The "I'm not ready" mask one is especially timely as I just had a conversation with a young man employee at our frequented restaurant who is the only one still wearing a cloth face diaper. He greeted me as I walked in and I said, "Adrian, when do I get to see your face again?" He pulled down his mask, smiled, put it back on and said, "I'm just doing it to protect everyone." I said, "I'm sorry, but it doesn't protect anyone." He said, "I know but it's hard to give up." I said, "Give up the fear dear, that's all it is." So sad and I'm sure he's doing it to hide behind. I'll keep encouraging him to give it up!

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Not a single member of the media has asked President Puddin or his propagandist PissHockey about Puddin's prediction of "a winter of severe illness and death" for the purebloods.

I guess they don't want to be impolite.

Now if it were Trump, well, that's COMPLETELY different.

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Don't worry.

Pissakly can come up with statistics that will confirm all that anyone in this Communist regime has stated, no matter how outrageous.

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Yes, that is exactly what is happening. People have become socially awkward and uncomfortable looking at someone face to face.

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We are fighting a trillion dollar propaganda machine with memes and the astounding part about that is in the end, we win. Think of what it actually takes to keep humans down. Damn, we're impressive. Thanks - always look forward to Friday Funnies.

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I agree with you Kathleen, we're winning.

Not everybody is. I'm thinking countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Austria. In those countries, the people have been steamrollered.

I'm sure there's no single reason the US stands apart. There are many reasons. But IMHO, our 2nd amendment is a key one.

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Yeah, agree that's a key piece, and our historical elevation of individuality as a value - that also helps.

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

Completely agree with you, Kathleen, but with the proviso that, as time goes on, individuality is seen more as a drawback, especially by those who see conforming as the best path.

Can that be reversed? I don't know. The reality is, a lot of it depends on white suburban wine moms who have just recently been forced to confront the reality- do they want to feel sorry for anyone who has a sad story, or do they want their kids to be under the influence of groomers.

Sounds crass and crude I know. But that's what we've come to.

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But most importantly : LIBERTY

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Agree on 2A! We in the US must never give it up.

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If the US gives up it is game over for everyone.

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Could not agree more. A few years ago, I told a Canadian neighbor that we Americans own guns to protect us from government. I saw him roll his eyes at his wife. Wonder what he thinks of that concept now? Probably still doesn’t get it.

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You are right. Also our federalism

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Yes, must protect. Our sovereign state lines get blurred every time there is a new federal law. Just like the Dems recently attempted to federalize our elections.

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What an uplifiting take. You just gave my day a shot in the arm.

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Nice! And you just did the same for me!

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We should not discount memes. Humorous criticism, satire and outright laughter at our opponents are powerful tools in politics.

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The witch cartoon reminded me of a fascinating comment by York Luethje on my last post (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dispatches-from-the-new-normal-front-d2c). His observation about what finally ended 200 years of European witch trials may help us break the spell of mass formation today:

“… the witch trials in German lands ended after about 200 years. The major reason they ended was a book called ‘Cautio Criminalis’ published in 1636 by a Jesuit named Friedrich von Spee. Spee had been confessor to numerous accused witches and was horrified by what he witnessed. In the book he relates how he asked the judges on many occasions what it would take for an accused witch to be declared innocent. The answer was always silence. An accused witch was a convicted witch was an executed witch. A variation of this might be useful. What would it take for a Covidian to change his mind?”

See the thread for the full exchange:


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I found your Substack exchange with a Covidian, apparently a more intelligent one, quite enlightening but it reminds me of my own low success rate in convincing Covidians. I have to ask how the thing you discussed above started to end witch burning, I must be missing something.

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Yes, I’m resigned to the fact that hard-core Covidians are impenetrable via reason, logic, scientific evidence, or even emotional pleas.

You would need to ask York for more details, but my understanding is that simply posing the question about what it would take for the accused to be declared innocent and the realization that there was no answer jarred them into the realization that this was an impossible trap out of which no one could escape.

In today’s situation, I would see it as similar to asking what the stopping point (e.g., how many deaths, injuries, etc.) for pulling the injections would be, which Steve Kirsch has already asked and received no response to, so I don’t think we will be escaping our mass delusion so easily—at least for another couple hundred years ;-)

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

History of English podcast is much more than a history of our language. It's a history of western civilization. I recommend it to everyone.


In the England and probably most of the European part of the world, before ~1200 or so, trials of those accused of a crime - any crime, not just accusations of witchcraft - were without a jury or even a judge. They were trials where the accused was "judged by God", perhaps by being thrown into water to see if he/she floated. Or being forced to hold a red-hot iron. If God graced the accused by healing the wound without infection, they were deemed innocent. And of course, if it became infected, they were guilty.

It was a brutal way of life. But that's the way things were then.

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Sounds fascinating—thanks, Evil Incarnate! I fear we are reverting to another such period only with technocratic dimensions … unless we can stop it.

