Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I hear all of the pampered Ivy League students chant death to the Jews and death to America, I wonder if they could be kind enough to put their mass murders on hold until after all of us have paid their student loans off in full?

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They haven’t got a clue what reality is! Spending too much time in never never land!

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To add a little humor to your day. Have now been solicited for funds for Abbott, Cruz and Phelan. If I had false teeth they'd have popped out at that last one. It was the final hole in the boat for the source I received it from.

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Another example why we need to find a way to cut cost of campaigns. I still would like all outside of state money banned (might put paid to TLR).

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Have been following your preferences. Will be providing pretty nominal support beyond my vote. Hopefully just hat tips for folks like Hawley and Rand.

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Glenn Special on the 2024 election. Biteme has been hard at work setting the stage I guess. Everyone can watch without being a member but just today as it aired yesterday and I missed it doing JBS stuff.


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America is never-never land...

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Moving more that way everyday! Need to reverse course!

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04/26/24: Divine intervention, never something to take for granted or ask for lightly, is sorely in need.

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Unfortunately, James Goodrich, you are just repeating a propaganda narrative. First, the students are not against Jews--indeed, many of the protesters are themselves Jewish. They are against Zionism, which is a different thing entirely. Nor are they chanting "death to America". They are against the U.S. foreign policy which supports the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank by supplying weapons and ammunition to Israel. If you actually listen to what the students have to say, you will find the reality very different from what is being reported in the mainstream news.

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I disagree, Robert. Many of them who are being interviewed do not even know WHY they are protesting! If you only get your news from the mainstream media, you can be filled with fake news. Many of us on this site research other news media and see different sides of the story. There is only one truth, but many perceptions of the truth. Research the true history of Israel and the Jews. Most people have no idea of that history.

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Oh, I have researched that history alright. I have relatives who have lived in Israel for decades, so I have a personal interest in that history. And I certainly do not depend on the legacy news media for my information.

You did not address any of my specific points--that many of the protesting students are Jewish, that a distinction should be made between Zionism and Judaism, that the Israeli government has killed over 30,000 Palestinian civilians so far since October, and that the U.S. government is their chief enabler in this, supplying arms, ammunition and funding that allows them to continue this disastrous course. These are all facts that are beyond dispute.

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Oh Robert. You have definitely your own point of view. So you have no sympathy for the Jews who suffered the murderous acts on Oct 7th? I have best friends who are Jewish and have relatives living in Israel. What those people went through was horrific. Straight from the horses mouth, so to speak. War is horrible but if I am attacked, I will defend myself with my trusty sidearm. Not war on such a grand scale as countries, but the same principal. I agree, the US should not intervene in ANY other country’s war, even Ukraine. No taxpayer dollars or weapons for war should go to foreign countries. Period. Death to America ? I hear that and it means one thing to me. These sniveling bastards want ME and my country DEAD. They burn the American flag? Get OUT of my country! But the problem here is that you and I must agree to disagree. And that is ok. Unless you start chanting Death to America. That changes things for me. Surely you wouldn’t do that?

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Thanks for your civil disagreement. I don't go around chanting Death to America--I live here and want the best for our people. I do think there are people in our Federal Government who have a lot to answer for.

I have great sympathy for the Jews and others who died in Israel on Oct. 7th. However, I do not feel that justifies collective punishment of the entire population of the Gaza strip--about 2 million people, with much of their home now destroyed by Israeli bombs.

I came across an essay about the student protests that you might find of interest--or not. It's up to you. Link:


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U.S. funds both sides. Who's getting rich from that?

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Or are they paid actors who don't know what they're protesting because they're just there for the food and a paycheque? See my response to James Goodrich above.

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Exactly- paid activists in my opinion. I think there may be more "paid actors" within these groups that protest, & I feel these actors are instructing students what to say & act. In my opinion.

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Yes, I think there could be a lot more going on here than meets the eye. I might be wrong but I think the group trying to bring about a communist revolution is a lot smaller than we think. They just have a lot of people working for them to make themselves appear to be larger than they are. When those who lean left politically find out just how much they are being manipulated by a small, wealthy cabal they might just decide to join Team Humanity.

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I recommend reading the volumes of info from John Guy

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That sounds much more plausible, indeed. Sometimes when groups gather to protest, & especially in this regard, I sometimes feel outside sources could be contributing to "their own agenda", & with the 2024 Presidential election so close, I feel manipulation could play a larger role than I ever imagined. Thank you for your response, I do appreciate it!

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Who's got time to spend protesting when students need to study?

See Gyorgy Schwartz for answers to this riddle.

