Had one of those Thanksgiving arguments without trying. It was eye-opening.
We had a house guest, a realtor who is a really smart guy, and has helped us make a lot of money over the years. We've had heated discussions before, and I've known for a long time he's sympathetic to Democrats.
The subject of government censoring people came up. At first, his response was all about how social media can keep stuff off of their websites if they want to. I told him a lower court and an appeals court had ruled the government was pressuring these companies to censor opinions by people who were experts in various fields of medicine. Had to show him an article to get him to understand, yes the government really was censoring.
His response flabbergasted me. In his mind, in the early stages of covid the government didn't really know what was going on, and they HAD to censor people to minimize vaccine hesitancy, and save lives. Told him the clot shot had actually killed people. He just doesn't believe it- he took the vax, and he's fine. And he doesn't know anyone adversely affected.
I'm guessing maybe around half the population thinks like he does. What can one do?
I had exactly the same experience with my nephew. Except every 20 seconds he’d whip out his phone to fact check me with whatever came up on top with Google. I finally gave up trying to get him to actually think for himself or consider venturing into a world outside Google. He also thinks Biden is not senile and Newsom would be great for president. I guess this is what a life limited to Seattle and working at Microsoft achieves. He had never heard of a 15 minute city and figured he already lived in one. I wasn’t sad to see him leave. I feel terribly about that, but also shaken by the entire experience.
No one is ever "too far gone" IMO Big E. Right up until her last breath, my mother evolved and went to the Light when I said "Now Go!" That was her last breath.
Very common in deep blue western OR and WA - I see the exact thing, these people talk about recent heart, auto-immune, and even death issues and can't understand what is happening...clearly MSM kool-aid drinkers.
He apparently doesn’t know — because his chosen sources aren’t telling him — that an estimated 500,000 residents left CA in 2021-2022, and many businesses large and small have relocated to more business-friendly states. (I was born there, and lived there for 7 decades before fleeing in 2017.) Newsom isn’t responsible for all of it, but he certainly has made it worse.
My sibling is just like your realtor. A lawyer who represented medical, nursing, and pharmacy colleges at a university, she is just fine with censoring. She was even more fine with throwing informed consent out the window when volunteering at her university’s vaccine clinic, She volunteered for several shifts so that — wait for it — she could be first in line to get her own shot at a time of “scarcity.” She even chastised a fellow clinic volunteer (also a lawyer) about telling someone about a potential sore arm side effect. I have no idea how many times she has been boosted, but she is still alive (her multi-boosted husband, however, is fighting a previously controlled prostate cancer.)
The last time we spoke (~2 years ago), her little grandkids had imagined killing their grandmother. My sister — their grandmother by marriage — thought their story was ABSOLUTELY CREATIVE AND ADORABLE. I, of course, was horrified.
Needless to say, this highly educated woman is a Democrat and as far left as you can go without falling off the flat earth. She completely cut me off when I offered research on Covid treatments, shots, and cancer therapies.
I laugh at that phrase "highly educated." Yes, they have been to university and gotten several degrees, but educated? Hardly. they are unintelligent, lazy, and stuck in their bubble, refusing to even consider they might be wrong.
I think conservatives or renegades like us are always reading what the "other" side is writing, thinking, etc., to gather information, challenge our own beliefs, and to see what the enemy is up to.
Thanks. Just released. Turfseer’s new song BEFORE. A musical plunge from a relative utopia to dystopia, echoing the chaos of a world succumbing to lies, censorship, and a media controlled by global powers. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/before
"It is difficult to get a man [or woman] to understand something when his [or her] salary depends on his [or her] not understanding it." I'm sure Upton Sinclair didn't mean to be politically incorrect, so I helped him [or her].
Upton Sinclair, of course you know, was using correct English as taught in ALL American schools through about the 70's?? when he wrote that in "The Jungle" around 1904. I continue to practice exactly what I was taught and damn the torpedoes!
I took the jab twice and feel like shit but I can’t say my problems happened right after. I don’t know why I feel 10 years older in one year but I suspect it’s mRNA, maybe just coincidence and I’m paranoid. Regardless of my personal situation everyone I know who didn’t get the jab is doing great even after getting Covid.
Since you mention it, I noticed immediately, my realtor friend was more feeble looking- the way he walked and all.
I feel older myself in the last couple of years. My memory isn't what it once was, and some physical things I used to do are harder. I'm 67. Getting old isn't for sissies.
One of the things I find unsettling is, all my contemporaries - friends from high school and college - look noticeably older. I hope I don't look as old as they look. I take a small amount of twisted comfort in the the knowledge most of them had the vax, and hope that separates me from them.
Wiping the condensation off of the inside of my single pane window, of our new "shitshack" home in the sticks, i could not have imagined that i read your posts, and think that there is a mirror out there, reflecting experiences and lives.
THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to the hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues
I noticed several friends that took the vax developed white hair rapidly. One lady I knew was 60 and looked about 35 until she took the vax to keep her teachers aid job. She seemed to age quickly and died with a heart attack shortly after.
