Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"But the chickens are coming home to roost on that, and it once again looks like the “factchecker”/approved narrative defenders were wrong once again, and did not actually know what they were talking about."


They were never wrong, they were always lying. Coincidentally, I'm finishing up an article today "proving" exactly that. They're now telling us "nobody knew what we were facing" with covid -- but we did. The receipts are out there.

Edit: Article is published here: https://simulationcommander.substack.com/p/experts-now-claim-we-didnt-know-but

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Roger that, Commander.

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They were always lying, and as Dr Malone's excellent article pointed out, they still are. This is clear. And now, for some time, they have been minimizing COVID. Yes, the CFR is low and flu like. Yet the viral spike protein is very harmful, and produces a large assortment of ills, generally worse in the vaccinated. Many institutions are noting these facts, and many many health care professionals are seeing very very real long term harm to the immune system from COVID, even in the unvaccinated. They are still lying. China even stated the virus is like the flu or a cold. It is not, and many hundreds of peer reviewed studies show the wide assortment of health harms from the man made virus likely jointly manufactured by China and the USA. Just as there motive to lie about how severe COVID was then is clear, so their motive to now minimize the harms of what they created, is equally clear.

Here is a short simple post about COVID policy, then and now. Always free, not a news feed...


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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have a new take on an old expression that fits "fact checkers" to a "T": "How many facts can a fact chucker chuck, if a fact chucker could chuck facts?". Answer: When you're chucking facts instead of checking facts, ALL of them.

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needs a meme graphic...

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You're right! Someone needs to help me out with that.

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@Debra Nolasco, t-shirt follow-up:

Have a person tossing Facts over their shoulder into a pile of Facts. Have the person wearing a “Fact Chucker” t-shirt. Put the poem under, except for the “All of them.” Place that on the back of the t-shirt.

You could do a second one with. No poem and just the words, “great chucker, just wish he could spell.” Have a red slash through the u and an e written in above.

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I like your suggestion! Maybe I could have a run of t-shirts made & give the proceeds to the vaccine injured.

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That’s a lovely thought. I hope you follow through and are wildly successful.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent writing and the best questions and answers to those questions by two Drs. Malone! Thanks to you both for all you do. You are heroes in my book. God Bless 🙏🏻. Stay the course and stay strong

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Right, about everything. The particulars of the last three years have been a anxious, wild, and frightening ride!

That was a glorious reveal on Joe Rogan. Most of us will always be grateful for that interview or should I just describe it as more of a diaglogue of people who are actually friendly and mostly respectful with each other. I say mostly because the interruptions were minimal considering the topic. I appreciated that you write about the workings within NIH because some of us did not know what or why things were not addressed more directly. Thank you.

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Sorry about my spelling errors.

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Robert, you have offered a wise analysis founded on extensive engagement with the real world. Reading it, I (unexpectedly) thought: as long as people like Robert W. Malone are in the world there is hope. I felt as if I had come out of a storm (and I had) and found myself sitting by a beautiful flowing stream. That image actually came to me. Thank you.

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thanks for sharing that image.

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

4.7 TRILLION and counting according to the US Government Accountability Office was spent on the "pandemic response" from 2020 thru July 2023 https://www.gao.gov/coronavirus

I suppose this includes payments to people who lost their jobs in the form of stimulus, extended UI payments, but also all those ventilators they manufactured. They converted factories over to this. Then there were all the hospital payments, bonuses for patients placed on respirators, payments for drugs that killed, the endless testing, and the most eye opening for me, rewards of $40K for each death assigned to Covid. Then there was all the PR campaign money spent herding people in to get the injections, and the cost of the "free" injections themselves. And on and on to what has become known as the largest upward transfer of wealth in history. All to "keep us safe"!

It should be known that the difference between a billion and a trillion is difficult to understand, almost like the number of stars in our galaxy. This may help some: A billion seconds is just under 32 years, a trillion seconds is just under 32,000 years,

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Oct 10, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yup Artikos. these numbers have very little impact on the average bear. They are thrown round with such abandon it becomes meaningless after a while, unless you can't pay your mortgage if you are lucky enough to afford one...

