One thing we know for sure:

Standing up with Dr.Malone—whether in Santa Barbara or in your own hometown—does NOT cause blood clots!

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...but if you are a leftist, it might cause your brain to explode...and get cancelled

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Just watched the Epoch Times interview with Dr. Peter McCollough titled: 3/12/22

Dr. Peter McCullough: Vaccination Causes Spike Protein to Linger in Body for Over 12 Months, Possibly Weakening Immune System

I think he is the FIRST Doctor to Specifically and PUBLICLY say Pfizer vaccines can cause “Death from 1, 2, or 3 days after receiving the shot” it needs to be shouted from the mountain tops with a giant megaphone!! They had some clips in the video of children with masks on getting the shot, my heart just broke! 😢

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Dr Peter McCullough is a hero in my book! He has been working around the clock since this plandemic began, to treat the sick & educate other doctors & the public - even after being fired & sued by Baylor University for speaking out!

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Dr Peter McCullough regularly spoke on “Karladine’s panel” - group of doctors fighting against the mandates- https://rumble.com/user/TorchofFreedom - lots of educational videos on her channel with many expert contributors - doctors, scientists, lawyers, etc.

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Aha! So you’re a TRUE healthcare hero!!!

Kudos to you!

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Dr. Peter McCullough is a member of The Truth for Health Foundation (similar to flccc) - you can find lots of helpful information & news there- https://www.truthforhealth.org/general-health-news/

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It's kind of like watching Jews buy tickets and board the cattle train to the death camp, then gleefully take off their clothes and jewelry, and get gassed to death.

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The mental imagery your sentence provoked is not pleasant but it does help get your point across.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022

You are right and that is how wicked government and parents have become toward their own children. It is hard to fathom. It will go on till it is forcibly stopped.

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Did he say just Pfizer vaccine or mRNA vaccines in general? I ask because everyone is pointing the ugly finger only at Pfizer. Curiously few pointing Moderna's way.

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Yes, For the lion share of the video interview he says vaccines, vaccines, vaccines then at the pause point 14:58 time in the video Dr. McCollough says, “…more deaths with Pfizer than with placebo…”

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That’s because that info was in the endpoint data for Pfizer’s data. I don’t know that we have that data yet for Moderna. Or it hasn’t been leaked yet.

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Interesting. Thank you so much. Truth IS the best defense. : )

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I wince whenever I see kids getting those shots and look away. It’s such a Russian roulette gamble.

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I saw a woman getting a shot the other day. As I was turning the corner I heard her say "Yay! I'm protected". I am not a person who cries, but it really overtook me and I felt my throat tighten like I was on the verge.

2 women in my neighborhood work at the hospital administering shots all day. They are so self righteous about it like they are saving the planet. When I hear them talking about protecting the young I just wonder how they will feel when they see one in the paper that has keeled over with myocarditis.

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Thanks, really appreciate the levity.

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While I love and always appreciate a good laugh and todays was very funny, my very wise “guy” Italian cousin told me about 35 years ago, no matter what people say or do, even if they admit they were joking, THERE IS ALWAYS AN ELEMENT OF TRUTH IN IT!

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Thank you Dr Malone! The truth shall set you free!☀️

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I hope you are aware of the Medical Martial Law the is coming from GAVI and WHO!

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I’m not. Please do tell!

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The next plandemic engineered by Gates and company gives the United Nations members (196) under control of WHO mandates.. Medical Martial Law will take precedent over the individual laws that govern each individual country (US is a member) into a uniform controlled Communist New World Order. Under Marshall Law all rights are suspended. You will be forced to take these Kill Shots. which is part of the depopulation agenda of these reptiles. All the work that Dr Malone and others could be nill if they get their way. maybe you will see the "cover" of the Russia/Ukraine deception. Understand what the agenda. the New World Order its slavery system for the socalled elite foolers.

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Well, they are going to have to kill me because I will resist.

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They have no problem with that. Do you have a problem with killing them first? I think we all need to ask ourselves, how far will we travel in the cattle car before we reach the slaughterhouse? Your children, nephews and nieces may be ahead of you in another car. Organized resistance is far preferred to individual efforts...like an entire state resisting.