Had to take the shot for a cruise that 20 other friends (including the hubby) were already vaxx ready and going - I being the last holdout. I cruised the DFW metroplex until I found a pharmacy with a J&J jab. That was Oct 2021. We both follow Dr Malone protocol for ridding the toxicity out of our bodies. MK-7, Taurine, etc. I feel I have a pretty incredible immune system and have only suffered my annual "crud" about this time of year; whether it's a virus or a combination of fall leaves and dusty attics with Christmas decorations that brings it on I'll never know. Neighbors in my 55+ community would have already "tested" for covid. I cannot comply.
O, As hard as it seems, you always have a choice. Perhaps if you knew then what you hopefully know now, you would have chosen differently. This is serious stuff- cruise?/health? People I know who are jabbed keep hoping that the adverse effects they feel are not from the jabbs. (my husband included, who went to E.R. with High B.P. who always has low B.P.)
Definitely know it now, didn't want to be the only holdout and a future cruise we have booked will be cancelled should anything similar be required in the future.
hmmm. I'lll bet they found nothing in the ER, right? Did they run D dimer and troponin on his blood sample?
Six mo after the Pfizer jabs, I had high heart beat, tachycardia. Testing months later found only elevated D dimer. More detailed, expensive testing found zip.
Nope, they found nothing, but we already knew what was happening, just needed to know that there was nothing else going on. By the time we left his B.P was stable. What a waste of time and money, heart monitor too. Believe me, no further jabs! I simply listened to my Self about the jab, when I asked, It said wait.
He's a friend, and will remain one, even though he's misguided and wrong. He got on the road this morning and we parted ways on good terms.
Dr. Malone's comment above - Keep speaking truth, patiently, persistently, peacefully - was a good reminder and something I needed to hear. I'm going to try my best to follow it when I run into this situation again.
Good luck to a fellow Patriot. You will need it. My highly educated, professional, and liberal minded children and grandchildren refuse to listen, even as they claim to be open minded.
The willingness to participate in an open conversation is off the table . I often wonder if they regret their 2020 vote. They would NEVER admit it.
About a year ago my Wife's brother called and was insisting she and I go take that shot. She told him no, that we didn't trust the Govt and said they cheated us on the election. She hung up on him because he yelled at her we were "STUPID FN PEOPLE!"
She hung up on him and their weekly phone visits ended for over 3 months.
He is a 78 year old fanatic liberal and his 50+ year old son is a conservative. They all took the jab though and all now have health problems. My brother in law now has turbo prostate cancer. Her sister and all her other brothers were conservative. At our thanks giving dinner all 10 were conservative and only one had taken the jab. Hard to figure families!
Had it not been for my coming a in contact with Dr. Malone, which I consider divine intervention, I would have let fear and my nurse daughter drive me to get the "jab". I wish others had been so lucky.
Good news; I see now that the entire "hoax", like so many others, are slowly coming to light.
Bad news; the damage is done and it appears there are more biological weapons in the making from our government and from our enemies aboard.
A lady friend I have known since the first grade (70 years ago) told me her nurse sister in law made her appointment, drove her there and insisted she must get that shot. She regrets she did it to save a family fight but now her sister in law has stage 4 turbo breast cancer.
So many otherwise healthy friends are sick or already dead. I guess I was born distrusting our evil Government and our get rich jabbing and pilling medical Satanists.
Intolerence was part of the consistent propoganda programming enacted by the media, doctors, health practitioners, and followers. Your experiences are commonplace among those of us who refused to comply with the peer pressure.
Failure to admit mistakes would admit you have poisoned yourself, and will die from that act. Very few will ever admit, even on their deathbeds
My HS-grad daughter smelled a vax rat from day one and let none of my healthy, rambunctious gkids get shot. Goes to show how higher education can work against common sense.
You can certainly share the TRUTH with the naysayers. But, you cannot force someone to be enlightened and transformed by the Truth. In another way of saying ‘you cannot fix stupid.’
I think people do not want to admit they were wronged by their precious government. We made it fine through Thanksgiving dinner it was on Friday afternoon sitting around enjoying the day and my sister in law said " well I got the booster and the flu shot and I am going to get the Shingles shot very soon " out of my mouth shot ....Cindy NO! she said " I don't care...I believe in vaccinating". She is a retired RN. It didn't end there and I'm not 100% sure if my Granddaughter of 13 years old said she just got the HPV vaccine and the Flu shot or if she was going to get them so I need to get the courage to find out for sure. I have seen the movie VAXED and remember how damaging HPV vaccines can be, never did I think the HPV vaccine would be considered for our 13 year old Granddaughter. I am beyond upset about this.
I know you hear this a lot but seriously todays funnies were the best!!! Hope everyone didn’t eat as much as I did yesterday, I’m still full. I was thinking about the direction us citizens are being pushed to wards. America is not quit 250 years old and we citizens are only tenants here on earth for a short time. Knowing the king and the pauper both end up in the same pine coffin, are we, the majority, going to allow this king to direct us down this path of tyranny to leave for generations. I myself and most all of us subscribers have tried our best to make vast improvements to our properties and tried to help the people around us. We all should not allow our country to be directed down this path of disrepair. J.Goodrich
Well said James, I have made a comment today to Dr Malone, "it is time to act!. We know what the crimes are, we know who the perpetrators are, we have had enought talk, now is the time We The Good People of Planet Earth have to stand and embark on a strategy of actively stopping ourselves and our fellow FREE people from being thrust into slavery".