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HaHa! Take $$$$ to protest & study later! Hey, students may even get video shots from unknown sources! Videos they can treasure later in life...Sorry, my sarcastic mode took over!

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🤔 ZIONISM: noun

a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann. - OED

🤔 interesting that the one (attempting to) educate JG wants us to believe that JG is WRONG, the Marxist pampered widdle kwy babies are only in opposition to the UNDEFINED anti-zionism, that they don’t hate Jews ( indeed, must actually love the Jews and they’re only trying to free these unenlightened Jews from their occupying capitalistic anti-trans mindset). I suppose the "we don’t hate Jews" attitude is evinced by their ACTS OF LOVE: preventing Jewish students from going on their merry way, threatening the same, attacking the same, poking a female Jewish student in her eye with a "palestinian " flag staff [ rabbit hole: if only that palestinian flag staff was a real as "palestine " itself - a faux people (just nomadic Arabs no one wanted in their lands), with a faux history ("palestine," made out of whole cloth as there is no example of "palestine " in any historical documents - philistines, yes, but they faded into the mists of history like moabites (unless you’re from Utah, but that’s another misbegotten story); filled with a sense of faux importance - if it weren’t for the water ISRAEL (a real nation filled with real people) provides, electricity that ISRAEL provides, on land that ISRAEL gave them: these self important, ignorant, filthy, ungrateful thankless, people would with, die off and the dust of their bones would blow off to do something they are unable to do on this side of the veil - be beneficial, if only to the soil.

Really, I can see why these children having adult temper tantrums identify so strongly with the "gazans:" their place in history is just as faux fluff, they’ve accomplished nothing of benefit, their mark on the world is breaking what others have produced and if it wasn’t for what little remains of Judeo-Christian forbearance both groups would have been swept into the sea they so adamantly chant about. {and yes, I suspect when my time before the Throne is at hand, my strained/lack of Judeo-Christian forbearance will be a topic of discussion, regardless of forgiveness of sins, etc.}

From the River to the Sea, Israel shall be safe and free! (OK, the meter sux, but you get the idea)

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Brilliant post SR Miller, I’m actually at work so it’s sometimes hard to make a significant response to people such as Robert Auld. But then again if someone agrees with the absolute hatred of people based mainly on religion I in many ways don’t want to get into deep discussion with them. There is nothing I can say to change the mind set of a person that even if all the Jews were driven from Israel they would want to drive all Christian’s from the entire Middle East, and if they accomplished that they would drive all Christian’s from Africa, Europe, Asia, and on and on. Isn’t that the goal, submit or be beheaded. When hatred of a group of people has been infused so deep into someone it is nearly impossible to stop the hatred. These students protesting are the results of decades of the leftist march through the institutions. They, the students, are beginning to eat the people that put this in motion. They created Frankenstein and now Frankenstein has been unleashed on them. Look at Chuck U Schumer, there was a massive protest at his home. They call the president genocide Joe, they even went after Alec Baldwin. I say YES, eat the teachers, this is what they get. You see for us on the right, we ignore their constant calling us Nazis, racists, etc. Today we laugh at them, it gets them nowhere. Honestly who’s the real Nazi!!! Censorship, fascism, from the river to the sea, give me a break. I thought there might be a meme today showing all of the student protestors male and female with little Hitler mustaches below their parent wiped noses.

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Well, thank you thank you thank you, cannot deny the brilliance but I cannot claim all the credit: when you live with three, sometimes, four cats AND they insist on participating (I’ll spare you their general opinion of hoomins beyond the expected food-water-litter benefits) - well, their brilliance can’t help but shine through, even if it is a little chaotic. Generally I don’t argue, I just point out the size of my brain vs that walnut they were blessed with, after which they ask a simple question: "after being released, naked, into the woods, who walks out after a year, typical hooman or typical magnificent cat?" You don’t want to know what they think of "man’s best friend."

Well said, re: Chuck U: they removed the protesters from his residence but I seem to recall that wasn’t the case when "thems that protest" were outside (some of) the members of SCOTUS 🤔. As for these gubas that are suppose to be "Jews," well there’s a new term floating around that is apropos of the situation: jinos- jews in name only. Also, maybe we could toss out "sinos," students in name only (although, from what I’ve heard, a lot/most of the protesters are NOT students but professional rabble rousers.

And, as much as we’d like to imagine it, President Trump 47 won’t be the end of this - oh, it might be put down for a spell, 2025-29, perhaps even through 2037 🙏, but unless, until we return to a more sensible, virtuous mindset, THIS will only return and it could be worse.

