Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regarding that first comic: My husband is a musician whose band just lost an important gig in Cambridge, MA because he is not vaccinated. The club requires everyone - band members, bartenders, servers, patrons, etc - to be vaccinated. It caused a huge row in the band as he is the only one who is unvaxxed. It makes zero sense, knowing what we know now, for establishments and agencies to keep requiring the jab!

So now the band is out the exposure and momentum the gig would have brought following the band's latest album release. I'm just grateful my husband hasn't caved to pressure to "just get vaccinated already."

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Just know your husband is not alone. In 2021, The Offspring sidelined their drummer for the exact same reason citing "the roadblocks they kept running into touring with an unvaccinated member of the band". The drummer, Pete Parada, outlined the saga on a series of tweets you can find here: https://twitter.com/PeteParada/status/1422226668895326209. Quite interesting.

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I remember that - and I thought about the fact that Def Leppard stood by their drummer after he LOST AN ARM. Pathetic.

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AND along with their one-armed drummer released what many believe was their best album the following year (Hysteria).

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Thank you for sharing.

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Well done your husband. I hope this illogical insanity will cease soon.

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Your husband might like to inform this club of a recent finding just published in the NEJM saying that:- "a study led by Massachusetts-based physician-scientists leads to a disturbing discovery: individuals fully vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19 actually recover markedly more slowly from the illness and surprisingly, even remain contagious for lengthier periods of time as compared to unvaccinated persons."

This was in today's TrialSiteNews: https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/bombshell-study-vaccinated-5x-more-contagious-than-the-unvaccinated-10-days-after-sars-cov-2-infection-ae391446

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Yes. Theatre-wise, I can't work either. So, being a musician, actor, music director? I've been banned everywhere, unless I venture OUT of state.

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I am a huge skeptic. I ask questions. Early on, I KNEW this was a death jab. My rocket scientist spouse (deceased) told me to question all data...even yoir own. 😆

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Your husband and Novak Djokovic will have the last laugh. I so admire their strength and commitment to truth and medical freedom. If only everyone could have been as strong. Sigh.

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No consistent with CDC policy!! Threaten to sue them!

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Bravo! Your husband is a hero!


This song is a sad one... even more so now after millions of CV shot tragedies.

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I don’t know if an award exists for most important cartoonist in history, but we need to make one up and give it to Bob Moran.

He’s also a brave and brilliant speaker:


Robert, I have been remiss in alerting you to my newly launched interview series, which I kicked off with CJ Hopkins:

• “Dissident Dialogues: CJ Hopkins” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-cj-hopkins)

I am particularly interested in your take on CJ’s perspective of mass formation. I will be interviewing Mattias soon and will be asking him to respond to CJ’s critique.

Let me know if you’d be up for an interview—perhaps after your book comes out? Email me if so :-)

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

I read CJ's take on mass formation. I also read "The Psychology of Totalitarianism". I don't think CJ understands the phenomenon. For example, it's not necessary to have a propaganda campaign to create the conditions for mass formation. The intrusion of too much isolating technology into the fabric of society, combined with neoliberal policies that eat away at the American Dream for the majority of people, can do that just fine.

CJ also confuses those who are in the grip of mass formation (typically about 20-30% of the population) as being part of Mattias's largest group of people who go with the flow simply because they don't want to create waves. Those in the grip do NOT stand by in silence, as CJ supposes. They serve as the leaders' secret police, actively attacking and informing on those (even relatives) who dare to oppose the official narrative. Mattias should have no problem "defending" his position.

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I really enjoyed that interview, Margaret, and I've been studying it in depth the last two days as I write my own Substack/ video response. I'm calling it Mass Psychosis: CJ Hopkins & Mattias Desmet. I'll let you know when it's up.