I have been advocating for some time, that (in my opinion) we need to establish a "core" group of people to lead the world in this defense of our freedoms. I have nominated Dr Malone as a likely Leader of a small but carefully selected group of people from around the world.
Les, don't you think that there is already a "core" group of people who have been traveling, speaking and literally putting their lives on the line for this very reason? If Dr. Malone did any more for this cause, he wouldn't have time to sleep. As it is, we encourage he and Jill to please take some down time!
I take your point totally DD, and agree to a point about Dr Malone needing to "rest". I mean by my point, that I do not,, nor have I ever believed that Dr Malone would don a Sherrifs badge and kick down doors to arrest people. My opinion is (still) that Dr Malone would be one of THE MOST respected people in the whole of the world (again, my opinion) and if he was to openly state that "action needs to be undertaken" and we seek a certain type to form this "core group". If Dr Malone was to make such (or similar) comment, I for one would take that and "sell it" to carefully chosen others that I believe are crucial to form this "core group" (I could but won't name many of them here). It is important to note, that whilst we would need to announce widely that we are AS OF NOW (then), in the fight back mode, NO futher public announcing of who, were, when etc should be allowed. It is my opinion, that if we were to "go public", we would only be alerting "the enemy" (so to speak) and the fight would become twice (or more) as hard as a result.
I hope that puts us somewhere near the same page DD, and I thank you for you interest.
Even more wryly, that king could come back next life as a pauper, and the pauper could return as a king. They both need our help to break out of the downward spiral.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving on the ranch too! Started before breakfast with a text from our son-law up the canyon. (You know Jason, with the cute children) The Mini Jersey bull was out! Apparently our ranch hand had not locked the gate and we had a real rodeo before breakfast! Our angus heifer was in heat and had called him down, unfortunately she is barely a year old and I wanted to wait 6 more months before getting her bred. We used the cattle dog and our heads and actually had fun figuring a way to get him safely all the way back up the hill to his paddock without him servicing the young heifer on the way. Work on the ranch is actually a wonderful, head clearing activity and I chuckle this morning as I relive it. We have our feast with family tomorrow, a tradition for at least 40 years. All of the in-laws get to attend Thanksgiving with their families, and Paul and I take call. Our employees get the day off, and everyone is happy. Tomorrow we will feast and sit around discussing our gratitude to the Lord. We will sing hymns in old fashioned harmonies and tell stories of Gods goodness to us all. One of the things that will be said tomorrow is how grateful we are for you and Jill. May God bless you for courageously standing up and speaking truth. Our family is healthy, productive, and grateful.
Great funnies. I especially liked the one about talking politics at Thanksgiving dinner to save money — and time — on Christmas gifts (and holiday cards, birthday and anniversary cards/gifts, scathing emails, etc.) You can be ostracized by discussing vaccine concerns too, even though many do not consider this political talk, just common sense logic based on observation and research.
The Quarantine club is a great idea. Enjoy! We also need unvaxxed clubs, because some unvaxxed become unwell after hanging out with vaccinated people, especially the recently boosted. It’s getting lonely out there!
What's with that mis-gendering video showing the udder on the lyrically designated male bovine???🤣🤣
Cattle are pretty smart in their own way, with a strong social pecking order, cooperative protective behaviors, and herd knowledge of the plants. City people, and those who don't have a herd complete with bull might not be able observe they're smarts. They're also really curious about their people, and will gather (unrelated to food supply) to see what their people doing, or look at a new baby.
I have stories...... It's not so easy to send them off.
In sum, I think the cattle domesticated people, not the other way around. Look what it did for their populations.
The song is pretty old, 1996, before mis-gendering was a thing. so perhaps most of the politics might have been animal rights issues. Lyrics preceded most of the P.C. language restrictions, so they were pretty hilarious.
Reminds me of when Zi was at a charity fund raiser and a lady introduced me to another lady wearing a cow suit complete with a milk cow bag and udders.
I cracked her up when I looked down, couldn't resist and said, "OH BOY, FOUR PLAY! Those two ladies joked around with my wife and I the rest of the night. Sometimes my mouth engages before my brain!
I had to reply to your comment about their curiosity and interest in different things. My husband and I were at a manor house in Perth, Scotland where the owner had a large number of Charolais cattle, the white super cute faced French breed. We were driving up the path to the house when I noticed them by a fence looking at us. I got out to take a closeup photo, expecting them to scatter. Instead, about ten of them come to the fence to let me pet them and look at my camera! My husband took video, he was so shocked. I was with them at least 15 minutes. I wanted to take one home! I told the owner about my experience and, well, they’re beef cattle so he said he could ship one to me but I wouldn’t be able to pet it anymore. I said a prayer for them at that point. Such an experience I’ll never forget!
