Kennedy has a few nice points. But he is a climate change cultist, and there's no issue more devastating to liberty - not even medical freedom. Because the goal of solving a "climate emergency" - which has already been declared - allows for control of absolutely everything. There are no human activities that cannot be shown to relate to the climate; hence, all human activity must be regulated, controlled, curtailed...or ended.

Sorry RFK. No dice.

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John, I concur with your assessment 100%. Kennedy is on video saying in effect, climate deniers should be imprisoned.

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All wrapped up in Commerce Clause/Public Health farrago.

He does get an asterisk for his Fauci book.

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RFK Jr is indeed a threat to our nation...a trojan horse. If not for the romance of the Kennedy name he would be a nothing burger (romance by leftist media brainwashing standards). As I stated in several earlier posts, I have followed/supported him for years on a couple of issues, but 80% of him is leftist democrat socialism. Like many of us, he does get 5 stars in some areas, in other areas like leading our nation, a constitutional republic? He would be a younger version of Biden, owned by the D party. RFK will not utter the term that the USA is a constitutional republic, for if he does, he wakes up the ignorant. He relies on ignorance, which is what the LSD party does (Liberal Socialist Democrat).

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I completely disagree. Judge a man on what he says and what he does. I’m a constitutional conservative and he’s got my vote

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Help me here. What does he say and do that gets your vote as a constitutional conservative? And how do you square his climate change cultism with your vote?

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One, He is a free speech absolutist. Two, he has vowed to end forever wars. That only benefit the wealthy military industrial complex and their compromised politicians. Three, he supports the second amendment, while addressing the mental health needs of the crazy people who misuse weapons. This is the smartest take on this issue. Four, he wants to dismantle the deep state. Five, he will close the border and reform immigration (which needs it). Six, he wants to end the elites corporate capture of government. Seven, he will stop the surveillance cult and prohibit CBDC. Eight, he will restore the middle class by making it possible for us middle and lower class people to buy homes. More importantly he will protect property rights.

He thinks the jury is out on climate change, so he’s not a crazy climate activist. What he IS is an environmentalist. Clean air, clean water, healthy soils, is not a cult. We all want those things. 40 years of environmental work has produced an impressive improvement in River and ocean restoration. Who’s not for that. God said “Have dominion..”. With dominion comes responsibility both to other humans as well as Nature. Both can be achieved while helping both thrive.

Last, he vows to end the big pharma capture of the FDA and CDC. We are a sick nation. To turn that around we have to separate those agencies from their money supply and ask hard questions. We use 1,000 ingredients on our crops and in our food that nations around the world have banned because they are toxic. We need to seriously investigate these health issues which he has vowed to do.

I suggest that you listen with an open mind and remind yourself that of the three: one is senile with a destructive ideology, another is not focusing on some of our greatest problems like our massive addiction problem, homelessness, disenfranchisement and poverty and even all his good policies will be hindered by half the country afflicted with TDS (Trump derangement syndrome), and the third has captured the attention and respect of the huge independent community some of whom are liberals but many of whom are conservatives wanting a way forward that does not divide and is concerned about real problems at the grassroots roots level.

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I have struggled to see how Trump can be successful against all the unreasonable visceral hatred he engenders. I waffle on JFK Jr., mainly due to some of his more fringe climate statements. I could live with him. I can’t live with Biden.

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Facts matter.

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Blah blah blah.

Believe what you want, does not make it the truth.

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You are a good example of an ignorant American cituzen

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Oh funny.

Truth shall set you free.

Everyone is ignorant only on different subjects…Will Rogers.

Kennedy is a democrat so vote for a democrat what do I care. Vote twice if that will make you feel better.

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He is a slightly smarter democrat nutjob, and like many broken clocks, is correct twice a day, IF you catch him at the right time.

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I like this.

