Robert/Jill/All - If you are not already aware of Dr. David E. Martin, I urge you to watch this interview from May 25th (2 days ago): https://rumble.com/v161fjk-monkeypox-was-covid-just-a-test-run-dr.-david-martin-interview.html

He gives us a tool on his website: https://www.prosecutenow.com/

to “demand our elected state officials appoint special prosecutors to investigate criminal behavior by our elected and appointed officials.”

This site’s raison d’etre (reason for purpose): PROSECUTE NOW’s reason of being is to maintain, magnify, and augment the individual and collective liberties and social compacts and relations of Humanity upon which this, the Great American Experiment, was conceived. We exist to represent humanity’s voice for liberty and to stand as the bulwark against the rising tide of despotism and tyrannical autocracy overtly and shamelessly displayed across the world and here at home in the United States of America.

I hope you all find Dr. Martin's message as hopeful as I do. Let us not forget who is truly in charge! God bless us all.

PS - I LOVED Benny Hill - God rest his funny soul.

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Dr. Martin lives near us and we have shared dinner together.

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That explains your broader view (not just clinical but sociopolitical) of what we are currently being subjected to. So good to know you and he exchange insights together. I have been a student of you both since the beginning of the covid plandemic deception.

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Sweet! David has been all over this for over two years. Amazing speaker of many facts.

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Again, thanx for the David Martin link. Wow! On a 1-10....it's a 20! Seriously well-crafted info!

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You are most welcome. It is my hope that people will find this as profound as I do.

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Thanks for sharing!

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Great link. Thank you for sharing.

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Oh my gosh, the Crocpox literally had me laughing out loud! 🤣😆🤣

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Oh, no doubt! We are in for some very rough times. I wish more people would wake up!

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022

This world is not our permanent home...however, I have no intention of living this life on my knees. I will not comply with tyranny. I suppose THIS is my HILL. My theory on their 'monkey pox' scheme is this: Thought I am not a doctor (my education and professional experience is in the political realm), my concern is this, that those who received several covid jabs, as we have learned, now have significantly damaged immune systems, if they were to get an attenuated smallpox vaccine, perhaps their bodies could not handle it and they may develop actual smallpox. (I have an autoimmune disease and even the flu shot makes me very ill.) The WHO or the IC blobs would cover this up and declare it a 'terrorist attack' by Muslim insurgents (always a good scapegoat) and institute all manner of lockdown restrictions (Shanghai, anyone?) and mandatory vaccinations. Martial Law would suffice to make our 'inalienable rights' irrelevant. The WHO will be brought in to handle this 'global threat' to 'save humanity'... and China will rise ascendant. Christians and others who resist will be hunted, put into camps and persecuted. Or just maybe, enough will resist and they will not succeed in their goal for total world domination. I hope the later... In any event, thanks for the funnies.

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So look forward to my Friday Funnies. Our laughter at the absurdity of the fools attempting to run the world is epic. Laughter is what got my uncle through the dark abuse of Stalag 17 & brought him home to help participate in making the film. Laughter ruled my blue collar family and bridged unbridgeable political divisions. Just imagine the movies we can write and produce once we finish establishing the world we see for our children? Free to be wild laughing humans - free of an overarching State.

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For decades Readers Digest had the section of "Laughter. The best Medicine"! Bingo!

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Yes and before Reader’s Digest did this we all shared laughter as the best medicine for what ails us. Laughter in the face of pain is always the brave choice. Those who cause the pain can’t really understand. It is our shared secret language.

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The heart has reasons the mind does not know.

So fill your heart with laughter...till you almost cry!

Now that's remedy.

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if people pretend its not happening, then it happens. They have managed to control everything from the media. to food to whether or not some people have a job. 50 years in the making.

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Yes, but believe it’s been an end goal. 50 years, or 160 or? I see it as since the so-called “first” American Civil War. To my thinking this is the “Fourth American Civil War” happening in the midst of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. They control it through the media, through social media, through helping to shape a world where psychopathology is selected for, and through every government, corporate, and institutional interaction we engage in. For instance the means for social credit scoring through finance is already in place. Every time we pay with our cards or corporatized credit systems.

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That about says it alright! Although we may not believe we chose these times to live through it seems the times have dictated differently. We are what we do.

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Living that way is wonderful!

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Crockpox the winner. Altho Bennie Hill also a winner - my WWII Dad loved him. Dad loved Sat mornin Road Runner cartoons too. Laughter is the best medicine.

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I do look forward to your weekly funnies. They say so much. thanks and Bless you

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I have to remember to start blaming all of my mistakes on Putin.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Awesome Friday Funnies! Really makes my day ! I think I need to stock up on

"Ukraine decorations" though!!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank You! The tar and feathering caught my fancy. Could add MSM and a few others beyond the Hallowed Halls. On the other hand, think one is doing GOOD if they have some residual feathers!

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the new badge of honor...

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Hilarious! I need to keep a short list of the "monkey pox symptoms" readily available! Thank you for the funny share!

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That was the best - I laughed out loud!

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These are SPOT ON! Thanks Dr. Malone and Jill! You are warriors and we need you! God bless you both! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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The Crockpox was hilarious. Also the WHO dr with themaloneinstitute.org

I look forward to these each week.

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As our world gets wilder every day, at least the memes are getting better, too. I hope you get some downtime this weekend, Doctor. 💜

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Thanks for Benny Hill and for your article on MonkeyPox early on !! I turned on CBC radio yesterday just to hear what nonsense they are passing around this time As suspected, they are churning up the waters that will likely cause undue alarm. Another bait and switch.

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Great comedy break, Dr. M! The Garrison cartoon is spot on. And sobering!

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Is that finger loaded? We can only hope.

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