Dec 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this post Dr M as I was feeling alone in my grief for a member of my family. A four year old who since the Covid shots has been on and off ill for 3 months. Was in the ER for low blood oxygen and high fever. Coughs and vomits at night. Circles under the eyes. Brightness getting dulled. And of course...denial from all. I will wind up with a bleeding heart. It is painful to witness what our society is doing to its most vulnerable members on all aspects of their innocent lives. God help us all.

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I am so sorry. Praying the little tyke recovers.

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Thank you Jay. Appreciated.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

State Media is one of the biggest contributors to our situation, yet it's role receives little attention.

Few people trust it. Even so, it's complicit by staying silent on many of the issues in Marks' essay.

The political opposition (Republicans) is just as bad. I can see now, my so-called elected representatives (Cruz, Cornyn, Crenshaw) are like the show-captain on a luxury liner. They dress up nice in suits, and look the part. But don't actually do anything.

If that weren't bad enough, they stab us in the back when they think no one can see what they're doing (i.e. aided by the media).

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Wait until you see how Phelan and his dim and rino cronies discombobulate all those conservative issues we voted for in the primary. Just as that clown crew has for the last 2 legislative sessions

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Rockefeller and Red shield politicians are designed to take money and obey orders. "Doing something" is part of show business.

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I am so sorry, Jo. It is unbearable to have to watch the carnage from these last three years and if the evil perpetrators have their way, it will continue. My niece's 13 year old son has now had at least 3 shots and her 5 year old just got his first. So far, they seem okay, but if she keeps putting them through this, it's only a matter of time. The parents of your family member need to contact one of the doctors who is trying to treat vaccine injuries, but they won't if they continue to deny that it's happening. So very sad.

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Thank you Anne. Yes, denial does prevent treatment and that is very unfortunate. I wish you the best of health and luck with your family. Be well.

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Dear Jo,, I will also keep your child in my prayers: Can you get your hands on any antibiotics? and there is are also some over the counter primatine mists for breathing; and unless you know for sure your child is allergic to aspirin.. children's aspirin is a good drug.. baby aspirtin; fever put into the tepid tub.. my son almost died from a pneumonia when he was five.. because doctor incompetence. I had a CBC drawn and WBC was high and turned out he had pneumonia. Fever was so high 105 I put him in a tub of cool water with aspirin then went to ER.. and he had pneumonia but he had a small seizure.. is fine now.. but we lived in the country then. He is fine now.. a computer programmer.. and spend sometime on those praying knees. I will ask in Jesus Name for you strength and babe's healing. Isabella. have a safe and blessed Christmas.

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Thank you so much for your care and your suggestions. I greatly appreciate it. A Blessed Christmas to you.

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Why can't humanity stop this? What will it take to stop are children from being harmed?

Why have our politicians given carte blanc to Big Pharma to experiment on the human race without any responsibility for the harm they have caused and will cause because they don't have the responsibility to do it with medical research that requires it be done slowly and carefully so they DO NO HARM! I sense that Dr. Malone believes their is value to the mRNA injections if done properly, but for now until we have stringent rules on how to procede it needs to be STOPPED! What say you Dr. Malone?

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the potential of the tech has probably been damaged for the foreseeable future. Clearly stated that the products need to be withdrawn last spring...

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I frankly have never understood the rationale of limiting the immune response to a pathogen to a single antigen. Why handcuff the immune system from making a more robust response?

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Because gene therapy and transhumanism need to cut off the immune system so mono itself as the basis for extreme long term modifications.

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We need a megaphone so that it reaches the leadership! Being confined to the ethernet is not cutting it!

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There is no "leadership" you can reach. None of the institutions or people you think are leaders, are the deciders.

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My default position was skepticism, especially after I learned of the indemnification of the 1986 law. The platform Covid-19 gave to CHD and The Highwire educated me on that.

