Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for getting this out: as usual, some great gems and adds some levity to the dark challenges we deal with each day.. Also, glad your health is improving. Nothing is more important than good health.

Have a great weekend!

Danny Huckabee

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wonderful funnies and wonderful news. Low carb is definitely the way to go. I still feel great sadness that I didn't know about low carb back when I was practicing medicine. The dietary guidelines are just another example of regulatory capture that results in great harm to the unaware populace.

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And the newest guidelines list Cheerios at the top and meat and eggs at the bottom to be avoided. It’s like we can’t find the truth and follow it!!! First they make you sick. And then they get you on the Pharmaceutical train.

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Just turn the food pyramid and all the Gov’t propaganda advice upside down. Then you’ll know what do do.

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Yes, and once we see it, we will never unsee it.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

I think they want to make you eat fake meat, etc. and are killing off the chickens.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good you're taking time to take care of yourself.

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Great news on your check up! I got my own favorite specialist doctor to go on the flccc protocol about 18 months or so ago (long Covid symptoms plus was "vaccinated" like most docs early on). I didn't think that this double-MD-specialist and absolutely brilliant doctor would REALLY listen to me (who am I?)... but I found out just a few months ago he actually did do what I recommended back then and it helped immensely. When boosters rolled out I whispered (begged) him "don't get any more shots, please!" I found out much later he didn't. Thank God. Since then it appears he's fully aware of and keeping up with the adverse events from the jab. We don't have time to talk much about it and have to be very quiet about it - but I thank God he chose to listen and obviously read some things I emailed him to his personal email address.

I'm saying this for readers - even if you only help open the eyes of one person, it matters. It matters. It makes a difference. Never give up!

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I ask every masked medical person why the hell that are wearing that thing when we all know it doesn’t work. They all say they have to. I tell them it makes them look like fools not to be trusted and they should fight back. Some walk off and I never see the again. The others just laugh. I’m old enough I can get away with saying whatever I want

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You're telling my story exactly Barbara Lee! I get my docs to drop their mask when in the private room. I can't here them with the mast on and I say so. I also drop my below my nose and they could care less. It's all for show and they know that we know that they know it.

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Mar 10, 2023·edited Mar 11, 2023

Shelley, I went to the dentist the other day and didn't put the mask on. I was the only one in the waiting room or working with no mask. No one said anything. When I was to leave the hygienist said ; do you have a mask? I said no, then she asked if I would put one on to leave, I said, "I don't wear masks" She said she didn't want to get in trouble, but she didn't care. I told her I was probably more at risk being there than she. No mask and I left after paying. No problem. ( I should clarify, I was more at risk from them, than they were from me!)

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Taking a stand feels pretty darn gone good! I wish more people would do it.

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Let me tell you a true story. I am partially deaf. I went to a pulmonary specialist in a large medical facility here a couple months ago. I asked the nurse to remove her mask because I couldn't understand her and needed to read her lips, which she was happy to do. Afterwards the doctor came in and started talking, I couldn't understand a word and, added to it, he had a strong foreign accent, so I asked him to remove his mask and he refused. I told him I couldn't understand and needed to read lips. He refused. I asked if they had a clear shield he could use. Finally, I looked him in the eye and said as nice as I could "do you want to be sued? It's the law to remove it when a person has to read lips." I even told him he could just write everything down if he wouldn't remove the mask. He refused. I could tell he was angry and at the last second I remembered a new app I had downloaded but hadn't tried yet that might help (speech to text) and offered to try that. Keep in my mind I had my mask on the whole time because they require it. Well he stormed out of the room saying (something?). The nurse soon poked her head around the corner and pulled her mask down to say something and I said "he's refusing to see me isn't he?" She looked sorry and said yes. I laughed and said I figured as much. So I left. I mulled it over a couple days and finally decided to file a complaint with the medical facility's compliance dept. which I could do by email. I received a call a couple days later from the report and the woman was very concerned about what happened, truly (as we also spoke off the record about some things I have reason to believe her). I told her not to bother to get back with me after her investigation or whatever because having been in mgmt myself I knew there would be nothing she could tell me but I would ask just two things from her - and she agreed - and that was to be sure that doctor 1) knew that I could've sued the pants off him and I would've won and 2) in the future when this situation comes up he should treat the patient with some respect and at the very least offer to reschedule with another doctor or have a nurse who isn't afraid to remove their mask come into the room to help.

