This is a truly valuable service you provide (among many), Dr. Malone. I’ve started saving my favorites for battles with Covidians. Since they have trouble reading, memes might have a better chance of lobbing some truth over their wall of belligerent ignorance.

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I loved your 'Covidians.' Laughing out loud!

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Good to laugh through it all. Thanks, I look forward to these. Humor is unappreciated by the tyrants.

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Usually I enjoy your Friday Funnies. But the one that mocks Jesus and his sacrifice was a real turn off.

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I had trouble with that one, too.

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Dr. Malone having read so many articles that you wrote I noticed that you have avoided any reference to your own faith over and over again. I am greatly disappointed with your totally disgusting attempt to mock the great sacrifice Jesus made to die so that the entire world would experience His salvation and eternal life with Him. This is NOT funny: rather it is a day for us to meditate on the hope we have in Him especially in this time of great tumult and uncertainty. Regardless of what happens in the world arounds us, we can rejoice and have hope because we are reminded that the sacrifice and Love of God the Father to His created beings including you, Dr. Malone, remains true today for all those who accept His gift and follow Him.

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Dr. Malone has referenced his faith numerous times... I think Jesus would get the humor in the mockery, he did defend prostitutes, you know...

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God has one helluva sense of humor...I hear Him Guffaw every time I plan something. Some folks got waaaay too much time on their hands. Shame it's gotta be filled with a never ending search for an excuse to express a dark heart and attempt to shame a good, self sacrificing man. Think Robert's name isn't on a buncha hitlists???

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Defending prostitutes but not being funny. I am sorry that I mentioned Dr. Malone in my post....otherwise, I have watched and listened to Dr. Malone on various platforms for a long time and truly respect his courage and ethics to stand up for what is right no matter what it costs him. I respect your right to see that post today differently. I never even once heard any reference to faith in all that time...so I am stating fact from my experience, not judgment. Thanks for replying.

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What does modern day crucifixion look like? Not unlike what Dr. Malone and others in his field are going through. I always like to imagine what Jesus would do, get upset over something like this? Thanks for listening.

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He had a meeting with Cdl. Burke at the Vatican, Sept. 2021. And, he's not a catholic. Then there was the post saying, "Saw you and your wife at church" etc.

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Jesus would tell you to pray for him instead of judging him. You certainly won’t bring anyone to Christ using those tactics.

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I simply relayed the facts of his never speaking of his faith.

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To many of us, our faith is a personal matter and in fact, it’s between us and God.

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Yes. At least Malone is getting $5 a month for people to drop this odious nonsense into his feeds 😆 #WINNING 🥇 🏅 🏆

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That is not a fact, you aren't paying close enough attention.

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Suspect it may be a matter of when one joined this community. Arrived just after Rogan and haven't noted any mentions of a specific faith. On the other hand, Dr M lives a life that reflects faith. What more could we need to be privy to?

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I’ve followed Doctor Malone for a couple of years. He has hinted that he is perhaps agnostic. I really don’t care either way but it is a bit of a shock to see this uncharacteristically rude and callous attempt at ‘humor’ on one our most Holy days..

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If your faith is so shallow it can't abide humor that says more about you. Gives me such a big time cramp that the world of opinions should accommodate the self defined sensitivity of every group that can find a reason to be offended.

Grow up, get a REAL PROBLEM.

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If you look at it closer, the comic is not mocking Jesus or anything that happened in history nor in the religion that was created several hundred years later supposedly to honor him, but actually having very little to do with his teachings. This comic is simply mocking the same people who Jesus threw out of gods temple, swearing at them for making his fathers house into a den of vipers. Normally it is people on the right love nailing Jesus back to the cross over and over, more recently it is the left and the pharmaceutical industry, big business… Nobody actually cares about him or his message except the chosen few, and they tend to be very quiet about it.

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Thanks for the explanation: I do not see it however, and neither did many others. In my opinion best to leave it out completely when we who are believers are celebrating the meaning of the Cross and the Resurrection.