My quarantine club is myself, wife, and my son. We are getting together to day instead of yesterday just because we are rebels. Celebrating Thanksgiving on black Friday, which means nothing to us.
No horses here but several dog walks in the woods will suffice.
I enjoy your expertise, well written perspectives and so appreciate your research and all the time it takes you (true sacrifice as time is invaluable)! Thankyou for sharing the funnies, your farm life and knowledge. Keep fighting and truth telling. We need more warriors like yourself and Jill.
Loved me some Friday Funnies, as usual. Quarantine Club! Wish I had thought of that name for my small group of “ outlaws” during the COVID lockdown! Enjoy your Galt’s Gulch. You and Jill deserve it!
Stream of consciousness. Thanks for the great tips on raised beds. I’m saving the leaf mulch my mower produces. Til I left my job I never had time for this. I cleared the overgrown ivy, put in a lawn in the back. It was a job and a half. But the Cosmos and cornflowers grew 4ft high. This coming season: conventional food in raised beds. Lots of mulch.
Wish we had saved all the corks. I knew they were good for something. After mandate retirement I lost 40 lb (aka ELBEES). Effortlessly. Umm.. maybe it’s 35 after what I done yesterday. Anyway it’s actual college weight. I was thin back in the day. Grad school was at U Chicago where, as David Brooks testifies, Fun goes there to Die. Indeed. Fast forward. Wine. Getting old. I’m not crazy about the long gray whiskers but I never realized how tough it is to shave when they get this long. Even my expensive fancy Braun shaver is not quite equal to the task and I’m not gonna visit Sweeney Todd who is a known CIA asset just waiting for a wise-ass anti-regime anti-vacs Sub-stack commenter to come in. So just leave them whiskers alone. The Mrs. has not kept up so we’re off the wine, doing super healthy diet thing and I am super compliant. I don’t like those plastic corks. That would insult the bird.
I'm gonna take a shot at the cow video's political statement... First, I thought this was contemporary, but its decades old. Predates W Bush's terms. Nevertheless, it's all hopelessly up to date, very witty, and aligns in a quiet way with all the silly stuff today. It says that a species needs to species.
Cows are bovines and they ruminate. They cogitate. They are gonna do that shit. There's just no stoppin em. You do you and I do me. Cows do cows. So we have to be true to our species and our species' role in its long evolutionary history. We domesticated cows, but they also domesticated us. We are co dependent. We are inter dependent. We live in a time mediated balance. You fuck up that balance and some unexpected shit can happen like the chickens show up with guns. When that happens you are in deep do do. Some do do of mixed composition. I used to run a manure spreader and threw cow shit and chicken shit. They are different materials.
Our evolution has relied on, and benefitted from, the 2nd Amendment. There is a natural order and a constructed, time tested order. The cow video is an updated Orwell novel, a cautionary statement on what happens when you mess with species specific behavior. Add in guns and the 2nd Amendment and you have a sophisticated rumination on freedom!!
Cows with guns. Down with the evil cattle industry which enslaves the poor animals. Laying the groundwork to destroy animal husbandry so they can feed us highly processed plant based meat and cultured meet (lab grown meat). Huge market that they want. Big, big money involved.
Had one of those Thanksgiving arguments without trying. It was eye-opening.
We had a house guest, a realtor who is a really smart guy, and has helped us make a lot of money over the years. We've had heated discussions before, and I've known for a long time he's sympathetic to Democrats.
The subject of government censoring people came up. At first, his response was all about how social media can keep stuff off of their websites if they want to. I told him a lower court and an appeals court had ruled the government was pressuring these companies to censor opinions by people who were experts in various fields of medicine. Had to show him an article to get him to understand, yes the government really was censoring.
His response flabbergasted me. In his mind, in the early stages of covid the government didn't really know what was going on, and they HAD to censor people to minimize vaccine hesitancy, and save lives. Told him the clot shot had actually killed people. He just doesn't believe it- he took the vax, and he's fine. And he doesn't know anyone adversely affected.
I'm guessing maybe around half the population thinks like he does. What can one do?
Keep speaking truth, patiently, persistently, peacefully.
And thank you for being a truth warrior.
I had exactly the same experience with my nephew. Except every 20 seconds he’d whip out his phone to fact check me with whatever came up on top with Google. I finally gave up trying to get him to actually think for himself or consider venturing into a world outside Google. He also thinks Biden is not senile and Newsom would be great for president. I guess this is what a life limited to Seattle and working at Microsoft achieves. He had never heard of a 15 minute city and figured he already lived in one. I wasn’t sad to see him leave. I feel terribly about that, but also shaken by the entire experience.
Don’t feel terrible. You did what you could. He may be too far gone by now.
Consider sending him some links that MIGHT appear at the top of Google if he formed the queries just right: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links
Thank you for the list of links.
No one is ever "too far gone" IMO Big E. Right up until her last breath, my mother evolved and went to the Light when I said "Now Go!" That was her last breath.
