HIV was/is a Total Fraud. The book is NOT evidence of something being true, only what Horwitz believes is true. The bio-weapon is the human brain falling for stories of a virus. Science works on evidence, not authoritative declarations, even by Einsteins. I am a lowly semi-retired physicist/mathematician/statistics instructor - college l…
HIV was/is a Total Fraud. The book is NOT evidence of something being true, only what Horwitz believes is true. The bio-weapon is the human brain falling for stories of a virus. Science works on evidence, not authoritative declarations, even by Einsteins. I am a lowly semi-retired physicist/mathematician/statistics instructor - college level.
Read about Dr Peter Duesberg, in his 90s, tho a "search" on him might be censored. He dared challenge the HIV/AIDS narrative in the 80s & 90s and just like professionals about C19 now, he got tarred & feathered by the elite, especially Fraudxxi, who controlled NIAID then too.
In the 1980s I did computer work for the CEO of Lyphomed, the manufacturer of AZT. John's statement, "If HIV exists at all, it is a harmless virus, as the population in a "victim" is too small to detect except with antibody response.
However, many/most of the "victims" of AIDS were recreational drug abusers, and many such drugs cause immunodeficiency. A hemodialysis nurse I knew, when I asked, "What is common to your AIDS patients, said, "They are mostly druggies." And "needle sticks" from AIDS pts scared nurses no end; yet, none, to my knowledge, got AIDS - tho some tested positive to antibodies. Oh yeah, I was aware of one nurse's aide who did get AIDS, but she was a druggie, too!
Because you have not read Horowitz's book, you are quite mistaken in claiming that all Horowitz provides is "authoritative declarations". He includes copies of the actual documents *evidencing* that HIV was a bioweapon. And because you haven't read Horowitz's book, you are completely mistaken regarding your claims about Peter Duesberg. He had something to hide regarding his earlier work (of which you are obviously ignorant), and Horowitz provides the *evidence* for that, too. Simply look up Duesberg in the index and read it for yourself. It won't take long ...
Well, I did go reasonably thoroughly through Horowitz' book in the archive.
I do agree with much that is in his book, such as about Kissinger, Rockefeller family, CFR, etc. But disagree with much, too.
"Documents" are not proof that HIV was a product of a bio-lab as a bio-weapon. At best, "documents" may show the intent to make an immune deficiency disease. We don't have to look much further than the C19 "documents", global warming (whoops, climate change) "documents," of the last several years to know the value of "documents."
Only a string of "cause-funding-effect-disease" (with emphasis on the actual existence of an AIDS "virus" that was actually "engineered" and which is reproducible and, most importantly, the existence of the "disease" itself, verified through the scientific method and some form of Koch's postulates, can verify that HIV was actually a product of "gain-of-function" bio-labs. At best, Horowitz' documents may show intent.
YES, I fully agree that bio-labs exist and existed for many years. Dr David Martin had such to say on that from the European perspective. The existence of such labs is disgusting beyond any measure of evil.
On Peter Duesberg, I fully disagree with Horowitz' assessment of Dr Duesberg. The scientific method (which biology and medicine are a part of) has NO room for censoring scientists, which is exactly what happened to Peter Duesberg. If a scientist, like Duesberg, has testable hypotheses that conflict with Dr Fraudxxi's political agenda on HIV-AIDS as a terror weapon, the proper response should be to
test the hypotheses rather than "tar and feather" the scientist. That badmouthing Duesberg was done - is a total sign of a political agenda, not science. Peter Duesberg was happy to participate in honorable experiment replication actions and submit to honorable peer-review.
On page 124, Horowitz made a false, wild conjecture when Duesberg said, to Gallo, "That is absolutely right" -- falsely "putting words in Duesberg's mouth" when Duesberg never agreed with Gallo's (and Horowitz's, by default) conjecture that "very special retroviruses could be expected to produce AIDS-like symptoms" or that such had been "proven" in monkeys and other animals. I've seen and observed symposia, podcasts, etc. where Duesberg specifically talks about such. Horowitz, at best, is putting words in Duesberg's mouth that he, except maybe out of context, never said or agreed with. What Duesberg did agree with Gallo on - was that some cancers could be caused by viruses -- not immune deficiencies.
