I’m not sure if you saw the new video of Gretchen Whitmer dressed up with a camo Harris Walz hat, mocking a priest handing a kneeling radical pro abortion feminist a Dorito. It’s really something to watch evil tear at the most holy Catholic sacrament, communion which is supposed to unite us with Jesus. This seems to be the socialist theme, always bashing Christianity and religion. Notice never never going after Islam. It’s satanism which seems to be the socialists new cutting edge theme to destroy what’s left of America.

In Solzhenitsyn’s book Gulag Archipelago the ending theme is socialism, communism is a direct war against religion and bottom line its satanism. Harris is a disaster and her campaign is one disaster after another.

Being October and in the Halloween spirit, I’m hoping Harris to take the joker mask off only to find Karl Marx underneath. https://www.instagram.com/feministabulous/reel/DA8lS2sP-Rv/

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

I'm keeping an eye on this P. Diddy stuff. There's real smoke around this evil cult behavior and powerful people who are in its proximity. Assange and Wiki gave clues a long time ago; thank God he's free. I just think it's unbearable that they'd have no principled objections to drug-fueled Saturday night orgies, only to ascend the pulpit on Sunday morning to tell us all how rotten and immoral is MAGA.

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I think about the epstein debacle and realize that nothing will come from out under the current regime. Wonder if "the diddy" has his will made out?

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The DOJ repeatedly veils itself behind the pretext of "Can't comment on an ongoing investigation." I can only speculate. Perhaps P. Diddy, or whatever his name is at the moment, was marked by his own as a sacrifice. Perhaps there are elements within the DOJ that aren't on board with treason and evil. Whatever is the case, some of the noise I've heard out of this seems pretty plain.

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After seeing this video, I'm starting to wonder if it's more than just a coincidence that DEMOnic and DEMOcrats start with the same four letters....????

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I like to refer to them as DEMONrats! 👿

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Ooooo!:) I like that very much, Jennifer! Demon Rats! Very clever. Maybe one of the reasons @el gato malo and other feline lover Substackers are so effective at deactivating them👏🤣❤️

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I like that Marie!!

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I was hoping you would, James!:)🤣🤣🤣

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Maybe this ad will wake people up, though it's hard to understand why there are any Americans left who don't recognize we are in a battle between good and evil.

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When it comes to Gretchen Whitmer ....

Stupid is as stupid does! Gumpism Tru Dat!

Ps (How do they get voted into these jobs?) Weird Eh?

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By fraudulent votes - THAT'S how!

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As Michigan voters, we’d like to know how she got reelected too😡😡😡. Draconian shutdown during COVID, sent Covid patients back to nursing homes. Her administration is so horrible, we can’t believe it. So many evil policies.

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We live in Michigan. I saw the video. I knew we had a creepy governor before all this, because of her crazy lockdowns during Covid. But this is even creepier! I think she enjoys the fact that everyone is talking about her. As she stirs the eye of newt into her cauldron...

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It was sickening! 🤮🤮🤮

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Well said, James.

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Having been raised at the knee of her marxist professor father, you can bet she's wearing that mask. find it interesting that when she talks about be raised up, she only mentions her brave and dutiful mother.

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Karl Marx? Wasn't he the angry, untalented Marx brother, whose rivalry with Harpo kept him out of the family business.

He also plagiarized Friedrich Engels work, and wrote 'I'm a Pinko Commie Fag" which became the personal bible for democrats in the USA later on.

I will have to tell you about Mohamed's early origins, someday. Most people did not know he was a physical therapist.

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A different perspective, you may not have heard.

Year after year, the true currency of many a powerful politician, from both sides, have complete compromised fiscal values, (“CR” Mike Johnson to mention one).

When we all heard Mayorkas lie, that “FEMA has no response money left for hurricane Helene”, who is really at fault?

The Republican run house has total authority over all of government spending but yet to this day they have continued to fully fund the entire illegal invasion of our country. In fact they have yet to cut one damn dollar from it. (They have also fully funded the prosecution of DJT, but let that go). Do you think Nancy Pelosi, if speaker, would fully fund the prosecution of a former President Biden?

Now we are facing the destruction from hurricane Milton in Florida. With this fiscally out of control, ass funding backwards, federal government, like ours, all I can say is thank God Florida still has Governor Desantis!

So when we max out our credit cards and have no cash, Mike J., don’t blame someone else when your car breaks down and you can’t put the repair bill on the card.

There was a reason for three separate and equal branches of government, with their separate responsibilities. The republicans have no one to blame for FEMA’s woes, and their “we have no money” excuse, but themselves. The days of “democrat” President Harry S Truman’s “the buck stops here” have long since past. J.Goodrich

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Obama slogan called for change......