Very common in deep blue western OR and WA - I see the exact thing, these people talk about recent heart, auto-immune, and even death issues and can't understand what is happening...clearly MSM kool-aid drinkers.
Jonestown meets the Covidian cult. Listen to Turfseer’s new hit video I DRANK THE KOOL-AID.. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/new-video-i-drank-the-kool-aid
My nephew wants to move to Militiagan; easier to smoke there.
He apparently doesn’t know — because his chosen sources aren’t telling him — that an estimated 500,000 residents left CA in 2021-2022, and many businesses large and small have relocated to more business-friendly states. (I was born there, and lived there for 7 decades before fleeing in 2017.) Newsom isn’t responsible for all of it, but he certainly has made it worse.
My sibling is just like your realtor. A lawyer who represented medical, nursing, and pharmacy colleges at a university, she is just fine with censoring. She was even more fine with throwing informed consent out the window when volunteering at her university’s vaccine clinic, She volunteered for several shifts so that — wait for it — she could be first in line to get her own shot at a time of “scarcity.” She even chastised a fellow clinic volunteer (also a lawyer) about telling someone about a potential sore arm side effect. I have no idea how many times she has been boosted, but she is still alive (her multi-boosted husband, however, is fighting a previously controlled prostate cancer.)
The last time we spoke (~2 years ago), her little grandkids had imagined killing their grandmother. My sister — their grandmother by marriage — thought their story was ABSOLUTELY CREATIVE AND ADORABLE. I, of course, was horrified.
Needless to say, this highly educated woman is a Democrat and as far left as you can go without falling off the flat earth. She completely cut me off when I offered research on Covid treatments, shots, and cancer therapies.
I laugh at that phrase "highly educated." Yes, they have been to university and gotten several degrees, but educated? Hardly. they are unintelligent, lazy, and stuck in their bubble, refusing to even consider they might be wrong.
I think conservatives or renegades like us are always reading what the "other" side is writing, thinking, etc., to gather information, challenge our own beliefs, and to see what the enemy is up to.
Perhaps substituting the word Brainwashed for Educated would clarify things. Life Get's Teejus, Don't it??
The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university
Excellent lyrics!!
Thanks. Just released. Turfseer’s new song BEFORE. A musical plunge from a relative utopia to dystopia, echoing the chaos of a world succumbing to lies, censorship, and a media controlled by global powers. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/before
Man they are hard work, just the look on their faces when you are explaining what they have not heard before?? Kiss it and let it go....
Love and light...😆
"It is difficult to get a man [or woman] to understand something when his [or her] salary depends on his [or her] not understanding it." I'm sure Upton Sinclair didn't mean to be politically incorrect, so I helped him [or her].
Upton Sinclair, of course you know, was using correct English as taught in ALL American schools through about the 70's?? when he wrote that in "The Jungle" around 1904. I continue to practice exactly what I was taught and damn the torpedoes!
Yes, he even used offensive terms like “mankind.” The horror! I appreciate your point that trying to please everybody always offends somebody ; )
Ur such a fuddy-duddy, old guy.
Public health authorities collude with State government to take away parental rights. Listen to Turfseer’s new hit song WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/without-your-consent
I took the jab twice and feel like shit but I can’t say my problems happened right after. I don’t know why I feel 10 years older in one year but I suspect it’s mRNA, maybe just coincidence and I’m paranoid. Regardless of my personal situation everyone I know who didn’t get the jab is doing great even after getting Covid.
Since you mention it, I noticed immediately, my realtor friend was more feeble looking- the way he walked and all.
I feel older myself in the last couple of years. My memory isn't what it once was, and some physical things I used to do are harder. I'm 67. Getting old isn't for sissies.
One of the things I find unsettling is, all my contemporaries - friends from high school and college - look noticeably older. I hope I don't look as old as they look. I take a small amount of twisted comfort in the the knowledge most of them had the vax, and hope that separates me from them.
Wiping the condensation off of the inside of my single pane window, of our new "shitshack" home in the sticks, i could not have imagined that i read your posts, and think that there is a mirror out there, reflecting experiences and lives.
But there is.
THE MYOCARDITIS BLUES. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation. Listen to the hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-myocarditis-blues
I noticed several friends that took the vax developed white hair rapidly. One lady I knew was 60 and looked about 35 until she took the vax to keep her teachers aid job. She seemed to age quickly and died with a heart attack shortly after.
Had to take the shot for a cruise that 20 other friends (including the hubby) were already vaxx ready and going - I being the last holdout. I cruised the DFW metroplex until I found a pharmacy with a J&J jab. That was Oct 2021. We both follow Dr Malone protocol for ridding the toxicity out of our bodies. MK-7, Taurine, etc. I feel I have a pretty incredible immune system and have only suffered my annual "crud" about this time of year; whether it's a virus or a combination of fall leaves and dusty attics with Christmas decorations that brings it on I'll never know. Neighbors in my 55+ community would have already "tested" for covid. I cannot comply.
There are others of us who after serious arm twisting got the J&J one shot. Fortunately, since then we've been more successful in saying "Nope".
