May 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Woo hoo! A Friday highlight, thank you!

Speaking of lies, the most pernicious for a while has been the law of merited impossibility, applying to Covid totalitarianism and childhood castration equally: “It will never happen, and when it does, you bigots will deserve it.”

Please don’t miss my article in the Federalist today about how we’ve finally figured out a way to defeat it: by banning the impossible!

Confused? Check it out, it makes sense and it works!


“Don’t wait for the Law of Merited Impossibility to strike near and dear to home. Take action now, work to get your legislators to enact a Law Against Imaginary Dangers, and watch the thing that is not happening finally, at long last, stop actually happening.”

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Paxton msy be the best state AG in the nation so it is hardly a,surprise the Texas House is to have a vote to impeach him. His alleged crime is a complaint by former dem attorneys in his office that has been investigated and dismissed previously. His real crime was calling for impeachment of dave phelan, the rino head of the House who has successfully stymied conservative legislation for the last 2 legislative sessions. Paxton called for his impeachment after phelan appeared to be seriously impared by drink during a session. As I have long expected, the obvious majority of so-called republicans in the house lean a lot further left than they indicate when running for office, and need phelan like drunks their next drink. They are feveriously trying to protect him

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The Texas House is made up of 86 Republicans and 64 Democrats. It appears that Phelan is the only person that can meet what appears to be a 60% vote threshold. The dumpster outside of AG Paxton’s office was set on fire Wednesday. There has been a hectic move by the Dems to make TX blue ever since it turned red, which was not that long ago in the scheme of things. Their Party has been using election fraud since 2016 to reach enough House Dems to get someone like Phelan in charge. Even LT Gov Patrick selects Dems has committee chairs. The antics the Dems use is stunning. They escaped the state during legislative session more than twice. The Biden admin hit TX big with its purposefully distorted 2020 census data. Off course they will protect him. He was elected 143-3. It’s a corrupted system.

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I understand that Patrick reappointed a single dem chair who was slated to leave early in the session and would be replaced by a rep. Phelan is the 3rd rep speaker in a row who came in with dem support gained by promising them powerful committee chairs that could be used effectively to block conservatives. And as I said there are obviously plenty of fellow traveler rinos who get there promising to support the conservative slate we vote for only to install a phelan

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With the House only needing a majority, the 121 yea votes mean about 2/3 of the GOP members voted to oust him. My calculation on the Senate side, which takes 2/3 voting no, is not a given because all 19 professed GOP members will have to vote no. This is one of the worse things for not only TX but the country.

There must be a big flow of $ behind this, outside of even the $$ from Charles Butt.

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Color me not surprised. Have said for years rinos rules the house. Now maybe we will find our which rep. senators are really conservatives. They have passed lots of conservative bills knowing only those not noxious to the dems will pass the house. Now is fish or cut bait time. Interesting how the press hammers the "fact" of the f.b.i. investigating him. Nowhere do they point out the same goons investigating soccer moms.

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Press has its marching orders. When money is involved it bring goons out from under rocks and even some decent people are persuaded to join the fray, lest they get accused of something also. The Dem have money to burn and then some. The state of Texas must be theirs again and anyone standing in their way will go through hell. Looking at the federal level is the example they are following.

I have the list of member votes put it is a picture I can't post here. I will post on the notes page if I can figure out how to get there.

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While I'm not conversant with the current scuffle, it does remind me of the bizarre doings when Perry went to fire the drunken judge (was it). Was filing against Biden a bridge too far? Hope Paxton will be able to command this situation!

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I just read it. Excellent!

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Forgot it was FRIDAY!!! I can see why the debt can about to crush the child is first. Like why our first amendment is first. I wanted to mention some odd worrisome things that have happened recently that may be the prelude of things to come like the can crushing the child. The government just handed out 50 satellite phones to 50 senators, China just hacked critical American military infrastructure in Guam, China in early April steps up military exercises around Taiwan, hundreds of Chinese nationals are crossing our wide open border every day, a Chinese spy balloon was allowed to cross the entire US unimpeded while transmitting data back to Beijing of many of our most critical military facilities. Not to be a conspiracy theorist but I think it’s a good idea to be prepared for something bad is about to happen. J.Goodrich

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Yup it's gonna be a wing-ding.....a summer smoker underground!

It's just a dug out that my dad built....in case the Reds decide to push the button down!

We've got provisions, and lots of beer.

The key word is survival on the New Frontier!

Donald Fagen /Steelydan

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When I was young in Thousand Oaks, CA our neighbors had an underground shelter put in. He was a college prof. We were taught in school how to hunker down under our little wooden desk tops attached to our chairs. It seems to make people feel better to have an action plan in place in response to a threat that can evaporate you.

