Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Friday from Paris, France ! Love these - the one with the spider in its web ? The horrible thing is that they are all true. Things are getting really out of hand. November can not come faster - I'm just afraid they do something to cancel the election because we see they will stop at NOTHING. These people have no souls, it's scary to see. Thank you Robert and Jill for fighting this fight.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s my fear too! All of these today are true. Normally I’d laugh but today they just made me want to cry! It’s so out of hand!

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Just get your mind right to endure whatever happens. Dispense with hope for a rescue and plan on adapting to the reality of the situation and doing what needs to be done to endure. Better to brace for it now and prepare for the worst then to put yourself in a mindset that will only increase the level of despair when all hope is lost. We are here, in this moment, accept it, put on your armor and do what you have to do to overcome. You'll be fine, as long as you do not give up.

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Definitely not giving up! I come from a long line of Survivors! 👍

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Way to go CB! Love your grit!

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Thx John!

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I sure hope so! Many still have no idea of all the things really happening. They know rising prices but doubt they fully see we’re already living tyrannical leadership.

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I see it! And you are exactly right cheryl B., I wish we could sit and have a gin and tonic and discuss all the things we should be doing to prepare. I like the way you think.

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Thx again! Yeah I wish we could all meet. What an evening or day that would be!

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That would be a glorious day! Maybe Dr. Malone will read that and make the arrangements...before the world ends.[kidding...kinda']

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Were you there for 2020? The best outcome you can hope for is that RINOs take control and lull you back into the illusion of victory. McConnell is still in control, McCarthy is still in control, the five to six member RINO swing vote on all issues will still be intact. The swamp uniparty will still be marching us toward the agreed upon outcomes. But I don't think you have to worry about the slow boil of the frog anymore. All indications are that they (the enemy within) know they have a lock on 2023. That's why they are being so blatant about destroying the economy, raiding the treasury and going scorched earth on all our traditional underpinnings. They are confident there is nothing we the people can do to stop them. This would be a good time to stop whistling past the graveyard because once we get past the graveyard...there is another graveyard, and another, and another...and their intention is to fill every one of them, with us.

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Note the masked fly in the one with the spider.........

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There will be a train wreck before the mid terms...count on it. They have already wired the trestle with the necessary pyrotechnics and they will detonate the payload by or before November. There will be no significant change in the momentum toward collapse.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Peter Navarro is arrested in public taking the DOJ/FBI embarrassment factor up a notch since the Roger Stone early morning SWAT raid of peaceful old men wasn’t bad enough. The absurdity of our governments attempts to vilify their political enemies is only exceeded by the extreme danger to us all. Be careful Dr Malone they obviously will make up any justification needed to punish all of us one at a time.

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Why we must defeat fear as a first resort in this.

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Our societies dilemma is the centralization of economic existence through electricity and data gathering. Electricity is essential for life as much as air and water, without it there is nothing in our modern world. The government has access to all our finances, and data on all our physical movement. All it takes is the flip of a switch and you are poor and stranded. The never before capability to pinpoint individuals and identify a violation or concoct one in near real time makes us prisoners of their oversight. This is the real thing we should be fearful of not COVID, gas prices, inflation, transphobia, Russia, China, CRT, racism, oh and the death of comedy.

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Yes our current civilization is set up to fail. But all civilizations before this have fallen also. Many false promises made in all these and the eventual rise of a tyrannical ruling class.

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If you are a jeopardy contestant...you must rephrase this in the form of a question ;-) Hah! Or as Yoda would. (just a bit o humor on a Fab Friday KW)

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Unfortunately the FBI has proven it is just the muscle for the criminal politicians destroying the country. The same applies to the DOJ and CIA. I used to excuse the rank and file as being "reluctant messengers" tasked with unsavory duties in many of these scandalously orchestrated apprehensions, but now I have come to realize it is they who carry out the unconstitutional orders. They are the ones rousting harmless people out of their sleep or accosting them in public venues to amplify the effect. They are the ones notifying leftwing media outlets before they perform their treachery. They are the ones intruding on privacy with illegal warrants...or none at all. They are the ones "just doing their job" at the expense of those being politically persecuted. They are the ones bullying and trampling on peoples rights to advance their career goals in a corrupt, immoral culture of lecherous political domination. It has occurred to me that you don't get promoted in that environment without first showing a willingness...or even a lustful exuberance, to disregard your oath and do the master's bidding. They should be ashamed of themselves.

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How anyone could make excuses for the rank and file who have shown their past criminality ala Whitey Bolger who even had him executed is beyond me. Those at the top are on video lying to congress with no repercussions.

