Mr. Tolle: "Are they evil, or are they stupid?"

Answer: Doesn't matter in the end. Either way they are unfit for purpose and must be deposed ASAP.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

The answer is, d. all of the above.

They want to do evil, attempting to make all of us their serfs and vassals. But they've deluded themselves into thinking what they do is good. They're saving the planet, or protecting us from misinformation, or doing it "for the chooldren." They are oblivious to how, for example, they "hep" the children by substituting government $ for fathers in families. Or prevent the flow of truthful, valid information needed by the citizenry to make informed judgments by censoring what they call "misinformation" or "hate speech."

A cynic would say they're knowingly lying to people in order to manipulate them. May be. But I think if you hooked them up to a lie detector and asked them a few questions, you'd find they really believe, they've really convinced themselves, what they're doing is good.

That makes them stupid. And evil.

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Not a,good test. Psychopaths can beat lie detectors

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

What I find so infuriating is, the Republicans don't ever call BS on what is clearly harmful to the people the wokesters claim to want to help.

There are dozens of examples. Just one- whenever a thug assaults a police officer and ends up getting shot and killed, the progs make just such a big production about how outrageous it was. Even when the shooting was clearly justified. This has the effect of inciting people to turn any police stop into a confrontation.

If they actually cared about these people, they'd coach them, don't act out with the po-po. Even if the police are wrong, DO NOT get physical with them. Save your complaint for later, and do it through a process set up for that.

i assure you, Jessie Jackson had that talk with his sons. And Bill DeBlasio has had it with his black son. I'm white, and when I got my drivers license, my dad had that talk with me. The progs don't do that with black people. It's to their benefit for these incidents to happen.

And the Republicans don't ever say it either. It would hurt their feelings if anyone called them "rayciss," which is what the Democrats do to cow them into silence.

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If they were stupid, the mistakes would go 'both' directions, but they don't. (Sort of like the FBI's 'mistakes')

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Wow...some great ones...immediately posted the money laundering to Facebook...

...I’m a bad, bad boy

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Hunter’s Laptop, CIA Romney handler Cofer Black to Burisma and Metabiota Bioweapon research labs partially owned by “the Big Guy”

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Biden Inc.

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With the strong Ruling Intelligence State logistic and military support...

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One of the best cartoons, and cartoonists, yet. Detail. The scarf tied around the head really sets off the throwback to Ukrainian peasantry.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How come no one has picked up on the news that the G20 summit (including Russia) in Bali have - as often rumored - all agreed to make vaccine passports mandatory for international travel. How come Russia, with whom we're supposed to be at war and who's threatening us with nuclear armageddon every few days can legitimately be allowed to participate in such an agreement? Does it make any sense?

Moreover, why is nobody questioning the presence of Klaus Schwab at this summit? He is not an elected leader (tbh neither is RIshi Sunak) and clearly has no legitimacy to represent the interests of the world's citizens. As usual, Schwab spoke of his hopes for a “deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world” - to which we are all expected to comply, since there is no representative opposition.


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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are so tight. This is a scandal. But no media will talk about it.

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Thanks for Ekhart Tolle - I quit listening to him because I thought he had a close relationship with Oprah who I quit listening to many years ago. All your Funnies today were fabulous. The comment you made about the MSM is exactly how I feel. Take good care.

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Same here Vicki.. but really, at the end of the day, he makes excellent points and it’s between him and Oprah and vice versa if one really understands his philosophy. 🤗

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These were some of the best Friday Funnies you have done, Dr. M!

I loved the one of Zelenskyyyyyy laundering the money.

Used to be the definition of a Republican is a Democrat that has been mugged.

Now, it is a Democrat that was mugged yesterday, as they all seem to have short memories!

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These are all exceptional! Of course, you know me. The cats are my favs. Particularly the cat with the face with the wrinkled face. Still smiling after a major laugh. A cat version of my face when I woke up to the aroma of our 2022 election. You folks are so exceptional! Luv you :) Looking forward to your Monday talk about your new book (as promo-d on Gettr). Peace toward your weekend. Take care! Greatly appreciate your helping us to be of good spirits. Surely, with dedicated efforts, there will be a better future coming!

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Loved both. We have one just like wrinkles and another that could have been the raven.

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Wrinkles looks like the maddening visage is in for a growl,, nails and maybe a bite. If they are growling I occasionally growl back just to kid them. I'm very fond of black cats. Many of the client cats I care for are black. I've been feeding a black feral for 5 or more years. It looks at me and strolls away. No progress at all in forging a touching relationship. Glad to hear you have an appealing pair. :)

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Eckhart thinks the herd is stupid OR evil, and suggests stupid is the bigger problem. Probably right, but evil is involved, too. We need to deal with both, differently. His suggestion of dealing with these offenders patiently, like a therapist, will work for some, but not for all. We need to be prepared to escalate the treatment as needed to resolve the assault on our civilization quickly. And therapy is slow. People are dying every day, from the vax, from fear and frustration, from the pernicious effects of their pessimism. It's immoral to delay the treatment. We're dealing with a dangerous cult, and stern responses are necessary.

We are seeing glimmers of hope, even with our complacent approaches. The book begins with a story of Amazon banning a prior book -- in a book I bought from amazon! That's progress. But millions have died unnecessarily during that time. How many more?

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Thank you Dr. Malone, especially for the Eckhart Tolle interview. Good reminder that wisdom is more important than intelligence to determine the right course of action, being in the present moment quells the ego, and avoiding demonizing those who do us harm so as not to be drawn into the same state of consciousness. We can expose their lies and give them a fair trial before locking them away and we can act in self-defense without losing our humanity.

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Does Mitch McConnell know what happens next in the story?

