All of this dishonesty has totally wrecked the credibility of Public Health, CDC, FDA . I questioned this from the start, took one dose of J&J under pressure, but no more, neither will I take the flu shot. My daughter is an RN, and hospital requires both or you are terminated - THIS IS CRIMINAL! Also what "they" have done to our military. Evil abounds.

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yep, I took the 2 pfizer jabs and regret it; one child in military forced to take the jab like yours.


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What they have done/are doing to the military is terrifying - removing the principled elements who won't follow orders unquestioningly, leaving a force who will! For what nefarious purpose asks Brett Weinstein?? A riveting discussion -


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Dr. Malone, part of this is a thank you letter to people like you who were intellectually courageous during the pandemic. We hope you read it. Thank you.

If half of this is true it is the biggest story of all time.

The Six Degrees of Jeffery Epstein: How Are Bill Gates, FTX, Ivermectin, Harvard and The Entire Pandemic All Connected?


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Exactly- evil abounds! 🤬🤬🤬

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The dishonesty of the covid episode still shocks me.

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Well great. This is another group of findings that have not gotten the attention of medical journals or the public, because of the layers of deceit and the inability and unwillingness to admit multiple failures. As the findings go, the american public has been so efficiently hoodwinked as to distort reality. The idea that there will be a turnaround will be a long time coming, the tendency to "cover your ass" is just too strong. That goes from the top of the chain to the average Joe. (no pun intended.)

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Fascinating but not simple to explain to my friend who has had five Covid shots and says she will be in line for the sixth. When I heard her say that, I (dumbfounded) replied, “Wow, you are really sold on the shots.” She replied, “Not because of ideology.” Oh? Did I say she was?

She is an avid fan of Rachel Maddow.

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Yes! Defending oneself for an unmade predetermined accusation. Is there a term for that? These days its a reverse dictionary i find lacking on my bookshelf.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for helping to give a voice to Fenton's work.

In the wind, I can hear Kerry Mullis' ghost screaming that PCR cannot be used as a diagnostic for infection. The time of his passing remains suspicious to me. I feel strongly he would have been a huge thorn in the side of the perpetrators of the Plandemic. How convenient for Them he "died"...

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By the way, here are reports that Mullis's wife has spoken up about the circumstances of his death: he died at home in August 2019, had been ill with heart disease for some time and had had multiple bypass surgeries, and she thinks he succumbed to pneumonia. I had read, for what's worth--a caveat that sadly is a sign of the times--that The Guardian carried an article with an interview of her. I was suspicious too, but perhaps that suspicion is unfounded. I wish he were alive now. He likely would offer some brilliance, clarity, and wit when we need it!!

Mullis's is featured in the film, Fauci's First Fraud. Worth watching. Search for it via Google; do not search directly in YouTube bc it is buried. But Google will take you to it.

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Thank you for this fascinating interview. My husband and I are in our seventies and we are unvaccinated. We have been telling everyone who asks that we are in the control group of this massive experiment. If we feel we might have been exposed to anyone with an upper respiratory infection, we use povidone iodine nasal wash and gargle. We have not had covid.

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I still just keep shaking my head in disbelief ! How can people still fall for this hoax? Thank you Fenton and Dr Malone for your info. Keep it coming. I share the info with people who are awake or are waking up. I have a friend and her husband. Who have come down with Covid this last week. He is triple vaxed and she is double vaxed. I think she is waking up but not her medical husband.

I was reading this morning the at the G20 summit they all voted for vaccine passports. Unbelievable !

There was another article talking about pure bloods. Unvaccinated don’t want vaccinated peoples blood. I know I don’t want vaccinated people’s blood.

Such a crazy world.

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Astounding reporting here. Thank you, David and Robert.

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I view the PCR Test as about the same as a blood alcohol test conducted by a law enforcement rookie on a participant standing on the shoulder of the highway on any given hour of any given day. There are so many variables that can truly register an inaccurate reliable reading. Not to forget that absolute fact that human bodies disperse alcohol in the blood at way assorted variables. Some register as non consumption. Even while admitting to having a few drinks. How messed up is that?