Boy did we find out what that's all about!!!

Biden slogan was "Dark Days Ahead....

Boy did we find out what that's all about!!

Right up the friggin keister! #NOTABOUTAMERICA Was it? Is it?

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The "Fundamental Transformation" of America Barrack Obutthead spoke of HAS happened: From a Republic into a SOCIALIST "Democracy" aka "Our Democracy."

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Yes, James I often long for "the buck stops here"!

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SPOT-ON, James!

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The sabotaging of a yard sign is an act so asinine that I only expect such from raging sufferers of TDS. Still, when I pass Harris-Walz signs on my evening walk, as I did again last night, I am baffled and disgusted. But I'm not going to ring their doorbell and ask them "WTF is wrong with you?" I will not.

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James, please 🙏, don't ever do that!

I heard of the new meaning 👀 of TDS!




Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹

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You've talked me down, Ana. It's a medical issue. In light of that, I know they deserve my sympathy and understanding.

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No, just a shot in the butt

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"Sympathy and understanding"????? Say WHAT??!!

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He’s joking. Sarcasm on a stick.

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Hmmm..."sarcasm on a stick"? First time I've heard that phrase.

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James this is a hysterical video. The guy is spoofing the lady at her house, take a look you’ll howl. https://x.com/nojumper/status/1828134011744723113

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Love this video! Id have thrown it at him, however! uh oh! Does that mean I'm learning leftist violent behavior!

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I like her.

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Sorry. Maybe I've lost my sense of humor.

I don't really like this kind of of staged prank, regardless of which way it goes (Trump sign replacing Biden sign or vv). I just don't find it funny.

I'm not totally a lost cause. Got a chuckle from the "hold my beer" cartoon.

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Sorry Evil Incarnate, I’ve had that video for a while and when Mr. Lord mentioned yard signs I couldn’t resist. I can see how some wouldn’t like it.

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My sides hurt from laughing!! Now, I'm going to forward it to all my friends!

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You have EES. That’s evil exhaustion syndrome. I’ve got it too. What used to be funny and / or lighthearted sarcasm puts me in bed with a cold rag on my head. We could all use a little sympathy!

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The brainwashed young moron is clueless.

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My kinda' girl!

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THAT is Really funny mate, thanks for the chuckle.

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"They" know not what STUPID fucks they are. ANY attempted communication with the brain dead is absolutely futile.

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I share that very same feeling, James. I usually see them while driving, and I always mutter "dumba**!" as I drive by. Reminds me of the days of "Here's your sign, Stupid"!

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The purpose of the First Amendment is not to protect speech that is not controversial or that everyone agrees with. It is to protect controversial speech or speech that might be offensive or even — maybe especially — speech that includes assertions that are false. Thus, the First Amendment assumes that the hearer is intelligent and can decide for himself what is true and what is false. By contrast, those who use the misinformation label are saying “I will tell you what is true and what is false.” Moreover, they never have to prove the truth of the assertion. Brandishing the misinformation label, then, short-circuits the deliberative, fact-sifting process the drafters of the First Amendment determined should be the exclusive province of every individual. When you hear someone assert that something or other is misinformation, you can certain you are listening to a propagandist themself spreading misinformation.

Trying to sort through the entrails of speech and the misuse of it. Not there yet.

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Like the meme says, written history is colored with dis/mis/mal information. The black and white of it is very elusive.

I've noticed fed institutions have recently put out propaganda that 'show' weather manipulation has never been successful when tried. One was from the Smithsonian.

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They all LIE, Shelly!

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Spot on! If I hear the word misinformation one more time! 😤😤

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

After cleaning out an office I occupied for about thirty years, keeping far too many books and moving I became a great fan of the Kindle. PsyWar showed up as scheduled on the eighth. I have been reading it since, but have been applying it to the geoengineering that appears to be occurring. Early on I discussed this with a sister-in-law, who immediately suggested that Helene was steered into place over the Smokies. In one of my past lives I went back to school and took three classes in geographic information systems and schemed to get the software I needed. One project was creating some storm track maps for a colleague’s proposal and found NOAAs HURDAT database, now archived and replaced by HURDAT2. I observed that hurricanes occasionally hang up on the Smokies, but more often are channelled either east or west of the Appalachians with maybe as few as four crossing the Appalachian trends since the 1850s. I assured my sister-in-law that these things happen, but soon after saw a storm track for Helene that kind of jumped sideways onto the Smokies! This is unusual storm track behavior indeed. At that point I remembered that that my good looking sister-in-law was an Air force Nurse at a Gulf Coast Base, now retired and happily married, but just the type that male patients probably wanted to chat up in the day. I realized she just might know more about weather manipulation than I do and soon found geoengineeringwatch.org. This is highly recommended BTW and I now suspect we have been distracted away from realizing the weather is being manipulated. So much for “climate change” as the government has been possibly been doing more than all of the world’s CO2 emitters. Yet another conspiracy theory proving true! I still have some tools and plan to get HURDAT2 next year when it is updated with this year’s data.