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In my opinion the populace of this country has way too many fearful and compliant people for us to mount a successful resistance. Yes, there are millions of us who will organize and resist but we stand almost zero chance unless we have the backing of both law enforcement and the military. They are too organized, equipped, and trained to defeat. As for killing anyone first, I don’t do that. We’d have to have a real civil war for me to do that. Let’s hope it never comes to that but something needs to happen because the path we are on now will destroy this country. This doesn’t weaken my statement that I will resist. I do agree with you that we might revisit the worst parts of Nazi Germany. We’re on the way there but it can and must be stopped from reaching that.

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Glad to know it is not a done deal—nor will it be.

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Yeah but given what is going on on the world stage between Russia/China/USA etc might just put an end to all that. The USA seizing Russia's Foreign Reserves was a big big mistake for the WEF. (and probably for all of us)

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I understood that from the post.

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Says them-- there is NO basis in International Law for that action anywhere in the world.

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The reality is the precise form of the instrument that will be used is as yet undecided. It may be through strengthening the existing International Health Regulations (2005), negotiating a “pandemic treaty” as an amendment to the WHO Constitution or, more likely, both.

Control will be delegated to these instruments in the event that the WHO declares a global pandemic. As we’ve seen, this can be done rather easily — even if there appears to be no scientific or medical justification — the very situation we find ourselves in now.

There is broad support from powerful members of the WHO, including the U.S. and the European Commission, through president Ursula von der Leyen.

In fact, it is the U.S. that will lead the negotiations in trying to build consensus on the approach. All biding well for a good relationship with Biden, whether or not he was the genuine choice of the U.S. people. From: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-plan-international-pandemic-treaty/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=3041d0fb-e736-45da-9e89-df2af202dfc8

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I mentioned this before and was hoping Dr Malone would have time to comment on it! Here is more information for anyone interested: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/2022/03/pandemic-treaty/45591/

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To qote Herr Schwaabs/WEF top advisor Yuval Noah Hurar " Humans are now hackable animals . the whole idea that humans have this soul or spirit and nobody knows whats happening inside them. and they have free will -THATS OVERi The need for digital robotic control is mandatory VAXXED! Passport system. We will be attacked plague by plague til we surrender. This farce in Ukraine is cover, as Fraudci is already ringing Pavlovs bell to the upcoming new and improved Varient which we are not prepared!

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I heard someone else quote him - despicable! ……if only all people realized just how much they despise the general population, they wouldn’t be accepting any “help” from the likes of him!!!

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The 5g frequency is in unison with the Vaxxed. Tinitus is one of the adverse affects of reports. Once thought patterns that are non compliance are detected by big brother frequency is increased thru apple device causing excruciating pain to turn off the thoughts. A merger of man and machine the perfect slave to the masters!

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uuuuh. I suppose the slave could press the OFF?! button on the device though. Poof. No mind-merge!

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Press OFF in any way you can, every day.

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Loved JP's peice on freedom! As always, thank you Dr. Malone for taking the time to share! Dr. B

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They should have JP open the event for them! . . . as in a short skit to warm up the crowd.

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These are some of the best ones. It seems the hilarity increases with the insanity. Is it our sense of humor or the writers?

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Really enjoy the Friday Funnies. Thanks

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Bob Moran hits it out of the park every time! That first cartoon is packed with meaning and humor.

Prayers for your time in Santa Barbara.

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JP is wrong about one of his comments. The freedom of speech is NOT the cornerstone of all the other freedoms. That's the place of the freedom of religion, to worship Christ and not be restricted in any way from practicing Christianity in school, the government, or anywhere else...and that's why the forefathers placed it first in the 1st Amendment.

Because that was taken away way back in 1962-3, today you have lost your freedom of speech...see how that works?

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All Good Ones!

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You're killin' it, Dr M!

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Americans have become like cattle and are treated as cattle by their governments. Some push back, like cows do, and refuse to receive the injection and think they've done a good thing to save themselves, but they are still in the corral of the slaughterhouse whose owners intend on taking everything from them...

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You sure sound hopeful!

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Dr. Malone, I am going to email some of my Santa Barbara friends about this event. It's free and no need to RSVP, right?

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“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity...they think of you.”

~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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