May 16·edited May 16

Covid, the FRAUD of the Century. Will we be fooled again? Not with honest people like Dr. Malone, and others, watching out for us! Thank you Dr. Malone. Signed, Still Unvaccinated.

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You may enjoy this piece with Steve Kirsh and Dr. Denis Rancourt. HIV was the first fraud and COVID took it to a new level: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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Read THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by RFK, Jr. 460 pages of perfectly

cited best seller,

no news


GMA type

show ever mentioned. You’ll

flip your lid.

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Thank you. I'll read it.

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HIV was totally a fraud, from conception, to inception, to "diagnosis", to AZT, to anti-retrovirals, to etc. Dr Fraudxxi was involved then, as 2018-2023 and beyond. Total fraud.

Regarding AZT being anti-HIV being impossible, comes from the "father" of AZT, heading, then, Lyphomed, who I knew.

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Not a fraud, but a bioweapon from earlier times. Evidencing HIV as a bioweapon is Leonard Horowitz's 1996 book _Emerging Viruses: AIDS & EBOLA_, in which Dr Horowitz explores the history and lab-creation of the HIV *specifically* as a bioweapon. Read that here:


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HIV was/is a Total Fraud. The book is NOT evidence of something being true, only what Horwitz believes is true. The bio-weapon is the human brain falling for stories of a virus. Science works on evidence, not authoritative declarations, even by Einsteins. I am a lowly semi-retired physicist/mathematician/statistics instructor - college level.

Read the 1988 book, "AIDS, Inc." where Rappoport, not knowing Kapoor, came to the same conclusion he did. Here is the book, on the archive: https://archive.org/details/aidsincscandalof00rapp .

Read about Dr Peter Duesberg, in his 90s, tho a "search" on him might be censored. He dared challenge the HIV/AIDS narrative in the 80s & 90s and just like professionals about C19 now, he got tarred & feathered by the elite, especially Fraudxxi, who controlled NIAID then too.

In the 1980s I did computer work for the CEO of Lyphomed, the manufacturer of AZT. John's statement, "If HIV exists at all, it is a harmless virus, as the population in a "victim" is too small to detect except with antibody response.

However, many/most of the "victims" of AIDS were recreational drug abusers, and many such drugs cause immunodeficiency. A hemodialysis nurse I knew, when I asked, "What is common to your AIDS patients, said, "They are mostly druggies." And "needle sticks" from AIDS pts scared nurses no end; yet, none, to my knowledge, got AIDS - tho some tested positive to antibodies. Oh yeah, I was aware of one nurse's aide who did get AIDS, but she was a druggie, too!

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Because you have not read Horowitz's book, you are quite mistaken in claiming that all Horowitz provides is "authoritative declarations". He includes copies of the actual documents *evidencing* that HIV was a bioweapon. And because you haven't read Horowitz's book, you are completely mistaken regarding your claims about Peter Duesberg. He had something to hide regarding his earlier work (of which you are obviously ignorant), and Horowitz provides the *evidence* for that, too. Simply look up Duesberg in the index and read it for yourself. It won't take long ...

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Well, I did go reasonably thoroughly through Horowitz' book in the archive.

I do agree with much that is in his book, such as about Kissinger, Rockefeller family, CFR, etc. But disagree with much, too.

"Documents" are not proof that HIV was a product of a bio-lab as a bio-weapon. At best, "documents" may show the intent to make an immune deficiency disease. We don't have to look much further than the C19 "documents", global warming (whoops, climate change) "documents," of the last several years to know the value of "documents."

Only a string of "cause-funding-effect-disease" (with emphasis on the actual existence of an AIDS "virus" that was actually "engineered" and which is reproducible and, most importantly, the existence of the "disease" itself, verified through the scientific method and some form of Koch's postulates, can verify that HIV was actually a product of "gain-of-function" bio-labs. At best, Horowitz' documents may show intent.

YES, I fully agree that bio-labs exist and existed for many years. Dr David Martin had such to say on that from the European perspective. The existence of such labs is disgusting beyond any measure of evil.

On Peter Duesberg, I fully disagree with Horowitz' assessment of Dr Duesberg. The scientific method (which biology and medicine are a part of) has NO room for censoring scientists, which is exactly what happened to Peter Duesberg. If a scientist, like Duesberg, has testable hypotheses that conflict with Dr Fraudxxi's political agenda on HIV-AIDS as a terror weapon, the proper response should be to

test the hypotheses rather than "tar and feather" the scientist. That badmouthing Duesberg was done - is a total sign of a political agenda, not science. Peter Duesberg was happy to participate in honorable experiment replication actions and submit to honorable peer-review.

