Thank you Dr. Malone for starting my day off with a smile. Just said a prayer for you and Jill for strength and peace. Thank you both, for all you are doing for all of us.

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Welcome. Was just thinking of how to proceed with a better sense of humour when I received your post. Brilliant. Especially on a Friday which feels like a Monday.

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Robert, we must visit many of the same sites because each week I have seen about half of the comics you post. I eagerly anticipate your Friday and Sunday funnies always. I share these everywhere I possibly can so others can get a chuckle from the ironies of today's world. Thank you for all your hard work. I don't know how you find the time to accomplish all you do.

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The Disney mouse meme is really good and to the point

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It really is time for “off with their heads “ because all the information about the dangers of the vaccines, their lack of efficacy, the dangers of vaccinating during a pandemic, etc., etc. is out there and still its full speed ahead with boosters and shots for kids. Time is now to hold them accountable and reject their thought control.

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Thanks from the Lot here in France. Spending a week with loving friends and trying to forget the dystopian world we live in. Just for a week.

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I look forward to your collection of funny’s every Friday morning. Thank you Dr. Malone.

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Just pre-ordered your book Dr. Malone!

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Thank you Dr Malone! Your insight and your humor is uplifting in this crazy world!

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Funny stuff. I have seen two fake Twitter accounts of you. Elon needs to hurry up and give you your Twitter account back, because this is getting ridiculous!!

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These are fabulous! Thank you.

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TGIF folks. Time to welcome the spring season! (Oops...Sorry allergy prone)

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All great cartoons today. Laughed at all of 'em. 'Cept for JP. I'm sure he means well but I'm a little weary of his shtick.

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Elon Musk..."by their fruits you will know them"...be careful, people. Neurolink (Trans Humanist), SpaceX (NASA), Starlink (SpaceX+D.O.D.), XPrize Carbon Removal (Global Warming), Tesla (Climate Change Agenda), Twitter (Social Platform); all these things indicate a takeover in every sector of society that carries incalculable influence and much of it funded or in contract with the most coercive elements of finance and/or government control.

We need to be less gullible about what is going on, folks. Take a look at this article and then take a look at the Atlas prototype on youtube that is referenced in the article. Take nothing at face value, not even what I am saying, do your own follow up research. My only point is not to be led down a garden path...trust, but verify.




They are personalizing these robots to make them more appealing. But remember, the research and development is funded by the D.O.D.

Now weaponize these robots...not so cute anymore.

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Funny , spot on, and a bit creepy.

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Dear Dr. Malone. Would you encourage your readers to join the silent protest to the great evils' humanity is experiencing?


May 13th is a DARK Friday which is the day to turn off all personal phones and electronic devices to protest the suppression of free speech around the world to control mankind. Humanity is being subject to lies, half-truths and propaganda by medical, governmental/political entities and corporations to subjugate the global community for nefarious reasons.

May 13th at SUNSET is the time to turn off all lights to protest the risk of having humanity destroyed by an unstoppable man-made bioweapon, a global nuclear war which would produce a DARK nuclear winter that would last for years and/or a famine due to destruction of food crops, or any combination of these events.

The global events that have transpired over the last few years demonstrates our medical, governmental/political and corporate institutions around the world are out of control.

Voice your opinion in the safety of your home and send a clear message around the world that we need to stop the possible extinction of mankind and all living things that is irreversible.

The Doomsday clock is at 1 minute to Midnight.

UAE - Doomsday Clock: Humanity is one minute from midnight | MENAFN.COM

Forward this message to family and friends around the world and let the voices of reason be heard.

This message is on www.substack.com Silent Day Dark Night by thomasabraunrph

We can make a difference and change the world that is moving in the wrong direction. We must stop these needless endless wars that destroy the lives of so many!

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