O, As hard as it seems, you always have a choice. Perhaps if you knew then what you hopefully know now, you would have chosen differently. This is serious stuff- cruise?/health? People I know who are jabbed keep hoping that the adverse effects they feel are not from the jabbs. (my husband included, who went to E.R. with High B.P. who always has low B.P.)
Definitely know it now, didn't want to be the only holdout and a future cruise we have booked will be cancelled should anything similar be required in the future.
Peer pressure is a powerful human conundrum
hmmm. I'lll bet they found nothing in the ER, right? Did they run D dimer and troponin on his blood sample?
Six mo after the Pfizer jabs, I had high heart beat, tachycardia. Testing months later found only elevated D dimer. More detailed, expensive testing found zip.
Nope, they found nothing, but we already knew what was happening, just needed to know that there was nothing else going on. By the time we left his B.P was stable. What a waste of time and money, heart monitor too. Believe me, no further jabs! I simply listened to my Self about the jab, when I asked, It said wait.
Problems are happening even years later and worse for multi jabbed. And then, there’s the shedding thing… part 1 of 9 from Dr Pierre Kory on this topic: https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/shedding-of-covid-mrna-vaccine-components?r=iutjw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Don't waste your money on his Christmas gift unless it's something you can use?
He's a friend, and will remain one, even though he's misguided and wrong. He got on the road this morning and we parted ways on good terms.
Dr. Malone's comment above - Keep speaking truth, patiently, persistently, peacefully - was a good reminder and something I needed to hear. I'm going to try my best to follow it when I run into this situation again.
Good luck to a fellow Patriot. You will need it. My highly educated, professional, and liberal minded children and grandchildren refuse to listen, even as they claim to be open minded.
The willingness to participate in an open conversation is off the table . I often wonder if they regret their 2020 vote. They would NEVER admit it.
About a year ago my Wife's brother called and was insisting she and I go take that shot. She told him no, that we didn't trust the Govt and said they cheated us on the election. She hung up on him because he yelled at her we were "STUPID FN PEOPLE!"
She hung up on him and their weekly phone visits ended for over 3 months.
He is a 78 year old fanatic liberal and his 50+ year old son is a conservative. They all took the jab though and all now have health problems. My brother in law now has turbo prostate cancer. Her sister and all her other brothers were conservative. At our thanks giving dinner all 10 were conservative and only one had taken the jab. Hard to figure families!
Had it not been for my coming a in contact with Dr. Malone, which I consider divine intervention, I would have let fear and my nurse daughter drive me to get the "jab". I wish others had been so lucky.
Good news; I see now that the entire "hoax", like so many others, are slowly coming to light.
Bad news; the damage is done and it appears there are more biological weapons in the making from our government and from our enemies aboard.
A lady friend I have known since the first grade (70 years ago) told me her nurse sister in law made her appointment, drove her there and insisted she must get that shot. She regrets she did it to save a family fight but now her sister in law has stage 4 turbo breast cancer.
So many otherwise healthy friends are sick or already dead. I guess I was born distrusting our evil Government and our get rich jabbing and pilling medical Satanists.
Intolerence was part of the consistent propoganda programming enacted by the media, doctors, health practitioners, and followers. Your experiences are commonplace among those of us who refused to comply with the peer pressure.
Failure to admit mistakes would admit you have poisoned yourself, and will die from that act. Very few will ever admit, even on their deathbeds
My HS-grad daughter smelled a vax rat from day one and let none of my healthy, rambunctious gkids get shot. Goes to show how higher education can work against common sense.
So wise of you. Everyone has their own timing in their own life. Stay in relationship - much more helpful than canceling.
Be kind. It's SO needed. & appreciated more than we'll ever know. Kindness doesn't mean doormat. Just like "Mr Rogers".
You can certainly share the TRUTH with the naysayers. But, you cannot force someone to be enlightened and transformed by the Truth. In another way of saying ‘you cannot fix stupid.’
I think people do not want to admit they were wronged by their precious government. We made it fine through Thanksgiving dinner it was on Friday afternoon sitting around enjoying the day and my sister in law said " well I got the booster and the flu shot and I am going to get the Shingles shot very soon " out of my mouth shot ....Cindy NO! she said " I don't care...I believe in vaccinating". She is a retired RN. It didn't end there and I'm not 100% sure if my Granddaughter of 13 years old said she just got the HPV vaccine and the Flu shot or if she was going to get them so I need to get the courage to find out for sure. I have seen the movie VAXED and remember how damaging HPV vaccines can be, never did I think the HPV vaccine would be considered for our 13 year old Granddaughter. I am beyond upset about this.
Ahhhhhhhhhs hhhoooooooolllleeeee
I found this guy really helpful:
As long as they are not injured themselves they assume everyone else will be like them. That's what happens when you "trust the science."
“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag
Ha, ha, ha! Thanks that was good.
2 donuts to take the jab?! That is insulting. I am holding out for the cheese burger and fries.
Unless the cows have guns ...