So, you looked up the citation for Horowitz's claim on pg 123 and 124 that Duesberg replied "That is absolutely right" and are claiming that the source cited does not support Horowitz's claim? Please elaborate on what the source reveals or does not reveal in this regard, to support your own assertion that it is a "false, wild conjecture".
Sorry, but sources sited, unless of irrefutable, repeatable experiments with testable (falsifiable) hypotheses that meet scientific method's criteria (and some version of Koch's postulates for contagions), IS NOT proof of anything. You are going on "proof by authoritative sources", which is not acceptable in science. Words don't constitute proof; only repeatable experiments with testable hypotheses do. Just like the C19 stories, "documents" that are not of repeatable, testable hypotheses are nothing more than human generated methane. That opposing scientists are viciously attacked and censored puts the foul icing on the cake.
Duesberg, before daring to disagree, had a very successful set of research projects that were well-respected. Afterward, he was not able to get funding for anything, largely thanks to Fraudxxi's torpedoes. Why should someone torpedo themselves for a lifetime? Lying. Not.
What part of Gallo's statement, mid page 124, starting with, "I kind of agree that, at least they cause chicken cancer ..." states Horowitz's conjecture that Duesberg, somehow agreed about retroviruses and AIDS-like symptoms?"
I'm don't know what you know about the scientific method, but the scientific method IS NOT ABOUT attacking truth-seeking scientists and other people like Fraudxxi and his cohorts did/do to Duesberg and so many others giving evidence against their terror agenda. The scientific method is about people sharing knowledge, not torpedoing. It is a method of seeking "truths" on (usually) scientific topics, which medicine & biology, chemistry, weather, climate are part of, but the scientific method, with careful ground-rules, could be extended to all topics. Peer review, collaboration, symposia, TED talk type forums, lectures (and the list goes on) are opportunities for scientists to announce and highlight their research - NOT TO CENSOR & TORPEDO dissident researchers, as they did to Duesberg, Kapoor, Rappoport, JFK Jr, Coleman and many more. The sure sign of a non-scientific agenda is when torpedoes roar to human targets and honest scientists are "tarred and feathered" as happened to brer rabbit (1960s cartoon, quite applicable to today).
In the 1980s-90s, I knew John Kapoor and his wife personally. His logic and data were air tight, even though his company made AZT. They set up, bad-mouthed, tarred and feathered him and others, just like they did to DeLorean for daring to make a stainless steel car that would strongly compete with people buying cars that had the low lifetime "built-in" obsolescence of present cars made of rust-able iron.
Though I agree with much of Horowitz's conjectures in his book and other things -- clearly, like Dr Malone, he knows the real truth about much that's discussed, I can't come to any other conclusion than that Horowitz is part of a "dialectic warfare" combat scenario that the "ruling class" is waging against humanity.
In this video , commenting on RFK Jr's Fraudxxi book, Horowitz clearly understands the immensity of the book's airtight evidence - but half of his mouth is praising RFK Jr and half of his mouth is torpedoing RFK Jr. Clearly Horowitz has an agenda other than truth. I wonder how he is being incentivized and disincentivized.
You must be fun at parties, and I bet your students love you. (Why do you assume that you are the only university professor in this conversation? I note that your unnecessarily boasting of being such much earlier in our conversation is rather amusing considering your later denigration of "authoritative sources".)
You obviously didn't look up the citation (and the correct spelling is "cited," not "sited"), but apparently you don't think citing sources is relevant to support an argument unless those sources are "repeatable experiments," yadda yadda. You write: "Duesberg, before daring to disagree, had a very successful set of research projects that were well-respected." (Yeah, his work for the Special Virus Cancer Program was ... stellar.) First of all, you can't substantiate that mundane claim (according to your own argument) because you haven't presented PROOF of that claim (or anything else you have claimed about Duesberg) in the form of "repeatable experiments". It doesn't fulfil "Howie's Postulates". lol.
And then you turn 180 degrees and make "wild conjectures" about Horowitz "clearly" having "an agenda other than truth" MERELY because he agrees with RFK Jr on some things but not others. (Hey, Howie! Isn't that just like you writing that you "agree with much of Horowitz's conjectures" but not all, before you declare him suspect?) Hoist with your own petard. Vel caeco appareat.
I've got other students waiting. You can have the last word, Professor.