The deaths of Hank Aaron, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Dr. Gregory Michael and thousands of VAERS reports were merely confirmation. Unfortunately, I was unable to convince many close relatives, but so far there have been no deaths. Perhaps their lots were expired.

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Unavoidably Unsafe! That was the 1986 "let us sum this all up in just two words".)

You could say the same about a lot of things, take skydiving for one.

Where there is risk...there must be "Absolute Choice"! Most could never do it, Yet....

I'd jump from a moving aircraft with a packed parachute before a jab with a biotoxin

At least you understand why birds chirp happy when they fly. But that's just me.

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Oh, FFS, it was clear the products needed suspension when Tiffany Dover collapsed, Hank Aaron, Dr. Gregory Michael and Marvelous Marvin Hagler died. No need for all this carnage of young athletes and transfused babies.

But you are right, Robert, that the vaccine industry is damaged beyond repair. The last vaccine I will ever take was Shingrix, several years ago.

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Needs to be repeaded daily!

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I sense that you are where i was at after escaping the brutality exposed to us in Ottawa last feb. You will find yourself using the word Evil when it becomes clear that it is all being done on purpose. Look at bumbling biden’s “failure” as POTUS. He’s not failing, he calls it success, and he can’t do enuf damage fast enuf. Trudeau, drunk on godless socialism, ESG etc and WEF, is a puppet-thats obvious, stealing the media with Our money, stealing elections with its fascist complicity. Chinada, disUnited S of A, same thing going on.

Open your eyes and bear the heavy burden of truth as many of us do. You won’t be alone.

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Your words suggest that you have not been following me very closely. Consider going back in to the 'stack and reading my prior essays.

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My comment was intended for Thomas. Many find themselves in the position, after discovering brutal truths, of wondering “why?”. Your fine writings reveal those truths to so many who are shocked by the new reality of our times.

Not to get political, but i do know of which i speak regarding the worsening tyranny; no doubt you can see that.

I simply try to assuage those who could remain in that sad state of confusion TPTB have been hellbent on creating. And succeeding despite your heroic efforts. Kudos to you and those promoting the truth!

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My eyes are wide open. My frustration is that there is little traction being built since the CDC and Pfizer and Moderna are hell bent on continuing to push the mRNA injections. They are spending millions in the mass media to continue to scam the masses. It's not going to stop in the New Year unless the Republican House gets off of sitting on their brains.

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We won’t be getting much help from Republicans in general. There only a few lone voices.

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They are obeying orders. The REpublican House also obeys orders.

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I saw this quote yesterday in an article on Lifesite News. “I had the great privilege of interviewing [former Pfizer executive Dr. Michael Yeadon], and we discussed theology … and he said, ‘I’m not a religious person. But looking at what has happened here … the people who orchestrated this and coordinated it and put it together would be the type of people that would worship Satan,'” Delaney recounts. “That’s what this scientist said, this former chief science officer from Pfizer said.” Interesting to me that the nonbelievers are seeing the evil, while many of my Christian friends are still so brainwashed.

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I hope to b able to believe that, coming from him.

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Not sure I understand, do you mean you don't trust Michael Yeadon?

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He’s a pfizer man... has he seen the light? Wonderful. If so, he receives my absolution, for what its worth.

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He's a former Pfizer VP. He's definitely aware of what is going on. He was on The Highwire in June of 2021 and has spoken out extensively since then. https://thehighwire.com/videos/pfizer-vp-the-thing-to-be-terrified-of-is-your-government/ I need to organize my links so I can find what I need, but here's one from October of this year. https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/tea-time/tea-time-episode-58-enormous-danger--un-agenda-2030-with-dr-michael-yeadon/ You can find numerous links on rumble.

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What needs to be stopped is specious attacks on allies. The tyrants love that sort of division. Divide and conquer works, every time. We need to be entirely focused on the sources of our oppression, and cooperating to end it. Those who fear technology shouldn't be using computers to attack strangers from their basement. Every technology has risks. Competent people learn to manage the risks and improve our lives.