I will, however, steal it for my own personal use and enjoyment

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

On the one hand he criticizes large debt increases, and on the other hand he wants to maintain a middle class. Does he not see that he needs to EXPLAIN how he can do everything he claims he wants to do CONSISTENTLY with those other two goals? But nary a peep from him, best I can tell.

I can't trust a man who has a blind spot that big. But on the other hand, I think the biggest threats of the day are those ONLY he will address. But I don't think he has a chance of winning, anyway.

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06/28/24: Why aren't there any comments published by Kennedy himself, in the aftermath of the Biden Train Wreck?

Dr. Malone, thank for getting to the point succinctly. And imagine the people who got hosed by Steven Spielberg about ten days ago to the tune of $30,000,000 "raised" (extorted) from CA Democrats (and worse) at the "Cheap Fake" gala benefit dinner for The White House Mr. McGoo.

Guaranteed: Today, they are waiting on line to scream at Spielberg (not that they can get their money back, which has already been spent. On what? TV images more fantastic than Orson Welles's 1938 War of The Worlds).

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Well said and spot-on, John!

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Totally agree

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His solution to climate change is regenerative farms, which normalize climate cycles. He is committed to the Bill of Rights. Watch his speech at the Libertarian Party convention.

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Hi John. Do you think/believe RFK Jr is a proponent of Agenda 21?

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It can't go on, but I fear it will. Biden may as well have invited attacks from foreign countries, as he continued to lie about everyone respecting us and recognizing how strong our military is, while anyone with a brain has to acknowledge his mind is gone. My husband talked to the father of a young Marine yesterday. He's getting out primarily because of the transgender madness. Our government is paying for them to "transition."

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A friend's son is a new officer in the military, stationed in a war zone, but in an office. He's more scared of micro-aggression accusations and DEI violations than being blown up by literal bombs.

*Some women in the office object to the shape of missiles because they resemble male private parts. OMG!

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He should tell them that antitank mines look like their ass.

Fair is fair.

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I'm stealin that one. Ha!

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there are other implements of destruction that resemble toxic bitch body parts, and damn, men do not complain at all.

See also the old M113, just basically a "box".

and some bombs look just like fat saggy tits,

Where's a Pole Aris missile, when you need one

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You're making my Petey B arise.

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always ready to help others with an uplifting experience ;-}

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Big E, it just goes to show you that those women are obsessed with sex!!!

A war can't be won when the soldiers have their mind off the original task of the military!

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So very lost. my heart is heavy for our military personnel. What a crazy time to be "protecting" the nation when Joe is about pronouns.

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Vaccinations should be a lot higher on the list of concerns than trans policies. The priorities of the military are upside down, protecting Pfizer by covering up the damage after forcing covid shots on such a young and fit population. The military will be lab rats for bird flu shots too.

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I don't disagree at all. Biden said last night that his administration has treated the military so well, much better than Trump. What a crock!

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Well, how does he treat vets better if he tosses them out of residence to provide a room for an illegal immigrant, outfitted to perfection, including phone and Medicare or Medicaid? Did they think WE wouldn't mind? They are our men and women in Service to this nation? Criminal.

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dear God, that is horrific

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Except that it's not funny, at all. The Democrat Party and its media allies has installed a senile imbecile as the Leader of the Free World in exceptionally dangerous times. Not sure what others think but then, again, if treason prospers, none dare call it treason. Ne-c'est pas?

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mais oui!

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Times weren't all that dangerous BB.

(Before Biden)

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Remember - Biden’s cabal (Obama) made it exceptionally dangerous - the world was just fine….

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Indeed, it's all so ludicrous, if you couldn't laugh you'd have to cry.

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Literally the French expression " n'est ce pas?" Like in America meaning " is it not? or isn't that right? " and of course, as it is always a question it ends with a question mark

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Thanks. Admittedly my French is barely "restaurant French."