I know you hear this a lot but seriously todays funnies were the best!!! Hope everyone didn’t eat as much as I did yesterday, I’m still full. I was thinking about the direction us citizens are being pushed to wards. America is not quit 250 years old and we citizens are only tenants here on earth for a short time. Knowing the king and the pauper both end up in the same pine coffin, are we, the majority, going to allow this king to direct us down this path of tyranny to leave for generations. I myself and most all of us subscribers have tried our best to make vast improvements to our properties and tried to help the people around us. We all should not allow our country to be directed down this path of disrepair. J.Goodrich
Keep trying, James Goodrich. we’re here with ya. Trying to help. Trying to turn the American Titanic away from the giant iceberg of tyranny.
Well said James, I have made a comment today to Dr Malone, "it is time to act!. We know what the crimes are, we know who the perpetrators are, we have had enought talk, now is the time We The Good People of Planet Earth have to stand and embark on a strategy of actively stopping ourselves and our fellow FREE people from being thrust into slavery".
I have been advocating for some time, that (in my opinion) we need to establish a "core" group of people to lead the world in this defense of our freedoms. I have nominated Dr Malone as a likely Leader of a small but carefully selected group of people from around the world.
Les, don't you think that there is already a "core" group of people who have been traveling, speaking and literally putting their lives on the line for this very reason? If Dr. Malone did any more for this cause, he wouldn't have time to sleep. As it is, we encourage he and Jill to please take some down time!
I take your point totally DD, and agree to a point about Dr Malone needing to "rest". I mean by my point, that I do not,, nor have I ever believed that Dr Malone would don a Sherrifs badge and kick down doors to arrest people. My opinion is (still) that Dr Malone would be one of THE MOST respected people in the whole of the world (again, my opinion) and if he was to openly state that "action needs to be undertaken" and we seek a certain type to form this "core group". If Dr Malone was to make such (or similar) comment, I for one would take that and "sell it" to carefully chosen others that I believe are crucial to form this "core group" (I could but won't name many of them here). It is important to note, that whilst we would need to announce widely that we are AS OF NOW (then), in the fight back mode, NO futher public announcing of who, were, when etc should be allowed. It is my opinion, that if we were to "go public", we would only be alerting "the enemy" (so to speak) and the fight would become twice (or more) as hard as a result.
I hope that puts us somewhere near the same page DD, and I thank you for you interest.
Even more wryly, that king could come back next life as a pauper, and the pauper could return as a king. They both need our help to break out of the downward spiral.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving on the ranch too! Started before breakfast with a text from our son-law up the canyon. (You know Jason, with the cute children) The Mini Jersey bull was out! Apparently our ranch hand had not locked the gate and we had a real rodeo before breakfast! Our angus heifer was in heat and had called him down, unfortunately she is barely a year old and I wanted to wait 6 more months before getting her bred. We used the cattle dog and our heads and actually had fun figuring a way to get him safely all the way back up the hill to his paddock without him servicing the young heifer on the way. Work on the ranch is actually a wonderful, head clearing activity and I chuckle this morning as I relive it. We have our feast with family tomorrow, a tradition for at least 40 years. All of the in-laws get to attend Thanksgiving with their families, and Paul and I take call. Our employees get the day off, and everyone is happy. Tomorrow we will feast and sit around discussing our gratitude to the Lord. We will sing hymns in old fashioned harmonies and tell stories of Gods goodness to us all. One of the things that will be said tomorrow is how grateful we are for you and Jill. May God bless you for courageously standing up and speaking truth. Our family is healthy, productive, and grateful.
Sounds like heaven, CA. You are truly blessed.
Great funnies. I especially liked the one about talking politics at Thanksgiving dinner to save money — and time — on Christmas gifts (and holiday cards, birthday and anniversary cards/gifts, scathing emails, etc.) You can be ostracized by discussing vaccine concerns too, even though many do not consider this political talk, just common sense logic based on observation and research.
The Quarantine club is a great idea. Enjoy! We also need unvaxxed clubs, because some unvaxxed become unwell after hanging out with vaccinated people, especially the recently boosted. It’s getting lonely out there!
For those who are still skeptical, Dr. Pierre Kory’s nine-part series on shedding is quite convincing: https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/shedding-of-covid-mrna-vaccine-components?r=14nzxn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Enjoy the horses and never stop speaking truth to the neigh-sayers! 🐴
Awwwww, thank you! React19 is awesome, and so are you!
React19 are conducting an Online Survey on COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events, which I learned about in Episode 346 of The Highwire:
Study: https://react19.questionpro.com/a/TakeSurvey?tt=f4AXyF88VFwECHrPeIW9eQ%3D%3D
Highwire segment: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/historic-study-on-vaccine-injured-looking-for-participants/
To you and Jill, your family, and friends at the quarantine club, stay blessed Dr. Malone.
Great funnies today! Enjoy your quarantine friends. Sounds fun. 🙏🏻♥️💯
Doc, you waved red in front cattle farmers.
What's with that mis-gendering video showing the udder on the lyrically designated male bovine???🤣🤣
Cattle are pretty smart in their own way, with a strong social pecking order, cooperative protective behaviors, and herd knowledge of the plants. City people, and those who don't have a herd complete with bull might not be able observe they're smarts. They're also really curious about their people, and will gather (unrelated to food supply) to see what their people doing, or look at a new baby.