One final nail in the HIV coffin, besides Jon Rappoport, showing Horowitz barking up a tree that doesn't exist. The author of the linked narrative - shows that HIV/AIDS and C19 use the same type claims - even though, clinically, both "diseases" were handled nearly identically, both by the Main$tream Media and the political forces driving the main player, Dr Fraudxxi, both in the 1980s and 2020-23 to the present :
A critical thinker, using the scientific method to analyze Duesberg's book will see that Duesberg demolishes any suggestion by anyone that HIV was/is a real, pathogenic, virus, much less that Duesberg "believed" HIV was a unique pathogen that caused AIDS victims.
The stories that people like Horowitz create do not change reality.
In order for HIV to be a bio-weapon created in a lab, it must first pass one test: HIV - AS A PATHOGEN - MUST UNIQUELY EXIST.
I paraphrase below, as I don't have a photographic memory good enough to actually quote, exactly:
Dr John Kapoor and some of his staff members, in about 1989, told me, "If HIV does actually exist, it is a harmless virus, but proof of its harmlessness is that you need to detect it in a "victim's" body with "anti-body" tests of their blood and, if their body's population of HIV is always that sparse, then it can't be pathogenic." (HIV, then and now, were not able to be isolated. Easy to look up.)
Both Duesberg and Kapoor said words like, "it's not a coincidence that most victims are druggies!" Referring to homosexuals, druggies that shared needles, etc.
Recreational drugs can be, as medical knowledge has shown, terribly damaging to the immune system.
Assuming Horowitz is telling what he believes to be "truth", then Horowitz, at best, places most of his "faith" in the "authoritative statements" of people he believes are "honest." But faith and belief are not elements of the scientific method: testable (falsifiable) hypotheses, irrefutable data, are. And for pathogens, Dr Malone can set people straight -- especially for the need to isolate, uniquely, the pathgen and use some form of Koch's postulates to verify.
Bottom line: In order to prove that an HIV "virus" was actually engineered in a biolab, you need a UNIQUE HIV VIRUS that actually, uniquely, causes AIDS. Inasmuch as HIV has never been isolated, just like C19, such that one can cause AIDS in test subjects, anyone who claims they did - should stand up to allow suitably blinded tests to demonstrate.
HIV was/is a Total Fraud. The book is NOT evidence of something being true, only what Horwitz believes is true. The bio-weapon is the human brain falling for stories of a virus. Science works on evidence, not authoritative declarations, even by Einsteins. I am a lowly semi-retired physicist/mathematician/statistics instructor - college level.
Read the 1988 book, "AIDS, Inc." where Rappoport, not knowing Kapoor, came to the same conclusion he did. Here is the book, on the archive: .
Read about Dr Peter Duesberg, in his 90s, tho a "search" on him might be censored. He dared challenge the HIV/AIDS narrative in the 80s & 90s and just like professionals about C19 now, he got tarred & feathered by the elite, especially Fraudxxi, who controlled NIAID then too.
In the 1980s I did computer work for the CEO of Lyphomed, the manufacturer of AZT. John's statement, "If HIV exists at all, it is a harmless virus, as the population in a "victim" is too small to detect except with antibody response.
However, many/most of the "victims" of AIDS were recreational drug abusers, and many such drugs cause immunodeficiency. A hemodialysis nurse I knew, when I asked, "What is common to your AIDS patients, said, "They are mostly druggies." And "needle sticks" from AIDS pts scared nurses no end; yet, none, to my knowledge, got AIDS - tho some tested positive to antibodies. Oh yeah, I was aware of one nurse's aide who did get AIDS, but she was a druggie, too!
Because you have not read Horowitz's book, you are quite mistaken in claiming that all Horowitz provides is "authoritative declarations". He includes copies of the actual documents *evidencing* that HIV was a bioweapon. And because you haven't read Horowitz's book, you are completely mistaken regarding your claims about Peter Duesberg. He had something to hide regarding his earlier work (of which you are obviously ignorant), and Horowitz provides the *evidence* for that, too. Simply look up Duesberg in the index and read it for yourself. It won't take long ...
Well, I did go reasonably thoroughly through Horowitz' book in the archive.
I do agree with much that is in his book, such as about Kissinger, Rockefeller family, CFR, etc. But disagree with much, too.
"Documents" are not proof that HIV was a product of a bio-lab as a bio-weapon. At best, "documents" may show the intent to make an immune deficiency disease. We don't have to look much further than the C19 "documents", global warming (whoops, climate change) "documents," of the last several years to know the value of "documents."