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As good as my English Bruce, la prononciation est toujours differente dans de nombreuses situations dans tous les domaines :)

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Funny story. I once helped litigate a contract dispute where the contract was in both French and English. Problem is - the contract never said which version governed. Which, as you point out, became a problem because "la situation est toujours differente dans de nombreuses situations dans tous les domaines." Thanks for the reminder.

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With you on that. !

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Thank you. My husband has been screaming treason for 2-3 years and he keeps getting shut down on social media for it.

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Loved your video, it was like a waltz, a tango or more like a horse-trot!!

Truly a very sad night for America exposing what most of us here knew, a manipulated scrambled brained elderly man. How can his family who are witnesses to the drastic mental decline of their husband or father in plain view every day, put him through this? After all of the irrevocable harms this man has done to our country, first on my mind the open border, the publicized rapes and murders of women and children, the drugs pouring in overdosing our young, the human trafficking, it’s hard for me to say, but last night I felt sympathy for Joe Biden mainly because of what his family is doing to him; much more than this I felt deeper sorrow for America and it’s citizens. This begs to question who is running our country??, it certainly is not this man!!

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I simply cannot feel sorry for this man, or his wife. They are both corrupt and perverted and have been for decades. There is more than enough evidence of corruption and the reason they are referred to as the Biden Crime family. When the hot topic about their daughter's entries in her diary about taking showers with her dad were finally admitted as being real, I had to ask, where was Jill when this was happening? What mother would allow that? Tip of the iceberg to their evil existence, IMHO. So, no, I cannot feel any sympathy for him.

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I totally agree with you Meemanator, I think the sympathy comes from the manipulation of a clearly dementia riddled lost soul. I have zero sympathy what so ever for what he has done to his daughter, Tara Reade, the fraudulently imprisoned political opponents, and my wife forced to take his mandated poison. His mind is obviously gone. I would have no sympathy if he was to be placed in a maximum security prison for his crimes.

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Whether he gets his just reward here or not, I am confident there is a very hot place waiting for him. Those who use him and protect them are primarily protecting themselves. I recall the report on election night 2016 when Trump was declared winner, HIllary had a meltdown and screamed - 'we're all going to jail!" That is their motivation then, which includes a lot of Rinos as well as corrupt Dims.

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Here Here!

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Should it not be: Hear, Hear ?

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omg!! Having a BAD day?

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By the way mate. If you have not yet read DR Malones article (parts 1 & 2) by Ed Dowd, it is a "mind blower". I feel the whole of both your Nation and mine NEED to know the truths of who "they" really are.

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These two people (the Biden's) live separate lives.

But keep up the appearances that all is well in public.

Like the Clintons did it and hid it very well.

If I said it was all theater before, would you believe me now?

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I'm with you. The charade of the Clintons is public knowledge - at least for those who choose to see. I have often equated them as modern day Ahab and Jezebel. Seems like evil is being allowed to have it's way. This goes back decades and includes the Bush family and a slew of others. Imagine what we would find out if they would release the Epstein travel list. Would that open eyes? Call me jaded but I don't think so. People prefer to believe the lie.

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The story book life of foolish and power hungry couples.

The PRIDE is so deeply entrenched....they'd kill half the planet to protect it!

Oh wait...they are working on it.

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Yes it's pride and hunger for power which goes hand in hand with the god complex. Which turns out to be their Achilles Heel. They are so drunk with their own importance they can't see themselves making any mistakes. That is when they do. Then they scramble to cover themselves.

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Oh yes...they are diligently working on it!!

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I do feel sorry that an old rabid democrat is being abused by his toxic shrew of a wife.

Kind of.

If you stay in one place long enough, you can see the karmic wheel turn.

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The imagery that prevents me from feeling sorry for him is that of dozens, if not hundreds, of young women and even underage girls who have been assaulted by this filthy shell masquerading as a human. My empathy goes to them because they have no voice or anyone to speak for them. In the early days of the exposure to the files on Hunter's laptop, some images were released then quickly deleted. They included both Hunter and Joe with underage girls. These got erased quickly, like so many other documents - remember Hillary's 33,000 emails on a hidden server? Then the Russia disinformation narrative began. Corruption and abuse on every level. All that is true is what it is but it doesn't matter when no one wants to believe what is true and there are many who don't I guess because it would rock their comfy world.