Something people seem to forget, or conveniently ignore, is that when the disciples/Apostles asked about disposing of ALL their weapons, Jesus said to keep some because of WHAT WAS TO COME. The world as we know it NEEDS a strong, morally virtuous USofA. We, the encompassing national "we," are no longer virtuous nor do we have an idea what it means to be America. Until we do, American will continue her slide into irrelevance.

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Love this!!

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Aww, TY

You should read what I write when I’m sober - it was noon when I wrote that: ya’know, five o’clock, or later, some where 🍹 🤣

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I needed you guys this morning!

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James, I have started to read the volumes of info from John Guy. Very informative .

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I just got home from work. I plan on reading it. I started at lunch time but it went whizzing by my head which is not surprising, many things do… I will read hoping I will comprehend it all!!! Thanks DD I’m going to add a post I listened to today, in a few minutes, please take a few to hear it.

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I did recommend that he try to hone in the most relevant. Even the most dedicated to "truth" would have a hard time taking this all in.

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Anti Zionism is anti semitism!!!

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Oh dear. Never mind that there are a good many Jews who disagree with you on that one. I can see that trying to have further discussion in this forum on the facts of the issue is pointless. Good day.

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Robert, I meant no offense to you. I’ve read much about the conflict in Gaza and Israel. You sound like a very nice man. You may have read some of my posts in the past on Dr. Malones sub stack and I am frustrated with a large portion of the world turning against the Jews and Israel again. I really feel much of the conflict throughout the world today rests on the current administration here in America. As you may know my father was a 100% disabled WW2 vet. Because of a gunshot in the war through his back, he died when I was only 20 years old and I loved that man. With all of the conflict in this world today I think of him constantly. I just can’t believe the world is going down this path again. My comments were pointed at the students demonstrating. I personally am not a super strong proponent of Israel’s killing of innocent people in Gaza. I am very conflicted by the whole war/conflict there. But please accept my apology if I offended you in any way. My intention was not to do that. As I said I have read a lot about these demonstrations and realizing there are two sides to every story I’ve watched students chanting death to the Jews and death to America. I also watched the interview I believe you posted with Glenn Greenwald and the two students Jewish and Muslim and listened to that perspective. I consider the subscribers here my friends, even if I don’t agree with everyone I do respect your opinion. I hope to talk with you again soon Robert, J.Goodrich

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Robert, I am recommending reading John Guy's volumes of info from today, very interesting indeed.

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Yes; 100%. That was the line I forgot to include (when you’re left with only a few functioning neurons…)

Good catch 😀

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Which would be worse? A new world order run by Gates et al, or a US eventually run by ‘grown-up’ college students. Sounds like a lose/lose.

My take: there are two sets of 'Jews'. The descendants from Judah, son of Israel (Jacob) [where the term Jew came from], and those descendants of Esau, who God renamed Edom, Jacob’s old brother. The Edomite were the globe trotters who migrate through what is now Turkey and throughout Europe including Russia. Of course, they were both Semitic as are Arabs, but not the original Israelis who the Edomites fought over and over again.

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Wow, when phrased that way, yeah, it’s a lose-lose dichotomy. But, what if one of the choices was ‘Adults, with a useful college education?’ [Of course, I might be slightly biased in that I have more degrees than an analog thermometer, coast2coast, and one sort’a in the middle] But, you Got me to thinking, if I had to chose from a particular group, what group would I chose from?

What group would any of us chose from. What are our (wow, say those last two, 10x fast) biases, our expectations, our stereotypes; would race/nationality/skin color come into your choice - while I never considered voting for an oompa-loompa before, I’m kind’a partial to "orange" now 🤣. Education, blue vs white collar, military, religion⁉️; would you rather have King David or Jennette Rankin, Robert Oppenheimer or George Washington Carver.

😂 POTUS 45 or POTUS 46 🧐

How has your choosing algorithm changed over the years — if you can’t dissect what you want and why, might as well just toss darts in a bar or look for the ‘d’ or ‘r’

Me, I think I’d like King David with a degree in astrophysics, the ability to disassemble and put back together an M16 and a Glock 47, blindfolded; AND change the oil in a working ranch truck - would’a said farm truck but gotta give a nod to living in Montana, instead of in my beloved Appalachia. 😊

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Adults with useful college education. Hmmm, engineers, scientists all into climate change and green energy. What I could use and can't find are local skilled people like a plumber, electrician, handyman, construction worker.

As for running a country, sensible people with integrity and wisdom that aren't bought and don't care to be.

