Even if you have never heard of him, Frank Zappa had this entire theater written as a song.

So to give the ghost of Frank some lasting applause of his crystal ball, I'll post it here.

1973 was a very good year for many. But not in the mind of Frank Zappa and "The Slime"!

I am gross and perverted

I'm obsessed 'n deranged

I have existed for years

But very little has changed

I'm the tool of the Government

And industry too

For I am destined to rule

And regulate you

I may be vile and pernicious

But you can't look away

I make you think I'm delicious

With the stuff that I say

I'm the best you can get

Have you guessed me yet?

I'm the slime oozin' out

From your TV set

You will obey me while I lead you

And eat the garbage that I feed you

Until the day that we don't need you

Don't go for help, no one will heed you

Your mind is totally controlled

It has been stuffed into my mold

And you will do as you are told

Until the rights to you are sold

That's right, folks . . .

Don't touch that dial

Well, I am the slime from your video

Oozin' along on your livin' room floor

I am the slime from your video

Can't stop the slime, people, lookit me go!

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Hail to those who's memories include Frank Zappa...

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Oh my! Thanks for that. Hell, I remember every word of this song!!! Now I’ve got to download the album. You know , Zappa was right on so many levels.

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Oh boy Frank was really on to it. He was quite literally a genius

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Good suggestion. Many Creedence Clearwater tunes and such apply pretty well. Lots of songs among the newer authentic Americana and real country artists. Lots of 60’s and 70’s artists.

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It makes go 'ouch' to see 'even if you never heard of Frank Zappa'. 🙄

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Actually I do remember Frank Zappa.. who in America who listened to any kind of music in 1973 had not heard of him: he for SURE got that message right.. but I was NOT A FAN.. at all. He didn't really fit into any musical category in my book: but after reading those words.. which I haven't thought about in years I think he was some kind of Ozzy Oz prescient type of balladeer street poet type. As a lover of GOOD MUSICIANS I didn't like the clash of chords.. best way I can express it.. I just posted a George Carlin on Facebook yesterday called You are all Diseased. I think Zappa sort of falls into that "style" of thought presentation. He did get it right. Lots of other musicians did too as I saw in the comments. CCR also whom I really liked.. anyway.. great post.. to all :)

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Totally agree SciPo2.0 He was about as weird as it gets. Not really melodious kind of guy. But he did in fact attract some other gifted folks along for the ride. Maybe it was as simple as having "super high" quality street stuff for mind eggz spansions. The slime blew me away the first time I heard it. Some stuff you just can't un-hear! My tastes run for the more instrumental (piano/guitar) types of jazz. My mom always had it on growing up. I can get goose bumps and tears at the same time every once in a while.

In the wild words of Frank Z. Jazz is not dead, it just smells funny! fullstop.

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Wow: my name is Isabella go by Isabell and I will change my photo and use real name.. still learning how use Substack. back to Zappa and music. I also am a big Jazz fan, Blues, (Eric Clapton, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and of course Beatles if you ask me between Stones and Beatles. I think the best and worst thing that happened to the 60s gen. and I am from that gen though in the younger range and avoided all the drug use as Catholic, now Christian (but my siblings did not, younger. But story for another day) was the AMAZING BLOSSOMING of Rock and Roll Music. I did get to see Janis Joplin in person and could write a book about the concerts I went to and we all did. you know about the 27 club which includes Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, whom I consider the worlds greatest guitar prodigy, Jim Morrison. and on. well I need to go.. in fact going to order a rare Stevie Ray Vaughn album this weekend called Blues at Sunrise with Albert King and of course his band Double Trouble. he also died in an airplane crash. anyway.. HAVE A GREAT DAY. I do love music.. all kinds even some hymns.. :) of course ttyl.

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Remember when they shut down most all of the medical/dental clinics for Covscam1.

But allowed all the abortion clinics to remain open as essential. Yeah, that memory!

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Thanks, Dr. Malone. I watched the latest Covid Summit yesterday. I think most people support and appreciate the 17k doctors and medical scientists who have signed on, but neither the media nor the government care about the health or rights of humanity.

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Ok. That chihuahua meme made my day!!!’ Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha!

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Thank you for Friday Funnies! Also, I got a notification from Amazon that the the book is “delayed”.

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A good friend who had a book scheduled for release in February is still waiting for publication because there is an actual paper shortage. Not to suggest obstacles for Dr Malone would not benefit the lying cabal just to note there are supply chain factors too.

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So did I😡😡

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Thanks, Dr. M. This levity is always appreciated!

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Good news finally has great timing. The ginger winch moves to a new cesspool.

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The side against tyranny, the New World Order, and oppression has been very peaceful. I hope this works but I am not sure it will as I don’t see the rulers backing down. The United States of America didn’t gain independence from England by being nice. It took a revolution and lots of bloodshed and it took resolve and bravery. If we can’t unseat the rulers peacefully it will get really messy.

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Ok, I’m hogging the comment section with a second comment. Sorry. And also apologies to HG Wells: But I look at that smug face of Psaki and it dawned on me: “She’s the queen of the Eloi. They’re all kings and queens of the Eloi. But we deplorables, we Morlocks, we majority from Real Ville” are slowly coming out of our holes.

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I'm hogging too - but when I see these 30 year olds TIGHTLY wearing N95 masks I just don't get it

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Hog away AP. Any Zappa fan clearly has something relevant to say.

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Actually my big brother listened to him when I was little - he would how along with Frank "don't eat the yellow snow" That always made me laugh !

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The memes are running rampant this week. I have found a vast array and will be posting them on my Substack, hopefully, today. Some of them are a bit more controversial than Roberts though...

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An interesting note: Amazon has delayed my shipping of your new book and Dr. Pierre Kory's new book on Ivermectin now to an undetermined date. Coincidence???!!!!!! I think not. And they add the "opportunity" to cancel my order.....what crooks and criminals they all are.

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Thanks for a few bright moments in these dark days....keep on keeping on!

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Thanks for the funnies! The Woke crowd is feeding JP with so much material. He is THE BEST!

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And just to say, I sent my comments to the WHO

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Robert, Jill and JP. Thank you for making me laugh with your Friday Funnies. And for also giving me an education. Oh the things I never knew. 😢😢😢😢😢

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In view of your hard work coping this last your Friday Funnies are particularly appreciated!

The illustration of WHO is particularly relevant. Yesterday Dr Wolf on War Room reported that wording in the Amendments Biden is expected to approve could allow suspension of mid-terms among other things.

Your press conference re The Global Covid Summit’s declaration to “Restore Scientific Integrity.” was outstanding. Your Declaration couldn’t have been more on point! It’s reassuring that you provide a clear picture and have been able to present it!

My sympathies as you return to your farm absent your beautiful mare. While my loss of my beloved Cita is now many years ago, her memories continue forever.

Hope all else will be well and build nicely as you (pl) ready for Bath.

With much caring....

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