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its the generic elder abuse, as a nurse for 40 years, I have seen toxic spouses who abused their "loved ones", that I don't like,

It happening to this rabid pedopathic rodent kind of mitigates that "sorrow".

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And those are his good points

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Thanks for that - I needed a laugh.

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Pat, most all of you know me, I’m normally not sympathetic especially to Joe Biden. In general people can’t stop the feeling of sympathy for others, even when you know they are evil and I know. I have found that when people know you are conservative and don’t go along with perversions to say kids, or this invasion killing our country they think that you are cold, have no feelings or you’re heartless. This to me is a form of discrimination towards conservatives. Just because I’m against predators messing with kids or overwhelming our country with illegals so democrats can stay in power doesn’t mean I’m uncaring, to me it’s exactly the opposite!!

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I am really at a loss how so many rabid, brain dead democrats have supported mutilating mentally ill children.

I am aware of the experiment (Stanley Milgram's electric-shock studies showed that people will obey even the most abhorrent of orders.) and the data on the German police battalion (101) showed that they were willing to exterminate jews, not because of ideology, because they did not want to be "cowards" to their fellow cops, , "Massacres and Murders

"Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm Trapp, the battalion was responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of Jews in Poland. They participated in the Aktion Erntefest, a mass murder operation that took place on November 3, 1943, in which 43,000 Jews were killed in a single day.

Psychological Factors

Historian Christopher Browning’s book “Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland” explores the psychological factors that led ordinary men to become willing participants in mass murder. Browning argues that the battalion’s men were not motivated by anti-Semitism, but rather by a desire to conform to the norms of their unit and avoid being seen as cowards."

Then we have Clintons Gestapo burning dozens of people to death, at Waco, because, "orders"

and Obamas Gestapo, at the Bundy Ranch, who were only stopped by "enough" armed citizens, who with rifles and horses, that made those rabid pigs, with their helicopters and auto weapons, back the fuck down.

I believe that most conservatives have the moral fiber to so no to rabid tyrants and other perverted officials, I believe democrats will assist the rabid tyrants,

its just the way they are.

Basically, if we the people need to bear arms to stop rabid perverted governments the democrats will be helping the rabids.

I believe they were called torys in 1776,

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And rinos in 2024. What does it take to say no to a large group of your colleagues pushing the agenda to mutilate under age children, and what does it take to go along with the large group of your Democrat colleagues

The difference is courage and cowardice, the difference is right and wrong.

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I now suspect that a lot of so called repubs are on Epstein's list, and subject to blackmail, for fucking young children,

so hey hey , what is a little mutilation to these vermin

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And Clinton's FBI murdered individuals who had done nothing on Ruby Ridge. WIlly Barr, no longer head of the DOJ, as a private citizen spent his time and money to protect his beloved FBI.

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yep, you just have to have enough armed citizens to make the democrat gestapo to back the fuck down

see also The Battle of Athens, and the Bundy Ranch stand off.

If you don't have enough armed citizens, then the democrats gestapo will exterminate you

see also Waco and Ruby Ridge

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I forced myself to read "Ordinary Men" a couple of years ago. It was pretty sickening to get this insight on human nature. Frightening, too.

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I have had the misfortune of understanding how evil humans can be (psych and jail nurse), for a long time.

More knowledge, allows me to ,mitigate that horror, by also understanding that humans can be a great force for the good side.

And we live in the most abundant times in recorded history.

I am unsure how well things would work if everyone knew how thin the veneer of civilization really is.

Every large city on the planet is one week away from hunger.

2 weeks from starvation,

3 weeks from cannibalism.

