Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Perfection exists, love these memes! Sounds like your mom and my FIL grew up in the Depression and never recovered from the scarcity mindset. However, because of this mindset, they didn’t deal in debt and were able to live off one income and paid for things (including their retirement home) with cash. Different times, different mindset.

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My wife and I of 35 plus wonderful, blissful years (smile) just bought our (out of this state) retirement home, and paid for it in full. It wasn't terribly expensive, but we don't owe anything on it, and the taxes and utilities are not even the cost of 1/4th of our home's taxes alone, here in the communist state of Joiersey. I actually like paying the tax bill there, because the entire year gets a single paid off check, and I'm good to go.

We wouldn't even live here anymore, but that's for the boss to decide when she's finally "ready", whatever the hell that means.

The evil box on the wall is always trying to "Tom Selleck" me into reverse mortgages, which we all know is just another scam to make you lose your house (or at least that's how I feel). No debt other than my primary mortgage, no car payments, no owing anyone anything is the way I like it, and as long as I have clean underwear, decent socks, and a single blade Bic razor, I'm good to go.

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Most states will 'tax' the majority of people right out of their homes they spent most of their lives paying off. Criminal. Reverse mortgages are a very bad financial tool, in my opinion, your funds (they don't pay you interest) will usually run out before your life does, and then you're left with nothing to go towards assisted living care. It's all a racket.

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My dad said, when moving his fourth wife's belongings to his place, she never met an empty jar she didn't cherish.

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Shelley, my mom 👩 would wash and reuse aluminum foil.

I must confess that I mimic her saving habits and I sometimes think that I have an illness with glass and plastic containers that I just can't seem to want to toss!!!

Lol ‼️ 😆 🤣 😂

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Your mother was thrifty. I recycle my foil if it was used as a topper and not too dirty. I use foil to line the bottom of used pie tins to bake fish and chicken in the over or on the grill. If you put the used side down it does not need to be washed.

It is not an illness Ana, but a fetish - an object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence..

I just washed out another horseradish jar and lid just in case I had a later need for a small jar, perhaps for acidic fertilizer or soil testing. I admit I rinse out the quart-size plastic bags and I used to reuse the sandwich baggies when I was working. It all a fetish because I can certainly afford to buy boxes of plastic bags and aluminum foil.

My mother would save every button in the house. If a garment was no longer usable she would cut off the buttons. Before she died she made each of her 4 kids a used glass jar (like old catsup bottles before plastic was invented) with those buttons glued on - actually quite decorative. I guess she thought of them as pieces of family life, who knows.

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Oh no!!!

Another one!!!

I have several jars with buttons!!!! Guilty as charged!

Yes, we can afford to buy more foil or plastic bags 🎒, but why spend money 💰 on things that aren't 🤔 that essential?!

I would always tell my children, we don’t have to spend money on buying a new living room set if we make sure that we don't destroy the set by eating or jumping on it!!!

The last living room set that I replaced, was 25 years old.

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It comes from a time way before the "me, me, me' generation. Way before the 'get a new one every year', crowd.

I still have and wear occasionally, my 40+ year old Navy P-coat. I've got a pair of 25+ year old work boots, with a hole in the leather on one, that I'm loathe to give up (trying to find a cobbler!). Not to mention the scads of old, worn, threadbare shirts and jeans I keep around, that drives my esteemed other nuts at times. And Ball jars are the second best invention, right after duct tape.

People used and repaired and repaired and repaired things, until the thing just plain wore out. Not so much these days. Nor frankly, is the quality of the stuff wearing out nowadays.

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I think we still belong to the waste-not-want-not generation. I have a turtle neck sweater I bought at a boutique I worked at part time in 1973. I still wear it, made to last a lifetime! I still have a winter rainproof coat I bought at Goodwill in 2007 for my barn coat. By 2017 I was putting duct tape on the sleeve seems. It was the warmest coat I ever wore. I called the company that made it and sent them pictures of it. They had nothing to offer like it anymore but said it was probably made in the 1990s. Fit was perfect and even the hood was lined with no air getting in. It had large side pockets, large front pockets and inside pockets. I could carry all my horse tools as I went about my barn chores. It is still hanging in the mudroom closet - I just can't ditch it. I have several friends my age that don't throw out their still serviceable clothes either. Poor quality can be easily witness with garden/yard tools. Lucky to get one year out of them. Home purchasers in 2009 want me to leave my tools as part of selling my farm. They dated back to the 70s. So sad.

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I have to laugh at your dad's comment, my dad always said "looks like a hillbilly's backyard", but hey, I guess I resemble that.