I also linked the Friday Funnies to my last episode, Imagination Seeks Attention, and it got the most clicks next to my video. I wrote about AI-generated 'art' and how they want to make sure it can't be used for gory graphic violence or MISINFORMATION. I'm surprised child pornography didn't get a shout-out. So I ask whether a Mona Lisa regretting the vax would suddenly make people realize they'd made a terrible mistake. And I say that cartoonists are already doing an excellent job of illustrating the obvious, as you hilariously demonstrate twice a week.


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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

NAUSEATING video, I didn't make a whole minute. Brain pollution YUK!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That video. WTF? What weak, stupid and cowardly man. So sick of these people.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The most powerful was the childhood immunization graphic. Absolutely. If that doesn't wake some people up, what will?

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Yes. I agree! I found the graphic to be stunning! I had do idea! When I was a child, we only received the

DPT immunization....

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks so much for these Dr. Malone! Funny and tragic at the same time. These are indeed the 21st century version of the 18th century pamphlets. You sir are a National treasure!

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thanks for noticing. That has been the intent and model from the outset.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Always looking forward to the Friday and Sunday Funnies. Great group thanks.

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As a side comment, As I started reading Dr. Jessica Rose I had this awestruck appreciation for the incredible, wondrous workings of our bodies! Just tell me that there isn't a Supernatural Force that we are all part of, intricately moving through us in mysterious ways.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Doc~ good Friday funnies! If we don’t laugh we will cry! But the tide is definitely turning! #WINNING 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You did it again. The children shot schedule one truly hit the mark. I have 26 years between my oldest and youngest child. Talk about big money makers. When I took my last newborn (it totally freaked me out) in for her first check up I couldn’t believe all the shots they were going to give my brand new baby. I asked the dr if this was safe to give my precious little baby all those vaccines. He said yes. Reluctantly I allow the dr to give them the vaccines. Stupid me. Why would a baby need all those vaccines. I would not do that again. I would research it out. I listened to to an interview you had with Candace Owen. She had done her research on child vaccines. I was blindsided . The schedule of vaccines between the first child and the last were shocking. Do your research people before shooting your precious child with poison .

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If it was only as easy as unplugging and replugging the U.S.! The solar and wind power was good too, nothing like smelling the ozone on fresh clothes. Have a great weekend with your family of critters (and wife too, of course).

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Good Morning to the Malone Ranch and family!

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great funnies, thank you again for the awesomeness.

The video was stomach turningly obnoxious 🤮, but accurate for our times, even more than a year later. Now, simply update by adding a video like this to the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8sPIMJ7iAc and a slide show of screenshots from Mark Crispin Miller's "in memory of" Substacks: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/?sort=search&search=in%20memory%20of

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love the cartoons, that immunization schedule is really scary. I finally caught Covid a few weeks ago, not vaccinated, and it was a nothing burger. I've definitely had much worse colds. I wasn't really even that tired. I followed the FLCCC I-Recover protocol and it knocked it out in a couple days. Funny thing is all my vaccinated friends are looking at me with a funny face asking "what, you never had Covid before, how could that be?". So, we shut down the whole world and buried us in $tillions of new debt for this??? Initially, when Trump was still in office I thought perhaps they knew more than we did about the Wuhan Lab and this thing really is a bioweapon, and I thought, ok, let's be careful and figure out how to neutralize it. But more and more it's looking like China amped up the hype on purpose with all those moon suits, forced our corrupt news & social media to run it 24x7 to scare us into destroying our own economies and we fell for it. Never again.

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The video... don't have words...

Great post, as usual Dr. Malone; unfortunately most of what is presented is not really funny. 😕

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Agree. This weeks friday seems to be a bit dark. Which probably reflects the overall POV of most people during this week. Will strive to do better on Sunday... Can only work with the clay we are given.

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, Robert. My comment was not meant to be a criticism of your post. As you say, you can only work with what is available. It is just a reality that we need to make humor out of a sad situation. Keep your good work.

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deletedAug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022
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Agreed for more JPSears! Some of my favorite vids he did were the "life jacket" video's referencing the jabs.

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