Only a string of "cause-funding-effect-disease" (with emphasis on the actual existence of an AIDS "virus" that was actually "engineered" and which is reproducible and, most importantly, the existence of the "disease" itself, verified through the scientific method and some form of Koch's postulates, can verify that HIV was actually a product of "gain-of-function" bio-labs. At best, Horowitz' documents may show intent.
YES, I fully agree that bio-labs exist and existed for many years. Dr David Martin had such to say on that from the European perspective. The existence of such labs is disgusting beyond any measure of evil.
On Peter Duesberg, I fully disagree with Horowitz' assessment of Dr Duesberg. The scientific method (which biology and medicine are a part of) has NO room for censoring scientists, which is exactly what happened to Peter Duesberg. If a scientist, like Duesberg, has testable hypotheses that conflict with Dr Fraudxxi's political agenda on HIV-AIDS as a terror weapon, the proper response should be to
test the hypotheses rather than "tar and feather" the scientist. That badmouthing Duesberg was done - is a total sign of a political agenda, not science. Peter Duesberg was happy to participate in honorable experiment replication actions and submit to honorable peer-review.
On page 124, Horowitz made a false, wild conjecture when Duesberg said, to Gallo, "That is absolutely right" -- falsely "putting words in Duesberg's mouth" when Duesberg never agreed with Gallo's (and Horowitz's, by default) conjecture that "very special retroviruses could be expected to produce AIDS-like symptoms" or that such had been "proven" in monkeys and other animals. I've seen and observed symposia, podcasts, etc. where Duesberg specifically talks about such. Horowitz, at best, is putting words in Duesberg's mouth that he, except maybe out of context, never said or agreed with. What Duesberg did agree with Gallo on - was that some cancers could be caused by viruses -- not immune deficiencies.
So, you looked up the citation for Horowitz's claim on pg 123 and 124 that Duesberg replied "That is absolutely right" and are claiming that the source cited does not support Horowitz's claim? Please elaborate on what the source reveals or does not reveal in this regard, to support your own assertion that it is a "false, wild conjecture".
Sorry, but sources sited, unless of irrefutable, repeatable experiments with testable (falsifiable) hypotheses that meet scientific method's criteria (and some version of Koch's postulates for contagions), IS NOT proof of anything. You are going on "proof by authoritative sources", which is not acceptable in science. Words don't constitute proof; only repeatable experiments with testable hypotheses do. Just like the C19 stories, "documents" that are not of repeatable, testable hypotheses are nothing more than human generated methane. That opposing scientists are viciously attacked and censored puts the foul icing on the cake.
Duesberg, before daring to disagree, had a very successful set of research projects that were well-respected. Afterward, he was not able to get funding for anything, largely thanks to Fraudxxi's torpedoes. Why should someone torpedo themselves for a lifetime? Lying. Not.
What part of Gallo's statement, mid page 124, starting with, "I kind of agree that, at least they cause chicken cancer ..." states Horowitz's conjecture that Duesberg, somehow agreed about retroviruses and AIDS-like symptoms?"
I'm don't know what you know about the scientific method, but the scientific method IS NOT ABOUT attacking truth-seeking scientists and other people like Fraudxxi and his cohorts did/do to Duesberg and so many others giving evidence against their terror agenda. The scientific method is about people sharing knowledge, not torpedoing. It is a method of seeking "truths" on (usually) scientific topics, which medicine & biology, chemistry, weather, climate are part of, but the scientific method, with careful ground-rules, could be extended to all topics. Peer review, collaboration, symposia, TED talk type forums, lectures (and the list goes on) are opportunities for scientists to announce and highlight their research - NOT TO CENSOR & TORPEDO dissident researchers, as they did to Duesberg, Kapoor, Rappoport, JFK Jr, Coleman and many more. The sure sign of a non-scientific agenda is when torpedoes roar to human targets and honest scientists are "tarred and feathered" as happened to brer rabbit (1960s cartoon, quite applicable to today).
In the 1980s-90s, I knew John Kapoor and his wife personally. His logic and data were air tight, even though his company made AZT. They set up, bad-mouthed, tarred and feathered him and others, just like they did to DeLorean for daring to make a stainless steel car that would strongly compete with people buying cars that had the low lifetime "built-in" obsolescence of present cars made of rust-able iron.
