Dr. Malone these hit the nail right on the head. Your a riot!!!! Honestly charting the authoritarian democrats is my favorite. Thoughts; for decades the left has been on a mission to separate children from their parents. This has been a strategy of communists and socialist revolutions throughout history. I believe a big piece of their agenda is to remove God from our society. Without God there is no sin. This allows the rich elites to dehumanize and enslave children. They are creating the New Democrat slave trade. Our own government has said 85000 children are missing from Biden’s open border. I would bet the number is 3 times that. Today there are more children enslaved than at the height of slavery in the history of this planet. And why does the left insist on down playing this issue. One after another they ignore and downplay the issue of child slavery. About a month ago at the beginning of pride month, in a project in South Boston, a call was made to the fire department that a man had died. When they got to the project they found 5 men dressed up as women, wigs, make up, and clothing. There was a man dressed up as a women dead on the kitchen floor, he had overdosed. The apartment was filthy and loaded with drugs booze and sex toys. When the police showed up they asked if there was anyone else in the apartment and the man responded no. Upon a search they found three children hidden in a closet in the bedroom. They appeared to be frightened and would not talk. I believe they were 5-10 years old. I can’t imagine what was done to these poor children. I’m sure many of you have never heard this story because the media refuses to do their job. They are complicit to these crimes against children. They are a key part of this evil that has infected America. J.Goodrich

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The whippings and the BS will continue until such a time that moral has improved?

Joseph Robin Bildgepump // Commander in briefs

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It has been around awhile James. Seem to recall Plato advocated the state taking control of children in his Republic. An aside...Plato dominated Catholism until St. Thomas brought them to Aristotle. Seems to me they are hell-bent today regressing to Plato. Guess electing a s. American commie pope will do that for you.

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Well done! James Lindsay at “New Discourses” covers this ground well. Plato to Hermetics to Hegel/Marx/Marcuse etc.

For me it’s right there in Cain/Abel: either be inspired by your ideal - making proper sacrifices to God or resent your ideal and God to destroy them both.

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You don't think that Hollywood and our Federal government is where the pedophiles function and hide?

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I wish they were trying to hide it. It seems they have PRIDE to sexualize children. Look at Disney, Target, Budweiser, Hunters laptop, Ashley’s diary, our secretary of defense, our chairman of the joint chiefs of staff etc...

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I read about that on the Blaze I think. I thought I read that was the kids home.

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It was a local story I heard right when it happened. When they asked are these kids any of yours, one of the dressed up men said there mine, but it was implied, at least in the beginning, that it may not be true. So if it was his kids it’s still child abuse as far as I’m concerned. This is what must become normal.

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Yes, child abuse even more evil if that is possible.

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Speaking of which....seen the latest episode of child perv committed by our clueless leader. Had to nibble on the shoulder of a 2 (?) yr old in Finland on his current gaff filled nato excursion

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Wow I just saw that footage of Biden, he’s like a perverted tales from the crypt. He had to get the sniff in for the twisted finally.

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Oh my. It's not his age but his predisposition. With Bush 41 it was his age that go in the way of his common sense when he slapped that nurse's butt.

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Back during the masking period, i was walking through the grocery store, my mask was just below my nose. Some male Karen walked by me and said "How's that mask working...Asshole" I turned and literally screamed at him "F#%K YOU...DEMOCRAT!"

I really enjoyed that.

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Haha. Karens are everywhere, and threads by meta has employed most of them

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thought the Obama white house was the most corrupted administration in history, and it lasted 8 years. It has only taken Biden 2.5 years to surpass that mark.

I am just amazed how issue after issue comes forward daily, and we get nothing but propaganda and lies from WH. They are corrupt in plain site, yet deny it daily. Truly bizarre to watch.

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I suspect we still live under the

Obama administration. He is pulling the addle minded, Joe, puppet strings.

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The same string pullers. O is the living stereotype of mediocre...no way he could orchestrate this mess even by accident

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Ah, yes, your are right. Then the same string puller for O is pulling the strings of his half witted vp.

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The biden cartel is doing what the clinton cartel was supposed to do before she got her tail kicked by President Trump and "we the people" in the 2016 election. That was to finish the destruction of America that obama successfully "launched" and "nurtured" for 8 years.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Russell Brand piece today is brilliant. Cuts right through the BS to reality. Thanks for sharing this and have a great weekend!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My favorites today -- among many -- were the upgrade on the crack house of the 90s and Russell FireBrand’s video. Thank you, Drs. Malone!

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I nominate BLANCO for inner Galactic propaganda and narrative Systems Disposal Authority (SDA) for the crappy non-sense that is hurled at this planet by the wretched "Hide in the shadows" earthly Administrators of Doom. Happy Friday Ya'll!

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I like the ‘ringing in your ears’ one. It reminds me of an oldie about a guy who would bang his head against the wall and then complain of headaches to his doctor. As a nation, THIS is what we’re doing.

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One out of every ten democrat politicians is as useless a the other nine.