The doctor is lucky I don't believe in lawsuits. But so is Starbucks, Kroger, Home Depot and a couple other places that not only refused to lower their masks but some said their headquarters would fire them if they pulled it down.

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The story also tells you that these lecture attending 'physicians' are as indoctrinated as they are stupid. A man can know a lot of things, but it requires wisdom to use all those things intelligently. These men/women may 'know' a lot, but that has not made them 'smart'.

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That's true for everyone. I think they just want to keep their job.

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Yes! They don't look beyond their immediate employment/paycheck. It boils down to money or humanity, money or humanity. If one aspires to possess much, you will possessed by your desires.

Considering that this brief beginning of eternity is but a moment compared to the rest of our existence, one would think we would live more courageously; aware that our ethics and nobility are more important than our possessions/status/curb appeal...you may wear the costume of a doctor, academian, or soldier, but there we shall all stand 'naked' before the Lord. I think I'd rather shed the costume and stand naked, in the Godly sense, now.

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Well, I just learned a few things from you! I was in the hospital with a pulmonary issue about this time last year. Two docs came in and sat in chairs about 10 feet away from the foot of my bed (as close to the wall as they could get). I said I can't understand you, it’s my hearing. Can you drop your masks, that would help. They both did but I did not understand everything since they were so far away. I left it at that. The next day a different doc with a heavy accent came in and would not remove his mask and kept talking. I saw a nurse walk by and said loudly nurse, can you come tell me what the doc is saying. She came in smiling and repeated the fact that I was being released and would be given a prescription all while having her masked face right next to head. I had no mask on. All the nurses were really good about pulling their masks down when talking with me (when there was no doc around). Even if I had known what you know, I would not have done anything different. I’m not very combative and never mess with a cook….or doc.

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I am not generally combative and I hate when people "play the (disability) card" but 3 years of this with the masks - and now, particularly knowing they do basically nothing, I'm so so so far past fed up there isn't a word for it. If a doctor is so dang scared he'll get sick that he won't remove his mask or wear a clear shield he should quit seeing patients. 😡

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

I wear hearing aids, and it is very difficult for me with masks. First, wearing a mask and glasses and hearing aids puts me at risk of losing them. Second, I miss about a third of what my doctor says because his voice is muffled and I can't see lips, though not an official lip reader, it's part of the process. I tell each person I encounter from the desk to the doctor that they need to speak slowly and clearly because of the masks and me not wearing hearing aids. I've tried to wear them, but each time nearly lost them at some point in the visit, various straps are no better. I have smaller than average ears, so others may not have this issue. But still!

In my last visit I told my doctor that masks couldn't work, that I'm a long time woodworker, I know a lot about them from experience and if N-95's don't keep sawdust out completely (they don't) how can they keep out a virus. He listened attentively at least.

This raises my blood pressure to think about, so probably responsible for my white coat hypertension. :)

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I used to do a lot of woodworking. Finally had to replace my contacts with glasses because of the fine dust! I keep thinking at some point the mask madness will be over. I'm beginning to think it won't happen while I'm still alive. The doctors know this is wrong. I wonder if they feel more comfortable behind a mask at this point.

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Excellent work, fellow dissenter♥️

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Ha! Nice one! I told my overweight and under-exercised doc she looked terrible and to stop threatening me with death…

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I wonder if your doc advises patients to lose weight.

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If so, she needs to heed “physician heal thyself”.

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My nurse practitioner actually told me a few years ago that she would live longer than I would. Something about getting really sick and having enough body reserve to weather it! She's about 5 foot and I'm guessing 300 lbs. I was complaining about my feet hurting (I weigh 95 lbs). She said she's had hers operated on several times. She told me to cut back on starches. I had to look up starches on the internet. So okay, I switched from sub rolls to low carb bread.

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Unfortunately it is a rule in hospitals where I live. And nurses I know have to have their jobs.

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If she knows, I wonder if she has tried to get other duties? Giving remdesivir once knowing it was just making hospitals rich got more difficult. I stopped the treatment once the labs showed a change in liver or kidneys and tried to educate those around me to always check labs before administering.

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So you want them to be written up and possibly lose their job? I occasionally see one or two surgeons come on our floor to round and they are not wearing a mask and carrying a cup of coffee just like the old days. I laugh inside. If the nurses do it and get caught we will be written up. I don't make anyone wear a mask in their room, but I would like to build up my retirement for a few more years so go ahead and make fun of me.

