May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Always look forward to seeing your posts. You mix the serious with laughter. Soldier on Sir. You are truly appreciated.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's amazing what a good laugh can do for one's tension-filled body!! 😊😊 Thanks again!!

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The empty thought bubble in #1 says it all.

Dr. Malone, do you know about the World Freedom Declaration (https://healthfreedomdefense.org/wfd) just launched by the Health Freedom Defense Fund? It think it’s something you would like to sign, and you’ll see from the list of prestigious truth-telling signatories, you would be in good company. If you add your signature, let me know and I can alert Leslie Manookian to add you to the list of co-signers.

Everyone who supports this pushback against the WHO can sign the WFD, too. I’ve added this to my list of action steps along with numerous other opportunities to #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWHO in this post:

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

The World Health Assembly meetings starts on 5/22, so we’re trying to flood them with letters of opposition and petitions in the meantime. As you can see from this post by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, we’re already getting their attention:

• “Tedros mentions growing resistance to WHO's power grab, at a media briefing 17 May 2022” (https://shabnampalesamohamed.substack.com/p/tedros-mentions-growing-resistance)

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MAA-- This lawsuit by David E Martin made my day. https://rumble.com/v159xxj-dr.-david-e-martin-discloses-explosive-jaw-dropping-information.html

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Thank you for sharing. So happy to see David Martin on the job. Boom!

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I wondered what was happening with this. Thank you for sharing. I have shared with as many people as I think will listen (so many in my circle are fast asleep). Best news I’ve heard in a long time.

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Wow, I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the info!

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David Martin is great. When was the video made? Is it late April 2022?

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Dr. Martin talks about May 22nd so I believe it’s very recent. The video is dated yesterday.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

Thanks. I missed that. I think the video is sourced. I was thinking late April. Regardless it's fairly recent.

Here is Dr. Martin and Wife's Youtube Channel. They haven't posted in 2 weeks.


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I wish I knew. But May 22nd is this Sunday so we shall see. I’m waiting with bated breath

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I just posted Dr. Martin and Wife's Youtube channel.

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This should go viral worldwide.

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Thank you, Antonina! I hope it helps people understand and take action against this existential threat to sovereignty!

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Need to share this information Margaret, how to do this please?

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Thanks so much for getting the word out, SimoneN! You can share the link to my letter (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global) as that is where I’m consolidating the action steps and resources and am updating as new opportunities come up.

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It was a truly EXCELLENT post and i have shared your substack link with the social media that I have accounts with

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Thank you so much for helping us #StopTheWHO, Simone!

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Need to take these Globalist Marxist organizations down. They need to be eliminated.

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That’s the end goal. #StopTheWHO will call on all member states to withdraw from the WHO, depriving it of both its funding and its authority simultaneously.

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Need an American First President so a long 2 1/2 years ahead. Even if we win back Congress and the Senate this November there are too many Uniparty Pubs.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the laughs, Dr. M! Enjoyed seeing you on Epoch American Thought Leaders last night. Great interview.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It was excellent. Listen to Dr. Urso too. Scary stuff.

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Good laughs. Remember that the Democrats and the Republicans all work for the same people, the people with all the money. They own the pharmaceuticals, the weapons industry, food, oil, the media and anything we can think of. They work for those that own Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street Etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2t4u_tEefM

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May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love Branco's cartoons, especially his sippy cup insertions but Gary Varvel wins today.

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So good and eerily true. I particularly like the stunt doubles and the Elon Musk shining knight. The abortion one is so true. Thanks for being a warrior of truth.

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Dear Robert, I would like to translate your book into French (I am professor of anthropology at the university of Strasbourg France and as it happens I'm bilingual).

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Not on subject, but curious to what extent you think “monkey pox” is now being spread/pushed/promoted to put us in another lockdown prior to the midterm elections (and, yes, I am a conspiracy theorist - it seems they all come true in the end).

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Could be, or it may just be a distraction (for now) from this sovereignty destroying WHO ‘treaty’.

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Dr Malone, Benjamin Rush, the Founder of my Alma Mater, The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, the first Medical School in America, saw this coming when the US Constitution was being written. He wanted an amendment to prevent a Medical Dictatorship but he couldn't get it and now it is here. Biden has Advanced Stage II Alzheimers Disease and is not sufficiently mentally Competent to sign it so we have an avenue to stop it.

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An extraordinary video documentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiLoJsrr8bg

"The Typhoid Mary of Disinformation,” produced by GG’s Substack and Matt Orfalea

A clear connection between

- CIA bipartisan Ukraine coup against its democratically elected government,

- the immense Russia-gate hoax and

- current bipartisan proxy war against capitalist Russia

What is still missing is the truth about bipartisan disinformation and total censorship about Nazi-dominated Ukraine government and US taxpayer support, including paychecks for card-carrying Ukraine Nazis. We are living in a midst of unspeakable crime and disinformation.

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Go Putin go!!!

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FYI -- Mislav Kolakusic -- Croatian Member of European Parliament.



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Thank you, well spoken and speaks the truth. I loved watching him give Trudope a good whopping. Betcha Turdi was crying after 4 of them went after him for his action against peaceful protest by our Truckers, the Freedom Convoy. Trudope's nerve to lecture others about democracy. Well done, respect Mislav Kolakusic.

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Like this ?? ;-))

Barefoot in snow with a bear -- https://youtube.com/shorts/hsd2_BeU0io?feature=share

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And this Administration want to take firearms from a free populace?! I don’t thing so. We are in true dander from within.

Sorry, had to vent. My head no longer has a relief valve attached.

Breaks my heart more each day. 🇺🇸🗣🌎

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Hell, first one spot one. I’m good for the day! 🥶💉🦠🤡

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In another case of preaching to the choir, I urge all to go see Dr Malone's new interview over at the Epoch Times.


Such a measured, thoughtful response to all the lies and b.s. we've all put up with. Every statement backed up with evidence and receipts and so refreshing after the unsubstantiated opinions on MSM.

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Haha ..

WHO = World Hazard Organization

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Withdraw Humanity Obligation

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May 20, 2022·edited May 21, 2022

I don't understand this Musk hype... Nobody "makes" a billion but steals a billion.... He is as corrupt as the rest, but unlike the rest does pot and admits it.

Most his fortune was done by overpricing the Tesla stock, with a little help from his Wallstreet and CIA "friends" to the point where his puny company is worth more in stock than all other top car manufacturers together... meanwhile Tesla was loosing money...

As for the canary, that was just a publicity stunt; I doubt that he will actually buy it... I believe that was just his bluff (and sadly for him, it was called).

That "freedom speech" champion does tests with brain implants on monkeys; do you suppose that has absolutely nothing with the "WEF" agenda (of which he is part of)?

His "fortune" is in bits; if he would actually try to buy stuff in the real world using them all, we would have hyper inflation same day. That is not "fortune" - that is a Ponzi scheme.

No "billionaire" will ever save us; you need to be a ruthless psychopath and sociopath to get there in the first place.

This idea that there are "good billionaires" that will save the world comes from Hollywood indoctrination studios... Batman was working with the "good guys" - the CIA and borrowing their gear... This is fiction; Musk is NOT Batman, y'all! He might have a very dark side, but he is not a knight.

Do you suppose when MuskRat is needed to save us, we have to project the Tesla sign into the night sky :P? Yet no one REALLY knows who the "brave knight" is - some believe it is Fauci, yet some others believe it is Kill Gates... Stop watching that Hollywood garbage!

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