Alcoholism is a medical condition. But the states needed that specific number. That one item that was missing for the medical aspect to get mixed in with the legal professions? Blow into this tube.

Gotcha! The machine says that by law in this case...you are legally intoxicated. Need a lawyer??

That PCR Test is that magic number for the illusion that you are a threat to others!! You been had.

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The pcr test MAY be ok if performed properly. Running 30+ cycles a guarantee for hi false positives which of course is exactly what"they" wanted

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

It 'MAY' be ok, but OK at what? Does it determine that you ARE infected or that you HAVE been infected? WHAT is it that you may have been / are infected from? Does the PCR test for Covid eliminate other kinds of coronavirus positives? SOooo many questions...

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Hence my "may". My understanding is folks familiar with this assay feel that 25 or so cycles will offer a low enough threshold to eliminate false pos

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

It's more nuanced than simply the number of cycles used. It's all about the length and specificity of the target sequences used as well. When I was part of a group that used this test, in conjunction with some folks who were great at it, the number of cycles were far lower than that. It's also about how conserved, vs dissimilar the targeted sequences are compared to the background noise.

PCR is FANTASTIC for retrieving sequences so you can then go look in more detail. It's horrible for determining + vs -.

Investigative applicability +++

Diagnostic applicability ---

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Yeah, but, but, but DOC!

Come on, Man.

again, OK at what? It can not(I am just an engineer!) definitively discriminate between one protein scrap and another, right??

Can it ACTUALLY tell whether the positive is for Flu Strain A, a cold virus, the Wuhan virus, OR, even a bacteria?

Was ANY calibration ever(!) done on any PCR test machine to prove this discrimination ability? Without such calibration the test is worthless. and to DO this they would have had to ISOLATE any and all of those pathogens, grow them in high numbers, infect living creatures to prove they DID isolate them, THEN, and only then, would they have been able to START the calibration of any PCR test machine. Then, consider this: There are likely 10's of thousands if not 100's of thousands of these machines across the world and by MANY different manufacturers.

Really doc, YOU can "say" . . . MAY but I don't think it is even close.

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The test is not looking at protein scraps but DNAs made from all the messenger RNAs in the sampled cells. As CW stated specificity determined by the primer DNAs used in the cycling. Not likely to detect flu or bacteria but yes there is a problem posed by other coronaviruses. And maybe even from normal cellular components.

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Classic Type 1 vs Type 2 statistical errors, common in engineering too of course.

Being very sensitive so you don't miss anything leads to many false positives. Conversely, ensure very good specificity for target sequence only and then false negatives go up.

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thanks Doc and CW, still, what about my hangup with CALIBRATION to the exact virus or DNA sequence? Does that hold any water?

and, what about variability across testing machine platforms and between same models vs being challenged with a close but different virus DNA sequence (as you note, Corona type)?

if it is possible to synthetically develop a sequence like the spike protein, then, can't one assume it is possible to develop a slightly different DNA sequence and challenge the testing method(machine, protocol, and cycles) to DEFINE the variability and accuracy? If so, why the HELL was this not done!

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deletedNov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022
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Can't say for sure one way or another. If faced with a really dangerous bug this may be the best option for testing large populations. The inventor also said you could not do quantitative tests with pcr and I have published one (semi-quantitative). So??

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deletedNov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022
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deletedNov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022
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Offer an alternative then.

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Have been interested in germ (viruses) warfare since we "explored" when in USAF in 60s. Detection with what was available then nearly impossible. Detection of bioweapon classically involves detecting already known agents. So there is on hand supplies of reagents for assays. With a brand-spanking new virus you have to quickly detect, isolate and sequence the genome to know what you have. Being new, likely no available reagents for detection assays. Pcr offers the fastest means to provide that as growing enough virus to prepare antigen to make antibodys etc. too time consuming

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I am thinking that more people are gradually coming to know that vaccines are not the answer for anything. I took no vaccines and had my children take no vaccines and we have all been perfectly fine with my oldest child now 56 years old. No chronic illnesses, no health problems for 6 children age 56- 33. We are all vegetarian too.

