Hey Robert, what is your opinion on the CDC’s Recommended Immunizations from birth to 18 years of age? Can you please do a post on this? I am asking as a parent of 3 kids, all under 5. I frankly don’t trust a single thing the CDC says anymore. Are there vaccines on that list you wouldn’t let your grandchildren take? Thank you for everything you have done these past few years.

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While waiting for Dr Malone's comments, there are two must read book on the subject. Dissolving Illusions - Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries, MD, and Turtles All the Way Down Vaccine Science and Myth. As a grandmother of five, my family will not be receiving anymore vaccines. (None of us took the Covid vaccine including my 91 yo mother) My 2.5 yo granddaughter only received the first series in the hospital. My 9 month old granddaughter has had none. The dilemma is the requirement of vaccines for school. Once you make the decision and start talking to other parents, you'll find there are many opportunities for schooling that are far better than public school. It is worth your time and effort to find alternatives and keep your children healthy.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

You may benefit from the vaccine research of Steve Kirsch, as well as that of Children's Health Defense Network, both available on substack. See Kirsch's post, "Vaccines Cause Autism" from 5-21-23.

A personal note: As a child, I developed Type 1 diabetes just a few weeks after receiving a tetanus shot; I’ve always wondered about the timing. I will never voluntarily get any other vaccine.

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Ryan - I strongly recommend that you get in touch with Robert Kennedy’s organization, I believe it’s called ‘Childrens Health Defense.’ That organization has been fighting for a more rational schedule for vaccines for kids for years, and I think they would have very good detailed answers to your questions.

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Ryan - by the way, I strongly applaud your caution!!!! 😄😄😄My kids are in their 20s and I, naïvely believed and trusted back then. I’m so glad that you have the opportunity to be a bit more discerning in making the decision about what shots to force your kids to take. 🙂

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Thanks I appreciate you saying that. Also thank you for the recommendation. It is very hard to find objective information on this topic. The push back and censorship is unbelievable.

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Also, Del Bigtree at "The Highwire" has been closely following the effects of vaccines on children for years. He and his team submitted a FOIA request for any studies showing that the current childhood vaccines have been adequately studied for long-term safety. After many months of stalling, the FDA finally said, "We have no such studies."

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Wow, absolutely a crime.

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Purchase this book: Turtles All the Way Down. You will find that there has been no good testing of ANY childhood vaccine, not to mention covid, flu, etc.

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“The push back and censorship is unbelievable.”

That settles the matter for me.

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A friend (a priest) of mine's daughter has three boys ALL of them have major issues autism/ADHD and require specialized Individual Learning Plans. I really encouraged her not to get the jabs, I sent her early data and some video. They were terrified of covid. The idea that the medical world had either intentionally or unintentionally failed us was anathema. She no longer communicates with us...nor does her father. It took quite a while for my own priest to get it through this head that we'd been lied to and experimented on.

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Others have already directed you to other experts, so my thoughts (only my thoughts for whatever they're worth) the vaccines I received 55-60 years ago were relatively safe as far as I can witness in myself and all others my age. The huge problems with ADHD, Autism, etc can be directly traced to the vaccines that started around 1982/3. Look up comparisons of 1982/83 schedule to today and you'll have a good idea on the answer to your question. My daughter got the recommended shots at the time, she was born in Oct 1982, but I noticed over the school years that too many of her classmates had either ADHD or other issues that I hadn't seen before and hadn't seen through my own school years (and my school years cover at least 2 different schools every year and at least 4 different states, parents moved a lot).

On another personal note I never had any allergies until I got my first flu shot at the age of 21. I attribute that to the shot messing something up but can't prove it.

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Ryan - another good resource is The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN). Del Bigtree (founder) has a show each Thursday on The Highwire.



I also highly recommend watching the movies Vaxxed and Vaxxed II:



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The newest one is about to arrive. "The Great Awakening." Mikki Willis

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Bigtree has some interesting things to say...however, I don't know what it is, exactly, but find Willis really creepy.