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Where did you get the $40K for each death info? I've been trying to find it and haven't been able to.

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I heard the total benefit was more like 70K

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Yes, in your article I think I read that. My 97 year father died last month, with COVID in quarantine. Now it is not a COVID death. It certainly would have been.

BTW, while it should not be a COVID death, my perspective is COVID contributed.

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I'm sorry for your loss, especially since your father was in quarantine.

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Thank you Cindy, as his care provider I was able to be there.

AFAIK, they had a outbreak, and 3 people passed that week. The facicitly told me none of them were COVID deaths.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife is an R.N. Her hospital profited because they banned early treatment with HCQ and Ivermectin, telling patients to return when they had trouble breathing. Then they were given Remdesivir and ended up intubated and dead. The number we heard for a Covid death was $33,000 from Medicare. A course of the toxic and ineffective Remdesivir is about $3000-$5000.

They're still pushing Remdesivir even though Covid is pretty much a cold now.

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deletedOct 10, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023
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It is just so hard for me to imagine being faced with the prospect of having to go to a hospital knowing what they are capable of doing for profit and narrative conformity. 68 yo and taking modern medicine off the table has done one thing for me, and that is taking much more responsibility for my own health, researching it more, even just finding the right diet and exercise that works for my body. That is where the one size fits all healthcare fails quite often.

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deletedOct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023
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Murder by neglect? It wasn't neglect, it was intentional.

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deletedOct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023
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I'll stay with premeditated murder. They knew exactly what they were doing.

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Good question. It comes from my memory of the time so take it for what that's worth. It was the amount of money Medicaid and Medicare would pay the hospitals at the time for help shouldering the cost burden of ICU Covid patients when many hospitals were struggling to keep their doors open due to people steering clear and putting off surgeries and treatments, and a general fear of being exposed to Covid itself. It was one of the many big drivers in overinflating the fatality numbers. I did a search just now and the fact checkers have piled on heavily and appears to have been scrubbed from the net unless you know how to dig deep.

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The effort by the GAO to examine the Covid debacle is quite important. The GAO has provided a bunch of reports that seem to go nowhere. The select committee https://oversight.house.gov/subcommittee/select-subcommittee-on-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ seems to do little. Clearly our leaders seem afraid to look.

And we have a new season of fear being attempted. Most of us aren't responding, wisely. But what does it take to return to sanity as we toss money about?

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I only wish you could go on Rogan again for another episode of "them" losing bladder control and the ensuing wetting! This time it would be a river.

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All I wanted from the House of Representatives was a handful of subpoenas targeting specific upper and mid level shills in this scam. Put these targeted cohorts under oath with the penalties of perjury hanging over their heads and you would hear them squawk like Guinea fowl, no disrespect to Guinea fowl. They had promised and I had hoped they would follow through and do their dam job, STUPID ME. I don’t give a shit about Kevin McCarthy or Matt Gaetz!! I just wanted them to do what they promised so this would never happen again !! J.Goodrich

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Well James, the House has more information on USG's heist of our not so prodigious medical profession and its chicken little fabricated fearmongering messaging than they do the Biden crime family extravaganza. Yet, it seems their safest target was Biden, not the deep state which they are a part of.

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That they've lost time on meaningful review and action on the budget bills and could run into further unfortunate outcomes re the Speakership is very aggravating here.

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It is a shame that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. That had months to work out the budget bills.

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Who has a 7 week vacation when their most important job is coming due. If I took 7 weeks off I’d be out of business!!

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Exactly. That is why America is just about out of business.

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My good friend died in a nursing home at 93 years old without Covid. In turn, they declared Covid on the death certificate. His son had them remove it! They would be compensated for the Covid death, but not a natural death of old age. Nursing homes are notorious for being financially deficient! There is no doubt in my mind that the financial incentives provided by our corrupt federal government manipulated by our medical and military was designer to inflate the numbers and create the great fear to control society for the end of game of Big Pharma and other interested parties. It is criminal beyond my comprehension! WE need a massive ground swell of rebellion against the medical mafia that wants to determine your healthcare for profit! Humans are now being viewed as lab rats and there is no concern about the side effects and deaths being created by the RNA injections.!

