The zombie apocalypse = the Walking Woke.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They are receiving their instructions from central command regarding "the latest thing".

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good ones Doc! What world are we living in? So grateful for your insight and humor in this insane time! Thank you! 🧡

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I laughed out loud! Oh we all need these moments of joy!

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These are moments of joy? Your definition of joy is different than mine...

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know what you mean. The reason for the humor does not arise from a joyful situation. But, after working as a psych nurse for 20 years and many other areas in the medical field, totaling 40+ years, my sense of humor and joy comes from freedom. I am sorry if I offended you. For me joy is the glimmer of a promise of better times because I have been so down, you can't imagine. Nurses that did not comply were abused, persecuted, harassed, ridiculed, and bullied. We were told 'you should quit, or you should die.' Yes, those comments came from other nurses and from doctors we worked with and from other staff. These kind of comments included how the staff thought about patients that did not comply. And not just that, even after the vaccine injuries started to get reported, nurses who did not comply continued to be coerced to take other vaccines that did not have anything to do with covid. Joy is freedom. But, again, I did not mean to offend in any way. It is a horrible situation we are experiencing.

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Here here! I can totally relate to that! I’m not nursing because I refused the death jabs. One day your a hero, the next your zero just because you want to be around for your kids. What is wrong with society today? A few good laughs is good medicine in my book :).

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I wasn't offended, it is a terrible situation we have been in. The cruelty and callous remarks and attitudes are hard to imagine that they come from people who can be so "holier than thou." Joy is who we really are inside!

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Well, the like button not responding, so I wanted to say” Hello! I understand! & bless you!”

Older, retired psych, etc. R.N. here.

I can’t even find like minded , clear thinkers among my nurse circle , family… ‘Tis a strange, strange time

we are living through.

I’m sorry for your difficulties & wish you well!!❤️🙏

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I was just thinking about how the people responded when the Tuskegee military men were given 'wellness shots,' in the forties, and how they were also given to some illiterate white people. Later when I saw a whole family with congential syphilis that came into the ER and we never talked how our government could have been so corrupt. It's been on my mind how when the Gays got HIV we just kept plugging away and some nurses, even doc's would make the oddball comments about homosexuals deserving contracting AIDS because of their lifestyle and no one said much to them until public outrage, but look how long it took and their attitudes is something we should still be shamed for. And now, they are doing the same thing with us, the unvaccinated. I don't know if you have heard nurses and doctors talking about the unvaccinated in a way that does not represent respect for humanity, but is very disturbing. Especially, when we know those inoculations do not work. Thank you for posting. I still try to keep up with medical data, and all the nursing trends, but a lot of the stuff nursing is putting out just goes against the grain of common sense. I feel like nurses that are in the unvaccinated club need to come up with a secret hand-shake or something. Hahaha.

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You sweetheart, Helen!

Headed to church and will love to reply more later!

I think you’ve inspired me to be braver !

I Very much recall early HIV but not negative comments… more fear aspects, as a Civilian in a military hospital.

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There is no need for you to apologize to anyone for expressing your opinion. Yes, humor is the best medicine to get through these times.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For me it's the Dostoïevski one...

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The threshold he warned of was crossed long ago.

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Goodmorning and blessed TGIF to you all!! Summer is sweetly still in fashion!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love to giggle on Friday morning, laughter is good medicine and I love the dry wit. I don't know how to post an in image, here is The Good Reset


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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good ones! Thanks!

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Thanks, it's good to laugh at the absurdity that has become daily life.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

World Economic Forum = World Enforced Fascism. "In 2030 you'll own nothing and you'll be happy. " Really?

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I already own nothing and I am happy. I have no debt, car paid off years ago, no house payment and I pay cash for everything, if I do NEED something. I don’t need anything. The only thing I want is (need ) God and my health. Simple and less is more. But that’s me after 59 years. Lol!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A good day for laughter…

…like there isn’t a good day for laughter😉

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have so many Venn diagrams in our lives that it is beginning to look like a Spirograph design. Thanks for inserting a straight line this morning.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I needed that laugh!! The donkey one took me a minute🤣🤣 And the beef!! Thank you!

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You’re on 🔥 🔥 today. TGIF.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great funnies ! Zombie Apocalypse hilarious . Have a great weekend. I hope you have time to enjoy your horses.

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Jul 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not a recession, brought to you by the same people who can't figure out what a woman is.

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