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Sometimes not obvious just who really is an ally. The knife stuck in your back is a pretty reliable clue however

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Sometimes perceived attacks are just self inflicted wounds. Those who look for perfect heroes see that a lot.

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Are you saying that competent people are running the current paradigm and it’s going to improve our lives?

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They are competent but... Satan orchestrated, devil possessed, past-humans not PEOPLE.

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No, I've never said that. But apparently those running things now are more competent than those who oppose them. My mention of competencecreferred to the obvious need to understand and manage risks. Despite what you learned in the failed education system, risk free existence is not possible. Learning to manage those risks is always the basis for success.

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Risk/benefit ratio is upside down and not acceptable!

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Unfortunately, most people find it completely acceptable, even desirable. We need to convince our neighbors if we want improvement.

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Who do you think is running things?

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Bill Gates, the WEF? We could name people, but I am convinced that this is satanic. If people don't believe now that satan exists, I don't know what to say. No human is powerful enough to do what has been done in the last few years. Then, once people decide that satan exists, they need to consider God and how they can be reconciled to Him. These events may or may not the fulfillment of end time prophecies, but whether they are or not, every one of us is facing his/her own "end time." There may not be any way for us to stop this, so the only way to have peace is to realize that God is sovereign, He has a plan and He will judge unrepentant evildoers.

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gatse and the wef is like the building's janitor. If you want to kno wwho run things, you need to go higher up on the chain.

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Apparently, no one is running things. Were a decentralized civilization despite constant efforts by some to accimulate power. Some people try to control others to gain advantage, and some people accept or reject those efforts to maximize their own advantage. The fears that there is an evil mastermind directing mindless serfs is a myth. I don't know anyone who does things because Bill or klaus, or even Joe said so. But many will do whatever their doctor tells them to do. So, in that sense the medical industry seems to be running things that matter to many people. Mercola had a post this morning that doctors misdiagnosed millions of emergency cases, killing hundreds of thousands. Blind faith in them is misplaced. George Washington was killed by his doctors. We never learn. But the medics aren't forcing a war between nuclear superpowers. But like all other wars, that's not driven by an evil mastermind either, but by a confluence of stupid mistakes by clumsy politicians. Human nature is running things.

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Just Happen stance? Just an alignment of the stars? A statistical abberration. Just plain stupid people in leadership positions. I Don't buy it.

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"The fears that there is an evil mastermind directing mindless serfs is a myth. I don't know anyone who does things because Bill or klaus, or even Joe said so. But many will do whatever their doctor tells them to do. "

All of them obey orders through the babylonian money magick system. And that is due to the handlers Rockefeller and Red shields banksters.

All of this was exposed a long time ago, creature from jekylle island.

The fact that there is a mastermind of secret societies running the Earth for thousands of years is accepted mainstream outside of the bought and paid for propaganda news.

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Max Igan has suggested recently to forget technology and go back to basics, to paraphrase his words.

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I wonder if Max stated his suggestion verbally, in a public square, to random passersby, or if he used technology to publish it? How basic does he prefer?

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"I sense that Dr. Malone believes their is value to the mRNA injections if done properly,"

You should visit Who Is Doctor Malone dot com to update your senses.

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Hmmm sometimes i wonder...

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Good! It's sometimes helpful...

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This insightful and thought provoking essay makes me want to cry. (As a matter of fact, I am) As I read about the masking regulations in Michigan again, and most likely more to follow, I wonder what will educate not just the masses, but the ones who really do want the best for their children. We must continue to step back and evaluate the situations critically. The mass indoctrination under the auspices of "protect the children, protect the elderly" have really duped the population into thinking that they are doing the virtuous action. Critical thinking along with intuition and our gut feelings have been lost for the most part.

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crying is absolutely the appropriate response, in my opinion. I cry every time I listen to Brad's (five times august) song.