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Yep, they are rotten from the top down...a culture of corruption.

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It will be us not Robert. You be careful.

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It’s all of us!

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It is. 100% of our grandkids. Everyone's grandkids including the conspirators' grandkids.

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Yea.. we should all pay attention.. yes.. I am sure Robert knows.. but we all love him and wife.. I agree..

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no too worry: Peter Nararro, worked directly for Donald Trump.

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Outstanding! If Dilbert is waking up without censorship- there's hope! Thank you for all you do!

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Terrific but tragic humor. I especially love the game show slide!

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Terrific actually describes it well.. I have always thought about the root word for "terrific" so I used it carefully. I agree.

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Comedy is on life support and ventilators and “Run-death-is-near” is their prescription.

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy Friday! Today while getting my nails done I was speaking with a lovely woman sitting next to me having her nails done as well. And of course COVID was one of the topics we chatted about. I said I try to become as educated on the topic as I can. And said: I follow Dr. Robert Malone. And she replied: So DO I!

Much ❤️ to you and your wife Dr. Malone! There are more of us dedicated to your voice and genius than you know!

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this comic relief. I look forward to them every Friday. Though comical they tell the real truth. Have a great day. It is finally warming up in Idaho until next week when we have 2 days of upper 50,s and lows in the mid 30’s. Weather control?

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the one with women getting her brain mixed with TV. That is so correct!

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Thank you, Dr. Malone! I thought this short write up in the Federalist regarding the show trial was good one. https://thefederalist.com/2022/06/10/the-j6-inquisition-is-an-obvious-soviet-style-show-trial/

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Thanks so much for this link. It's a great assessment of this event proving beyond a doubt we're living in a fascist, kleptocratic Corporatocracy.

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I also like the Federalist and will post that. I am so done with the Show trial: except for WHO is paying for the SHOW? and is it even legal? that was brought up? it is not legal for taxpayers to pay for a "MADE DOCU DRAMA" for one side of the aisle. I think that should be revealed before MILLIONS are spent on the "dust up" on Jan6

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Jun 10, 2022·edited Jun 10, 2022

Nothing going on is either Constitutional or according to procedures... it's all a distraction from the real show which is the implosion of our economy and our way of life. Put your trust in Jesus, we're only passing through this life.

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what a great answer: in fact I did spend the day reading the Bible.. specifically the place where He raised Lazarus from the dead and then reviewing Jubilees in Leviticus. I love spending my day reading the Bible and reading about Jesus is always refreshing.. always. Thanks.. have a wonderful TGIF. and a distraction from the WORD OF GOD!

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I’m Jewish, but I am sure as heck putting my trust in God! It’s all one big distraction. Here we are paying for this crap while prices rise on everything, almost a hundred thousand or more crossing our borders each month with many being serious criminals. They want to take our guns away at a time when there will be more crime especially robbing and killing people for a few bucks. During the last times like this my Uncle in Toronto was killed all for $5! Babies are going without needed formula - here in the USA of all places. I can’t believe this all happening some days

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I agree and wondered same thing last night. I have a feeling we the taxpayers unknowingly are funding this charade!

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Excellent article! I saw one clip of last night and was beyond disgusted! I hope people are starting to see through this BS

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the redirection! Your Friday and Sunday Funnies are a help. Long week, despite positives has left me aiming for an non illegitimi carborundum state. Added some yard cleanup and am greatly looking forward to Epoch TV tomorrow at 6. Take care out there. The torch people are armed and inflamed!

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Jun 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sooooooooooooooo good. Again, millions of words cannot compete with the truth in Friday Fonies!

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Happy Friday from Nashville! Time we all showed up in boots. Thanks for the Friday comic relief!


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Thanks for that ! great song

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Believe soundtracks, playlists are our very best defense agains the dystopian narratives.

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I lost all my respect for Scott Adams after this:


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There are many angry, small-minded, rank-opportunist, predators out there looking to capitalize on this crisis. We must be beware of them.

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Love the funnies…as Rush always said, Comedy needs to a have at least a hint of truth…the Babylon Bee has taken biden* administration policies and pronouncements to basically present the Truth…it’s humorous because the Leftist’s narratives are so crazy that it comes off as PARODY, instead of just straight news…

JP is GREAT at that…absolutely truth masquerading as parody because they ARE a parody…

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I am so far behind.. I look forward to the Friday funnies.. it is now Wednesday.. and I now cannot figure out how I paid for the subscriptions. zzzzz :) good stuff

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