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Yes randall! I was hoping to watch live tomorrow night, but I will be with my grand niece and nephew. Too heavy for 12 years olds. I am going to spread that film far and wide. The other two were so very well done!

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Optimistic is the feeling for me. So this.... Should be good.

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Children's Health Defense website: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/

Other references that might help (some mentioned in other replies):

* The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by RFK Jr.: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Real-Anthony-Fauci/Robert-F-Kennedy-Jr/Children-s-Health-Defense/9781510766808

* "Cause Unknown" The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 Part of Children’s Health Defense | By Ed Dowd | Afterword by Gavin de Becker / Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Cause-Unknown/Ed-Dowd/Children-s-Health-Defense/9781510776395

* "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth" | edited by Zoey O’Toole and Mary Holland: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/store/turtles-all-the-way-down-vaccine-science-and-myth/

Also check out these docs:

* Liz Mumper: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/protecting-our-future/covid-vaccine-safety-concerns/

* Dr. Paul Thomas has written many articles on this topic. Here are a few:

** https://www.integrativepediatricsonline.com/uploads/1/0/9/2/109222957/the_vaccine-friendly_plan.pdf

** https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31846784/

** https://www.paulthomasmd.com/the-vaccine-friendly-plan.html

Dr. Mumper mentioned that about 30% of kids in her practice were UNvaxxed. They were the healthiest 30%!

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Also check on your local situation. I've gotten the impression some locales have rules about 'must have vzccinations' to attend public/private schools.

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Which may become a big driver for home schooling

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Loved Hillary the buzzard hovering over Joey with Walker #1 (Air Force 1) shuffling down the sidewalk. I was thinking how unbelievably well the government propaganda that is dividing this country has worked. It’s eye opening to watch how a government, with just messaging, can be so destructive and divisive, so quickly. My wife is at a large Boston hospital and has witnessed these divisions of people into groups of race, sexual orientation and religion. Will they ever realize that they are being manipulated?


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James, completely agree about the manipulation in the divide and conquer. I would like to comment that it gives me such an immense feeling of peace and freedom to just KNOW that that’s what is being done to us. It’s nice on an individual level at least to be able to set yourself free from it and any others that we can help set free is a tremendous gift. All we can do is keep trying. As Kennedy said every day, just put 1 foot in front of the other and keep fighting the good fight. 😄

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The genius simplicity of the 12 Step Programs clarify beautifully:

freedom comes from the mastery of negative emotion which is hard, worth it and Godly; inflammation of negative emotion is easy, destructive, and demonic.

As Rush used to say about “O’Sullivans Law” - if you aren’t fully committed to Conservatism, you will backslide into Leftism.

The Lower Power knows his business; thankfully there is a Higher Power.

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And when you got MONEY.....You got a lot of friends....crowding round your door....

But wait a minute children, when the moneys gone....and all your spendin ends.....

They wont be round anymore no whoa no no...... Billie Holiday wrote it in 1939

David Clayton Thomas sang it the best with Blood/Sweat/and Tears. God Bless the Child!

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Randall, I remember listening to Blood Sweat and Tears on the floor with headphones. They were so good!

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they had a top notch sound recording studio and that dudes really laid down the sound.

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Probably not. I have a friend and she's smart generally conservative, loves the Lord and homeschools her amazing children, including one on the Autism spectrum. But she buys in into the racial garbage wholeheartedly. She is black. She is triggered by any patriotic message and invests her energies into cultural Marxism DIE (I know it's DEI, but it's really DIE) bs. I don't think I'll ever get her to see the truth on this. I've laid that at the Lord's feet and I pray he open her eyes.

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Dr. M - I don’t know if you know it or not, but ‘A Midwestern Doctor ‘ gave you a ringing endorsement this week as to the quality of your moral fiber. 😁 personally, I’ve been convinced since day one that you and Jill are fighting, and will continue, to fight the good fight, but I must say it was absolutely awesome for a Midwest doctor to give you such a ringing endorsement. You and Jill., Tess Lori, Doctor been Saeed, FLCCC, Ryan Cole, Unacceptable Jessica, Kirch, you folks are my all-time heroes.