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I want us all to stand up, have the courage to speak the truth, to push the bureaucrats out of power and reclaim their rightful role as the LEADERS in our health care. And if fired open a clinic in an empty store front and have ALL of us show up and pay cash. F*** insurance companies , the CSC, the WHO. We need to disempower them. These bullies only live because we are weak!!

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RNs who are not NPs or other advanced certifications can't open up a clinic. And in this land of freedom it isn't right for you to decide what others must do, right? It goes both ways. You don't get to tell me I have to be fired to show I'm sticking it to the man. I didn't get vaccinated and have tried to educate co-workers, I've gone to rallies, I've given money to support efforts. Me wearing a mask doesn't hurt you. I'm a unicorn and a thorn in the side of the Director, but you think it would be a good idea that the only unicorn gets fired?

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My comments were not meant to be directed at any one person but to all of us in general. Nurses can’t open clinics. But doctors can and some are choosing to step out and be independent. I’m sorry my words made it feel personal. I also wear a mask if I’m asked to. But I also point out how stupid it is. At some point everyone being passive aggressive will wear down the bureaucrats. They can’t herd a nation of cats so to speak. Only people with cats will understand 😬

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"Land of the free, home of the brave" is being rewritten to "Land of the compliant, home of the incarcerated defiant".

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And have doctors reclaim...

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It is wrong to mock or judge anyone doing what they can to survive this insanity. Anyone who tries to stand up alone will be crushed -- and for what? (Prisoner’s dilemma.) The only solution is coordinated, large scale, group-level defiance.

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Defiance by one person can inspire a thousand. But it takes the skills of the uniquely outcast few among us, those who refuse to cow-tow to any illegitimate authority.

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I tried to get my small animal veterinarian to forgo another jab but his wife had already made their appointment. Later I sad I was glad he was still standing. He just smiled....

The man I get my hay from thought highly of the gene therapy jabs when they came out. Now he is no longer able to load his hay into my pickup bed. My son unloads my hay and now has to load it too..

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Those who haven't seen or heard from the ones who have suffered find the truth hard to swallow still. And there are some who had no ill effects, my husband is one (but whether that lack of problems was something genetic, the dose itself, or a result of prayer is a matter of opinion. Mine is the latter.) That "still, small voice" told me don't get the shot just watch awhile, but I couldn't talk my husband out of it at the time - mainly because he was sick and tired of wearing a mask everyday and wanted to do away with it. I was able to talk him out of the boosters though 🙏🙌🏻, by then he had figured out that I spent hundreds of hours studying stuff on it and knew what I was talking about - even if his pulmonary doctor told him "ivermectin works on horses" 😔. The struggle for those who haven't actually seen the problems and aren't avid readers or armchair researchers is still very difficult. But we have hope as voices like the Drs. Malone and others are reaching more and more people and many are beginning to question all these sudden death events too. It's even harder for doctors, any kind, because (as Dr. Malone has so clearly written about) the truth turns their entire world, education and beliefs in the medical system, upside down.

It is sad to see those like your hay man who have suffered. Maybe you could print out the FLCCC recovery protocol and give it to him. It's never too late to try.

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Just like my youngest brother who did not acknowledge the FLCCC link I sent, my hay man does not acknowledge his lack of strength and stamina to be associated with the jabs. In these instances, it’s not about the truth is hard to swallow or some struggle. This brother has claimed in the past to be intellectually capable of discerning the truth, and my hay guy told my why he got the jabs. He used to get the flu every year until he took a flu shot. Obviously high on government's goodness.

So many people have been prepped and warned for years that they firmly believe that there are those citizens [us] who have laid aside common sense for one reason or another and live in a world of distrust, especially when it comes to their government. So, they have no reason to believe anything those on the ‘fringe’ of society have to say. And, they don’t even recognize the conflicts when even the jab makers and the government eventually say the gene therapeutic they willing took neither prevents getting or spreading the virus or that natural immunity is more affective. There must be some solace in continuing to believe even known lies. My brother had Covid in September 2020 and jumped at the chance in February 2021 to get jabbed and he did not stop with one. BTW, he thinks I’m a flat-earther. My nurse practitioner had Covid prior to getting jabbed over and over again. The clinic she works at was rarely open last year because, according to another employee, this NP is rarely able to come to work. I guess you could say this still upsets me, this foolishness.

