Love that collection! Thanks. And yeah, rebellion as growing your own food, doing your own thing and going around the 'authorities' is our best path forward. Thanks.

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And having families! That’s what I also noticed in the pic.

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I've been talking to some of my daughters' friends, none of whom plan to have kids--either by choice or because they feel it isn't responsible ecologically or economically. I'm wondering how they'll feel when they realize this choice may have been taken away from them, without their knowledge or consent.

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You know, I was thinking about this very thing yesterday! It makes me very sad. My Daughter feels the same way. I pray she changes her mind before it’s too late, if it isn’t already. She took the jab so she could find work only to get Covid a month later, then got it again from her roommate couple months ago. Her clock is ticking (she’s going on 33). 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

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In terms of age, I started having kids at 35 and had my last at 41. And I'm still running circles around them at 65. So that part doesn't worry me. I think this could be a wake-up though, when they take for granted having kids and are only worried about how to avoid getting pregnant or abort.

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Same here and since I had delay having children.. each one was carefully planned for.. treated as a gift.. :) I had two C sections: it was all about having healthy children. I don't think all of the young men and women think that. that is the media. My sons peers and many younger feel like we did.

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I share your concern. All three of my daughters got at least one shot, and all three expect that as some point they'll have kids. The oldest and her fiance are the only ones in their friend group where both partners definitely want kids. But she works as a bereavement counselor for a health conglomerate and has had to get every booster. It worries me.

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Still young.. she will be fine. :)

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I sure hope so! Thanks! 😊

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Yes that's my fear. Birth rates are down by 23% in Taiwan to 13% in Germany to 8% elsewhere within one year. We know it was the agenda in Africa. Even the HVP vaccine has cut teen pregnancies in half but it wasn't introduced that long ago, so those teen are only now reaching an age where they might want kids. And sperm counts and speed are exponentially lower than the last generation while 1 in 4 women already have issues with fertility, and that's pre-vaccine.

There's no doubt that dispossession and depopulation are the twin agendas of the Reset, and the latter can only be accomplished by increasing deaths and decreasing births. The only reason we're not all alarmed by this is that no one's reporting on the data. But it's only a matter of time.

My hope is that it will, like the war in Ukraine, backfire and force us to re-evaluate our entire economic system into one that centers around family and community.

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Ohhh the globalists hate that one!

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Yup! And keep vaccinations on them to a minimum! It still amazes me, how they think killing off so many is gonna help them in the long term!

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Thank you Dr Malone for all your hard work for liberty & our Inspired Constitution!

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And always wonderfully crafted, humor added to the technical at wonderful intervals.

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The cartoon about "trying to rewrite history" prompts me to thank you for your consistently articulate writing.

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Love the white smoke joke!!!

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Soon humorists will be fiercely vying to be showcased on Malone's Friday Funnies.

The place to be!

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great funnies! I love the Gandolf one. So true. The Clarence Thomas one is priceless

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I look forward to your “Friday Funnies” every week. Sad to think how many people I know would look at them and say, “huh?’ There are so many out there with their heads in the sand. Some ON PURPOSE! If I just ignore it, it will go away…that can’t be true….or, there is no way this could be happening in THIS country! It’s pretty obvious when an administration is doing everything in their power to take down their own government, one decision after another.

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These are getting wickedly funnier.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, your sub stack is what keeps this old retired RN sane! I live in an apartment in a wonderful CCRC, but unfortunately many residents have been and remain terrified of “Covid”, and can’t get in line fast enough for boosters. Our medical center in town promotes them heavily (the medical center receives millions in government grants!), as do TV , radio and newspaper ads.

An 82 year old friend has just been diagnosed with asymptomatic bilateral pneumonia - Dr. Ordered X-ray because she had no energy. Then I read, and can’t remember where, that increasingly physicians are seeing asymptomatic pneumonia in the “vaccinated”. Do you have any info?

I have just given subscriptions to both my adult children, one of whom is also an RN.

Heartfelt thanks for all you and your wife have done and continue to do💕

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"Walking pneumonia" is a killer but not a new thing. My grandma died in 5 days back in 1965 in a hospital in Florida with pneumonia. It's the nature of the disease and many people ignore the symptoms. Listen to Dr. Peter McCullough podcast, it has a lot of clinical information about covid.

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My friend is and was totally asymptomatic, diagnosed only by Xray . Of course pneumonia is not a new thing; it has been referred to for years as "an old man's friend."

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wanted to make a comment here about something interesting I see the medical profession doing, now that the vaccine has been proven to be a colossal fail. Early on in the pandemic, Dr. Peter McCullough was in a video with you, Dr. Malone (at least I believe it was you!), discussing mRNA technology and vaccine mandates, and I distinctly remember Dr. McCullough saying, "They're going to be so embarrassed when their vaccine doesn't work."

After being personally maligned for refusing the vaxx (and even losing a lifelong friend, who suffered greatly from CNN poisoning and Rachel MadCow Disease--who basically told me what I could and could not talk about with her--she believed in "Science," she told me, though she could give me none!), I took a bit of comfort in knowing I'd be vindicated when she saw herself that it didn't work), it never occurred to me that rather than admit the vaccine is ineffective in preventing and transmitting Covid, they'd simply say that the "efficacy wanes in 4 months, and people need boosters." The husband of my bank officer (who's actually quite brilliant) was undergoing chemo when the shelter at home happened. He was fully vaxxed and boosted, but became deathly ill from Covid and had to go in the hospital. He nearly died, and probably what saved him was the fact that his wife refused to let them put him on a ventilator. I expected the bank officer to see what *I* saw, that the vaccine is a failure at preventing Covid infection, but no, she bought the "party line"; the old "flu shot" mantra. She told me his doctor said "Without the vaccine, it would have been SO MUCH WORSE!" (???)

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Love how the first one cartoon pulls Disney into this horror?! Well done. 🇺🇸

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Snow White flipping the bird - I'm sending it to everyone.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another 200 percenter! Thanks so much for brightening the day! My favs are Clarence Thomas, the family gardening and the new virus smoke. Terrific collection! All the more appreciated as you are beginning your travels.

Good health, safe travels and well earned continuing success. Will be watching what you can offer from the home front and appreciating every moment of it!

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hahaha - thanks for the sanity booster!!

Heard you on the Highwire, have fun at Freedom Fest!

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I literally laughed out loud at Snow White & the witch! THANK YOU ... I so look forward to these brillo creations.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, a special gratitude for Russell Brand video on the GLOBALIST billionaire land grab.

It was a brilliant conversation to layout the reason for Farmer Rebellion globally.

With our oil reserves going to China, one senses a treason to leave the Citizens of USA without, and with the efforts to increase taxes. Not buying into the mid-term viruses. #voter-integrity and preservation of our wonderful Constitution.!

Wishing you and your family a relaxing weekend.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The woman interviewed had a lot of valuable information! Russell fell several steps incredibility for me when he had on the Bernie Sanders speech writer a week or so ago and in no way confronted him when he tried to state that those who don't get the vaccination are just ignorant. Also the rumble video was the wrong link which I don't think is up yet on Russell's channel, but below is the video on rumble of the Russell interview, just not from his official channel:


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