Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What gets me is that Jack Smith still has his position of "special" counsel after the Supreme Court ruled he wasn't qualified for that position..

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The other "team" has no rules and follows no laws. Everything necessary to destroy America is acceptable, including murder. They are free to run rampant over "We the people" without fear of any accountability whatsoever.

Heavenly Father, show us the way out of this darkness.

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The SupremeCourt made no such ruling. It was suggested in a concurring opinion by Clarance Thomas, which does not give it the force of law. The judge in the Florida documents case used the same logic to rule that Smith's appointment was illegal. That ruling is under appeal. The wheels of justice grind slowly and meanwhile Smith is able to do all kinds of damage!

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Where is justice?

Where is Congress? The committee on weaponization of government - JIM JORDAN???

Do Americans need to get their pitchforks?

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Only those with clip limitations are allowed today.

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10/04/24: "Yet Smith now uses grand jury testimony ... [in] 165-page document that contains all manner of damaging statements about a criminal defendant, made outside of a trial setting and without being subjected to the rules of evidence or cross-examination, and files it publicly, generating national headlines."

AND RELEASES THIS to the state regime-media MSNBC/NBC/ABC/CBS/NY Times TO DIVERT attention from Walz's (Joe Biden Dementia Junior) disastrous debate fiasco.

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That's what criminals do...ignore lawful orders...!!! Can you imagine Al Capone firing one of his enforcers because he broke a law???

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Do you forget that this vermin is ***god chosen***, its god is lucifer = THE DEVIL ??!!!

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It's GOOD to be a demoncrat!

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Jack is not on the same directive as the "objective and impartial supremes" and will be supported by his team through disingenuous lawfare.

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Do you forget that this vermin is ***god chosen*** and ***its*** god is lucifer = d e v i l ??!!!

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"This is wicked and the United States can and must do better."

This is what we (supposedly) voted for. The basement lies were always obvious, as were the manufactured votes.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

One of the lines we often see from the right is the people in blue areas voted for it so they somehow deserve it. I disagree. Elections in blue areas are as secure as the Pfizer shots are safe and effective.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

The left has put an academic gloss on the idea that the right is censored more b/c they deserve it. A study published in Nature a couple of days ago: "Differences in misinformation sharing can lead to politically asymmetric sanctions"


An excerpt from the abstract:

"In response to intense pressure, technology companies have enacted policies to combat misinformation [notes 1,2,3,4]. The enforcement of these policies has, however, led to technology companies being regularly accused of political bias5,6,7. We argue that differential sharing of misinformation by people identifying with different political groups [notes 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] could lead to political asymmetries in enforcement, even by unbiased policies. "

I haven't read the paper, and probably wont invest the time to do so. I've found if I give it some time, others a lot smarter than I will critique it.

In the meantime, be aware, some PhD's have concluded some of the top medical experts in the world, like Drs. Malone, Kory, McCullough, Bhattacharya, and many others who disagreed with the government were censored because they had it coming.

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Nature has virtually relegated itself to the bottom of bird cages

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They've been building this underground criminal cartel since before the Constitution was even signed or printed!!!

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Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wondered if Jack Smiths filing was put out there to stop Trumps inauguration or possibly a speedy impeachment after he is sworn in.

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That is a brilliant thought.

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James, they've already stated that they will not certify the election if Trump wins.

This is part of their argument!

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And any state that has clean voter roles and required citizen 🆔 should refuse to certify the election results of any state that doesn’t!

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My thinking is their internal polling shows Trump will win a fair election. It will be more difficult for them pull the same fraud as 2020, as tens of thousands of Republicans have been certified as poll watchers. Should Trump survive to see the electors cast their votes the Dems will fight tooth and nail to keep him from being inaugurated. Everyone needs to understand we are up against an evil Marxist Machine that will fight the rule of law to keep their authority over the plebes that they hate so much. Once they put the puppets Biden & Harris in office through any means necessary I don’t believe they’ll give up power. Think, Harris is VP, she will preside over the certification of the electors in the Senate. The Middle East and Ukraine along with America have suffered greatly from the 2020 stolen election. I’m so very tired of watching so much carnage in the world.

Maybe I just worry too much.

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Ok to worry...we all are. Just don't give up the fight

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To fight we need to know where to punch. 🥊 the best intel on that is actually missing. This Little old lady with bad knees and a little short of breath wants to deliver a knockout punch. Just show me the spot. Let me at em. !!

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The state elections are becoming more and more important. Study them and vote smart. If more had done that we would be much better off

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We also need better people to stand up and greater control over our tax dollars BUT me thinks I do protest too much. .. at least about that.