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That song makes me cry also, and it reminds me that we must always fight for them. It's hard when you feel you have to fight brainwashed parents who don't know they are harming the children they love.

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Crying is never useful. It's an act of surrender. The rational objective is to make your oppressors cry. Focus.

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David, crying is spontaneous to many heartfelt responses. Where did you get the statement that crying is never useful? Have you never shed a tear for joy? Surrender to the heart, focus.

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Why do you think it is useful? It demonstrates weakness. It probably doesn't hurt if you're not being attacked. But it can be fatal when you are being attacked, as we are, now.

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Crying can be cathartic. Jesus wept when he saw the pain of Lazarus' two sisters and He already knew what the outcome would be; raising Lazarus from the dead! There is so much pain in watching this carnage that I have to release my emotions sometimes so that I can go fighting. I'm a 70 year old grandmother and I'm doing everything I know to do in order to educate others. That, and prayer, are the only ways I know to fight. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.

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70 year old grandmothers are usually trained to let others fight for them. Emotion is their only weapon, but it won't work against this adversary. Not too late to learn new skills.

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David, I'm not using crying as a weapon. 😊 I will refer back to the Bible verse which indicates that people are not the ultimate enemy. That does not mean they shouldn't be held accountable and punished, it means the true enemy is far more powerful. Your anger is not an effective weapon either. Action is effective. We have to expose the evil and present the truth, and by the way, I am doing more of that than my 71 year old husband. I like to say that he's the scientist and I am the activist. 😊 I can't take on the world, but I can, and did, help my pregnant niece stand firm when her entire family was pressuring her to be jabbed; help people get ivermectin; point a vaccine injured friend to helpful treatment; challenge the lies on my (former) doctors' website, and talk to people when I have opportunity. We all have different strengths and abilities and it's going to take all of us to make a difference. I'm glad you're fighting on my side. Take care.

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It's not too late to learn to look inside yourself at the mastermind of all evil, dave

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That was a condescending response!

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Ignoring the existence of the masterminds, as you do, while being attacked, is normal and safe, but crying is fatal? Your sense of survival is awkwardly distorted dave

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Your obsession with imagined "masterminds" apparently distorts you.

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David, there's a lot of things broken inside of you. That's why you think of as crying as surrendernig, because you would just fail to be functional if you actually looked deep into all the things messed up inside of you. Which is also why you don't really care about why evil exists and you ignore the existence of the masterminds.

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Let us know if you need a tissue,

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My daughter was in the sophomore year of her high school experience. There were a lot of rite of passage misses. No homecoming festivities or dance. No prom. She was in the musical Momma Mia in her high school. They had opening night which was limited to every other row plus one more performances when the whole country shut down. All those hours of practice and not the final end product. Choir concerts were called off or restricted attendance to just parents. Ball games limited there attendance to just parents of the players. On line classes. Hybrid days at school. My daughters whole high school experience was a loss of many of the opportunities she had looked forward to. We had a home homecoming dance and prom. We decorated the house and provided and dance music. We were trying to make up for the lack of activities.

I still see some mothers making young children wear masks. Such a crime.

I can’t even imagine the damage that was done to the precious grade school children.

This was such a crime to humanity.

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Hi Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! Another well written essay! I read that Tik Tok has social media algorithm that directs kids to videos that promote mental instability in the US while in China Tik Tok algorithms direct kids to sites promoting academic, artistic or athletic achievements of other youth.

I'm going to be teaching my kids about Bidermans chart of coercion over their Christmas break. I am going to point out how it was applied over the past few years. They are old enough to understand and hopefully it will give them some kind of psychological defense the next time the government uses this military grade psychological warfare against us.

I was having a discussion with my teenage daughter last night that the medical industrial complex is openly pressuring, exploiting and profiteering from doing gender mutilations and sterilizations on children, no questions asked. Its being normalized to lie about biological reality. She has best friends who identify as "transgender". They are very sweet kids and I feel very sorry for them because of the messages they are getting in from social media platforms and woke schools. It's so hard on kids nowadays and it's no wonder there is a mental health crisis when it's being exacerbated top down from the government.