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We could trade stories, I am sure.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

The zombies getting their appointment for their next jabbo is so close to home.

about sometime in 2020, my wife and I discovered our new primary doctor. She's a wonderful woman, slightly eccentric (okay, she's a wacko), and I love her to death (not literal death, as I just really mean MUCHO). So we've been to her a few times, and mostly for checkups. Heck, I even had her check my prostate with the oh, so fun DRE, and I just don't let anyone on the street do that, now don't you know

So, about 6 months to a year after the Warped (minds) Speed initiative, we were at the doc's office, and she asked if we were jabbed. Both my wife and I said it at the same time (bread and butter), "NO FREAKING WAY", and our attention went to the doc and we were pleasantly surprised to hear (and see) her reaction:

Doc laughed, and said, "Good. At least you two will be alive to see everyone else who was jabbed die off in the next decade. That shit is going to change everything forever".

Both of us, being and feeling the way we do about this jabbo, were relieved to find that we had someone who wasn't pushing the vax. I guess her dedication to the health and well being surpassed the temptation to buy another new porche, benz or Maserati. It was good to know not everyone had been corrupted by this propaganda crap. We felt as though we had at least someone we could trust.

Back to today:

I'm sad to report that 99% of every person we know who got at least one of the jabs has had problems ever since. Some of them are dead (which in some eyes could be a problem), a few of them need heart transplants, some of them had their cancer's return in a Turbo fashion, and the rest of them are perpetually sick.

My wife received a text a few moments ago that her good friend, Holly, is sick again. Holly got 3 jabs the last time I heard anything, and each time nearly killed her. Overwhelming sickness, in bed for days sick. Eventually she recovered from them all, but at what cost ? Why is she at Walgreens this morning buying cold and flu OTC meds ? Well, she said in the text,

"I've got the flu again, and I'm at Walgreens picking up something to help me get through it".

Her entire family is jabbed. They're all sick

Her friends are jabbed. Her co-workers are jabbed. They're all constantly getting sick.

Yet....... and I say it again, YET, she has no clue, nor can she make any connection to the poison she injected herself with. None. She won't admit it, and my wife stopped trying to talk to her about it, as in reality, as my wife say "What good is it going to do trying to tell her anymore? "

My good friend Bill, who has been hospitalized dozens of times since his first, then second jab for blood clots, strokes, heart arrythmia, blood pressure regulation issues, and the inability to eat anything, has finally come to the realization that (according to Bill the other day):

"Those shots don't do shit".

Well, that's not necessarily true, Bill. They actually are doing "shit", but it's just not how you think.

Zombies, bags of rocks, sheeple are abound, and the meme's prove it.

On another note: Will we ever see a "Clinton" persecuted properly ? Most likely, not in my lifetime.

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I was jabbed twice very early. Got Covid a few months later and took Ivermectin was mild. I’ve had arthritis get worse but otherwise I feel really good. My thought is some batches may be much worse than others. Either way I’m old and none of my kids were dumb enough to follow my lead.

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My prayers are that you, indeed, are one of the placebo lucky ones.

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T. Love your humor about many things (okay, she's a wacko) and I love her to death. Sometimes I enjoy the humor as much as the funnies!

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It's rare you find someone in this world you like, never mind being in the medical profession, rife with (well you know)

A smile a day, keeps the Malone away.

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It is SO SAD 😞 that we have to feel cautious ⚠️ of who we trust!!!

I still maintain that this is right out of " "The Stepford Wives!"

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The sun rises on the good and on the evil, and rain falls on the just and the unjust. I know if everyday we try to do what is right, it’s the best chance that good will come, no guarantees. It’s hard for me to accept a person that is promoted (using fraud) throughout her life because of her gender and the color of her skin, not denounce the assault on an entire group of people based on their religion, and then turn around and say she’s resigning because of racism being used against her. She to me is an academic crook!! Only at Harvard could this become reality that large groups of the brilliant brainless support such a fraud. Talk about liberal hypocrisy, Harvard has hired former Chicago mayor Lauri Lightfoot to teach students how to deal with the media. Yes the same Lauri Lightfoot that refused to answer white skinned media peoples questions. I’m telling you you can’t make this stuff up!!! J.Goodrich

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I'm pretty sure this is why they installed Byden McCorrupted in there as the Resident in charge.

I think the idea is that you do so many things, so out of the norm, so preposterous, so egregious, that eventually as CIA Director William Casey said, that the US public won't believe anything anyone says anymore.

IMO, The ultimate goal is to breed contempt for, and lack of trust in ALL media, ALL govt, All people of any public stature, so that when ANY truths are revealed, and it's extreme, or against all previous norms (such as the latest one going around with the gay sex in the senate chambers) the general public will just dismiss it, and hit the snooze button, ignoring it as "just another lie".