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At my house, I bought from my family, there’s a concrete bombshell shelter in the basement, walls ceiling and floor. When I tell neighbors their amazed…

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Less than a mile from me is a cute 2 story white farm house renovated inside and out. Jutting out from a very small single-story add-on at the back corner is a 4-5' wide, 10' long. 3' high structure of rocks with a black stovepipe exiting the top. Most Midwest older properties have cellars for food storage that also at as a shelter. This is either a very elaborate cell or something else.

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My parents had the house built and wanted the bomb shelter.

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I take it they reacted to the times, in hopes of a 'leg up' on any catastrophe. The urge for self-preservation is a strong motivator for action but not necessarily for clarity of thought. You were blessed with protective parents.

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there are some folks that revealed on their death beds that an ICBM missile launch cycle was initiated and one touch of a button was all that mattered for cyclonic atomic storm. Phew!

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I'm referring to retired Pentagon insiders from the mid 60s -70s Nukers.

Who have passed away but not before telling some secrets witnessed.

We were closer to flash frying the Soviets than was told as truth by the Pentagon. Silos were opened to the sky. Fingers ready on those buttons,

Whew.....cooler heads prevailed. That possibility is still wide open as this Biden Admin has Pentagon Brass Chiefs have a script and a theater of nuke operations poised on a big screen TV in a briefing room wall. Insanity never sleeps. It just builds a deeper bunker. Nuke War is insanity. Books written.

One can only wonder if the Soviets at a moment in time had done the same.

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Maybe why our fingers on the buttons. The russian disregard for life (human wave warfare) always made that all too possible

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Thank you for adding the meat with your previous potatoes Randall! I do remember reading a few articles that mentioned just that. Most adults at the time agreed with Micheal's assessment re: the Russians. It was never going to be the US.

Obama scrubbed the military heads over the missile sights and the bunker in CO. Put his own guys in. It's been reported that the missiles are most likely defunct after all these years. Chances of blowing up their own silos is not zero. One of the great movies - War Games had a line in the original movie that was taken out of the TV version "I would piss on a spark plug if I thought it would do any good."

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WHO just finished its Geneva meeting last week. One participant was very vocal about having a simulation this Fall to test its 300 amendments to make sure they haven't missed something. Can't fail the next world emergency.

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I also heard in the amendments include the decriminalization of pedafelia. Doesn’t that make sense…

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It is so sick!!

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They can all pound sand.

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James, why bomb us when they are doing a bang-up good job of attrition. Another 4 yrs of the Irish mafia in our house, led by a "don" who needs verbal instructions for zipping his fly and just where will we be?

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I was thinking they will invade Taiwan, which will trigger a response from us, then with all of their intelligence from Biden’s Balloon all of the Peoples Liberation Army soldiers that he’s welcomed in can create Havoc for our military bases. God knows who else is in our country with God knows what type of bombs. We will be Screwed.

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I think we would respond through Guam, if we can after they hacked computers on our military bases. I guess we have 3 bases there.

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Dan Bongino was talking about some of these things yesterday, but you've tied together more events. Certainly something to think about and attempt to be prepared for.

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Love Dan and his police/detective spin on things. You don’t get that perspective anywhere else. At least not the way he does it.

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I just wish he'd cut out the vulgarity and profanity. It's gotten worse lately.

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I have noticed that. It’s been like a switch that got turned on in one day.

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There was a good article in The NY Times a couple days ago about the hack including some fbi info on the balloon…

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Not so odd given what has been deliberately revealed these past two years. 'They want us to know and to worry. They want us to panic, to feel overwhelmed. It is all part of the plan. The FBI/CIA/Military have been using the Chinese nationals working and heading departments at the university of Michigan since 2005 to form a surveillance state right here. They were also used to build the military overseas voting system so it could be rigged. I monitor two other substacks that have the goods on these things - outright receipts.

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Amazing how our own government has turned against the people.

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In our minds, yes. And in many other minds refusal to believe is strong.

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For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?Mark… love this quote.

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May 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All of the funnies are great and important issues of our time. One that sticks out ( I’m sure it is because I am a mommy first) is the 5 year old child. What kind of sex your having is your business not mine . I don’t care to hear it. Keep the children out of this.

Mr Oliver nailed it! Back in the 60’s and 70’s there was always a worry about population explosion. We can’t sustain the planet. Hogwash! Then Mr Gire and his green house effect . Oh wait that didn’t work, so let’s call it climate change.

