadequate reply. The FDA seems to have not even assessed if these risks are in violation of their own guidelines.

Given the above, should IL and other states share in Dr. Ladapo’s concerns? If not why? If so, what will the IDPH do to safeguard the safety of IL residents?

Thank you for your consideration.

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Jan 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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