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"Adults rarely have a day without the influence of illusory or distracting information from an electronic display." I totally agree that we need to spend less time looking at screens, but I don't know what I would have done had we not found the good doctors and scientists and had access to their material via the internet. I could not continue to fight this if I did not have their encouragement. Thank you, Dr. Malone (and many others).

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"Children are often placed in front of a screen before they can talk, initiating a life-long habitual need."

Over the years I have become convinced that the single most important factor in the intellectual development of my brother and I was the availability of books and the absence of a television in the house between the ages of 5 and 8. I first opened Gray's Anatomy because it was large and on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. When a television arrived in the house as a present from our grandparents, our younger siblings were unknowingly deprived of the advantage.

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Just think about the number of folks today that have never smelled the smell of a really old used book store

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This reflects something I noticed in the first months of the lunacy. Old people weren't especially worried about the "virus" because we've been through REAL epidemics like polio and the '57 flu. In REAL epidemics almost everyone is sick, and those who aren't sick know many people who are. 2020 was not a real epidemic. Maybe there was a "virus", maybe not. We'll never know.

Younger generations haven't experienced a REAL epidemic, so they were more easily persuaded that an unknown and unfelt and unseen threat was underway.

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SINGING - improves health, happiness and is the perfect icebreaker

Can you please encourage everyone to sing more, to sing often, to sing loud,

create choirs

As Dr. Tam (Canada) is discouraging choiring


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Excellent essay. Thank you. We need to always remember that all the victims, except the children, were volunteers. The parents of the injured children volunteered. They were driven by fear, incited by malevolent actors in the government and industry. But fear is always driven by ignorance, and our society has systematically constructed an ignorant population by several generations of corrupt education systems, and increased technological support that no longer requires personal competence or self reliance. The real criminals are us -- we who tolerated the vicious assault on our health, our wealth, and our freedom allowed it to explode life as we knew it. Some of us complained, developing safe spaces for organized whining on virtual platforms like substack. Bur few acted. None of the rare, meager acts of resistance mattered.

Correction of this travesty will require stern prosecutions. But that won't happen as long as we continue to politely whine. The tyrants have defeated us, and they expect to continue. Until we convince a lot of apathetic bystanders to retake the streets, the only change we can expect is for the worse.

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"None of the rare, meager acts of resistance mattered" Sounds to me like a depressed, angry and hopeless response. Imagine if everyone believed that...

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Just a rational observation of reality. Meager resistance never works. We need for more to believe more aggressive action is necessary, or we will continue to fail. I don't do depressed because I enjoy fights, and I don't do anger because it degrades combat effectiveness, and I don't do hopeless because I never surrender. But I understand that many others do. Those who are depressed should join a team. Those who are angry should channel their emotions constructively. Those who are hopeless change quickly when they get a win. It all begins with action.

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Actually, you don't do depressed because you consider crying to be weakness. You enjoy fights because it distracts you from the pain, that you no longer even notice.

You are becoming another Fauci.

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Unlike you and fauchi, I don't make up claims with no data.

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I wouldn't call trauma based observation of reality, all that rational. It is very close in with the Faucis and true masterminds however.

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What trauma have you suffered? Very little for me. Fear certainly affects your perceptions if you can't control it.

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Much of society is like you dave, disconnected from their emotions and traumas. However, that is not the same human behavior/nature seen in actual humanity. It is a digression due to trauma.

"The tyrants have defeated us, and they expect to continue."

You have written that you don't care who the masterminds are. Yet you actually think you think you can do something about a foe you can neither name nor face.

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Not disconnected, just not controlled. I'll deal with the masterminds when it's necessary. For now, I focus on their actions.