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Goes for most republicans as well. They talk a good line, but most don’t carry through.

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Take a powder Mr. President....Your Snow jobs on Drugs has never been safe nor effective. DUH!

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Fake reality is starting to fracture! Isn’t it wonderful what preplanned mass psychosis drills can do to control the masses? RNA injections are not going away and they are full steam ahead in fighting cancer with this technology.!

Consequently, the great harm done needs to be denied to keep this movement alive! More preplanned mass psychosis is on the way!

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'At a minimum 2 and for seniors 3 vital vaxes this fall. Will be interesting to see how they sell them. Personally won't be buying or submitting.

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And what’s more I won’t take anything I did before from the flu shot to pneumonia shot. Good work idiots. You have thrown the baby out with the bath water because trust in you is now zero

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Has to be, Obama was even quoted talking about a third term to complete the work he "started".

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

Joe water skiing, sums up delusion.

More delusion, not so funny, but we are racing ahead on many fronts to destroy our food supply.

"As far as the beef industry itself, it’s under attack from multiple angles,” Mr. Nelson said. “For them to say … all of a sudden … cows are bad—not all animals—just cows—that cows are the ones destroying the climate—it’s a scam.

“They seem to think that’s the way out of whatever imaginary climate crisis they’ve created.”

Destruction probably by bureaucratic regulations. By using the Vax. No need to destroy 10% of the nation's cattle like the Irish, simply mandate the vax for interstate sale and presto, much, much, more than 10% of the supply dries up.

“What they’re scared of is what’s in their beef. They don’t know what’s in their food. Every question we get is, ‘Are you sure it doesn’t have mRNA? Are you sure it doesn’t have GMO?'” Mr. Nelson said.

“We know two things are coming down the line. One is there are going to be mRNA mandates for cattle. That is coming,” he said...

“It is not about money,” he said. The food supply “is where we must start circling the wagons.”


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It is a common ploy to discredit the current consumption and raising of meat products so that they can push and grow the lab produced Petri dish red meat cells which are cheaper to produce than the current method of getting protein. It’s all about making money and shoving this crap down the throat of the masses! I’m sure Bill Gates is thrilled with this! So is McDonalds?

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I'm not so sure it is cheaper, but don't have a link handy. Agree with your sentiment though. Back out to work-what a scorcher, but we never had these before, right? All climate change----Baloney. We fried eggs on the road as kids.

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Can remember as a kid going barefoot in the summer in n. Texas and the option was burnt feet on the sidewalk or the pain gendered by goatheads alongside. Big ouch either way

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Lol! New Mexico the same.

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Goatheads---weedwise, that's one of the nastiest yet in my book. Pop bicycle tires too. Some seeds were in a uncleaned tote sack of grain I got as trade about 15 years ago. Took forever, it seemed, to get rid of them, even up north here.

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Will be when they scale it up!

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Of interest is the hog situation. Huge operations in sheds "justify" mNRA vaccinations. Of course no details on whats being administered. how its been tested and production standards, assessments of product human impacts. Pharma have been such liars re their Covid vaxes, personally have given up on pork, one of my personal favorites. Epoch TV has a major coverage they've been working on. Hope to air it this summer if they can come up with additional funding to finish it. Am hoping it gets finished, gets down all the much needed rabbit holes and provides us with more insights.

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Find an Amish farmer and ask him to raise a pig for you. I do that annually and have meat I know is clean!!

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I agree about pork, chicken too. Buying local pigs, raising our our birds. Labels for meat tell you nothing. To make matters more sinister, it is the Chinese that bought up Smithfield.

Let us know should Epoch broadcast, hard to keep up.

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Will do. Tomorrow night, at 7 or 7:30 Thought Leaders is suppose to host Texas Slim about what will be going on with beef. The last time he was on he had pretty positive news.

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This probability of bureaucratic mRNA cattle vax mandate has many of my neighbors on edge. Fake meat, crickets, they don't hold a candle to destroying the industry as this mRNA vax. Everyone pushes their herd ahead this year, but additionally, if I get the hay, it'd probably be smart to hold back all my ewe lambs this fall.

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The "so there's ringing in your ears" reminded me of a clip of a prank someone sent to me where a person complained to a mechanic about a whining noise when driving that got louder as he sped up. The mechanic found attached inside the grill a harmonica placed by a devious friend!

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I always need a good giggle by Friday! Thanks Dr.Malone!

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Someone told him He would get a brain. Someone else whispered "no need to cry for the dead and dying. You will be given courage." A third person whispered "there's no need for a Heart. What did you think this was, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Movie?"

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“It’s gonna be a tough day Tater”. Ron White

Edit - My Lovely Bride is traveling…It’s gonna be a Ron White night. 🤣🏴‍☠️🔥, Ed

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What the Threads/censorship jokes miss is the following: Zuck made Threads specifically for liberals and left-wing conspiracy theorists to move over from Twitter. The overt censorship is a "dog whistle" of a kind. These groups of people cannot exist in an open-speech environment like Twitter or Gab as that crushes their virtual realities.

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