Have a great Memorial weekend. Drive safely . Decorate your family graves. I’m going camping with my family. Enjoy the outdoors. ❤️

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Wear protective clothing and check for ticks, they’re really bad this year.

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We are clamping it in our camp trailer . I’m getting to old to tent camp.

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Those ticks don't care about climate change.

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We have ticks around here but nothing like you describe. Mostly in the sage brush.

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We had a mild winter and a long and early Spring… LOTS of ticks.

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Our winter was loooong and very cold

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I pulled one off of a leg about a month ago and one from a cat's head a couple of weeks ago. Nasty little things that carry Lime disease. We had three weeks of well below zero as a high in early winter which didn't seem to hurt the tick or fly population.

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I think you said you are in Kansas. A little further southwest and should be worrying about ticks and rocky mountain spotted fever. I believe we even have some in west Texas. Not a fun bug to host.

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I've lived on both sides of the eastern border of Kansas about 45 minutes from KC. Currently in MO.

I pulled an embedded tick from an inside thigh while in Salem, OR and eventual went to my doc because my lymph nodes close to that area had swelled. I can't remember what antibiotic she gave me since I am allergic to penicillin.

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I’ve had Lyme for nearly 26 years, I hate the buggers. There are *hot zones* for Lyme, my area is notorious.

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I understand it can be at time be debilitating. I hope by now the docs have figured out how the effects can be managed. Do you live in the East?

I try to keep my yard and pastures mowed at 4 inches as that helps. My cats go into two adjacent fields of neighbors on both sides. That's where they pick up the ticks and I get them on me that way. In fact, I just got in from feeding the horses and pick two ticks off of one cat and one off of another, but they hadn't attached themselves yet. I keep a lighter in the barn office so I burned them. I'm glad these cats are beige, all the better to see.

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Great Friday Funnies! Oliver's GBNews was an excellent addition! The late, great Dr. Michael Crichton pointed out some years ago the global cooling/warming/change hysteria was the greatest fraud and scam ever. Eugyppius, who writes a substack from Germany, has pointed out all the government/business types promoting the destruction of nuclear/carbon based energy sources all have deep financial ties in the "green" technologies they say will save mankind, somehow. As Mr. Oliver observes, if there is a tsunami of rising ocean levels coming, why do they all have multiple beach front estates?

Just like the entire Wuhan virus/pandemic was a giant lie and financial fraud, so to is the global anthropogenic climate change hysteria, and for the most part, by the very same said people and institutions.

Danny Huckabee

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You laugh about the book stores! This is what it's like in Canada! Years ago the big chains like Chapters- Indigo flattened the small, independent booksellers. Try and go into a Chapters- Indigo and buy Dr. Malone's book, or books by Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Peter McCullough or any of those fighting for medical freedom- the books are not there and the only way to get them is from the dreaded globalist corporation Amazon. At least Amazon is doing one thing right!

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Thank you 🙏 ! Loved it all. Especially the rock (gun) analogy. 🪨 📑 ✂️ - All can be forces for good in good 👍 hands 🙌 and deadly ☠️ forces in bad ones.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

Once the shine is off and you see the LIES, you only go back because you actively choose to. I choose truth, in all venues. LOVE the three flag meme! Thanks for bringing my favorite Scotsman back.

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Maybe another flag for France. I just read this today. A first-hand look at "free" European healthcare. Evidently the free comes from a hefty forced automatic donation out of your paycheck. https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/05/25/moving-france-showed-me-true-cost-free-european-health-care-child-care-retirement/

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Indeed, one of my SILs is from France. Btw, we don’t go out often, but just the other day I was pricing out the cost for someplace we wanted to go while visiting the city. There was an automatic surcharge of 20% added to your bill and a city tax rate of 13.75%. I am seeing this more and more. Not everyone can afford to just add another third onto to their bill for a meal.

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Choice ones! Got me laughing. Dementia commercials, Top Fiction and Batman/Robin

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There is the super hero batman and there are the other kind. I serve as a batman for 2 cats.

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I have 3 now. Someone left kittens in a clear plastic container in the ditch next to my drive entrance the first week of June last year. My son found them. I took the smallest with what appeared to be a festered eye to the vets. He determined they were 5 to 6 weeks old. A few hundred $ later and they are fixed/neutered, vaxed and dewormed. These don’t need a superwoman. Cats are the most ruthless predator I know of that tortures their prey. I have a few less mice, voles and moles. And way too many of my deck birds have met the same fate. When I moved here in 2017 my three cats were older, one blind, one deaf. The other would sit in my yard and watch the rabbits and birds. Too old to go after any of them. He was the last to pass away in 2021. I was a superwoman to them.