I have stories...... It's not so easy to send them off.
In sum, I think the cattle domesticated people, not the other way around. Look what it did for their populations.
The song is pretty old, 1996, before mis-gendering was a thing. so perhaps most of the politics might have been animal rights issues. Lyrics preceded most of the P.C. language restrictions, so they were pretty hilarious.
Reminds me of when Zi was at a charity fund raiser and a lady introduced me to another lady wearing a cow suit complete with a milk cow bag and udders.
I cracked her up when I looked down, couldn't resist and said, "OH BOY, FOUR PLAY! Those two ladies joked around with my wife and I the rest of the night. Sometimes my mouth engages before my brain!
🤣🤣 fun!
I had to reply to your comment about their curiosity and interest in different things. My husband and I were at a manor house in Perth, Scotland where the owner had a large number of Charolais cattle, the white super cute faced French breed. We were driving up the path to the house when I noticed them by a fence looking at us. I got out to take a closeup photo, expecting them to scatter. Instead, about ten of them come to the fence to let me pet them and look at my camera! My husband took video, he was so shocked. I was with them at least 15 minutes. I wanted to take one home! I told the owner about my experience and, well, they’re beef cattle so he said he could ship one to me but I wouldn’t be able to pet it anymore. I said a prayer for them at that point. Such an experience I’ll never forget!
That’s pretty special that they visited with you without having seen you beforehand . Very cool!
It was so sweet! Very strange but such a great memory!
Great ones today - oh what I’d give for my own Galts Gulch group! Pretty scarce here but great to know of yours. Ride the horse with joy!
Ain’t breakin’ da law, fun?
And, when it can be a group affair...
Sadly, missed that bit of joy - I live in Montana, didn’t have to break da law to be with my mates.
Thanksgiving Blessing, y’all
My quarantine club is myself, wife, and my son. We are getting together to day instead of yesterday just because we are rebels. Celebrating Thanksgiving on black Friday, which means nothing to us.
No horses here but several dog walks in the woods will suffice.
Enjoy your day!
I enjoy your expertise, well written perspectives and so appreciate your research and all the time it takes you (true sacrifice as time is invaluable)! Thankyou for sharing the funnies, your farm life and knowledge. Keep fighting and truth telling. We need more warriors like yourself and Jill.
Loved me some Friday Funnies, as usual. Quarantine Club! Wish I had thought of that name for my small group of “ outlaws” during the COVID lockdown! Enjoy your Galt’s Gulch. You and Jill deserve it!
Stream of consciousness. Thanks for the great tips on raised beds. I’m saving the leaf mulch my mower produces. Til I left my job I never had time for this. I cleared the overgrown ivy, put in a lawn in the back. It was a job and a half. But the Cosmos and cornflowers grew 4ft high. This coming season: conventional food in raised beds. Lots of mulch.
Wish we had saved all the corks. I knew they were good for something. After mandate retirement I lost 40 lb (aka ELBEES). Effortlessly. Umm.. maybe it’s 35 after what I done yesterday. Anyway it’s actual college weight. I was thin back in the day. Grad school was at U Chicago where, as David Brooks testifies, Fun goes there to Die. Indeed. Fast forward. Wine. Getting old. I’m not crazy about the long gray whiskers but I never realized how tough it is to shave when they get this long. Even my expensive fancy Braun shaver is not quite equal to the task and I’m not gonna visit Sweeney Todd who is a known CIA asset just waiting for a wise-ass anti-regime anti-vacs Sub-stack commenter to come in. So just leave them whiskers alone. The Mrs. has not kept up so we’re off the wine, doing super healthy diet thing and I am super compliant. I don’t like those plastic corks. That would insult the bird.
I'm gonna take a shot at the cow video's political statement... First, I thought this was contemporary, but its decades old. Predates W Bush's terms. Nevertheless, it's all hopelessly up to date, very witty, and aligns in a quiet way with all the silly stuff today. It says that a species needs to species.
Cows are bovines and they ruminate. They cogitate. They are gonna do that shit. There's just no stoppin em. You do you and I do me. Cows do cows. So we have to be true to our species and our species' role in its long evolutionary history. We domesticated cows, but they also domesticated us. We are co dependent. We are inter dependent. We live in a time mediated balance. You fuck up that balance and some unexpected shit can happen like the chickens show up with guns. When that happens you are in deep do do. Some do do of mixed composition. I used to run a manure spreader and threw cow shit and chicken shit. They are different materials.
Our evolution has relied on, and benefitted from, the 2nd Amendment. There is a natural order and a constructed, time tested order. The cow video is an updated Orwell novel, a cautionary statement on what happens when you mess with species specific behavior. Add in guns and the 2nd Amendment and you have a sophisticated rumination on freedom!!
Cows with guns. Down with the evil cattle industry which enslaves the poor animals. Laying the groundwork to destroy animal husbandry so they can feed us highly processed plant based meat and cultured meet (lab grown meat). Huge market that they want. Big, big money involved.