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"Our form is miraculous, although human behavior has much room for improvement." This was a guiding principle undergirding the Constitution. A pox on all who would endeavor to subvert it!

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Thanks for sharing this eloquent and elegant call to protect our defenseless young. It is as rational as it is profound, and moving.

Event 201 "predicted" the emergence of Covid-19 with clairvoyant accuracy. "They" just held another war-games exercise this October, labeling it "Catastrophic Contagion." To prepare for another pandemic more lethal than Covid, which disproportionately targets the YOUNG. Isn't it time we start taking "them" at their word? And prepare, if they're "preparing"?

This exercise chose Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome as the pathogen "coming to your neighborhood, SOON." Just as the general populace is starting realize the first pandemic was greatly exaggerated, unleashing another genuinely more lethal than Covid would frighten most people back into compliance, and silence dissent. To me, "they" have more incentive for this next pandemic, to quash the mounting evidence and growing movement to hold them accountable for creating the first one. Am I just being paranoid?

Data on the devastation to fertility and pregnancy by the Covid vaxxes is now piling in, but if the Genocidal Globalists (GGs) are concerned the vaxxes didn't reduce global population enough, or curb human procreation sufficiently, killing or sterilizing people of child-bearing age would finish the job. Perhaps SEERS is what they plan to use, for that. Or something else. But had we taken Ivermectin and/or other anti-viral protocols as prophylaxis, there would have been no Covid-19. Aren't we being warned what's next? Should we maybe think about how to get ahead of it, if possible?

Enteroviruses A71 and A6 cause hand, foot and mouth disease. Enterovirus D68 is the respiratory version. If indeed SEERS is the next weaponized virus planned for release, can we start testing some anti-virals, in vitro at least, for efficacy against D68? Does anyone in our community have experience with that virus?

Another pathogen that historically and surprisingly felled young, healthy people (of reproductive age) was the Spanish Flu. (Though it wasn't "Spanish," and many deaths may have resulted from "treatment" with mercury and other poisons.) We know the biowarfare community resurrected that original strain, and it is held in inventory at several BSL-4s. Having contracted descendants of the Spanish Flu, many people likely have at least some immunity to it. A weaponized version would have to circumvent that acquired immunity.

We know Coronavirus gain-of-function research began many years prior to its release in 2019. If the "next one" is being prepared right now, it's in progress in a BSL-4 somewhere. Someone at DTRA, or another agency tied to "national security" will know. And certainly at Pfizer or Moderna, who will likely be handed the virus's genome so they can create a new vax "at the speed of science." Much easier to do, when you already have the viral code, as they did with SARS CoV-2. Moderna may have patented its furin cleavage site. That could be the true basis for their patent beef with Pfizer.

One of the more surprising things about the GGs is: they publicly announce what they're going to do. Do we ignore this, at our own peril? If Covid-19 was the trial run to test pathogenicity, and issue vax batches of varying concentration to research effects of LNP and mRNA, "they" may have learned a lot. The vast difference in AEs between different batches of the Covid vaxes may simply have been failures of GMP. But -- shouldn't we consider this may have been planned? We complained that the vax rollout was really Phase III, and it was -- for possibly a very different reason than we knew.

Fast-replicating, highly-lethal pathogens like Ebola tend to kill their hosts quickly, and burn out. "They" need to get the mix for the next one just right; optimum replication/transmissibility, with just the right threshold of lethality. They need an excuse to let it spread to pandemic level, so it preferably won't be a Coronavirus, for which they should be able to create a new vax quickly. It should be from a different viral family.

If this is coming, someone knows. Maybe the Whistleblower from EcoHealthAlliance helping Thomas Renz with his DOD lawsuit has an inkling, from his Echo history. Or someone from DTRA, BARDA, GAVI, BMGF, Pfizer or Moderna whose Kool Aid is finally wearing off, and is growing a conscience.