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Until the USG quits lying to us we can believe whatever we want. I was first introduced to Dane's stuff in 2010 with a DVD a JBS member was handing out at an AFP (Americans for prosperity) meeting. Weather manipulation is being performed around the global. The drenching the coastal area of CA got this past spring is an example of it. This is an area that the PTB want to call home. Same with Maui.

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Same (global) GOVERNMENT made manipulation of HUGE high-pressure domes that squat over various locations and produce intense head and NO rain.

So, yes, in reality the screwy weather IS man made - by corrupt (GLOBALIST) governments attempting to scare the masses into pleading for One-World government to fix things.

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Amen. In a government-manufactured blizzard of lies, I'll cut myself some slack if I find that my take on a situation was off.

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Oct 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My favorite cartoon the toothless comb. Visual summary of immigration system under B/H watch.

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Great question 🤔 👏.

Please let me know what if any countries are sending their tax money 💰 to the USA 🇺🇸??

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Top of the hour news came on as I mulling over the Friday FUNNIES

And it occurred to me, mulling over (yeah, I know, repeating myself but MULLING OVER is fun to say) all the FUBAR manure we’ve dealt with the past few years, how many actually think we’re on the right track⁉️

Deliberately open(ed) border

10s of millions of invaders

Inept exodus from Afghanistan with unnecessary loss of American life

Ballooning national debt - far too many on both sides of the aisle having bloody hands from this evisceration

Mismanagement before&after Helene

Inability of the gummint to bring back our astronauts from space (thank you Elon)

It wasn’t a fraction of this fubar manure that ushered Reagan into the WhiteHouse and Jimmy back to his peanut plantation; but 45 years of division, indoctrination, willful ignorance and gummint PsyWar propaganda ( 🧐 wondering if that gratuitous plug will net me a copy 😉) has so muddled too many American brains that this is normal and the talkin’ heads believe this is all coming down to a few "swing states."

I know many believe that it’s a good thing that President Trump is ahead in those swing states and that the odds are in favor of President Trump returning to 1600 Pennsylvania for a 2nd 4 year residency ; but that means half of those remaining states think that 💩 💩 brain and HeelzUp are the best path forward. I hate being a pessimist but here we are bathing in our our shit and it’s come down to SWING STATES⁉️

Let’s not forget about those dealing with Milton and Helene (still).

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Paying for too many generations of miseducated kids engendering miseducated kids. The bill has come due

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Make that DELIBERATELY mis-educated generations.

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Most understand it as a socialist take over. In reality it is how humanism establishes itself.

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Yes! the bill has come due. How sad!

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Yup yup yup

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Oct 11·edited Oct 11

Watch Univision Panic When They Realize They Showed Kamala Harris’s Teleprompter Live On Air During Town Hall (VIDEO)...


"Kamala Harris got caught using a teleprompter during Thursday night’s Univision town hall in Las Vegas.

Harris pandered to Latina voters by participating in a town hall hosted by Univision.

The internal polls for Harris must be horrific.

Of course, Kamala Harris had to use a teleprompter because she has no clue what she’s talking about."


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What happened to links ending before the first question mark?

I have a friend who occasionally sends me a Benny Johnson link. Did not get this one.

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I saw that one in your first post. Eveyrthing about the Dems if fake.

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Shelly, looks like your post got cut off prematurely. "Dems if fake...." What?

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Perfect example of my poor typing skills. "Dem is fake"

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"PURE EVIL: Volunteers Allege Kamala Harris Camp Ordered NC National Guard to Load Life-Saving Supplies on Plane for Photo-Op with the Intent of Never Sending the Aid..."

"But their callousness seemingly goes even deeper. Volunteers Jonathan Howard and Charlie Keebaugh, members of the non-profit group Aerial Recovery, joined former Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan on his podcast Thursday to detail their experiences with hurricane relief and what they witnessed while on the scene. Aerial Recovery has been active in North Carolina following Hurricane Helene."