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Love - to u and Jill! Don’t forget to pass it on to her. 🤗

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Excellent commentary on the new dark information age.

Of course, now I can't stop thinking about odd numbers....

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same.... thanks for that! hahaha

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"All odd numbers have the letter 'e' in them."

But not all numbers with the letter 'e' in them are odd...

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Exactly, shame on those even numbers using cultural appropriation. They must be ridiculed.

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Russell has missed it completely.

There is a way to truth and life.

It's simply to be born again in Jesus Christ. Then and only then will you obtain a relationship and access to God. Jesus is God Emanuel, the Way, the truth and the life. Amen

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Personally, I think each person ought to be judged on his or her own merits. Not which club they belong to, but the 'content of their character'. Tribalism is a big part of our problem. I'd like to think that there's room in this world for each moral, ethical, responsible person, no matter how they happened to reach those qualities.

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You think. I equate tribalism with xenophobia which had a strong survival element, i.e., the ability to detect "different" from a distance might have meant the difference for survival of your tribe. Cultures develop different comfort zones and enforced integration of antagonistic cultures is always going to end badly.

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Yesterday somebody told me (so I need to research it further) 15-20 years ago Bezos let it slip that he prefers a diverse work force b/c they're not cohesive enough to hang out and discuss their work conditions, and therefore less likely to unionize. If true that's a ridiculously good example of "saying the quiet part out loud".

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FW2E - Each of us on this earth, walk our different paths. Not all will find peace, hope, and love in the same way that you have. I applaud all who I perceive are headed in the right direction, despite the fact that their path deviates a bit from yours and mine.

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Flyer, I have always wondered what happens to the large population who follow a different path than what you subscribe to. This attitude of exclusivity to the access of God is limiting and harmful imho.

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To be fair, FW2E is simply relaying the claims Jesus made about himself. He claimed to be the truth and the light and claimed to be the single gateway to heaven via faith in him. So basically he boxed humanity into a corner; he was either lying or he was telling the truth. IMO, its simple enough to get to the bottom of it. Just take it up with the one who made the claims. His followers, myself included, aren't going to convince anyone with intellectual arguments, nor for that matter is that even something we are expected to do. No, convincing someone is something God does himself, on his on behalf, one on one, whenever he so chooses to do so. So what about everyone else? God says he is not willing that any should parish. So the questions become "if he's capable of reaching out via his followers to you on a chat board, is he also capable of reaching out via his followers elsewhere via other means?" And "is he also capable of reaching out elsewhere directly when none of his followers are present?" I've heard some pretty crazy testimonies from people from dictatorships where all religions were banned, who say that is exactly what happened to them, and found their testimonies credible. And since such events are not without precedent in the bible, I concluded yes, that can happen too. But in the end we each have to decide for ourselves concerning the truthfulness, or lack thereof, of Jesus' claims. And from there, whatever happens, happens. But the question of truthfulness is the key to the whole matter, in my opinion. And of course if you conclude differently, it doesn't make anyone think less of you or anything like that. I'm degreed as a geologist and nobody I studied under shared my beliefs. I think some of them are some of the finest people I've ever met. So my reaction is "I really like and respect those folks, I sure hope they see this some day." Some probably wish I didn't feel that way, and that's fine, but its difficult not to want to share the treasure with people you like and respect.

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...be still and KNOW... that experience never fails me...selah

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After reading the cartoons and watching the Russel Brand video, I am left with only one conclusion:

".As for me and my house, we will serve The Lord."

Joshua 24:15

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Great RFK quote. The perpetual harping on “communists”is not only tiresome but misleading. The elites running the world aren’t trying to abolish capitalism, they are trying to make slaves of the population and extract as much profit from this control as possible.