The longer you can keep people looking "over there"

The longer you can do what you're doing "over here", without much fuss from the people you're screwing over.

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Loved the Border collie funny, I was born a fox and the dr is here. The Biden and Clinton funnies are creepy. Loved the video. When I cleaned my parents home after they passed away I found old door knob from the old house, 3 or 4 broken land line phone and much more. She grew up in the depression. Need I say more. She use to say that when she was little she had a dress to where , one to wash, and one for church.

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I loved the one about the border collie and the beating a dead horse is a good descriptive for the never ending Dem drum beat. One would think that saying it loudly and repeatedly would be a form of chicken little and everyone would quit listening.

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Regarding that video: I'll just lay this out right here: My wife reuses/saves Ziploc® bags. She rinses them out and sets them upside down on the counter to dry. I walk in the kitchen and it looks like dozens of little see-through tents at a mice concert.

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Haha, awesome visual.

My wife reuses bags too, but they're specified for where:

Freezer beef, freezer chicken, freezer veggie, cat food, dog food, bagels, etc.

They all eventually are used for dog poop when they no longer keep things fresh.

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so much for fresh dog poop

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Midwest cheap vid reminds me of my parents too-- depression era mentality... not always a bad thing.

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Another outstanding bunch. Hard to pick a fave but really tickled by the sheep dog. Agree philanthropath a good word, need to post soros to that gallery

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The Gates cartoon hit the nail on the head. He so cares for Ethiopian farmers....not.


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Video is my husband 😂. I have to sneak to throw away fast food condiments.

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I finally trash two items. Had company for Christmas dinner and told one guy (loves to cook and bake) that not much gets baked anymore since the death of my oldest son who was the kitchen guy. I only do CC cookies. Too much fuss and clean up. I showed him the box of corn starch, exp date 2013, same with the box of baking powder. I trashed both and now have the best excuse - don't have all the ingredients!

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Racism sauce, the reality of daily life!

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Loved the Video but the winner is That's All Folks !!


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It’s 2024 and I’m seriously considering throwing away all except 10 or so plastic containers and tops stored in a kitchen cabinet. I’m tired of straightening that cabinet. I also have dozens of glass jars and tops I’ll consider tossing next year since I’ll now have room for all of them in the previous plastic container cabinet.

I just looked inside the laundry room cabinets and felt ashamed I’ve saved the dumbest stuff and thought, I could clean out and put all that plastic ware in the laundry room cabinets! Then, I realized someone might need those old bath rugs. Maybe I should wait until 2025.

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Haha, the instant i throw anything away that can fix something, that something breaks, and i have to go buy it again

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Midwest cheap is the perfect description of my late mother. Her mother, her grandmother, etc.

They wasted nothing so that we would have to go through it after death. (and during downsizing).

My grandmother Ruby was the best. She would save the mesh bags that onions come in. Then when you get to the end of a bar of soap you put them in the onion bag. Once full, you put it in the shower to scrub your feet. (I must say, not a bad way to create a way to exfoliate).

Since all of these ladies grew their own onions, I never figured out where they got the bags.

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Yes, I know it’s called “Friday FUNNIES", AND Laughter may be the best medicine (mRNA vaccine a close 2nd⁉️ 🤣); that in mind, here’s what I’m laughing at - inspired by today’s FFs:

President Trump sells a hamburger to { name / nation } and gets impeached;

Resident Briben sells out our country and demonratz 🥱

President Trump comments on the deviant actions of those in power, and gets impeached;

Resident Briben showers with his teen daughter and 🥱

XY Clinton flies to Pedo/Orgy Island on the Lolita Express and 🦗 🦗🦗 🦗

XX Clinton - oh, never mind, there’s either nothing funny there - or, it’s all a joke;

President Trump plays golf on the weekends and he’s lambasted for dereliction of duty;

Resident Briben vacays 40% of the time and 🥱 🥱

Apparently it’s become acceptable to be a RACIST if your aim is to end racism.

I think this should be filed in the same drawer as declaring yourself a "woman" (despite the presence of junk in the trunks), if your purpose is to elevate women (whom you just displaced from what was a protected space - for WOMEN). 🤔

re: Racism - I’m apparently not engaging in the good fight sufficiently: don’t recall the last time I was so labeled.

And my personal fav, and the one causing me the greatest angst: using the image of a hot young redhead (no, I’m not Clinton) as the face of mRNA vaccine foolishness.

Really, can we leave my non-existent dating life out of this.


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Goodness; these are too funny in a sad truth way. Particularly enjoyed the trans-fox, time for the next booster and racism in a bottle.

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