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That drifts into the area of a circular argument, doesn't it? If people paid more attention to who is running and the issues being voted for we more than likely would have a better quality of office seekers to vote for.

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Anything is possible, but at the very least it was to possibly sway people away from Trump. Frankly, I would hope everyone sees Jack Smith's activities for exactly what they are! If not, what rock are they living under?

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10/04/24: Jack Smith's hair on 11/05/24 will be on fire. The beard, too.

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Getting the accolade of The Great Man himself is terrific to see mate, and your comment deserves it. Well done.

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Thanks Les hope things are well with you!!! Always nice to hear from you.

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The $750 offered to hurricane victims, and I understand that is only intended for welfare recipients, while, as I recall, $1200 monthly continues to go to illegals is an insult. Why not tell the illegals, sorry, but we have run out of money.

… Oh, I understand the illegals haven’t voted yet!

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But they will...you can bet on it.

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When the government showed up in one North Carolina town, “they were pretty much turned around by the locals - “[They] said, ‘To hell with you. You just got here; we don't need you; turn around, leave,’ and they did.”


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Won’t they be in for a surprise after the election when they’ve served their primary purpose and their freebies are suddenly turned off?

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Some are predicting emergencies so that they can force through their desired solutions like CBDC and digital IDs.

Whatever emergencies they dream up are probably going to be horrific in the places that Mayorkas picked out for "revitalization".

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Alex Jones predicted this would happen and it will. They have their 'ways'.

I wonder if those in the stricken areas where roads are washed out will be able to vote.

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Please, these are no longer democrats.

They are rabid pestilent vermin, and you cannot negotiate with rabid vermin (see also rabid muslims).

You can only make them go away, or get rid of them.

Inoculations help, but these vermin keep biting everyone around them.

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Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Tea" Hee!

At any age, we simply DON'T HAVE THE TIME!!!

We NEED TO GET OFF OUR behind and do our small part to help us win this election!

We're quickly running out of time!!!!

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Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Michael Aronoff

just now

I have seen over the many years how advertising works on us. Many disassociated images are flashed in front of us like a fast moving collage. Then one image of the product is presented for a bit longer. Psychologically, we are confused with the flashes of images and then see one stable image and glom onto it. There is no real content, no presentation of what the product can do. That is not important. The product is entrenched in our minds and we do not question its veracity. So what the Dems are doing is classic advertising. No content, just exposure to the image. They avoid any discussion on issues of substance. They do not appear for interviews. They rely on the media to enhance and entrench their image in our psyche. And we, as good hypnotic subjects, mindlessly obey. We are being 'zombified'. Wakeup will occur when we buy the product and realize it doesn't do what we had been 'led to believe' it it was supposed to do. Buyer beware.

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Great analogy, Michael. Unfortunately both parties tend to do the same thing, and have been since before the television. It's all part of the mass psychosis- radio, newsprint, billboards and more. The psychology of advertising has been very successful for the masses. Truth is hard to come by.

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That last quote was very chilling indeed, and considering the most recent actions of the Biden administration, it goes to show that his quips about "Defending Democracy" and such were nothing but talk. Actions speak louder than words, as the old cliche goes, and the Biden admin's actions have been all about trying to discredit opponents to sway voters so his successor can steal an election. There's nothing even remotely democratic about what this admin has done.

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Notice how they usually say "our democracy" as opposed to defending democracy. They imply they OWN their democracy. How dare we, the people, challenge them by expecting to vote in a democratic way to elect someone else, be it Trump, RFK Jr, or Bernie Sanders. And, in their Democrat primary, Joe Biden who won that primary then was removed by a cabal from running again. They should have used the 25th Amendment to remove him from office and had VP Cackles finish out the term. to do it legally. Then they removed Biden from the ballot but wanted to keep RFK Jr. on the ballot to dilute Trump votes saying it was too late to change the ballots where Biden was removed. Yup, real democratic. They do love to defend democracy.

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More to the point we are nobodys democracy.

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Right. I think most of our presidents were installed giving us the illusion of real choice.

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That's a good observation!

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Jack Smith is doing the exact same thing they did with the FISA warrant against President Trump. They took unsubstantiated rumors and propaganda, dressed it up to look like Investigative Work Product, put it in an Affidavit for Search Warrant and submitted it to a judge to sign and issue a Search Warrant. The information they are using to persecute President Trump would not even make it past an editor at the National Enquirer in their heyday. They have violated President Trump's Constitutional Rights Under the Color of Law, which carries a federal prison sentence for the average American Law Enforcement Officer.