I'm currently listening to your interview with Rob Moore on Who Controls the World? ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wMj3tzrykU ) Excellent interview!

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Thank you. Listening as I type.

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Nov 18, 2022·edited Nov 18, 2022

Oh, Dr. Malone... some of these do resonate with me. Love the ticked-off cat and the woman 'calling it to the carpet'. My husband says I could never play poker, because what I am thinking is written all over my face. Sigh... My 'smart-as-a-whip' Granny used to say, "What you are speaks so loudly, I cannot hear what you are saying." I miss her 'no nonsense allowed' wisdom.

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I especially like the Trump cartoon. I know a lot of Americans think he's brash and "toxic" but I think he's great. Here in Canada, our MSM uses "ghosting" for our leaders of the Conservative party opposition. We are on our third leader in about 3 years. Nobody remembers who the previous 2 were and even the current one, Poilievre (who is an outspoken pitbull) is having a hard time getting media attention to get his message out. This means he can't reach voters who might be in the persuadable middle and he can't expose the truly horrible things Justin Trudeau is doing. Trump had to expose the swamp and the fake news. He did an admirable job and that wouldn't have happened if he'd been mild mannered. They'd have just ghosted him. He was the right person with the right approach at the time. Now it's all out there and we have hundreds of prominent people and alternate media sources carrying the torch every day. Trump can focus on being "presidential". What's needed in 2024 is an adult in the room to extinguish all the fires and clean up the mess and he's shown every sign he understands this.

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I have changed my mind considerably about Trump. I found his announcement speech remarkable, much more statesmanlike but still hitting home on things I now understand to be true. Since I come from a poor/working class background I always understood why people voted for him. Perhaps this new tone will attract voters who left the Democrats. But his flamboyance is an asset, as you describe in Canadian politics. I actually hope DeSantis waits to run since I think Trump has a better chance of bringing out his base and seems to see the truth of where we are.

Is there any way to overcome the "ghosting" effect you describe? The new Twitter under Musk shows some promise, but we won't know. The Democrats made much of their recent win, but a hidden part of the picture is the outspending of the Democrats vs Republicans by a huge amount. Now look at their donors, FTX, for instance. Corruption unheard of previously.

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I am really discouraged with my fellow countrymen. There's still a large % that won't believe anything unless they hear it in the MSM and another group that know the media is lying to them but instead of search for the truth, they've buried their heads in the sand and are deluding themselves into believing everything is fine. Most of the MSM is about a month away from bankruptcy so before the last election, Trudeau handed out $600 million to them. I saw the list. He covered everything from major news outlets to farmer's newsletters. Consequently he has all media sources buttoned up and the situation is like with Pravda in the old Soviet Union. If it wasn't for the internet, we'd be hooped and he's bringing in legislation to control that too. You Americans better start thinking about a northern border wall! We're coming!!

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Gonna send us back our Hells Angels are ya? :)

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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

They did something similar to some small news organizations here, but surreptitiously, I know the big players got money, too. It's odd that even a totally unrelated organization newsletter (related to my profession) had an article about how to find "trusted" information. It was the same old pap.

I hear you about the people who only believe the MSM and these are people who I thought were a lot like me. Very discouraging. I keep trying to understand why they are so far from me. I have one friend who is fairly badly vaccine-injured. After being stonewalled by 3 docs, she finally found a doctor who told her it was caused by the vaccine being given incorrectly. She's getting the trivalent, which may be #5 for her. One thing that's different about her is that she is a very conventional person. I appear conventional but my thinking perhaps isn't. That's all I can figure so far. Desmet's mass formation? But then why aren't I under that spell, too?

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I've noticed the most mesmerized seem to be the most "highly educated" in terms of university degrees. I guess that makes sense since campuses are where the woke indoctrination has been occurring for decades.

Those of us who aren't affected? We are the cynics who've always questioned everything and asked a lot of questions. Somewhere along the line we learned not to trust governments and authority figures.

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Sadly just heard the knuckle-crawling attorney gen of the US is about to appoint a "special" counsel in investigate Trump of a laundry list of fabricated wrongs outscourced from his illegal raid on Trump's home. Dims gotta dim

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More evidence of their fear of Trump. He terrifies them, but no matter, their gravy train is coming to an end. No more free, negative interest money, at least that's the plan.

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Katie, I hear you.

Try this link, and keep in mind the narrator and creator is none other than Michael Moore, the demest of the dems.


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Nov 19, 2022·edited Nov 19, 2022

Amazing! Moore understands class better than the woke elite faction. He's trying to "wake" them up with this speech, but that will never happen, the party has become a corrupt entity. If he learns about the plandemic, perhaps he'll actually vote for Trump himself. Whoever did this video did an amazing job. I'd love to hear a similar campaign ad about the plandemic/vaccine injured.

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I was very excited to listen to the interview with Eckhart Tolle. Before people question his character and wisdom, it would be valuable to thoroughly know the story of his awakening and his life thereafter. Thanks for including a valuable point of view. (Love the cats)

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Thanks and more: Matt Orfalea’s CENSORED / DELETED videos on YouTube

Democrats' "Stolen" Election Claims | FLASHBACK -- September 29, 2022


"Rigged" Election Claims | Trump 2020 vs Clinton 2016 -- September 29, 2022


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Thanks !!

A FALSE FLAG over Poland? --- Scott Ritter – Nov. 18, 2022

Apparent conspiracy to drag NATO into the Ukraine conflict is a direct threat against every human being on the planet


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Always important to have a good laugh as the pathological predators work to attack humanity and demoralize us. Laughter makes for lighter work!

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"a little voice in my head..." YESSSS! :-)

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All great choices today! Have a great weekend Mr. Malone. I hope you are with the ponies and that is always good for the soul. That’s where I will be.

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