Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

Oh my, those were some good belly laughs!!! 😂 I can definitely relate to the woman minding her own business and trying to live in peace!!! Thanks for the laughs Dr. Malone! Hope you, Dr. Jill and everyone else has a great weekend!

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JP’s really good- it’s amazing how many truths he can fit into a short comedy routine all while keeping you laughing!

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The rabies meme is amazing hahaha!

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JP: "To be informed, you gotta turn the TV on, and your mind off." :-D

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Great funnies today. But honestly, it is like trying to stay upbeat while struggling to swim out of a tsunami caused whirl pool. Unfortunately Ukraine is the new Covid. Can somebody please get out in front of this and warn people not to take the media hyped patriot bait before it kills us all? The Klaus Schwab agenda is moving forward at full steam and all the usual suspects are clinking glasses while watching it unfold...get ready people, very bad days are coming in '22 and beyond.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

Can somebody? We all need to do our parts by speaking out to friends, no matter how small our circles. I agree bad days are ahead and it’s urgent. I’m starting by telling friends I’m unsure about the war news, since Covid had so many lies. This creates doubt and you can ramp up from there.

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Agreed. I have those in my sphere of influence on a local level, and that does not amount to many. But I warn them and prod them with questions meant to stimulate thoughts and observations based on what I see and hear from people smarter and frankly, more observant than myself. Some that I speak to have that moment of clarity and adopt a similar urgency to making themselves prepared and others are still sleepwalking according to mainstream media programming. At times I feel empowered and other times totally ineffective. But I do and say what I can to open minds...that is all we can do.

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Dan Cohen, 22.3.2022, Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts:

Dan Cohen reveals the network of foreign strategists, Washington DC lobbyists, and intelligence-linked media outlets behind Ukraine’s public relations blitz, MintPress, https://www.mintpressnews.com/ukraine-propaganda-war-international-pr-firms-dc-lobbyists-cia-cutouts/280012/

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Good article, Capt. Somebody did their homework. They are trying to sucker us into this conflict. Makes sense to me that some very bad actors in the west will uncork a chemical false flag in Ukraine to ratchet up the pressure for US military intervention.

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ZELENSKY REGIME WILL STAGE FALSE FLAG CHEMICAL ATTACK ON UKRAINIAN PEOPLE AND BLAME IT ON RUSSIA - from a Chilean Ukrainian resident https://www.bitchute.com/video/mj7ueDFpPikk/

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At this point we all know this is the plan. Zelenskyy's Azov's probably working in tandem with CIA spooks. It's a given. They don't even try to disguise what they are doing anymore because the people who are not completely programmed to msm propaganda are fewer than those that are and we are pretty much powerless to stop what the globalist arm of the intel agencies are doing. There appears to be about a two year delay before the population begins to wake up. So, just when the majority was figuring out the covid operation they hit us with Ukraine and all the msm suckers jump onboard with the patriot reflex when commanded to...in two years the majority will begin to realize that Ukraine was a follow-up operation to covid and start to wake up...but unfortunately we will all be in the midst of a crashed economy and a greater depression than our country has ever seen so the struggle to just keep their bellies full will not allow for them to reflect on how we got there. It is really quite diabolical and brilliant the way the elites have planned this. If we have to rely on the programmed masses to prevent it we are doomed. Klaus Schwab and his collaborators are laughing all the way to the Great Reset finish line...very sad.

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Breaking: US Deploying Chemical Weapons to Poland for False Flag Ukraine Attack, Full Background(Confirmed by VT)

By VT Editors - March 25, 202292642


Haven’t confirmed this, but thought it would be good to get this warning ⚠️ Out just in case.

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Wow, excellent reporting. Too bad it is from Russian sources. I would like to send it to some people but they would probably stop reading after they read that under the headline. Unfortunately people let their biases prevent them from assessing all the available information. That is a very well researched article though. Very eye opening. Make sure your cupboards are well stocked folks, this looks like it is the big push to trigger the Great Reset.

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Did you see this clip of Biden? https://rumble.com/vygiob-president-biden-talks-about-ukraine-tells-82nd-airborne-youll-see-when-your.html

What the __ does he mean you’ll see when you’re there (Ukraine)?!

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It must frustrate his handlers when he gives the plan away due to his inability to filter and communicate his thoughts properly. Most of the time he has no clue what is going on around him.

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I used to occasionally watch & read RT News on YouTube or Instagram - I found there reporting to be a lot more balanced than our MSM! There are British & American reporters working for their English reporting news. They seem to go out of there way to be unbiased in their reporting often saying, “allegedly”. Of course,

they may be guided as to what they can report. The way I see it is that the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

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Whenever processing any information source I begin with the notion that there is some degree of deception taking place, and the challenge is to sift through it and separate out the truth. Unfortunately American msm is so corrupted we can just assume we are being lied to about everything and that they will target our emotions. Tucker Carlson is the only mainstream commentator I can tolerate at this point. And I do go to RT everyday now because I want to know what the Russian people are being told about Ukraine. The great thing about a well written article is that all the reporting is sourced and that is evident. Whenever I see a report from an anonymous source immediately the red flag goes up. So yeah, we have all become a lot more developed in our ability to recognize...bs.

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A big giveaway for US reporting was the 2019 Rand Corp Report: Overextending and Unbalancing Russia https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB10014.html. Which basically tells you our objectives, that and we know how they operate!

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Ugh...the constant back and forth, machinations and strategies to destabilize this one and that one and on and on. What a miserable existence if this is what you are tasked with everyday, day in and day out. Makes me want to run into the hills and not come back until it is all over...or just stay there and wait for a mushroom cloud in the distance. I think I'll pour myself a glass of scotch.

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I think we need to let the Russian people and the Ukrainian people should get together and oust their Presidents . I bet they would get along just fine. They would get rid of their bio labs, nuclear weapons and any other thing that they may have made to destroy mankind.

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Let's clean our own house while we're at it.

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Confession: as soon as I wake up every Friday, I patiently wait for the "Friday Funnies" notification. Thank you!

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Thanks Dr. Malone! You’re the best!!!

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Outstanding, every one of ‘em. 👍👍👍👍

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May your weekend be blessed with normal farm chores.

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Love it! Keep the laughs coming... we need them!

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A perfect summary of where we are today.

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I think people are snoring

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My husband and I laughed out loud on the "fired because of pants on backwards". We're just simple folk...

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Another great Friday Funnies! Thanks for brightening the day! Son in law, double shot and boosted ,has COVID. They went to Greece. Daughter got covid first, had to extend stay 5 days.Home now. Bu he is sick! Told them shos are not any good!

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I’m glad you said something to him--nice little nudge there!

I hope he recovers soon.

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Still laughing - thank goodness for something light. Thanks Dr. Malone and JP . ( I am still trying to find out if my local book store is going to carry your new book . I wrote to them on Wednesday but have not heard back yet. Fingers crossed.

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Dan Cohen, 22.3.2022, Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts:

Dan Cohen reveals the network of foreign strategists, Washington DC lobbyists, and intelligence-linked media outlets behind Ukraine’s public relations blitz, MintPress, https://www.mintpressnews.com/ukraine-propaganda-war-international-pr-firms-dc-lobbyists-cia-cutouts/280012/

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