On page 124, Horowitz made a false, wild conjecture when Duesberg said, to Gallo, "That is absolutely right" -- falsely "putting words in Duesberg's mouth" when Duesberg never agreed with Gallo's (and Horowitz's, by default) conjecture that "very special retroviruses could be expected to produce AIDS-like symptoms" or that such had been "proven" in monkeys and other animals. I've seen and observed symposia, podcasts, etc. where Duesberg specifically talks about such. Horowitz, at best, is putting words in Duesberg's mouth that he, except maybe out of context, never said or agreed with. What Duesberg did agree with Gallo on - was that some cancers could be caused by viruses -- not immune deficiencies.

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Biden is a few weeks away from signing a treaty with WHO that will give them sovereignty over everyone in an emergency crisis. So that pretty certainly means that we will be fooled again.

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Its nonbinding. Treaties must be ratified by the Senate, with 2/3's majority. Do you think our current Potus cares or will obey?

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I do not. OBiden does what he wants with no regard for anything else!

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Baffling that the cancer turbo'd itself! Hope he can survive it.

"COLLINS: When they said that this cancer - having been previously a very slow-growing, not-much-to-see-here kind of version - now in the latest biopsies had switched into high gear, something called a Gleason 9 - and it only goes to 10 on that scale - I knew that it was going to be time for action - serious action, and everything that I had maybe planned for the coming weeks, months and years was going to be affected."


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That's almost what Dr Vernon Coleman said in the title of his book (except he said, "Hoax in History"). Unfortunately, the elite 0.0000001% don't have to "fool" everyone. They need to fool a large enough percentage such that there isn't a 1776 type event. Controlling what people consider "true NEWS" and how people speak to each other, even locally, is how they do it. They have full control of the Main$tream Media (M$M) and, if you ask around, WORLDWIDE, way more than 50% are following the "Pied Piper's" tune. And their choreography of M$M is better than that of a ballet! Probably, most people choose to believe something if a majority of "news sources" echoes that "something," not realizing that those sources are all puppeted by the elite.

And the elite control Pharma. Ask doctors why so many wear masks or why most medical facilities maintain much of the "distancing" and masking protocols, different than pre-2020. You'll get answers ranging from a Lemming response to "I don't want to

risk losing my MD."

Are the Elite able to prevent local people from talking to each other or stop activists from promoting change? Yes.

Consider the 21st century phenomenon of scam calls, most by fraud-seeking people. Maybe around the time of the 9/1-1 event, there was a legal and police-enforced move on scam calls was to control them by citizens placing themselves on a "Do-Not-Call" list. If the police were called about violators who called anyway, the police acted on the call. Then came massive scam calls, and the public, then as now, was so inundated by scam calls that the police threw up their hands. But, gee whiz! Those scam calls didn't bother anyone during normal sleeping times, worldwide!!!!! All fraudsters were/are so respecting of people's sleep! Is that possible?

Or, are the scam call fraudsters organized and choreographed, just like M$M and the events and government response from 2001 to the present? A major cellphone carrier officer acquaintance of mine said that the carriers could stop them any time they wanted, as, the nature of the carrier-to-carrier calling process could easily insert "positive proof of identity" routines to stop calls from phone systems that generated random caller-IDs and phone numbers. i.e. - if my acquaintance is correct, then the phone carriers are as complicit in the scam calls as M$M is in providing fake news. Clearly the fraudsters must follow ground rules of no nighttime calling.

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Would this be the same Dr. Collins who referred to Drs. Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University, Martin Kulldorf of Harvard University, & Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University as fringe epidemiologists? Just curious...

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That man is every bit as creepy as Fauci and Gates. They're just different in their creepiness. Collins and Fauci come off shamelessly arrogant. Gates seems arrogant in a kind of child-like way.

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Billy (from the) GATES (of hell) has a GOD COMPLEX the size of Texas. I think that childlike wonder bit he does is as fake as the pretend meat he’s trying awfully hard to sell. Furthermore, if you really wanted to help places like Africa, Billy, STOP poking them with injections that sterilize them and screw up their lives! They’re PEOPLE, not guinea pigs for the CDC/Vaccine Industry! Make houses

out of old shipping containers or

something. BUY them a few cows and chickens! It will change

their lives— for the

better! That 3 BILLION he gave to some alphabet agency last year could’ve changed

most of the entire continent of Africa whereas the HPV Gardisil shots he tours kill them

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He almost seems like he's mentally underdeveloped in some sense. But he's too mentally competent to be without accountability. That's for sure.

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I think it’s a persona he’s developed to make him appear humble, full of humility, when in fact he is full of … other things. I don’t just mean 🐄💩 I mean hubriss, pride. arrogance, misguided intent, and possibly

demons! Not even kidding.

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No doubt. He thinks we're lab animals that he can experiment on to get to his idea of the most utopian balance of species. But it's all gonna work out for a greater good in the long term. You know, like all the projects of past utopian tyrants did.

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Exactly. He WILL be held accountable. I can’t even tell you

how happy I am abt that.