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So sad. The frustration on this side is very real. We just continue to pray that more truth is exposed and the blind eyes will see. 🙏🏻

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Government: It's the problem to the solution.

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Good one. It's also the problem.

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I sent the flccc protocol link to a dear friend who is "vaccine and mask positive." My heart is broken that she just ignored it and doesn't want to think about it, since both she and her husband have serious conditions that I'm pretty sure are the result of the jabs, since they get all the jabs and wear masks all the time.

Neither of them is stupid, but both are victims of a psyop campaign, both where they live and where they read news. She's never been rude or pushy about my statements that I won't get any more after my own injury. We've always agreed to disagree and stayed friends for many years. I'm pre-grieving the possible loss of friends like her and family.

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" I found out much later he didn't." - where were you in the meantime?

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I don't see the doctor every day obviously and don't always have the opportunity to discuss his personal business when I do see him. So I didn't know until it just came up one day in another discussion about the shots.

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Thinking about all these train derailments happening now. Back in December, Biden blocked the railway workers from going on strike for their grievances. Is anyone exploring the connection?

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They are all too busy blaming Trump to notice what Biden is doing lol

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The answer to all the questions is "orange man bad." Funny but not.

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Wonderful funnies but even better to hear your excellent health news! Stay well Doc you are a gem! YOU ARE SO APPRECIATED AND RESPECTED!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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I'm thankful to hear that you're doing well in the health department. We need you.

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Thanks for the grins. Good luck on your blood results. I predict they will be stellar. The low carb thing works so well, I understand why the government and Pharma Industrial Complex never, ever tell people to do it... Bad for (their) business!!

Have a great weekend!

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I've been intermittent fasting for about three months now. I've lost a little weight and trust I will lose more as I continue; hopefully to get back to where I was before the stress of covid led to my weight gain.

For your reading enjoyment, check out this substack by Naomi Wolf. She's been aware for a long time about the propaganda around all things covid, but now realizes she was lied to about January 6. Classic liberals have been left high and dry by the totalitarians. https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/dear-conservatives-i-am-sorry?fbclid=IwAR2hIQtYr6lKVR56SHhL5uXor_UupXUfiridTwvHTDxTfqv8i3ASQ-pk7-4

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I refer to it as "giving my stomach the day off". It also helps to say "I'm giving my stomach the morning off" when offered something I truly do not want to eat...

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I sent the Thomas Sowell quote to our local Provincial Government. They promised to study it carefully and get back to me. They thought they would forward it to a local University ( providing them with a huge Grant ) to study the matter. Should take a year or so for results ( if ever ). LOL

Thanks !

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Crap, I had an omelet this morning.

I wonder if it's too late to schedule an anti omelet booster?

And Mr. Malone, I am so stoked to see you working hard to remain among us til the bitter end... or the exciting redemption...'tho I think both will be the same event.

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God bless you Dr. Malone! I pray your blood tests are perfect! Thank you and Jill for being so strong!

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Oh dear Dr. Malone...you've got some groaners in there today!

...But they made me smile and I look forward to Fridays and Sundays for more. Thank you.

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Mar 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In Tahoe, we shovel snow all day in between bouts of heavy drinking and big plates of potatoes and pot roast.

Thanks for the funnies—I always look forward to them! Glad your blood pressure is under control, Doc♥️ More whiskey!

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wanted to say thank you for the berberine advice. I think it works. Thought I might share, glad to hear you are well. I took your advice regarding berberine, had an appointment this am with the doc tore,I've a couple stitches, blood pressure is 120 over 70. Been taking since a day after you brought it up. I always had rather low 90/60 most of my life, until my bride got sick. It must have affected me some because I'm on a low dose of amlodipine. And it's been 160/75 for a while with that. Now I'm down in a safe range, I think the berberine helped. Ty!

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Congrats on the health improvements. God knows we all need a healthy Dr. Malone.

When did the oath to swear democrats into office change from upholding the US constitution to let’s skip the first couple amendments in the bill of rights, especially the 1st one??? J.Goodrich

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When democrats switched to being progressives who despise our Constitution and have for all their existence.

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God knows we all need a healthy Dr. Malone. "

For sure and am not above reminding about that! :)

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