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Ours are house guests. Both strays who asked to be adopted. Why I'll never know since neither of us had ever had one and knew absolutely nothing about them but there they were. Arrived about 6 yrs apart.

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Perhaps each once belonged to someone. If you never had a cat, when the first one showed up, it wasn't because it could smell a cat had been there. Perhaps with the second that was the case. They have a way of providing a source of calmness when older. Some are more affectionate than others. I once had 5 indoor (old enough not to shred my furniture) that would venture out on occasion and 12 outdoor (barn) cats all at one time. The outdoor ones - all from not fixing one and then not fixing her two female offspring I kept. Wisdom is slow to come for some of us.

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The first one hung around for about a month but kept a safe distance. May have bee interested in bird feeders, maybe our elderly lab made overtures we did not know about. But one day he came up to my wife meowing and that was it. Think abandoned but had been out awhile. X-ray showed 1 shotgun pellet in torso. He cost us a few vet bills til we learned a bit more about cats.

The 2nd cat had been owned by an old man in Houston who had him chipped. He died and wife gave him (why?) to young guy lives about 15-20 miles from us. He worked odd hrs, cat got bored and whoopie, wife was out feeding deer and he came up begging for attention/food. A real cutie so in he came. Lucky for him because about a week later that cold/snow event that killed 250 Texans (and one hell of a lot of cats judging by ferals that went missing). Took him to vet and got above story off the chip. The young guy not too eager to have him back and we are loving him.

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I so love true to life stories about pets. In your case, glad for the cats and glad you two adopted!

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Whats up with the box of cats left outside? We got our cats that way too, someone left a box of cats on the side of the road, someone found them, and now two of them are integral members of the family.

But the origin? Why do people do this. It is very cruel. I can see the trauma in their eyes to this day in their gratitude.

One of them snuggles deep head first into my armpit when I am skunked from a long day. I think the smell reminds her of her mother who she left too soon. It is sweet and heartbreaking at the same time.

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They do it with dogs too. We found 2 6wk. old lab pups in the road when lived in brazoria,co. One was already dead. The other, a female survived and was one of the smartest dogs we ever had. Called her our Aggie 'cause she was quite the engineer.

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Life and its opposites. You got people who would do that, and you got the people who rescue them.

What stinks is you have people out there with pets and don't even have the capacity or will to spay and neuter them.

I really didn't want to spay our female because I just thought how nice it would be for her line to go down, but we can not handle a bunch of cats, so I did it.

And she is happier too. Not all fluxed out every month.

And of course the paradox is we would not have these particular remarkable creatures in our life if it were not for awful inhumane people.

I hope the next world makes more sense.

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Blessed be the adopters.

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Compassion only goes so far I guess. Whoever left the three in the container in the rain by my driveway I want to think did not want to but was forced to. Even though just weaned I could tell that someone cuddled them, cared for them. They purred as soon as I touched them knowing the goodness of the previous person. A few decades ago, someone brought a box of kittens in to work she found on the side of the road during winter. Very young and two had a frostbitten ear. I took one home even though I had several outdoor cats that only came in to eat and say hi. They slept in our barn burrowed in the hay. This little orange ball stayed in the house, just cuddle around my neck. It would try to jump off the couch and just crash. Then it started to fetch whatever I threw and bring it back to me. Eventually he was let it out by one of my sons and the neighbor said it got run over.

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An abused cat will remain hesitant their whole life, not always, but usually.

However, cats as we know them, are integrated with humans. They are instinctually aware of humans. Their first instict is to bond with humans as they discover their killer instincts among everything that is not a human.

But a cat that has that bond broken, will not trust a human. But it takes more than one act of cruelty to break that bond.

People will say rescue animals make the best pets, and that is often true, but they have experienced real trauma and they are grateful in spirit to those that rescued them. My childhood dog was not a rescue, and he showed the same level of love, but didn't have that once beaten/abandoned look in his eye.

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My son could not bring himself to have his Dalmation neuter. When my old female dog had to be put to sleep his dog started to wander away. I immediately went to the closest shelter to get a companion dog. I went twice and finally picked out a young female Border Collie/Chow mix who had been abused by a male. It took almost two week to get her home and by that time his dog was gone, never to be seen again. My son used to vacation on long trips to the nation's parks and take his dog with him. The new dog hid whenever a male came on the property, but she adored my two sons, small-framed and not too tall. She was terribly afraid of thunder storms and fireworks. I think it was the noise. I was later alerted to another female BC/Chow that needed a home. She was overly friendly and would at times attack the other dog. Both dogs chased my horses and the more I hollered for them to stop the harder they went at it.