When I think of ranches I think of raising meat products and ranch hands on horse back. Farms raise produce and farm hands use tractors. However, I called my Arabian breeding business a farm! My 1998 Chevy Silverado 3/4 ton extended cab/short bed just got four new tires, oil change and some new windshield wipers. I like the word 'ranch'.

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Ranch is good - I just don’t put it on salad.

Born upstate NY, maternal family had 410 acres - of farm.

First job, transitional, in WA was working on a similar operation, probably less acreage - that was called a ranch 😂

Mike Rowe would bless you - yes, dirty hands from dirty jobs are not a sign of lesser achievement and I would say we need more of them than college educated baristas. But, we need engineers, climate scientists, and, God forgive me for saying so, lawyers.

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Hatred of the Jewish State, or vehement opposition to nationhood for Jewish people in Palestine, is hatred of Jews by a substitute pretense. Do not be fooled. This is a distinction without a difference.

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Ooh, that was good!

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Zionist regime cannot represent Judaism: Leader of Iranian Jews

“The first opponents of Zionism were the Jews themselves. No wise man approves of killing disabled people who are in hospital.”

The leader of Iranian Jews says the Zionist regime cannot represent Judaism, just as the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group cannot represent Islam.

Rabbi Younes Hamami-Lalehzar, who is also a physician, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV aired on Thursday.

“Just as the Daesh cannot represent Islam, the Zionist regime cannot represent Judaism. Unfortunately, the Zionist regime misuses a series of ideals of Judaism and takes action that has had many opponents among the Jews themselves since the advent of Zionism.”



Rabbi - Yisroel Dovid Weiss - why Orthodox Jews refuse to serve in Israel's military.

Draws a distinction between Zionists and Jews.

A Haredi anti-Zionist group. Residing in Monsey, New York, he believes that Jews should peacefully oppose the existence of the Israeli state: "It would be forbidden for us to have a State, even if it would be in a land that is desolate and uninhabited.

Neturei Karta: Ultra-Orthodox Jews Against Zionism | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss



Zionism is not the same as Judaism...


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The truth is, David never had a star. There is no reference to the Star (or shield) of David in the Bible.


It came from the Rothschild Red Shield

Magical Signs of the Jewish Cabala

Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.

— William J. Schnoebelen, in The Dark Side of Freemasonry

In the decades of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, the hottest spiritual trend was the New Age movement. As we move forward through the first decade of the 21st century, the latest cure-all spiritual phenomenon seems to be the

Jewish Kabbalah (or Kabbalah). The Kabbalah is not new, of course. It's been around for centuries. The Kabala is actually ancient magic. It is an exotic blend of devilish, sometimes fanciful, New Age mystical practices topped by a philosophical bent of Hewish supremacism.

Orthodox Judaism, or Phariseeism, is rife with Kabbalism, and Hewish rabbis are the Kabaka's greatest promoters.

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There is actually very little about the New age movement that is new. It takes a very deep dive to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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I thought the introduction of Pharisees was a punishment by God because they failed too many times to following Him as their Supreme Being.

Sort of like Vatican II removing Jesus the King from the public square and assigning him solely to the heavenly realm so secularism could gain a hold to usher in the one world gov. Well, Bergoglio has a fight on his hands.

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Please have a good theology professor explained why Pope Francis , born Jorge Mario Bergolio , the first Jesuit pope, choose a name from the Franciscan Order. He chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, why?

Is he embarrassed by the Jesuit order?

The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation:"Demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope)."

Note that the Jesuit Order, the Catholic clergy and the Military Order of Malta (and many of the other Papal and Royal military orders) have an extremely patriarchal culture.

Obviously the Jesuits were not expelled from many nations (even Catholic nations) because of their educational or charity work.

They were expelled for engaging in and carrying out subversive political plots against humanity to advance their own cause.

"Between 1555 and 1931 the Society of Jesus [i.e., the Jesuit Order] was expelled from at least 83 countries, city states and cities, for engaging in political intrigue and subversion plots against the welfare of the State, according to the records of a Jesuit priest of repute [i.e., Thomas J. Campbell].

Practically every instance of expulsion was for political intrigue, political infiltration, political subversion, and inciting to political insurrection."The Jesuits are known for their deception, spying, infiltration, assassination, and revolution. They worked deep into the political field and plotted through politics throughout the world countries.

Source: The Jesuits, 1534-1921: A History of the Society of Jesus from Its Foundation to the Present Time, VolumeThomas Joseph CampbellEncyclopedia Press, 1921 - 937 pages.