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I thought this comic was clever and humorous and I am a Christian. I never understood the term "Good Friday" when I know what occurred on this day so long ago. I weep on this day as I am reminded of the sacrifice Jesus made to save the world of their sins to restore our relationship with God. I weep today but rejoice on Easter Sunday when Jesus Christ is resurrected. God has a great sense of humor. I think He "gets" the cartoon and the insight behind it.

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Why is it called Good Friday?

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Other name for Good Friday is Holy Friday. I don't think it means in any way that the horrific event of Christ's death by crucifixion on this day was a good thing but that the event itself was necessary and fulfilled Biblical prophesy. Without Jesus's death there could be no Resurrection. Because He died in our place, took our sins upon Himself and was resurrected by God the Father we can have eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

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Thank you for that explanation. Happy Good Friday!

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Which Bible? I don't think they called the prophesies "out of the Bible". Jesus was a Jew wasn't he? I only wish he could take a few more"sins". We need another visitation. We would probably kill the Messenger again, don't you think?

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It was uncharacteristically rude and condescending… I have always respected Doctor Malone but I seriously doubt he would do the same for any other religion on one of their holy days.. Christians are the only people you can mock on their holy days with very little fear of reprisals.

Sad really….

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I have great respect for Dr. Malone; he is a good man. I'm sure these objections will catch him unawares. But yes, these days our culture jumps at the chance to delegitimize the Christianity from which it sprang.

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Well, when you consider it, it’s very accurate, particularly in light of the fact that’s it’s just like the twisted people behind the centuries old agenda who love sacrifice. Getting people to celebrate one of their sacrifices annually must really give them a stiff one, but let’s not look at that.

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We Christians are in awe of His sacrifice that changed everything. The horrific series of events were each fulfillments of prophesy and should never be forgotten. We celebrate what it accomplished. Mockery of sacred beliefs is not amusing. Over and out.

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Apr 15, 2022·edited Apr 15, 2022

A blessed Good Friday to you, Dr. Malone. I used to wonder why they called it 'Good Friday', too. (Seemed pretty horrendous to me.) It is 'good' because it is the fulfillment of God's plan to reconcile sinful humanity to Himself, for those who will put their trust in Him. Jesus took on the sins of humanity, died (in our place) and conquered death when He rose from the dead on the 3rd day (Resurrection Sunday). Btw, JP nailed it. Elon is a transhumanist... which means, I do not trust him.

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His girlfriend, mother of 2 of his children, “Grimes” seems to favor communism too!

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Some of your best. The first one says it all.

Thanks for helping me start the day with smiles, albeit some of them depict the sad state of affairs.

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Another great collection, Dr. M. Thanks for keeping it real for all of us here on Substack. Increasingly we have no where else to turn to. The levity is a welcome relief!

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I am beginning to realize that Dr Malone is a fan of JP.

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My husband and I had a good laugh. JP does it again. Thanks for the funnies. Laughter is the BEST medicine.

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Always look forward to these and can count on JP for some good belly laughs. Thanks 🙏🏻

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I especially enjoyed the wolf billboard. Also... Dr M- have you seen this? Doctors Turned Into Government’s Slaves Through the ‘Guideline Movement’: Dr. Richard Amerling


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Your thoughts?

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It’s unfortunate this is behind a paywall. The public needs to hear this information in the link.

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Epoch Times is one of the only information sources I pay for.. they have been a consistently reliable source of information beginning with Spygate and continuing through Covid..

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Thank you for the Friday funnies we need a laugh. Things are looking pretty bad. Real curious what their going to try and pull come Nov. 😉

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I think the Google cartoon is my favorite from this week's collection.

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I love your Friday Funnies, and I share them each week.

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Haha. For many years I kept up a cartoon bulletin board at work. The first cartoon you posted today was one of them :).

Here is another good one https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/humor/father-explains-socialism-to-son/

Happy Easter Dr. Malone

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The guy who bakes the Easter cake was the funniest one this week. Happy Cruciversary!

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Dr Malone, I loved the Jesus joke, it was so funny!

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