Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People who watch Vladimir Putin's interview with Tucker Carlson cannot help but notice the difference in mental acuity between the Russian president and the US president.

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Shawn Farash, best known for his ability to imitate Trump's voice, has put forth the novel idea that the Biden supporters, and those who run him, should not be rescued by means of the 25th amendment, and should be forced to drag him through this last year. He's not the one making decisions anyway. If Kamala becomes prez, there will be no difference, just a change of face.

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I agree. They truly have backed themselves into a corner they have few options for escaping.

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And "we the people" should never let them out!

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Amen 🙏 and Amén 🙏!

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Kamala can never be President. Her parents were not Citizens of the USA when she was born. They were foreign nationals.

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I think the citizenship issues are being ignored in recent years.

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02/09/24: The U.S. southern border has been DESTROYED by the Biden criminal cartel and you think that the laws about ANYTHING are going to be enforced?

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True, except we have an actual security issue.

At least for those who haven't been paying attention until now!

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The replacement face for Joe doesn’t fix the security issue. An unaccountable committee has been running the executive branch.

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We need the evidence so that they can't shrug it off as a conspiracy theory!

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

I haven't heard if Tucker is back yet. I look forward to word of his safe return, because I think he took some bold risks on this one.

Earlier, I saw a posting of the interview with 5.4 or 5.6 million views at the 14 hour mark. Just now I looked for that and I don't see it on YouTube.

The fate and circumstances of Julian Assange crossed my mind. There's some nasty, nasty business going on that we're not supposed to know about.

Can't remember if I already posted this here: HRes 934 was introduced in December by Rep. Paul Gosar. "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that regular journalistic activities are protected under the First Amendment, and that the United States ought to drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange." I sent a brief request to my rep to request her support. Same old same old: stranded on a committee desk, this time the Judiciary.

UPDATE: I see it now. 6.3M views at the 17 hour mark.

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I really don't think Tucker has anything to fear around Putin. Now, Schumer, McConnell & Biden ...that's another danger.

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I agree. In fact I personally would feel more comfortable and welcome by Mr. Putin than by anyone in American Federal government.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

James Hoffman: In fact I personally would feel more comfortable and welcome by Mr. Putin than by anyone in American Federal government.

I just said this to my wife, last night, but slightly different :

I never thought, in a million years, that I would have more respect for The President of Russia, than I do for my own, incoherent (P)resident in the White House.

It's a very sad time in America

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The number is probably much higher.

It can also be viewed on "X" and tuckercarlson.com.

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Proud to be a new TCN subscriber.

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Am I correct that the 151m on the bottom of the video, indicates that it was viewed 151 million times?

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

For those of you who can access this. This is Tucker's immediate take on the interview with Putin.


I'll repeat myself:

It is a sad day in America when anyone can say that their incoherent, senility ridden (P)resident of the USA, is clearly not in charge.

I have way more respect for the intelect, and mental acuity of someone who is not what the MSM, and our own govt has portrayed him to be.

We have clearly been lied to by our own leaders, time and time again, to keep the "good duy /bad guy" fantasy alive

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I heard 100M views via The Blaze this morning

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Is that just in America? I watched it twice from Canada and plan on watching again. President Putin mentioned some interesting things regarding evil America and what they did during the war in the former Jugoslavia. Kosovo was also a topic as was old geezer Bush and Clinton, may they burn in hell are my prayers and all involved with them. Funny how they picked the side in Kosovo that will be the downfall for not just America but other countries. When P. Putin spoke of Faith, as a Christian Orthodox, also said the "ones that bang their heads" another religion/faith. I chuckled. Well done Sir without naming them. I do not think there is a leader that has the intellect, knowledge and way with words, without being up front rude, nasty, he knows how to twist the knife where need be. politely.

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I too was struck by the head banging comment.

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villageind, glad you heard it as well. I re-watched it again third time, each time I pick something else up that clarifies more to me.

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James Lord:

Where does it show the number of views ?

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Every video icon on my YouTube page shows a view count figure. This also appears when the icon is selected and the video comes up. I'm not sure there is a view count available for videos posted on TCN.

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People who watch the above video of the happy donkey cannot help but notice the difference in mental acuity between the donkey and the US president.

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Laugh out loud funny. Well done!

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That's insulting - to the donkey.

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One can only HOPE Biden DOES run for re-election, as that’s Trump’s best bet at the presidency (as long as the left’s proven cheating doesn’t happen again). Even though there are those that refuse to vote Republican, I believe many Dems will sit this one out should Biden run again.

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"If Biden won’t step down, it is time for the 25th amendment to be activated."


Allow the bastard-felon to run again for the presidency. Otherwise, you're playing right into the hands of the fascists who WANT to dump him and install another obsequious puppet.

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Only an individual in denial really believes that President Biden is running the show.

That show has lost all credibility.

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One would hope so, but it seems denial is not just a river in Egypt.

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No kidding’

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a state we’re in. Ok, I get it, special prosecutor Robert Hur pretty much cleared Joe Biden of all previous crimes because of his dementia. Does this make him immune for any and all future crimes? J.Goodrich

https://www.facebook.com/100066337585380/posts/707386354815944/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v I wanted to add this, it’s a lot like my house in the AM. Sometimes you just need to laugh.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No being a democrat does

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So sadly true... you'd think he could at least be institutionalised since he can't stand trial due to being non compus mentus 😉

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I had to send that video to family and friends! What a hoot.

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I know one of my dogs will come up and lick my face while I’m still sleeping wakes you right up…

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Oh NO!!!!

That would not EVER HAPPEN in our house!!!

They're put in their crates at night 🌙!!!

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Hur's report appears to clear Biden from prosecution for absconding with classified material, while at the same time, as Dr. Malone rightly asserts, opens the door to possible removal via the 25th.

Jeff Childers, over at the C&C stack, argues the report is bad law. Biden's mental state - at the time of the offense - is pertinent, not his regression 8-10 years down the road. And his mental state back at the end of 2013, was pretty good (for a Dem).

So...Biden will skip prosecution for illegally holding classified materials while at the same time, have his admin continue to prosecute Trump...who DID/DOES have Presidential privilege (no matter what that corrupt appellate court says).

At the same time, do you think our uniparty Congress (who couldn't even impeach Mayorkas!) will have the cojones to remove Biden under A25? I'm not holding my breath.

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But as I recall the improper handling of classified information did not require "intention" until Hillary Clinton was investigated for her illicit email servers that she used for official business. James Comey suddenly decided that since she didn't have the "willful intention" to mishandle the information it was OK even though the statute in question does not require intention. Inadvertently mishandling classified information used to be a crime, whether one had malign intention or not.

And in her case, she certainly did have the intention because she undoubtedly used that server so that her acts as Secretary of State would not be discovered by FOIA requests. That's the same reason so many members of the Obama administration used email aliases for a lot of their work email.

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The Biteme DOJ attacking President Trump doesnt have to follow any coherent, legal process, simply because it isn't supposed to be legal.

Trump's persecution is purely a process of election interference carried out by a weaponized DOJ.

Nancy Piglosi said it clearly enough:

Get the schmear out there, keep repeating it.

From day one, he has been attacked and the dems, RINOs, uniparty will continue even if Trump was magically able to surpass the rampant election fraud. I would not be surprised when the democtats / uniparty try the last resort of assassination to stop him.

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Please, no more Kamala videos. I'm queasy enough as is.

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My cats do their thing too, James. One jumps up on the headboard and then jumps down Hard (15 and 11 lb. cats). And then the stare, then the talking. