Excellent compilation! Thank you. Really enjoy the humor-relief.

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What happens when words are no longer our common touchstone? Ever notice how we cannot talk anymore? All conversation, from dialogue to disputation, takes place against an assumed background of agreement about very basic things. Even disagreement presupposes vast areas of at least implicit agreement. Otherwise, conversation would be literally impossible. But what if even those areas of core agreement—mutual appeals to reason, to first principles of reason, to common words and the concepts they signify—have been radically, deliberately and systematically undermined? Conversation is the lifeblood of community; it is where we explore and find common ground, and teach one another about virtually everything, despite other differences.

When words no longer have shared and stable meanings, when reason and evidence cease to be touchstones of truth, a people are easily uprooted, alienated, and dispersed into warring camps bent on refashioning the world in accordance with the ideologies that have taken hold of them instead. The ensuing frenzied and genocidal atrocities of history—the French, Chinese, Russian, Cambodian and Iranian revolutions come to mind—are well known. We are currently witnessing violence—of all kinds, including physical—against anyone who remains rooted in reason and what words actually mean, and anyone who refuses to comply with their arbitrary dictates, or conform to their confusion.

What could be more “wicked” than systematically and forcibly dividing, subduing, and silencing a people? And their communities? And families? If history is a reliable guide, such a dynamic—unless stood up to, and before it’s too late—seldom if ever ends well. Something wicked this way comes. And its name is “genocide.” https://mistermicawber.substack.com/p/something-wicked-this-way-comes?r=110wl5&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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That is part of why these cartoons are so valuable. They wouldn't be funny if they didn't capture so much in a single frame.

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Exactly. Without a common frame of reference even humor doesn't work.

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I agree with you and Betsy. The reality is, even humor is being cancelled and censored, so I’m thankful for these funnies cause unless we all start standing up a bit more, even humor will be hard to find.

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And isn't it a relief that the reality of the fraud and destruction that has happened is breaking through enough so that these cartoons and parodies are being generated and finding traction in the public?

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Yes it is and I pray it stays that way!

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Amen, brother. By way of example, take what "the woke" have done to just one word: the word "woman." Not only have the woke destroyed the "shared and stable meaning" of the word "woman" such that even a learned Supreme Court justice can no longer define it, they have further confused the issue by blithely flip-flopping back and forth between the traditional and "woke" meanings depending upon which brand of woke snake oil they are selling at the moment. If talking about the "historical oppression of women," for example, they flip to the more statistically-convenient traditional meaning. When talking about team sports, or which military uniform a person should wear, however, well, let's just flop on over to the woke conception of the word. With these flip-flops so fluidly accomplished in real time, few of us seem to notice. Indeed, one suspects that maybe even the woke have no idea of the brutal linguistic murder they have just committed.

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Yep, exactly.

It's a denial of Aristotle's first principle of reason: they claim NOT to know but also appear to know the meaning of words like "woman."

I'm going to focus on the abrogation of reason in a future essay.

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I’m liking your comment. Lately Substack won’t let me ♥️ More than one or two comments

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Just refresh the page, then your heart shows up and you can heart a few more.

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Or just ignore it. It usually adds it after a delay. Quirky I guess

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Thx! I notice that too sometimes

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I just read your linked full essay, David. Really excellent insights and helpful. Thank you.

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Many thanks Kathleen; your kind words mean a lot to me. It's easy to feel isolated these days. Without one another, I swear we'd all be going mad. :)

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So very true. I'm definitely finding my 'tribe' among substack writers and very grateful for that. You write beautifully.

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Think it began with a collapse of continuity of meaning in the classrooms. I have been bugged for years by how the plural tense of Latin derived words are misused, eg stadiums rather than stadia. Once slippage is allowed a virtual avalanche is sure to follow.

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Let's not even talk about the ability to spell or compose a proper sentence.

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Yep, exactly. Said avalanche in progress.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Big respect for Kim Iverson.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't know how you continue to do this dance, you must be fall down tired and yet still bring us important world information, Friday Funnies, more relevant statistics, and the Sunday Strip. Bravo to you and Jill!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Because of Covid...

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Our friend, J.P. Sears, has a new, non-comedy video entitled Why I Changed My Mind About Evil. I have heard Dr. Malone and others say that there seems to be a force behind the evil agenda in the world. J.P. names that force: Satan. Those of us who are followers of Christ can clearly see what is happening. The book of Revelation is coming to life! In the past, when I read that people would be forced to take the "mark of the beast" or lose their ability to "buy or sell", I could not imagine how that could happen. It's easy to see now! Who would have thought it might be tied to vaccines? I'm not saying the present vaccines are the mark of the beast, but it seems we are getting close to the time of the mark. It is comforting to know that God is sovereign and His plan will not be thwarted. Meanwhile, I appreciate the Friday Funnies that bring laughter. https://youtu.be/mPt6gvRQnhs

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your best yet. (Probably the 47th time I've written that, but there you have it.) We have some innovative, creative, and incisive intelligence and wit in America. Thanks for introducing me to so many new voices!

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Dr. Malone, any plans to celebrate the 75th birthday of the Nuremberg Code today? #InformedConsent #NeverForget


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Thx for providing this link

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some great funnies this day...

...I needed a laugh

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The best crop yet!

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Wow, one of the best collections ever! Each one a gem 💎 of truth. Thank you Drs. Malone for taking the time to compile this moment of history in humor.

For a bit of back-looking ironic hilarity, check out the first segment of The Highwire Episode 281: PANDEMIC POLITICS: INSIDE THE U.S. COVID DEBACLE: https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-281-pandemic-politics-inside-the-u-s-covid-debacle/ . The rest is worth watching as well, of course!

Thank you Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Jill Glasspool-Malone for your fight against humanity’s destruction. We’re grateful for your humanity, humor, compassion, political acumen, science doggedness 🐾 , and horse sense 🐴.

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Science doggedness 🐾 , and horse sense 🐴 a great pairing.

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As always, thanks for making me smile this morning. I really needed it.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another spot on selection of truth in humor. Discovered RB a while ago and love his community-who would have thought?????

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I love when RB cracks up at his own jokes - you can't help but laugh watching that. But, yes, he's a most unexpected hero in the battle for truth and he covers a wide range of topics in his videos.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Yes, another excellent compilation. The clown who is on his way to get tested is my fav. Hate clowns.

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From James Howard Kunstler:

They lied about their roles in the nefarious origins of SARS CoV-2. They conjured up — already had waiting, actually — dangerous genetic treatments masquerading as “vaccines” and then they faked the safety trials to rush them into use. They denied people proper, effective treatments with inexpensive drugs and killed them with ventilators and remdesivir — solely to maintain a fraudulent emergency use authorization (EUA) that shielded “vaccine” companies from lawsuits. Once the “vaccines’ were widely distributed — and forced upon many people with mandates — they confabulated and hid information about adverse reactions and deaths. They destroyed countless small businesses, livelihoods, households, and hindered children’s development with lockdowns. And they used both social and news media to censor their critics in direct violation of the first amendment. That’s all.

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Well. Now that you put it that way ...

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Right on! It makes me furious when people overwhelmingly on the Left, conflate our demands for accountability, transparency, and a redress of our grievances as attacks against “science”, spreading misinformation, and literally murdering people. There’s no good reason for the heavy-handedness of the Establishment.

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Malone's Friday Funnies will have to go in a book compilation some day. Humorists around the globe will be clamoring to be featured in your weekly post as time goes on.

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