
Whoops! For those of you receiving this via email - I have edited the title on the webpage to actually reflect the day (Sunday)! All I can say is that I put this together flying back to Virginia from Phoenix and had a mental moment!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We know the truth. You hit the button on the time machine. lol.

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I'll be giggling for days with that one.

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No problem. I caught it and laughed. I can’t believe you know what day it is with your schedule

Loved all the Sunday funnies

The biggest laugh came from the Fauci meme

Keep it up Dr. R And Dr. Jill

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I thought that was part of the joke?

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You are forgiven, Dr. Malone, especially when you consider that our society has been subjected to years of "Mental Moment Mass Formation Psychosis."

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I thought that I was losing it!!!!

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Well. I must be losing it because I didn’t notice. 😩

That’s what 3+ years of torture and the thought that it’s starting all over again does to you. 😡

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"and had a mental moment!"

See? Common ground with the Bregginses :P...

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Plea deal was great. Love the fisherman! Have a great Sunday. I’m feeding family. I got some fresh potatoes from the field and I’m making homemade French fries. Nothing better when made with fresh harvested potatoes . Of course barbecued hamburgers and potato salad . My pregnant granddaughter wanted the potato salad.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Groundhog Day in a box.

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I didn't get to watch that video until tonight, but it was well worth finally getting to see it.

Never would I have anticipated her telling him he was dead in all the previous incarnations.

Brilliant !

"No mas" Boners for the poor guy, though...

All in the name of Lust.

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Spot on Dr.Malone!!

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and stop the jailing and persecution of American citizens based on their politics. I have a dream that one day Americans could speak freely and petition their government without governments heavy hand harassing, canceling, censoring, and prosecuting fellow citizens. I have a dream that our children and grandchildren could grow up in an America with the same freedoms that we have all enjoyed. And last I have a dream that the people that make memes wouldn’t have such an easy time slamming the government for their corruption and idiotic policies. J.Goodrich

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You been reviewing old MLK videos lately ?


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I was thinking of all the good people that this administration has constantly harassed, used law fair against , and jailed because of their political beliefs. Then I thought the republicans in congress are useless and the only way to change this mess is to put millions on the streets in DC. Then I thought of MLK’s speech. I don’t mean to degrade by any means black peoples struggles but I do find similarities the way Biden and Garland have created this sort of racist war against conservatives, white Christian’s, children and the first amendment. I did finally listen to MLK’s speech. I meant no disrespect and .actually I’m envious, conservatives are unwilling to do what it takes to bring change like MLK did peacefully.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

More Kool Aid coming! Check out the advertising budgets of the RNA drug pushers! Supplemented by the Washington

Medical men!

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I picked a bad time to get out of tv advertising 15 years ago. If I’d stayed another 20 years coulda made a fortune from payoffs of Government tax dollars to advertise the big pharma shots. I need a time machine, press the red button. 😂

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I feel your pain! Hoechst convinced the FDA to allow consumer advertising for Seldane, and it opened the door to the 6 billion $$/ yr bonanza for the Big 3!

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Can you live with never getting another Boner ?

Hmm. Tough choice, my friend.


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Their not budgets, they are pay offs. Pretty sure they are supplemented by tax payers too.

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can't believe it, I watched the whole video! (Pretty good I might add.) I love the meal ticket, that's how I feel some days. Blackened Hunter for lunch menu.

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Sunday Funnies, right? (Friday was great, but Sunday is Funday.)

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My mistake! Changed on the web version.

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“Your memes are being fact-checked by people who think men can get periods” Good one!

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Sep 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think Juniper berries and pineapple juice have save my life…🤣🤣🤣!!! Ed

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Juniper berries and a little splash of cold coffee with ice, yum.

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I like Your style!💥 Ed

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Some of them are funny, but I am afraid this is devolving into partisan mediocrity, much as I hate the Dems (my former political party), the GOP is pretty much on board for the Ukraine war and many other horrors. By the way, I detest Zelensky, but the cartoon from last week appeared to be rather typical of a certain historical caricature based on his ethnic background.

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This (not) funny cartoon encapsulates your on target sentiments, Jerry: https://tritorch.com/covenant/tyranny.jpg

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Do you save all memes? If so, when did you start TriTorch, 20 years ago?

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TriTorch.com was started in 2005 for a different purpose than it serves now. Around the financial crash of 2008 and for the next decade I spent enormous sums of money and hours upon hours of time archiving everything I possibly could. It was obvious to me then that the powers that shouldn't be would eventually start erasing and rewriting our history.

That train has pulled into the station. This future purge of the historical record was inevitable due to both the nature of power itself and the obvious faults, theft, and fraud within the 100% counterfeit world financial system. A reset was going required, and slavery was the obvious end point to this global upheaval. We must now do everything we can to prevent this outcome.