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Is there a group for unvaccinated people?

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Yes the gulag-bound group of covid insanity survivors!

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I have great friends who are married with four children. Own and operate a chiropractic business together. Work/live/sleep/eat/travel/hug the same kids ands pets together/ yet about 80% of the time Jon will test positive/Suzy negative at those airport of off site test sites. (and they travel alot)

Is Suzy so much healthier than Jon? Both are trained and practice body and nutritional health daily.

The PCR Test is that bloody legal "Magic number", to establish the ersatz bogus compliance of you.

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I believe the tests done at airports are antigen detection tests not pcr. Also notorious for hi false positives. Suspect jabbed will test pos since they are pumping out antigen for at least 60 days (if spike is the antigen being tested)

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Yes you are correct on both items. Sorry I was misleading and not very careful.

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The data are being collected. See "The Vaccine Control Group". I am a member and have been reporting on health status for 14 months. They have over 300,000 members reporting monthly, most of whom are still pure bloods.

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From my point of view, the most disturbing sentence in this whole interview:

"The narrative was framed around an illogical insanity that was widely accepted."

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No problem. I agree that any intentional lack of follow up is disturbing. I made my choice based on the fact that a simple application of logic could have avoided this whole insane mess in the first place. For example, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (known to be safe and effective against SARC-CoV-2 as early as March 2020) should have been recommended as early treatments to "buy time" so the unknown safety and efficacy of this brand new mRNA vaccine delivery platform could be adequately tested. It's insane to foist such unnecessary risk on billions of people.

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Yes. To do what they did, and to continue behaving as they have, you would have to have no empathy for others; no guilt; no regrets for the harms inflicted. The very definition of psychopathy.

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"with increasing knowledge comes increasing pain"

Under the truth of the Lord all this stuff is normal, predicted, and the outcome is wonderfully confidently orchestrated stemming from a Loving God Whom is taking away compulsive props and leaving the Only Thing left, which was the Only Thing that works anyway.

Taken at face value without that Truth, this is freaking terrifying imo. Like going to a fair and ordering stupidity on a stick. It's all a matter of choice where each person takes their own ultimate trust.

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Eccl 1:17-18

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022

Thank you for this excellent report.

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I said to my husband early on that excess deaths will be their undoing as it cannot be explained away, although they are trying hard to say it’s lockdowns and long Covid! I also said Prof Fenton would be their undoing. MSM use soundbites to brainwash the masses. Factual, unarguable data driven soundbites are needed now to confirm Prof Fenton and Dr Malone’s research. This could now be shared on Twitter at least as no longer controlled by the US Govt. We need to share how many deaths (within two weeks of jab) have wrongly been registered as unvaccinated deaths eg. ‘Of x excess deaths in 2021 in UK x% had in fact had a jab’ also ‘Of x excess deaths in 2021 in UK x % of deaths were myocarditis/heart/blood clot related’. Could Prof Fenton tweet these and other short soundbites and we can all retweet using #VaccineEfficacy (Prof could refer to data on his website). Most people are lazy and will not read Dr Malone’s and Prof Fenton’s brilliant but lengthy research! MSM use soundbites like ‘x million lives saved by Covid vaccine’ with zero data to back it up, often stating ‘experts say’ with NO expert named and yet it STILL convinces the masses! We need soundbites shared on Twitter hugely to test how absolute Elon Musk really is re free speech. We won’t win this war sharing reams of data but by using soundbites (with data to back it up). I know there is a big push to get Dr Malone back on Twitter currently. We should all use #ReinstateDrMalone in our tweets to get it trending. I SO miss Dr M tweets! A lifeline of sanity, goodness and hope to millions in this world of confusion and chaos…

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What adds confusion is that it seems the 2nd maderna jab that causes the highest number of deaths. So a problem trying to conflate pfizer and maderna data for analysis.

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