 This type of rigid social structure is one of the main aspects of fascistic groups."The Jesuits have no women. They have no love of a woman. Because to have a wife, to have a woman, means you have an allegiance to your wife and family, and you cannot obey the General. That’s why they will NEVER be married, and that’s one of the great KEYS to their success."- Eric Jon Phelps

Today the Jesuit Order has about 19,000 members. Of the about 13,500 priest members, some have taken the 4th vow secret oath in which killing a 'heretic' is not considered a crime. The ranks of Jesuits are thinning; From 36,000 members at the order's zenith in the mid-1960's, to 26,000 in 1983, to 23,000 in 1995 . The Jesuits are geographically organized by 91 provinces (61?), which each belong to one of 10 assistance around the world.

The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert operations, geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation:demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (often nicknamed as the Black Pope, since he dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope).

The Jesuits, 1534-1921: A History of the Society of Jesus from Its Foundation to the Present Time, Volume

Thomas Joseph Campbell

Encyclopedia Press, 1921 - 937 pages


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A theology professor is not needed. Here is my take Mr. Guy.

Bergoglio is a Jesuit through and through. He was chosen for the position of Pope well prior to 2013 before Pope Benedict XVI was forced out in favor of the man that would make the radical changes necessary to quickly align the mighty Catholic church to the one world order and to bring the Protestant denominations along with it. His church is now the Church of the Poor (that’s why the name Francis) because its new mission is to console the masses under the OWO, to live with their misery being told that it’s the ‘afterlife’ that counts, where they will gain their blessings. It will be reminiscent of the families of old that ruled the nations in partnership with the Church, who kept the peasants in their place. But,there is growing push back from those that ‘know’ Christ is King not just in Heaven but here on Earth. Scripture, His Words, reign in the public square. That’s why we know what the real laws are, and which man-designed laws are false. Take Jesus out of the public square and look what we where we end . . . . .

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Interesting points....

Jesus, the founder of Christianity, was the poorest of the poor. Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich, the wealthiest institution on earth. The Church is the Inheritor of the Former Roman Empire.

The establishment of the Papal States provided the Roman Catholic Church with a territorial and juridical base of paramount importance.

From then on it enabled her to launch upon the promotion of an ever bolder policy directed at the accelerated acquisition of additional lands, additional gold, and the additional status, prestige and power that went with them.


Around AD1400, European power centers coalesced into two camps: the Ghibellines, who supported the Emperor's Hohenstaufen family and the Guelphs, from Welf, the German prince who competed with Frederick for control of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Pope allied himself with the Guelphs. All modern history stems directly from the struggle between these two powers.

The Guelphs are also called the Neri, Black Guelphs, or Black Nobility, and supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which would rule the world from the 17th century. All coup d’etats, revolutions and wars in the 19th and 20th centuries are centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the New World Order.

The power of the Guelphs would extend through the Italian financial centers to the north of France in Lombardy (all Italian bankers were referred to as “Lombards”). Lombard in German means “deposit bank”, and the Lombards were bankers to the entire Medieval world. They would later transfer operations north to Hamburg, then to Amsterdam and finally to London.

The Guelphs would start the slave trade to the colonies. The Guelphs, in order to aid their control of finance and politics, would perpetuate gnostic cults which eventually developed into the Rosicrucians, Unitarians, Fabian Society and the World Council of Churches. The East India company, together with John Stuart Mill, would finance the University of London.


The head of the Black Nobility would be Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who has the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of any pope it selects. This may explain the untimely end to Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate. The Prince has veto power because his family, the Habsburgs, are descended directly from the last Roman emperor. (The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope). This is the civil equivalent of the Pope’s claimed “apostolic succession” from Saint Peter.  

 The Italian Vatican black nobility families that control the Vatican over the last 1000 years.

House of Borja

House of Breakspeare

House of Somaglia

House of Orsini

House of Conti

House of Chigi

House of Colonna

House of Farnese

House of Medici

House of Gaetani

House of Pamphili

House of Este

House of Aldobrandini  

House of Pallavicini / Marchese





In 1963, the Holy Roman Empire Association (Associazione dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero) was established to unite male descendants in its membership who are invested with the nobility of the Holy Roman Empire. It also includes a number of honorary members.  Black Nobility are descendants of the early Roman emperors, provided the many powerful Cardinal, Bishops and Popes to the Catholic church.


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I agree with Zionism is not the same as Judaism...

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I'm still waiting for someone to show where this mythical place called "Palestine" actually is.

Oh and maybe someone could also explain why none of the other Arab nations want anything to do with "Palestinians".

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I'm really surprised all those astute college rabble rousers haven't noticed that very fact: No other Arab nation wants anything to do with the Palestinians. Period. They know they are trouble and they don't want to let them in. Even next door neighbors Egypt won't let them in. Why don't those college morons notice this?

