I love that you always include JP. Whoever Bob the cartoonist is... the man is nailing it.

Should be an interesting day to our North. They are threatening the dogs. I think that will throw the rest of the Canadians onto the side of the truckers. They are screwing the pooch.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

Trudeau said he would "do whatever is necessary to end the protests"...(except end the mandates)... And of course me pointing out this reality in another country makes me, according to DHS, a US domestic terrorist.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

And except stepping down. Or walking among the unwashed. Or give up his tarbaby outfit and shoe polish, or admit the protesters are right.

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And except diplomacy …

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And except follow the actual science...

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This is global.

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Unless you are an oppressed minority???

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Then it’s ok … unless they change the meaning of oppressed minority

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Anyone can be an oppressed minority. Just identify as one.

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I hope you’re right, Raptor.

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There is a lot at stake. I don't think the full repercussions of confiscation of banks has sunk in with the Canadian public. When Hitler took over and took what didn't belong to him, people looked for a safe haven with a good reputation like Switzerland. I hope Canada has not jeopardized it's reputation as a place where rights and assets can be taken on a whim. To my way of thinking it would have been a great opportunity to sit down with working people frustrated with mandates and have a frank discussion, unlike UK, Canada still has mandates. I also wonder about Ontario's massive debt and how potential political instability might have on bond rating agencies, every uptick means more tax money to service the debt.

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It has for me as a US citizen. We are not affected YET, but the Covid coup is all about the controlled collapse of the world economy.

The dollar was already going under. The Reset is accelerating it so the rich and powerful can buy up everything. Golden parachutes for the CEOs who sabotage their own companies.

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My. He really captures it. The Stab Vest. Makes me so mad. It is SO true. This world has gone mad. I'll reply for you: DUH Raptor!

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This is awesome!! I am thrilled to see he is letting people download these and use them free of charge as I worry about including cartoons w/o permission.

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He's got an interesting backstory and tremendous art.

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I do remember he is a gatopal™ but didn’t realize he made his work available for download—a wonderful contribution to freedom!

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I'm praying for the truckers. If enough police side with the people, Trudeau's reign is over. Knowing Canadians, they'll keep the disobedience civil.

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I had the same thought when I learned about that horrific threat, but then I heard a bunch of Covidians frothing on about how the truckers deserve it and it’s their own damn fault 🤦‍♀️😖

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 18, 2022

The delusion is deep there my friend. But I think that is bravado. One mishandled dog or (heaven forbid) dead dog at the hands of the storm troopers and the Covidians will be heating the tar.

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The neurotic and hysterical are heavily overrepresented on Twitter.

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For sure, especially since most of the dissidents have been purged ;-)

That said, I have been delighted to see Trudeau getting ratioed by the thousands. Their bots can’t keep up with the freedom-defenders …

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Thank you Dr. Malone for keeping me sane!!

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love the No trucks badge on Trudeau’s arm!🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The gender medal was my fav!

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...who knew there was a medal for "black face" too. A picture really is worth a 1000 words.

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More fabulous funnies. I’ve started saving these gems to hurl at Trudeau in my ongoing Twitter campaign (https://twitter.com/MargaretAnnaAl1/with_replies) to depose him.

And WOW, that Bob television-vomiting cartoon with the slavery lifesaver sums the entire past two years (and beyond) in a nutshell.

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Great collection this week. Speaking of the flu...my wife had stomach flu in 2020 and an MD friend and neighbor told me on the phone it was likely COVID and we should both wear masks, I should wear gloves (he offered to bring gloves over) and sleep apart from her in another room. I declined. This friend worked with the national guard for a while and said he had seen "hundreds" of COVID cases like my wife's case. My wife had intestinal pain, fever, and couldn't eat for 3 days. She had not a single symptom of respiratory disease. I hasten to add that my friend is a decent person, a committed MD who cares about his patients and worked in public health for 20 years before moving to a major hospital system. But he's part of the mass formation and the vaccine cult.

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yep, my doc would do the same. I asked what drugs of choice he WOULD use if I got Covid. Turns out it would be a heavy duty anti-viral drug used for AIDs and next a very expensive drug for mono-clonal antibodies sold by. . . wait for it!


When I sent him the Dr Fareed Protocol used to save 7000 lives with no deaths he dismissed it as a "temporary" protocol. No knowledge whatsoever of alternatives-- only what his umbrella Healthcare Company lists as possible solutions. Basically, brain dead by not caring enough to do his job. No thought of the Hippocratic Oath, just following Big Brother's guidance.

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I'm shaking my head. "Brain dead" is right!

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Look. I am NOT a scientist or a doctor-- retired engineer. I have had 2 of the 3 Pfizer jabs. Based on what I know I will NEVER get another vaccine again-- EVER. I am DONE at 71.

I ordered a bottle of the Zstack meds and have them available for if me or my wife ever feel like we are coming down with the Wuhan virus. My suggestion to my 40 something kids is do not get the vaccine, learn the right stuff to use that have been recommended by people who actually care about the United States, care about other humans:

zinc, Vit D, Vit C, Quercitin. . . Ivermecton and other things too.

THIS is a good start:






by the way, I have a 50% success rate: One kid agrees, the other thinks I am nuts!

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On a Friday …. that needed a smile… thanks for sending more than a few.

Thank you Dr. Malone.. have a beautiful weekend.

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I like the quote from Frederick Douglass: “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” How much more oppression will we endure? Here are a few more courageous black Americans who are on the right side of history: https://jeffcuttler.substack.com/p/courageous-black-americans?utm_source=url

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Don’t underestimate how many Canadians are pure Socialists and Communists. They prefer a dictator in a supposedly fair government. I am saddened the police are obeying this treason of the Canadian people

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Oh, another great collection! The India-Canada contrast is telling.

Thank you, Dr. Malone!

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Bob Moran's cartoons are the best! And this JP clip was pretty good too. Thanks for the humor on another "heavy" day.

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Great start to my Friday!

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JP is a Godsend. He puts everything in perspective and inspires a positive can-do outlook to deal with these troubling (understatement) times. I miss George Carlin...

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This is unrelated but I don't know whom to reach... Tucker's daily Tucker-Tonight and some of his interviews, for example with Dan Kovalik "Russia, Russia, Russia" of Feb. 4 are a national treasure - invaluable and countering the immense daily establishment propaganda..

It would be a great service to the nation if, perhaps with some delay, they would be available on, e.g., Rumble. I talk only about Tucker, most of other programs on Fox are as unwatchable as CNN or MSNBC

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what! Jesse is great! The Five are a blast!

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I'm always amazed at what a wise man George Carlin was!!

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yeah. and I used to think Bill Cosby was one of the funniest comedians out there too. . .

BOTH a_ _holes.

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Thanks for the humor. People are not thinking with their brains. I can’t figure out what they’re thinking with but definitely not they’re brains.

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Hilarious. Great way to start out Friday. Thanks

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I am ever hopeful MAA. Minus the days when I am not.

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