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I love the Kennedy quote. Spot on! The AI funny with Alexa answering hits home. I don’t have an Alexa but I do have a kindle which obviously an Alexa in it. Sometimes I will be talking to someone and it will answer back. That’s creepy! It is suppose to be on sleep mode “not”.

Have a great weekend!

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A family that communicated with Alexa in English but mostly spoke Spanish at home discovered one day that Alexa was suddenly answering in Spanish. That's pretty creepy. Alexa is not your servant but rather your 'guidance counselor' nudging you in a direction you may not want to go. Without you realizing it. In a language that makes you feel most comfortable.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Well, without a funny cat or animal meme I am going for the RFK Jr. statement. Today's Friday funnies feel a bit off today, maybe I'm getting tired of the truth in them without any recourse to be seen. It gets worse before it gets better? (when I wrote this, I hadn't even listened to Russel!)

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Brand does offer an upper.

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US Equestrian Federal is sporting Pride items for sale – glasses, mugs, and short and long sleeve shirts plastered with rainbow-colored horse silhouettes, horse heads etchings, horse shoes and jumps with slogans like Equestrian Pride, With Horses Everyone Belongs, and Horses Love Everyone. Now I know the messaging is everywhere in my life.

When someone really, really cares about another individual they do not lie to them. They do not use deceit to pacify them. They are honest with them. It is eternally hurtful when one cares more about “feelings” than the salvation of another soul.

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It's the new 'state-sponsored' religion. I have one family member that came out of that lifestyle recently (praise God, he's a believer) and one still deep in the kool aid.

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The acid that is kool aid will eventually with eat one alive or force their thirst for the truth.

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Yep. That's my prayer for him.

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I appreciate Russell Brand's posts and encouragement, but I disagree strongly with his ideas about God. We cannot "find God within ourselves." We are not seek unity and love to the extent that we will compromise on and accept anything; that is, after all, what has led to our clown world of trans activists attempting to call the shots on everything. (No pun intended at first, but then I realized that they are advocating violence.) John 14:6, "Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." We must seek God in the way He prescribes, not by what feels right to us.

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I watched all but the last three minutes. Brand wants to do good, to ask people to find their moorings, embrace kindness etc. This is what the progressives teach from their pulpit. You decide to be all those things Brand mentioned. That, sadly, is what has been occurring for some decades – selected verses from the New Testament. The entirety of God’s Word instructs His humans to obey his Laws and the Laws of Nature He spoke into being for us to live within. One must open the heart to receive His Holy Spirit, to recognize one’s sin, to repent for His promised Salvation. True kindness is bringing someone back to our Lord, for they once knew Him and shunned Him. Be a blessing to those in need – do not indulge them in their fantasies, help them back.

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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 2, 2023

Anne, Before Jesus there was Moses. The interpretation of the bible has always been murky unless the original Aramaic was translated perfectly. Jesus was known to speak in parables for a reason. If the Holy Spirit doesn't live in me, then what is the soul as well as the Spirit?

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Brand's message rings in 1st place today. Thank you SO MUCH for the Friday Funnies!

Read our Maryland will be the 1st in the nation to offer wonderful digital IDs. Expect they have decided we are the nation's biggest suckers. My radio guy covered it this morning concluding he wasn't going to get one. Someone called in to report another radio station was brightly hawking it. Be vigilant!

On the other hand , sounds like a pleasant spring weekend. Following Brand's advise with loving... have a pleasureful weekend! Bestest as ever ♡♡♡

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This 2-page brochure from Canadian Covid Care Alliance is interesting... I feel like printing a whole bunch and just leaving them around everywhere I go... it's quick and simple enough that people might pause and read it and think a bit...


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The only hope we have is in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. We must cling to Him in these difficult and dark times.

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Super excellent batch for this Fridays Stack! ( No dumbing of America in the comic sections!)

And a double BRANCO to boot.

That's almost like a double with a man on second with two outs in the bottom of the Ninth!

And Casey is next at bat with his oldest Louisville slugger.

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