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Money talks I guess. These fancy universities prefer that good, old green dollar!

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Check out @SCmountaingoat on X. I think he's on to something. Like the protests before the last election, these are well financed by someone. Tens of thousands of dollars worth of food and supplies delivered, hundreds of identical tents. Check out organizations like Crowds on Demand. Naomi Wolf and others have been saying this seems way too contrived.

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That sounds reasonable to me.

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Brave Israeli former Gaza border guard speaks the Truth

Explains how the deadly Hamas attack was an inside job...

Watch and Listen to the truly staggering facts - Share this video


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04/26/24: What, and deprive them of their legal defense funds! You cad!

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Its not just so-called "Ivy-League" students, James, it is, with FEW exceptions, (Hillsdale College in southern Michigan being one) - academia en toto in the U.S.S.A., which is hopelessly infested with "tenured" (untouchable) "professors" themselves brainwashed (with) the insanity of MARXISM in BOTH its "anti-capitalist" (haves and have nots) iteration and the even MORE insane current fad of "Critical CULTURAL Theory" based upon the Marxian gobbledegook of WOKENESS- postulating that the ENTIRETY of society is divided into the OPPRESSED v the OPPRESSORS, which requires ONGOING REVOLUTION until there are no "oppressors" except the COMMUNISTS OPPRESSORS themselves.

The juvenile collegiate COMMIE-ZOMBIES-AGITATORS - spoon-fed MARXIST clap-trap INSTIGATED by COMMUNIST PROFESSORS is, indeed the same as Dr. Desmet's "Mass-Formation" that is happening throughout so-called "higher learning" institutions - GLOBALLY.

REDUX: "Give Me Four Years to Teach the Children and the Seed I Have Planted Will Never Be Rooted Out". ( Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Chairman of the Council of People' Commissars of the Soviet union).

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Did the same thing in the Catholic and Protestant denominations.

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Truly an INSIDIOUS, pernicious mental aberration...which - generationally speaking- seems to have NO cure!

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God provided humans free will. That's why consequences are so important. We see what happens when there are none applied.

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Yes, indeed! ALL are NEGATIVE, destructive and coercive (Force & Fraud)- and irredeemable.

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When these "pampered Ivy League" students decided to "protest peacefully", supporting "real terrorists" (those that chose to kill innocent women & children in Gaza that horrible day, October 7, 2024), did they all of a sudden decide to support Hamas terrorists? Or, in my humble opinion, were these Ivy League spoiled college students, contacted by PAID ACTIVISTS? Older activists that are now "indoctrinating" their evil, corrupt hatred upon college kids that don't have a clue about why they actually are gathering to support Hamas? I feel this is a horrible distraction that MAY ALLEGEDLY be funded by some evil, left wing radicals as election interference- Hmm, some names pop up in my head, maybe Soros, or some former past President that may have links to outside activists groups? I can't or won't watch any news coverage of these blatant acts of rebellion towards innocent students! If some of these students' are from other countries, & chose to attend an Ivy League university here in the US, maybe they need to return to their home country if they hate America so much. I apologize for sounding angry, but I'm so tired of what has happened in our country, as well as the world- We need change, but this current regime continues to disrespect & degrade our country. Enough is enough!

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Dr. Malone, in todays world I really hate traveling. I don’t envy you giving up so much of your precious time showing up to help all of us, wether people realize it or not, I realize it. I can see how you can get frustrated by people that don’t appreciate what you do. As an example I remember about a year ago, someone, a subscriber, posting how privileged you were by being at a conference in Europe not sure where, maybe Belgium and thinking who in their right mind wants to be traveling period let alone in a pandemic!!! Well I know most all of us have complete gratitude for you and your wife and the sacrifice you both make for all of us. A Heartfelt Thank You!!!!!!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That's what I was thinking when reading his travel plans. Glad they aren't mine and remembering the poster that was whining with envy over his travel to foreign places.

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Yes Shelley, that was the exact post I was thinking of.

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So well said James! I have COMPLETE GRATITUDE for Docs Malone and such admiration for them both! Such truth telling patriots! God bless the Malones and keep them safe on their travels! 💟✝️‼️🙌🏻🙏🏻

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Amen...nicely said!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen to that Brudda. After all the calumny thrown against them, Why am I still here at the Doctors site?

He is one of the rare freedom-lovers who says “Think for yourself”.

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James, once again you hit the nail on the head! I have a trip to FL in a few days and am dreading the experience, even though it is a short flight from TN.