Folks don't understand what a food surplus has done for civilization.

And that is just one factor.

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I don't know, Dr Jill is just what Biden deserves. She's a real piece of work.

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karma is sofaking kool

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Exactly‼️ that was my response to family & friends saying they felt sorry for the babbling buffoon Biden.

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It is truly just more evidence of what we have highly suspected all along Jim.

Why they allowed it was maybe to end Joe's shelf life as an F'd up politician.

There has got to be a script on someone's desk in DC.

Look at the hype that led up to this tv kindergarden stage show.

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CNN's Anderson Cooper pressed K. Harris in a Q&A that was highly scripted as she stood up for Biden. First time she did not mince words and make word-salad comments. She is no fool but up to now has been told to act like one. She is their sleeper and she is very dangerous. She is Obama' girl to finish the job.

Master game plan: Imagine the Dem convention where the ticket remains B/H. Before the election, Biden's Cabinet invokes the 25th. Harris becomes Pres. and selects her VP.

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G'Day Mate. I (regrettaby) have to say, as a far off but very genuine lover of the Great USA and its people, I HAVE NEVER experienced such shame and disappointment about your wonderful country. (I watched the "debate" Live). HOW The American People allow this FIASCO to continue is beyond me. Millions pouring in to the country comprising of all manner of undesirables. Displacing VETS with illegals "ILLEGALS"! then giving them Medicare and phones and credit, and with VETS living on the street. "Woke" Military Admin more concerned with transgender issues that protecting the Nation. I could go on (but wont).


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Americans have been sheltered for so long we have become weak and weak minded. As they say good times make weak men. The government has hidden this also with printed money, but reality is coming soon. I think currency’s including the dollar will crash and then hard times will come. Hard times makes strong men. If we survive this.

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James? IF you just peruse the MEMBERSHIP ROSTER of (a) "NGO" (Non-Governmental Organization ) the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" your question asking "who is running this country" will be FULLY and COMPLETELY answered.

The (36) members of the Board of Directors of the "CFR" are de facto "running" our country; along with the 5000 'elite' membership of the "CFR"....people such as George Soros, Larry Fink, all (3) of the Clintons, hell, JAKE TAPPER is a "CFR: member!

Joe Biden is listed as a "NOTABLE" member of that "NGO" - that includes Anthony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Janet Yellen - and you will see IF you do your homework, names of MANY, MANY Democrats AND REPUBLICAN "CFR "members in the US SENATE and HOUSE of Representatives + about 90 % of the MAJOR NEWS MEDIA - both TV & print; as well as MANY major corporations and their management; most ALL of "academia" - and of course HOLLYWEIRD!

DO NOT take my word on this....check it out YOURSELF!

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Thanks, will check it out

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Yes James, it’s elder abuse. But he’s the pit bull with his jaws locked on the body politic ( power corrupts) even though his mind is gone! He’s an addelpatted adult with some personal responsibility. Nevertheless I’m exhausted and long for a release from this dreadful drama.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Elder abuse happens a lot in all levels of society, including with the elite class. Jill Biden and the rest of the family are clearly doing it for their own benefit because Joe is the source of their money scams. In spite of his advanced dementia at this point, I struggle to have any sympathy for him because he has been such a lying, self serving creep his whole life. No mercy deserved now.

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been a nurse, a Registered Nurse for 35 years and an Army Corpsman for 9 years before that. I did a quick assessment and stated, as a professional nurse, the first time I saw President Biden in January of 2021, that he should not be left alone and likely requires a great deal of supervision. Then the videos started.

It actually saddens me greatly to see someone so debilitated get fronted like that. I agree that Mrs. Biden is guilty of elder abuse. Amongst other things. I have cared for 94-year-olds that are sharp as tacks and agile too. I have also cared for 50- and 60-year-olds that look and act like Mr. Biden, or worse. It's not the actual number of his age, it's his abilities and they are glaringly absent.