The GGs new wargame "predicted" a more lethal virus. And everything they've said and done so far was precisely indicative of what came next. If anyone in our community might have a contact that can give them insight into which pathogen is being weaponized as their next darling, maybe the virologists/ epidemiologists on our side can do some quiet research. And we could potentially stop it in its tracks.

If they're following pattern, the GGs have given us the gift of an early warning: Round2 will be worse than Round1. Their pretend target: 2025. But should their International Health Treaty need an extra push to pass, my guess is it will be sooner. And because of the groundswell now growing against them, perhaps MUCH sooner.

Maybe we should thank them for the gift. And try to prepare.

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I know there have been tremendous psychological damage to children. Reading this essay opens my eyes to so many horrors I never considered. To me it was the physical damage it did to kids, now I think psychologically has been more damaging. How have there been no prosecutions??? Parents have been and still are being manipulated into destroying their childfen. I would say 95percent of parents I know are clueless with information that this essay contains. I told a friend to please not inject his son and he said what am I going to do pull him out of school. Massachusetts requires mandatory vaccinations. I mentioned try to get an exemption. Psychologically is a whole other issue. The average person is helpless to just surrender to this. If you are unaware how do you protect your child, and the media has done a fantastic job of covering up all of these issues. Most people think they are being good parents. I’ve talked to so many parents, and they look at me like I’m an idiot. Even brilliant medical people, wealthy business owners , even my primary care doctor told me we agree to disagree. I said no I don’t agree. How do we educate the average person who works 40, 50, 60 hours a week? That I think is the key. Education!!!


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Parents have been neglecting their kids for at least 2 generations by the scant attention they have paid to what is occurring in their classrooms. This hopefully is a wakeup call

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I sincerely hope so. But they need to be aware of it. It’s like they are in a haze and can’t get out of it. Maybe it’s to much work. When I tell them things some are completely unaware. It’s scary how disconnected people are…

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I often say that stupidity is excusable but ignorance not so much. There is no excuse for the ignorance on display today about this china flu nonsense but for the perverse fact that people want to be diddled. Why is anybody"s guess but it is out there plain as can be

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"....a compromised medical establishment...". It seem pretty clear our medical establishment decided it was in their best interest for the progressives to steal the last 2 national elections and thus made themselves participants in the thefts. If we truly were a nation of laws...

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It would be only fitting, for in this future. if I need some type of Medical attention or diagnostic from a qualified physician, That on his wall of pride he displays his licensed credentials along

with the Hypocritical Oath of "Do no Harm", next to that in bold italics read the words ....

"DO NO pHARM". I'd pay out of pocket for a better business model than the current one.

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I've got my first child new to this world not even 2-months old. The whole last 3-years now makes me question even the standard vaccinations they are due to have, but not yet booked. Not only do I not trust big pharma who makes them but whether or not the contents of the vile's is exactly what it says on the tin. Am I being paranoid? Given the nefarious forces at work here and my eyes being so widely opened recently am I a bad person for wishing to decline all my kids immunisations now? Can someone recommend a good starting point for me to educate myself better with this subject please? My wife wants him only to have - off the top of my head polio and diphtheria I think. And MMR is best given separately if at all?

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Brilliant article! Thank you! I have been fascinated with self-organization processes, from nano to macro to cosmic scales. I theorize that there are 'currents' (invisible and unrecognized) that enable same or similar matter, organisms, species and so on to aggregate, self-organize (including correcting when necessary, this is observable in crystals even) leading to, not just the development and survival of species but to their evolution; the very reason for the material world. There's a heart, if you will, a centration of those currents in all living things (and all is alive) from which true connection with same or similar species, then other species, the cosmos and ultimately with God. And not soulless social media platforms or cell phones, for Heaven's sake. It is up to us to find that centration (not likely cerebral) feel it, its light no less, and allow it to guide one along their perfect, their loving, evolutionary current. I've tried the heart region and lately focus on feeling it within my solar plexus area.

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