Thank you Drs. Malone for all you do, again! Safe travels..

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I think I’d consider driving! I hate flying anywhere and haven’t in a very long time

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Well, it’s a short flight but a long drive. Sigh! Flying used to be such fun.

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It did! No longer safe travels 🙏🏻

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I was just thinking with dread about our short flight from our little airport in Va to Charlotte NC to Ft Myers. We’re visiting friends in Punta Gorda in 2 weeks. Then, I saw Dr Malone’s post and immediately stopped all whining. The Malone’s are Super Heroes in my book!

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I know! I can only imagine what he and Jill have gone through on their many travels! They are heroes for sure! I’ve had transfers and layovers in Charlotte. Do not like that airport! Good luck!!

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Safe travels Barbara!!

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Yes, I also appreciate all the dedication & time both of you have done to help so many other's understand, & see what has happened in our world, as well as so much of the corruption that seems to surround our daily lives. There is so much to take in, & some areas may be over-my-head, but I choose to read all I can to try & understand the possible "who/what/why" , in our lives. I do thank you both so much.

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Amen! 💯♥️🙏🏻

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

the Trump toon indicating his mentoring for dumping more taxes into Ukraine is NOT gonna' make America Great again. . .

talk about cognitive dissonance for the next election! ?

. . . reminds me of his failure to call out the lies of the Covid vax and faked pandemic.

SO, Trump is elected for 2024. Disease X shows up right on time. . . What WILL he do?

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My fear.

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I do not know what or whom to believe anymore. I do know that Trump was a careless spender when Congress offered oversized budgets and a trillion in covid relief.

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"Become ungovernable." Just saw Whitney Webb on "Redacted" last night, interviewed by Clayton Morris. I think Webb is a genius; perhaps "interview" is a misnomer. Just give her the mic and away she goes. Last night she talked at length about Deep State moves that went on even during the Trump admin and still go on now, involving big hitters in the Trump admin (and even family). To me Trump's saving grace is he himself did not force COVID-19 tyranny on the population, but that is not a full pardon. Webb also was telling the audience that we should NOT be complying with these technologies that are ostensibly being rolled out for security or convenience.

BTW, Clayton and Natali Morris' "Redacted" broadcast is out of Portugal.

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Not sure this is the one you refer to but from about 40:00 thru 46:00 min the motivations and plans for WEF are laid out pretty clearly-- make slaves of the underclass for the elites.


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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The frenzy of spring planting, clean-up, building planters, and general farm labor had me working from sunup to sundown this week. I suppose, at some level, I have been trying to escape from the depressing state of the world." That explains my fervor weed pulling efforts this spring!

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Agreed. My garden keeps me sane. I saw a sign in a garden shop yesterday that read "I am a gardener. It's cheaper than therapy."

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Weed pulling and humming along takes away my depressing thoughts!

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At least you are able to get the roots out. Seem weeding in the real world never gets the roots out.

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It helps to be a little angry with those darn weeds (a trowell helps) 🤣

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I use a lawnmower

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I must use my back because by the time I'm done I can barely get up. It might be because I sit down to do it.

Now, for the weeds which make up 50% of my yard, I use a JD rider.

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just bought a "new" used one-- 840.

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Glyphosphate sprayed sparingly / carefully. . .

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Yes, along my fence lines and gravel drive.

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One other piece concerning the power of language. "trying to resist" anything can actually feed what you want to avoid. I was taught this in hospice. Going forward, making positive statements toward wellness etc. It's an old lesson in martial arts, a person can get really hurt by resisting the movement towards them. Take that energy coming towards you and move it thru with force and clarity. No anger needed, just clear intention.

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Sounds like an easier said then done act. Might take some practice.

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ha! Please teach me. It is so hard to respond in that way when internal adrenaline pumps away.

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Have fun at the MEGA Conference.

Sadly, neither MEGA nor MAGA will work unless we have the WILL to make the HARD CHOICES needed to right this ship 🚢!!!

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I can’t find the health freedom summit in Palm Springs event … can you provide the link ? Thanks

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Will do. Will post it tomorrow

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here perhaps? Saturday, May 4 Summit on Food, Family, and Medical Freedom (organized by Dr. Brian Tyson): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/summit-on-food-family-and-medical-freedom-tickets-866953771067

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Yep!!! Thank you for pulling this up.

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Happy to help my favorite globe trotter 🌐🏇!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Eventbrite is in the “canceling” mode these days. Another one captured by DEI. 😞

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Yes, you are right (https://www.eventbritecareers.com/diversity-and-inclusion-at-eventbrite). I was just reporting the link, definitely not endorsing the company.