Alas that enormous archive has been lost to time. You can find the remnants of it here: https://tritorch.com/degradation

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Great job TriTorch.

As A Mom, a webstite started in 2009 on the advice of Glenn Beck after Obama was election, does the same thing. We archive all the news, stories and such, both Fed and State. We have educational resources posted and the Agenda 21 documents. Now it is just done for posterity and we are getting old. Need to find an Org that will take it and keep it up.

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We picked up an entire set of Encyclopedia Britannica several years ago for $5. Let them try to update that!

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Ditto with the Scriptures; paper and ink, baby!

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You should write a book … You and Victor Davis Hansen would make a good team.

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Bernie Mac and Fannie May, remember that time very well. I was living in the Lala land of “Wow, everything is going great “ and then the banks needed bailing out😳slavery is absolutely right! My business relied on everyone having some spending money. Watching this auto strike to see what will happen to that vast group of workers. God bless them.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

Library in Ontario, Canada removing all books published before 2008.

And the big Sunday funny--Trudeau threatens to additionally tax grocers if they don't lower their prices.....you can't make this stuff up.

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I just found on Telegram a video which was just recently re-discovered of the rocket slamming into the Pentagon on 9-11. I wonder how many other videos have been wiped clean of similar episodes in history.

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Wow. Quite a reference. What and how, if you don't mind, was lost? Just browsing, but I almost forgot about PCR cycles. What a nightmare we've lived, you recall/include all the Kary Mullis warning about Fauci?

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Humor is humor. Try not to disseminate it.

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I think you maybe mean "dissect" it? If we in this movement don't exercise our critical faculties even on "humor," then what are we for?

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Child's play. So accurate

Look what the gay community experienced due to their penchant (and obvious need) for privacy.

Had we all been in this together, we'd have known that it wasn't AIDS killing them, it was Faucci and his highly profitable misuse of AZT.

This sac of shit, Faucci, is a murderer.

I don't give one whit about 'gay men', but I do care about individuals, gay or otherwise. We have a common Father, who yearns for all of us to experience a full life, the plunge into the adventure, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat.

What we do now, is more important than we can imagine, and since we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, let us enter the arena amidst the adulation of those already there, the many millennia of ancestors who've already excitedly completed the obstacle course called earth.

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Not a meme or funny. Gene-edited plants USDA regulations

The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) reviewed a request from UC-Davis to forgo regulations for its gene-edited Walnut tree. USDA press release said “APHIS found this modified walnut is unlikely to pose an increased plant pest risk compared to other cultivated walnut. As a result, it is not subject to regulation under 7 CFR part 340. From a plant pest risk perspective, this walnut may be safely grown and bred in the United States. I wonder if there is another USDA agency that cares to review gene-edited plants for effects on humans? https://winepressnews.com/2023/09/08/usda-approves-gene-edited-walnut-trees-to-resist-crown-gall-disease-amidst-continue-push-for-gene-edited-crops/

In less than two years from now, meat from gene-edited and genetically modified short-haired cattle could hit the shelves, after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration evaded proper testing to offer faster clearance. “We expect that our decision will encourage other developers to bring animal biotechnology products forward for the FDA’s risk determination in this rapidly developing field, paving the way for animals containing low-risk IGAs (intentional genomic alterations) to more efficiently reach the marketplace.

AND the FDA announced that farmers who produce and breed these PRLR-SLICK cattle, who use the conventional breeding techniques (in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfers, cloning, sex control, cross-breeding, biometrics, marker-assisted selection), do not have to register with the FDA. https://winepressnews.com/2022/03/11/fda-fast-tracks-clearance-for-gene-edited-crispr-cattle-for-meat-consumption/ Aqua Bounty’s GMO salmon and a pig whose meat lacks the sugar that causes some people to have allergic reactions to red meat have also been approved.

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Afraid you are fighting the inevitable. It is going to happen. What also needs to happen is honesty in evaluating safety of these new products

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One can always get in touch with their regional cattleman's association and make hay about this latest development - swear to only buy local, non modify beef. Local ranchers are not getting involved in this. Perhaps it will be another decade before they manage to wipe out the locals.

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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

It never ends.

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Said "Hell with it", went fishing today for the first time in.... I lost track. Smallmouth bass going ballistic, way out of water, just great.

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People better get busy growing their own everything possible. This is sci-fi and there is very little awareness of this at all... You are a source of info so needed.

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OMG. That's my daughter, Erinn Hayes, starring in the One Minute Time Machine. So cool to see it again, and on your page!

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The Jones and Fauci meme is downright creepy!

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Funny, not so funny - parents of writer!!!!!!!!

We don’t care what date you place on these, we’ll take them! Thank you!

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These are some of the funniest so far.

Especially the one about Fauci!

It's nice to laugh in these crazy times.

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