Though I agree with much of Horowitz's conjectures in his book and other things -- clearly, like Dr Malone, he knows the real truth about much that's discussed, I can't come to any other conclusion than that Horowitz is part of a "dialectic warfare" combat scenario that the "ruling class" is waging against humanity.
In this video , commenting on RFK Jr's Fraudxxi book, Horowitz clearly understands the immensity of the book's airtight evidence - but half of his mouth is praising RFK Jr and half of his mouth is torpedoing RFK Jr. Clearly Horowitz has an agenda other than truth. I wonder how he is being incentivized and disincentivized.
You must be fun at parties, and I bet your students love you. (Why do you assume that you are the only university professor in this conversation? I note that your unnecessarily boasting of being such much earlier in our conversation is rather amusing considering your later denigration of "authoritative sources".)
You obviously didn't look up the citation (and the correct spelling is "cited," not "sited"), but apparently you don't think citing sources is relevant to support an argument unless those sources are "repeatable experiments," yadda yadda. You write: "Duesberg, before daring to disagree, had a very successful set of research projects that were well-respected." (Yeah, his work for the Special Virus Cancer Program was ... stellar.) First of all, you can't substantiate that mundane claim (according to your own argument) because you haven't presented PROOF of that claim (or anything else you have claimed about Duesberg) in the form of "repeatable experiments". It doesn't fulfil "Howie's Postulates". lol.
And then you turn 180 degrees and make "wild conjectures" about Horowitz "clearly" having "an agenda other than truth" MERELY because he agrees with RFK Jr on some things but not others. (Hey, Howie! Isn't that just like you writing that you "agree with much of Horowitz's conjectures" but not all, before you declare him suspect?) Hoist with your own petard. Vel caeco appareat.
I've got other students waiting. You can have the last word, Professor.
One final nail in the HIV coffin, besides Jon Rappoport, showing Horowitz barking up a tree that doesn't exist. The author of the linked narrative - shows that HIV/AIDS and C19 use the same type claims - even though, clinically, both "diseases" were handled nearly identically, both by the Main$tream Media and the political forces driving the main player, Dr Fraudxxi, both in the 1980s and 2020-23 to the present :
Sorry, moonspinner, but you are totally, 100%, wrong.
Duesberg's book, "AIDS : the good news is HIV Doesn't Cause It. The Bad News is "Recreational Drugs" and Medical Treatments Like AZT do",
was published a year before Horowitz' book, in 1995:
A critical thinker, using the scientific method to analyze Duesberg's book will see that Duesberg demolishes any suggestion by anyone that HIV was/is a real, pathogenic, virus, much less that Duesberg "believed" HIV was a unique pathogen that caused AIDS victims.
The stories that people like Horowitz create do not change reality.
In order for HIV to be a bio-weapon created in a lab, it must first pass one test: HIV - AS A PATHOGEN - MUST UNIQUELY EXIST.
I paraphrase below, as I don't have a photographic memory good enough to actually quote, exactly:
Dr John Kapoor and some of his staff members, in about 1989, told me, "If HIV does actually exist, it is a harmless virus, but proof of its harmlessness is that you need to detect it in a "victim's" body with "anti-body" tests of their blood and, if their body's population of HIV is always that sparse, then it can't be pathogenic." (HIV, then and now, were not able to be isolated. Easy to look up.)
Both Duesberg and Kapoor said words like, "it's not a coincidence that most victims are druggies!" Referring to homosexuals, druggies that shared needles, etc.
Recreational drugs can be, as medical knowledge has shown, terribly damaging to the immune system.
Assuming Horowitz is telling what he believes to be "truth", then Horowitz, at best, places most of his "faith" in the "authoritative statements" of people he believes are "honest." But faith and belief are not elements of the scientific method: testable (falsifiable) hypotheses, irrefutable data, are. And for pathogens, Dr Malone can set people straight -- especially for the need to isolate, uniquely, the pathgen and use some form of Koch's postulates to verify.
Bottom line: In order to prove that an HIV "virus" was actually engineered in a biolab, you need a UNIQUE HIV VIRUS that actually, uniquely, causes AIDS. Inasmuch as HIV has never been isolated, just like C19, such that one can cause AIDS in test subjects, anyone who claims they did - should stand up to allow suitably blinded tests to demonstrate.