If I were setting up an event, I'd offer an analog (aka snail mail 🐌📤) option to pay for tickets, donations, etc. Everyone, keep asking for this option and pay cash when you can.

Recently, Coffee & Covid (Jeff Childers) included a snail mail method for helping lawyer John Eastman who is being persecuted (https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/i/143988479/the-c-and-c-army-post).

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks!! Those funnies and that video was just what I needed today. You’ve warned everyone who wants to know about the world affairs. I thank you for that.

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Re the vidio..a name for some who undervalue themselves, ie sharks…as in pool sharks. Remember once in student union at Univ. of Okla. a visitor from Kan. was interested in a game of billiards. Asked if any good replied he said hse actually had not played in a few yrs. And then proceeded to demolish his opponent. Think he made an 8 bank shot. Then admitted his last game was at the national billards tournament. All in fun then but a warning about false modesty.

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That should have read 8 cushion shot as were playing 3 cushion billiards.

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Holy crapp! this gives a whole new angle on the guy from Kansas' skill.

Never heard of "3 cushion billiards" till you described(so, I searched on it. . .)

I simply play . . . pool!

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The guy was good. Those balls are heavy and to have developed a stroke to push one around the table twice took some severe dedication. Sorry for delaying but you were stuck in my spam box. My browser does that to some of you guys but inconsistently so hard to pick up sometimes depending on when I clean the spam box (guess that should be spam tin?).

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a block button that I would use if I had a cyber bully attacking everyone that commented on my Substack blog.

I have already ran into this happening twice by some hiding cyber bully on Substack blogs where I was a paid subscriber.

Apparently though, the writers of the Substack never bothered to read the comments and see this bully at work.

I had to unsubscribe to both of them.

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I have wondered why all the substacks I read have virtually no trolls, bullies. Apparently, authors weed them out with the "block" button. This sure makes it painless for authentic "readers". Glad to hear of this. . .

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hi! Doc: I know is tiresome, but haters gonna hate, and sometimes the "cyberbullies" are not even human! Please plain ignore them. We, your tribe, know your value. F*** the rest!

Congrats for the beautiful farm and family (human and furry-feathered one).

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Yes, haters are justly ignored. Real debate on differences of view isn’t ugly. It’s useful and seeks truth. That we should all handle and be tolerant of simple ignorance but hate, personal attack, THAT can be safely ignored. On X I just mute them!

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, don't get too discouraged by the haters. I'm not sure their numbers truly reflect the % of the general public. I think most of them are being paid by the Deep State.

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"Destroying planet Earth, one fart at a time."

The "environmentalists" must breathe a collective sigh of relief that those vast herds of Plains Buffalo were eradicated so long ago. Can you imagine? The seas would be boiling by now.

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But maybe, holding their breath just now. Buffalo has come to the menus again. My local grocery is selling Buffalo, deer and maybe frozen rabbit.

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Yes, that is the only red meat I eat, Buffalo. My cats on the other hand get an assortment of grass fed beef, rabbit, venison, Buffalo and lamb. They are not fond of foul.

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My feral 'toads' favor tuna. By mixing they are now cleaning off beef and tuna.

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Yup, fish for treats for these guys, gotta be careful tho, it can be too rich if too much.

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I read an interesting article by Jeffrey Tucker on Alex Jones and free speech yesterday. So nice to know that people are finally recognizing just how long the gov has been in control. https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/as-it-turns-out-we-can-handle-alex-jones-5637189

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The gov and….a piece out how the good ol US citizen (really do hate dual citizenship) g. soros is on tap to acquire the nations largest radio network, just before the election, with collusion by the f.c.c. Seems the junta has defecated on (weaponized) the whole bloody alphabet.

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I would guess the comment"really getting tired" of the crap is a major understatement. I just read AMD about the behind the scenes propaganda used by the gov. and pharma to mass hypnotize everyone they can, and it works to a great extent. Waking up to this seems to happen one person at a time, not in large numbers, caused by a combination of paranoia and delusional psychosis. When you tell a fact like "I'm tired" etc. too bad you need to clarify that you're not whining. Holding your head in your hands perhaps, but whining? NOT.

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This comment provides some more info on mass psychosis as explained in another After Skool video: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/friday-funnies-become-ungovernable/comment/54872101

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

Extremely valuable! I would encourage everyone to give the After Skool video a watch. Would you do another posting on this for more to see, Big E? ( I see you did another posting, it's never enough...)

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I’m getting tired of it too. I think we all are. 🙏🏻

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Apr 26Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Salient. Thankyou

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