I was surprised that President Trump was able to maintain and follow the rules of the debate. (And proud too, it wouldn't have been easy for me.) He is not a great orator or debater. Not by a long shot. But frankly, I don't vote for him for those abilities. And he kept his ego mostly in check and he struggled.

Anyone with any experience in micro expressions could read what he was thinking and quite frankly, he had 100% more cognitive functional capacity than Mr. Biden.

What angered me was the complete lack of actual plans or details from either candidate. Or facts and numbers to support their claims. I think President Trump overwhelmingly was more mature and levelheaded in his responses and for sure Mr. Biden was getting help. Also, the outlandish lies told by Mr. Biden was astonishing. And then to have CNN immediately afterwards call President Trump a liar. WTF???

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Anybody that has nursed a parent through the twilight of their life, more than likely recognized all the signs of elderly onset dementia.

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Market Watch, right after debate did "Fact Check" . It was like they put it together prior to the televised version of "debate". Trump was their clear loser due to all his "lies".

Yet, by morning, they were singing the real tune as CNN did. A disgrace as Biden rattled on in disjointed sentences that were incoherent or just nuts.

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Mom just said for the past 3 years, he was like an old bull in a china shop.

What he didn't break he just shit on!

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Best comment of the day

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And she used to say that a lot...Hahahaha

About a great many people.

Thanks Mom, Love ya!

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Mom used to tell me that when I was young the only time I got in trouble was when I had too much free time and/or too much money.

Wise words, eh?

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Ha ha ha.... Talk about a bullseye. You win the internets today, randall!

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just started watching the "Real Debate" at https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1806462171892895808 (therealdebate.com jumps directly to the X link). Skip to the start at ~25:30 minute timestamp. The full video is 2 hours 48 minutes.

Through an ingenious use of technology, the Real Debate showed CNN's Q&A between Trump and Biden followed by RFK Jr's answer to the same question. At least with the Real Debate on X, voters will have a chance to compare and contrast the candidates in a meaningful way. Note that the Real Debate included a studio audience full of RFK Jr. supporters while the CNN debate had no studio audience whatsoever. Hmm...

A billion times "thank you" 🙏🙏 to Elon Musk for making the Real Debate possible and for supporting free speech on X. For once, I say "thank heaven🪽for multi-hundred-billionaires! " I may disagree with Mr. Musk on other issues, but his dedication to free speech seems genuine -- and I'm all for the right to speak and the equally important right to listen!

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At least we had that nice little option for our viewing pleasure and education!

Good Job "X" on RFK.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Thanks for the memes, but I think it is just what they wanted. They’ve been looking for the right time to say ‘we can’t run this guy, his usefulness has expired’. Jill’s just his handler. So, who will they tap? Mrs. Clinton? Rematch? What rising Marxist nobody with charisma will they run? Or will they simply let Trump (Republicans) take the fall for the next few years of absolute economic chaos?

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Harris is their sleeper. She is neither ignorant or incoherent. She is Obama's gal and selected as VP for this purpose. She will finish the job once installed.

She has been groomed for decades and is cunning, cut from the same clothe as O. She has been playing the part since Jan. 2021. No slip-up by Biden when he would say the Harris/Biden ticket or Admin.

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It's interesting, because when she's on script (literally) she has a poison tongue and her obvious lack of strong moral fiber (as shown in her California prosecutor days) is quite evident. She has been given words of utter nonsense to speak up until now, all part of the demoralization of the country. If given a good script, she can carry it off well... however her 'likability factor' is trash.

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That did not stop TPB to install her has B's running mate. She will play a crucial roll now, no doubt in my mind.

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I’ve listened to VP Harris and she talks like a condescending idiot who communicates with American like a teacher of mentally retarded kindergartners. “The passage of time is significant because it is the passage of ha ha you know time.”

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She does come off that way and her staff has a huge turnover. But she was picked by Obama as a successor. If the people will put up with a controlled Biden for 4 years then they will put up with a controlled Harris. Nightmare scenario, she will be President by election time.

