I am old. So I remember all the global ice age cometh covers from Time.

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If you can remember them, doesn't that mean you're not old, just 'seasoned' ?

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I remember in one of those articles they wanted to cover glaciers with black carbon to melt them back. I’m sure president Biden can fix global warming in a snap. He fixes everything else.

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Usually served with a side of "Peak Oil" nonsense.

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Yes, I do too.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That one of Ms Lynnette is powerful.

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Dr. Jill burning classified docs with gas a classic double entendre.

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Someone better check Cornpops basement.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023

ITEM 6: ... “Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location.”


Biden's classified documents were also found stashed at:

1) Brooklyn Rod and Fish Gun Club (NYC): Former Mafia HQ, now an In-Woke-Out burger joint;

2) NY Jets end zone (with the other 31 NFL teams getting into it at will --- even the teams that didn't play the Jets --- there is no credible explanation as to why the discoveries were not reported prior to the 2022 mid-term elections);

3) Paris (two locations): Hustled out of Notre Dame before the building caught fire; Hustled out of the Hilton before the hotel caught fire;

4) Anchorage, Alaska: Joe thought they were safe from detection underneath six feet of ice and snow; foiled by Global Warming!

5) Moscow: Returned to sender after copying America's blueprints for the invasion of Afghanistan, used in the equally successful invasion of the Ukraine.

6) The Ukraine: Returned to sender (University of Pennsylvania, Department of Philanthropic Chinese Financing) after successful effort to impeach President Trump (note attached: "Send more trillion-trillions, PLEASE!"*);

7) 159 Casey's chain joints in the mid-West (creators of infamous "cardboard pizza"; now we know why);

8) Kamala's underwear drawer;

9) Nancy Pelosi's husband's underwear drawer (contents identical);

10) In Sam Bankrupt-Fried's Bahamas bathroom, next to Hillary's Unix servers (relocated from Denver).

*Item #6: CIA eavesdropping has revealed that the Ukrainians are convinced that if they win the war, the money spigots from America will be turned off.

With that in mind, with American dollars, they've been bribing the Russians to continue fighting in perpetual stalemate.

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THANK GAWD for the Friday Funnies....

Sometimes I might not be sure if I’m actually just laughing or nervously laugh-crying...

Either way, it’s better than nervously cry-crying.

Thanks for delivering the best medicine, doc ;)

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Expensive gift ideas😆

Garage sale 😆

Form a resistance? I’m busy watching them inn front of me 😂

These are great laughs and they are assisting us all in getting through troubling times. By all memes keep it up 😉

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OK, Love the Springsteen one. Bit of a nonsequiter, but definitely funny.

Jill Biden cooking documents using a gas stove is a perfect example of lefty hypocrisy on more than one level.

The one with the eggs is just too realistic.

$7/ dozen this week in SoCal, when you can find them. Thanks a lot, Joe Biden.

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We're just about to start WWII-copied "Victory Garden" programs --- with chickens. Look for Manhattan penthouse gardens to be replaced with...

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I'm fortunate to have a half acre parcel. Room enough for my sizeable garden. Broccoli, Kale, lettuces, Cauliflower, squash all coming to harvest. We love to grow and consume our own vegetables.

I suspect we'll end up adding laying hens pretty soon. The pressure to become more self sufficient is increasing.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Epic as always! The "Blinded by the Light" omg!! Hahaha..to this day I have no idea what the next line says

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Lot's of good ones today. I liked the Valentine eggs. Also, the brilliant Dr. Biden burning up T.S. docs on a gas grill. Both rich.

Nice tribute to Ms Hardaway.

Have a great weekend!


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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fabulous funnies Doc! Thanks and God bless! 💙

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The remembrance for Lynnette Hardaway is exactly correct. God is extending His right hand for Lynnette. She will be missed!

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A whopping even dozen in the tickle me pink jar. Wow. Someone has outdone themselves! Did you know in addition to the chorus there are 6 unintelligible verses? Now I have junk running through my brain and it has a beat.

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Throughly enjoy these cartoons. Everyone needs a good belly laugh!

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Love the garage sale. Funny how the media said what a total embarrassment the process was when voting in the new speaker. Its democracy, and has had a excellent outcome. Now we find out Joey has probably thousands of top secret documents all over his mansions China paid for and all I hear are excuses. He just ruins everything he touches. It’s like a child that keeps breaking things and you say this is why we can’t have nice things only it’s our country he’s ruining. Obama was right he F’s up everything. Talk about an embarrassment.

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Funny and sad how ridiculous humans can be.

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Holy Moly...I've seen Russell on a full boogey rocket fuel rant before, but this one he must have changed formulas. This is what a human looks like when the imported fresh ground Peruvian coffee beans are pre soaked in jars with coca leaf squeezings above 10.000 feet above sea level.

Really....one cup in the morning is quite uplifting. Ten or more puts you at the "Einstein" levels.

Putting 10 tons of wretched US involvement in a 1 ton bag is no easy task. He nailed it however!

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