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Of interest. One of my client/friends had a big a/male cat that brought her up young mice from their basement. Alive and intact. She would take them and put them outside. More his trying to be useful than preying on the mice. He was a very loving fellow.

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Perhaps outgrew the embedded instincts or found no use for them. Growing up my family had a cat my mom found under a mack truck in the grocery store parking lot when young. We named him Harvey after Harvey Keen the ball player. He would bring living creatures to the door and meow. We finally learn which meow sound meant I have something to chase around the inside of the house if you just let me in. Rabbit, mouse, gopher, a puppy from the neighbor's dog's new litter. That way we would know to grab him and retrieve whatever he had before he released it in the house. Brothers would bike the creature down the street aways and let it go (accept the puppy was taken back to mom). Now I just have dead things all over the yard and driveway.

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Sad. Used to have 'discussions' with the stable owner re not feeding the cats. Said feeding them caused them to ignore the mice and rats. On the other hand they fed their Jack Russells well, but those pups never hesitated to kill the cats.

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That stable owner should not have even had cats. Jack Russells outshine cats any day when it comes to getting mice and rats. I feed my year-old cats three times a day and they rarely eat what they kill. They throw them around trying to get them to move some more. Even when I think they are dead I see a bird move its head and the cat puts a paw on it. They run and jump after moths, anything that moves. Those they eat. It's how they were wired. My father had a neighbor in the foothills that did not feed his cats for the same reason. They would sneak over to my dad's and eat out our his cat's bowl.

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Frustrating situation! The stable cats never did anything like that. The cats moved in when they built the building. I think the owner despised them from the outset. His lady friend brought in the JRs as a breeding operation. They had Carte Blanche.

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Our big black one used to do that with birds before we house broke him. A couple of times the birds did not survive but several of them did. He is really a gentle giant which the newcomer took 2 yrs to realize and now takes big advantage. The big guy doesn'f seem to mind.

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Fabulous funnies! Thanks Doc for the laughs! We gotta laugh or we’ll 😭😭😭! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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The balance of citizen responsibility for the air, water and soil is different from fear based doom. The direction towards violence as an answer only feeds the overblown need for attention. Certainly taking care of the health of our resources is needed!

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WIN! Major property right victory yesterday. SCOTUS rules in favor of the couple who wanted to build a home on property they owned in 2007. They tried to sue the EPA after it threatened $thousands in daily penalties. Lower courts would not take the case. 2012, SCOTUS said they could sue the EPA. Lower courts would not move their suit. 2023 SCOTUS 9-0 in favor of the couple. The written opinion was 5-4 as the liberals and Kavanaugh provided different reasons for their favorable vote.

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I loved the rock analogy! Always look forward to Friday funnies. Helps to mitigate the insanity around us.

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Wow!...."when I was 5".

You and I must have been great play pals and learning our status as classmates!

Now there is a reminder of brainer brains, cooler heads, and positive results.

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Again, it all fits so well! To get progress our communities need to gather together, with our armaments and have at the cowardly/complicit leaders we elected. A point you made yesterday.

On point again, the full roster. I absolutely did get to be a child. No clues about my teachers or such issues. The little match flame in the darkness is US parents rising to reassert their role. On the other hand eyes open insights and actions on big item (HHS, DOJ, Congressional - electoral malfeasance) issues is still a bare ripple on the surface of the ocean.

It is a weekend to remember all of our countrymen who sacrificed themselves so as to afford us well ordered lives and opportunities our new world afforded us. Let that not go to waste.

Wishing you Great Docs success with your endeavors in AZ.

On to a pleasant weekend. Much caring and bestest ♡

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I believe that a lot of what we're seeing today, in many areas of great concern, started decades ago, when companies, industries, & others with influence were permitted to inundate the average citizen with all manner of advertisements, promotional material and the like until one "opted out" - whether it was junk mail, junk faxes, junk e-mail etc. Once that became an accepted practice, it set the stage for everything else. It is a form of abuse that you are obliged to accept until you "opt out". I am not allowed to physically assault anyone until they "opt out" without being charged with battery. Yet, we are expected to be assaulted in every other capacity until we "opt out". This trend has led to what we are dealing with today, where the assaults are now perverse in nature or downright unhealthy or dangerous, all while we desperately try to "opt out". It was a slippery slope from the beginning. It is no surprise to me as to why we have reached this level of abuse. It is like a game of whack-a-mole on steroids or attempting to plug-up another hole in the dike.

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Perfect funnies to make me laugh thank you

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Lies, damned lies,

...and Democrats.

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... and politicians

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