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People are far less forgiving of an acerbic or petulant woman than the same in a man. I don’t care for it in either.

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People, both men and women.

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She may just be a 'place holder', pull someone who panders to globalist ideals (the Chinese appear to really like Newsom) on the ticket with her, then she could step down and we'd be stuck, again, with someone we really don't want.

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I think they kept Biden all this time in fear of having Kamala as president. Biden should have not even been considered as candidate, as he was already suffering from dementia in 2012, as the psychiatrist of his son stated on a Tucker interview. I don't think Kennedy can go back to he Dems even tho he and his family are life long Dems. But I think this debate has shown very well this cannot go on. I think this will be a big step for Kennedy. I don't think the Dems can come up with a viable candidate. If people vote for that horrible newsom I might consider moving to another banana republic where real bananas grow.

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no not that kind LOL

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love your today’s Funnies! And I am curious what the dems will do now, replace Biden, if yes, with whom? Enjoy Portugal, horses are beautiful and also the wine is fine… Much love, Bettina

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Do miss the rose wine we used to get from there. Duro Fathers was 99 cents a bottle when we met it and to our mind better than Lancers

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Only one question: I do not trust the shrinking RINO wing of the UniParty, but can the Democrat Party, that knowingly put Biden forth ever be trusted again? We US Citizens are at risk in the world for the rest of 2024!

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Democrats would never choose RFK because he won’t take orders from the globalists running the Uniparty. Are you better off now than you were during Trump years?

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. . . AND, RFK Jr surely chose the WRONG VP.

This choice shows he lacks common sense to some degree, regardless of his single attraction of anti C19 vaxxing.

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Boils down to being a kennedy.

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Are you so sure he wouldn’t? He seems to backtrack when pressed.

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And yet he is completely in the globalist's pocket on their environmentalist/green new deal scam.

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most vulnerable is our nation between now and Jan. Prayers for peace.

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It was obvious last night with the “sudden awakening” of the lame stream media that Biden is a vegetable. This is a coordinated effort to oust him. Otherwise why would they cover for him for years and then, last night, their eyes were opened. He was bad last night but what about Normandy?? I appreciate RFK, Jr’s work on the clot shots but he’s a left wing Democrat. No way I can vote for more of that nonsense.

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I'm pretty sure the democrats set Joe up for failure here. They knew as soon as he had to do more in front of the public than read off a teleprompter his mental incompetence would be so obvious even the most hard core leftys would have to admit his brain is shot. They have just opened the door for their change of batter.

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The only reason I would never vote for RFK, Jr is he is an advocate for climate change.

IMO, climate change is a fake, made up religion, to be used to control everything people use, eat, drink, buy, etc.

This planet has been here for 4.5 billion or so years. Us humans are the equivalent of a gnat fart in that time line. No way possible we could change the climate of this enormous planet; it changes by itself, often and without our input.

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Did you notice what was written all over the wall behind Jill and Joe in the after-the-debate rally? "Let's Go Joe!" Kind of reminded me of "Let's Go Brandon." And his own re-election campaign did that to him. I don't think they did it by accident, either.

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Jun 28Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh my my, I could not wait to get my coffee and camp at my computer to see the Friday Funnies Bloodbath of memes. Thank you for not disappointing! This is both a wonderful day and a scary one.

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The thing that scares me about the debate is that it places so much attention on Biden. This has never been about Biden. They can replace Biden at their convention, that changes nothing. We still have the corrupt cabal running the world. They have lied about Biden, yes, but the lies are about so much more than his failing health. How to get people’s eyes off Biden and on the ball?

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Plan "A" Failed HORRIBLY! ( they forgot to blame Putin I guess)

Plan "B" is headed at us like an out of control Boeing aircraft in freefall.

Got a Parachute Dems?

Yeah....didn't think so......

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