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Out of curiosity, how would you like to be addressed?

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Margaret Anna officially, but a lot of people call me Margaret, and that’s fine, too :-)

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Thanks. It just seemed like you had a lot of first names there.

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Since you mentioned Obama I want to say that I consider him to be one of the biggest con men in history. He pulled the wool over so many people’s eyes it’s unbelievable and he used race as a tool. I was conned by voting for both McCain and Romney. I found out about them too late and I am not proud that I voted for them but the alternative was worse.

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We generally get a short list of terrible, horrible and very bad choices when we get to elections. There's a professional political class and rare few serve the people the majority run like a Mafia with protected turf & presstitute bag men.

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I agree

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Obama supercharged the regulatory bureaucracies from day one. The Republicans were too afraid of being called racist to do anything about it. Obama is a prime example of just how dirty the Dems fight. Lawfare is another. Finally, the Republicans are catching up,…. Mostly by throwing out the rinos. but much damage has been done to this country.

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What sets Obama apart from the rest is that he truly hates this country and its values. His fingerprints are on every one of “Biden’s “ policies. The Republicans are a huge disappointment to me and the only reason I vote for them is the alternative is horrendous. I am not saying all are bad but some of the ones I thought I could trust have let me down big time. Also, they make it impossible for me to unsubscribe to them in my emails so I just delete them when they appear, even the ones I still like.

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Not even close to accurate legislative history & both sides are complicit. It began under Reagan and Poppy Bush put it on steroids with a program formally announced as a deregulation framework. It gave Monsanto a blank check to add gmo ingredients to our food supply without testing novel products required. There was more but each successive Administration has chipped away at rights and protections and public service to be a high paid whore for Wall Street. Dems are dirtier because they pretend to care while they shaft you the GoP say no to your face but neither ever say no to more weapons & corp welfare.


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Obama did so much damage to America, and I suspect still is thru the " weekend at Bernies" guy they prop up as a working president. Difference today is Obama has been exposed as you say a " con man" and most Americans know now.

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A wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Obama is a snake oil salesman aka confidence man. He would likely not have been nearly as successful if it were not for the infiltration of Neo Marxism into the educational system over the past 40-50 years. He came at a time when the quality of education had declined precipitously. It had produced a vast number of shallow self-absorbed infantilized young adults thereby rendering them highly susceptible to his duplicitous machinations--the perfect conditions for his brand of con game.

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All of this started with Obama. He is an evil man

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We are same minded on that!!! He stimulated and brought into action almost all the bad that is happening.

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love Russell!

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The one on Fauci.......

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Apr 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Absolutely perfect funnies!

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the United States was never intended to be a `Democracy` -- despite what they have been teaching in high school the past 40 years ... `Republic of United States` is more like it. The people were supposed to be sovereign, except where they explicitly delegated their personal powers to the state, and the many states were supposed to be sovereign, except where they delegated explicit powers to the federal republic for the "common good"

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

The States were co equals with the federal govt…. That is, until “Martin v. Hunters Lessee”…. A case heard by the new US Supreme Ct…. Basically, nicely asking the Virginia State Supreme Ct. to abide by the US Supreme Ct’s decision. Seriously. I would argue but for that fragile case, the States are equal to the Feds.

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The crying liberals haven't yet realized they can still wear their mask if they want to. Maybe someone needs to make a meme on it so they'll understand.

I have, slowly, come to enjoy listening to Russell Brand. He's still a liberal but one with eyes finally opened to the truth. I hope he sways yet more like him. The Left is attacking him so you know he's speaking true.

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Thanks Doc for the much needed laugh today. It truly is one of the best medicines; like Ivermectin!

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Note that all coverage of Afghanistan has halted while hundreds are murdered by bombings, beatings, severed limbs on a daily basis, Americans and actual allies have never been rescued, Ethiopia is being savaged by Eritrea and the Tigray Marxist Fascist murderers of which Tedros was a major player and the silence is deafening. Not to mention the Azov Nazi Battalion is perpetrating the most horrific crimes against Ukranian citizens and are responsible for most of the deaths and bombings in Mariupol, Donbas and Bucha and have been for decades.

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Russell's crypto/WEF yesterday was very revealing. I can't believe RB is now on my daily list to check for real news?!? Dr Malone, Ed Dowd and Russell Brand...Brownstone, Children's Health Defense and The Federalist.

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read up on `predictably irrational` -- people nearly always choose an offer of safety over an offer of freedom.

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Ouch. Some of em aren't funny.

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Maybe Dr. Malone can shed some light onto what is going on with the Red Cross using only unvaxxed blood for Covid-19 Convalescent Plasma Treatments. WHY?


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These are great, Dr. Malone! I wish they weren't so true. The CIA one is particularly good... its just missing the thick blood of other nations dripping from its paws.

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