"During the second half of the interview, Howard stated that sources told him that Harris ordered the North Carolina National Guard to load a C-17 full of supplies just so she could have a photo-op. More infuriatingly, she did this, knowing full well the life-saving supplies would never reach the victims."


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October 3rd FEMA Creates ‘Rumor Response’ Webpage, Claims Agency Is Not Spending Disaster Relief Funds on Migrants

Rumor: Funding for FEMA disaster response was diverted to support international efforts or border related issues.


This is false. No money is being diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA’s disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts. Disaster Relief Fund money has not been diverted to other, non-disaster related efforts.


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If Rand Paul is complaining about misuse of funds, then it IS happening. He’s had his pointer finger on waste spending for years and knows the details.

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Yup. Paul goes after that like Tom Colburn used to highlight waste, fraud and abuse every year he was in congress.

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Where is the nearest airport to the ravaged areas that can land a C-17?

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Probably Atlanta or Raleigh

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I just got this confirmation from Amazon, confirming that my 5* review was live. I went to check and of course it was a lie....

Your review is live

Thanks Mr Daniel McCarthy, your latest customer review is live on Amazon. We and millions of shoppers on Amazon appreciate the time you took to share your experience with this item.

Malone tells the truth - and they don't like it

This book is essential reading if you are one of the increasing number of people waking up to the reality of the world we are living in.

See your full review

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Amazon removed my permission to review because they are apparently afraid of what I might write. I know that I never violated their community guidelines. I guess they banned me based on my choice of books and charities, such as the National Vaccine Information Center. Also, Amazon tracked me until I realized it and prevented it.

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They censored me too. How do you prevent them from following you?

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Anytime you're not actually intentionally searching or buying on their site, sign out and close all open Amazon tabs. Also, delete browsing data. I'm presently using Brave browser. I also have the paid version of Malwarebytes, with VPN. I have all connections to internet with shielded hardwire, with Wifi and Bluetooth turned off, unless I temporarily need one of them. I have a desktop iMac, so in System Settings, Sound, Output & Input, I moved the Input volume slider all the way to the left (mininum) to block the computer's microphone from sending my voice to whoever is trying to listen or track me. The proof that this monitoring occurred was when I was on my phone while next to my online computer. I mentioned "weather radio" while speaking with an organic farmer. We were both using landlines (hardwired). Very soon after our conservation, I got an Amazon promotion for weather radios, even though I had not previously ever searched for or bought a weather radio from Amazon. After I moved that Input volume slider to minimum (all the way to the left), no more such promotions from Amazon occurred. I don't know exactly who is sharing data with Amazon, but it is real, not a coincidence. I have no Amazon devices and no TV set so I know that the computer was the only possible route for feedback to Amazon, via Apple or my service provider or probably all of them cooperating to share selected data.

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Live on Amazon under the games tab.

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I love the one about not having an electric car in Florida

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I think there's real hope that "F*** the System" could restore sagging birthrates, and turn the frogs hetero again.

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I AM AN AUSSIE, and many on here know that I have a deep and abiding love for America and The American People (have done for more years than I care to remember). It is understandable that the “little country downunder” is not regarded as part of the problem, but let me assure you all IT IS. As I read Dr Malone’s Substack and others on here that I enjoy daily, I often think the Americans seem to think ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT is just happening in USA. Let me assure you my American Friends it is EXACTLY THAT SAME HERE IN AUSTRALIA (and other countries) this is truly a Global “take down”. I reflect on Prof Bret Weinstein who states VERY clearly (to Tucker Carlson) “if The Republic (America) goes down, the whole of the West will go with it”. He’s absolutely right so Yes, I and BILLIONS of others are fully in (a) support and (b) sympathy for America’s situation. I have sought for a long time now to encourage a more “Global Defense” of our situation but to no avail thus far. The “enemy’s" strategy is working, ours IS NOT! I believe a great deal of the Free World is “praying for”, “barracking for” and fully in support of our American Brothers and Sisters. I think about it Every Single Day!

However, I have a question! Can SOMEONE, ANYONE tell me why/how Kamela Harris is getting similar (maybe more) votes than Mr Trump? It is one of the most extraordinary things I have ever witnessed

GOD Bless America and its People.

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In Australian and New Zealand English, the verb, barrack, when used as given in the above comment from Les Power, "barracking for," is to give support and encouragement to (our American Brothers and Sisters).

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I nominate Minnesota's very own Branco for State of Minnesota next Governor.

(not secretary of state as previously advocated)

I'd hate to see him take a job in DC and ruin his good standing as Meme Supreme!

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Hi Dr. Malone - Loved them all today.

Meanwhile, in Canada. Senator Don Plett makes me smile.


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