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deletedOct 10, 2023·edited Oct 10, 2023
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Thinning of the herd too?

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Small win: DOD has agreed to pay $1.8 million in fees and other litigation costs to end a lawsuit filed against their now rescinded COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

A group of U.S. Navy Seals and others in the military filed suit against the DOD for issuing of a COVID-19 injection mandate in 2021, with plaintiffs arguing that the requirement ran afoul of their religious freedom.

Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, which helped to represent the military personnel suing the Defense Department said “The military COVID shot mandate is dead. Our heroic service members can no longer be forced to take this experimental jab that conflicts with their religious convictions. Through our daily work with service members in every branch, we have had the privilege of knowing some of the finest people who love God and love America. These heroes should not have been mistreated by our own government.”

Staver went on to argue that “we have come to realize that many of the high-ranking members of leadership, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration need to be replaced.”

“Collectively, they dishonored the brave men and women who defend our freedom. We stand ready to defend our defenders of freedom if any religious discrimination occurs in the future,” he added.


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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the update, good news for a small win, I'll take it!

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Here is another win, perhaps for more than just this one young man, not related to the covid jab. The Federal “Vaccine Court”: Gardasil jab for HPV irrefutably linked to NARCOLEPSY. In most case s, the VICP rejects petitions for restitution, but in Cobb's case it complied. As a result, everyone else out there who has been injured by Gardasil can now petition the court just the same based on this precedent.

In Cobb's case, Special Master Katherine E. Oler ruled on Aug. 21 that Cobb successfully demonstrated that his condition was caused by the Gardasil vaccine, ruling that he is entitled to compensation. That decision was only just this week made public.


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It seems to just take one good case to open the dam. It's so difficult to file a case, this must have been "water tight."

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the crime of the century. Paying hospitals to kill people .

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Yep and "they" continue to mess with us through their narrative control. Everyone's heard of "long COVID," and now there's "long flu" and "long colds"


To me, this seems like an indication of widespread damaged immune systems, likely from the vax, as well as other environmental factors.

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Remember when we used to mockingly say "long flu" to describe a flu that held on a little longer than normal?

It seems clown world has caught up.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Now the question comes--how do we get this info out into the msm?

Once the shills start feeling the effects of the vaccines in large enough numbers, they will be enraged enough to tell the truth.

Thank you for your continuous courage and integrity. You are a national treasure, especially without that fraudulent Nobel Prize.

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For better or worse the shills jobs and pay are in the balance. Unless and until the moneymen permit/support changes of message, doubt we'll see better than maybe silence.

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Long ago and far, far away I had a recorded conversation with Mr. Joe Rogan (#1757) which briefly “broke the internet” and caused Google, aging rockers like Neil Young, and the entire censorship/governmental/industrial complex to loose bladder control and wet themselves."

Priceless image of that aged "crooner" wetting his pants, Doc.

Funny story re Young. Got dragged to a concert at Radio City in NYC years ago. Young insisted on performing songs almost solely from his "Greendale" album which increasingly displeased the audience who called for his more appreciated oldies. After less than 45 minutes, Young huffed off the stage, not to return. To a rousing crescendo of boos.......

It was the only part of the "concert" that i enjoyed.

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Don’t you all who read this column feel betrayed by our government? You post so many exposés, Dr Malone. I know we all trust you and your postings and feel like we haven’t been crazy these past three years! Whew! Now if only there was some way to hold these people and institutions accountable!

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The CARES Act incentivization of Covid overreporting appalled me, when I first heard of it during Covidpalooza 2020. No hospital administrator will refuse free government money. It is indeed a wonderful way for the govt to 'dial up' a pandemic on demand. Lack of integrity all that's required

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