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To rephrase Paul, if God be for it, who am I to be against it!

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I'm sure he's one of those utopians that think they'll eventually find a way to make some men immortal. They have no clue that they're the ones pushing us into a war that could send us back to the stone age. They're at best idiot savants.

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Here is yet one more dubious/nefarious endeavor connected to Bill Gates....https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/what-are-they-doing-to-our-skies-part-one/

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They hired Collins years ago on TODAY or GMA to lay the groundwork for all kinds of big pHARM-us crapola. I think they got the most “kind, elderly, Orville Reddenbacer, trustworthy”face they could possibly find, then gave him a cardigan and bow tie for added Mr. Rogers-appeal. I noticed years before covid that they trotted him out for each new vaccine or new treatment that posed hesitation in the masses. It worked like a charm.

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And he supposedly became a Christian convert from atheism. I tend to think that was a continuation of the con. How could HHS be so corrupt if Christian Collins is OK with it?

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Just like he was giving testaments to his high power.

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That aspect of Collins' insanity is the creepiest of all.

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deletedMay 16·edited May 16
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The one good thing about all 3 of them is that none of them come across as BOTH intelligent and ethical. To the uninformed, one of them may seem intelligent enough, but arrogant. To another, Bill will seem mentally off and therefore innocent like a child.

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If it was a leak, that implies that its release was accidental. If it was accidental how the Event 201 drill months before be planned and executed?

It was not an accident. Numerous government figures are lying.

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While these are sound questions, where are the heavy-duty inquiries about the synthetic nature of Covid19 made by Ralph Baric at the Univ. Of NC and his forwarding the methodology to the head of the Wuhan lab prior to the outbreak; the arm-twisting to use the highly dangerous drug Remdesivir and ventilators to those in ICU; the requirement to call any death a Covid death if the person’s PCR shows positive (despite the knowledge that there was a high percentage of false positives), thereby inaccurately adding to Covid death statistics; the squashing of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine; the administrative-directed censoring and de-licensing of highly respected doctors and scientists who recommended these drugs along with natural remedies such as D3, NAC and Vitamin C to prevent hospitalization; the lack of divulging complete contents of all mRNA “vaccines”; over time, the switching of their “safe” and “effective” status; the aligning with Pfizer to withhold tens of thousands of documents for 75 years until a judge required their release; the withholding of over 1000 adverse effects of these mRNA injections, which were clearly noted in these documents, many of them deadly serious.

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If by overhaul, you mean putting Collins and Fauci on trial I would have to agree.

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Jesus, we knew it, but to hear it from the man himself is sickening.

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OMG - pure torture listening to this - "Although we are doing better than those other countries whose cries we hear" WTF - check your statistics - if by better you mean that we had the highest death count then - yes I guess we are #1. Thanks to the NIH/CDC/HHS. Bonuses for all. Do we have an update on his prostate cancer?

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Most fearful people I still come across are the ones who got the shots and bought every lie of the authorities.

I never stopped going out or interacting with the people in my life who retained their sanity. I would take my kids over to have breakfast with Grandma nearly once a week and she would get take out from the favorite breakfast restaurant, thus helping them stay in business. Later to thank her for being so loyal a customer, when she was there in person with my daughter, they bought her breakfast (comped her check for that visit).

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May 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The thing I find really interesting is that on the one hand we're now allowed to say 'this was all a fraud, and we knew it at the time' and then out of the other side of their mouths we get 'Birds Flu is coming, be afraid'. So, what better method of complete chaos could we have then if nobody trusts the agencies and then an actually harmful weaponized bird flu were set loose on the public?

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May 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My big takeaway from all this is that our government leaders, by and large, are idiots. And worse than that, they incorrectly think they are top percentile when it comes to capability…so they are arrogant idiots.

My guess is that their perception of personal capability comes from working in the public sector where the competition revolves around Machiavellian jockeying for power rather than trying to maximize profitability/productivity. In my experience, the competition inherent in the private sector makes people in that area way more competent than those in the public sector.

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May 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The whole Cabal was treacherous,to include Collins. I read he has prostate cancer—he should research and try Ivermectin which is proving to be effective and safe for many cancers—but the puppet masters of the NIH, CDC, FDA, kept it from most Americans by intimidating doctors and patients. Tens of thousands died because of it—malfeasance at its best. That said, I do not wish him harm, like the harm he caused many Americans.

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May 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone for your continued work. Much appreciated!

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Collins was the academic darling of scholarly Christians. I personally admired him. A lesson in how to trash your reputation in old age, very sad.

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Frances Collins had the opportunity to show medical leadership and guide the genetic research in a manner that did not create lab rats out of humans. He failed and went with the flow IMO.

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Wearing masks did affect the children. Children need to learn to read facial expressions to understand social interactions. The young children had their speech affected because of the lack of eye contact of the lips and tongue. We need to protect our children from tyranny.

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