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Great Ridicule Docs! The worm is turning.

Walz reminded me of Luca Brasi thanking Don Corleone at the wedding: “And may their first child start out as a masculine child”.

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I’m a terf! Some great funnies. We need to add that the FEMA money “they” no longer have went to the illegal aliens. This is such a crime.

Things just keep getting worse.

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Maybe we can recover some of that money as we deport them by letting them shovel all that dirt and rock that Helena moved around back into place. They can chop up and stack all those trees for residents firewood for the next 50 years. They can scrub the mud off 50 miles of road. Dismantle and stack any salvageable materials. Then go home and rebuild their own country.

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It’s pretty much an all encompassing system of hierarchy that this world sets for all of us that live within it. From the time we are born, and as children, our parents direct us. When we head off to school we look for our teachers to mould our minds. The teachers have a principal, and there are school boards that create the schools curriculum. At work there are managers, supervisors, the boss a business owner. Then we have government.

Like it or not all of these systems that we have been raised up in are forms of hierarchy and much of our success or failure is based on the leadership of these systems. Our lives direction start with our parents and how we are encouraged from the time we begin to understand words. Words are like seeds that are planted into our mind and whether we agree or disagree, those words in some way take root, they affect us.

When we think of consequential leaders in the past we tend to pull up a speech they had made. And what is a speech but words strung together. The affect of those words in a speech can set the direction of an entire nation. Some of these quotes stand out to me, all we have to fear is fear itself, ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, America is the shining city on the hill, the era of big government is over. When we look at this current government it seems fact has become fiction and fiction fact. Words like censorship, coercion, force, deficits, incapable, hopelessness come to mind.

In a free society that has the freedom of speech words like misinformation should be meaningless and should be looked at as heresy. We the people are to decide what is misinformation not John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, AOC or Joe Biden. Are these really the quality of people we want choosing what we are to hear or to say?

There is no question but that this rhetoric, their words, their speech and their entire political party IS the most destructive element America has ever had to face since its founding. I never thought I would hear so many former presidential candidates and our current president discuss eliminating the first amendment to our constitution. I believe they have gone mad, mad with power, mad because we have allowed their tyranny to continue to this point.

We must stay encouraged that these tyrants of our liberties cannot take hold. It all must start with a first step which I believe will come on November 5th. November 5th at 8 PM sharp Donald J Trump should announce his victory and accept his second term as president with no hesitations. He J.Goodrich

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When I read "mould our minds", I saw mold growing. yup.

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I had to double check the spelling of mould 🙄

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The spelling is accurate , one use is British; mould for mold.

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The worm needs to turn a lot faster. Smith’s filing sounds a lot like the Steele dossier.

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It is a mimic of the Robert Mueller Report that had hundreds of references to media articles that were actually planted by the FBI. Same playbook here. They think it worked the first time so here they go again.

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Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh, and as always, shared to Facebook. Actually, this is one of the three posts I make per week.

To wit: "The Friday Funnies courtesy of Dr Malone. I was an early subscriber to his Substack,back in the early stages of the plandemic. Have a look, and subscribe if you are so inclined."

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Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this apt and timely selection.

Senator Tuberville thinks along the lines as you, Dr R. M. He has worked with JD and highly respects his abilities. Avers he considers him a possible followup to a Trump presidency.

Another take on where the FEMA moneys went - to the O'B welcomed illegal aliens.

Somehow, I cant imagine Jack Smith IS the whole of the Dems October surprises, sad to say.

A few peeks of sun shine. Have a pleasant and soothing weekend in your homestead with your many treasures


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Via the FEMA website.

A: A qualified non-citizen national includes:

Legal Permanent Residents (“Green Card” holders).

Non-citizens granted asylum.


Non-citizens whose deportation status is being withheld for at least one year.

Non-citizens paroled into the U.S. for at least one year for urgent humanitarian purposes or significant public benefit.

Cuban/Haitian entrants.

Certain battered non-citizens or their spouses or children.

Certain victims of a severe form of human trafficking, including persons with a “T” or “U” visa.

For the rest of you – Kamala is rewarding you with $750 in assistance. That ought to cover your groceries for a week or two.



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Oct 4Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your Friday Funnies were excellent. Have to laugh to keep from crying! The piece on Jack Smith sums up his obsession with indicting Trump perfectly. How can anyone with any sense of decency think releasing this hit piece is appropriate prior to a trial? And this close to an election?!

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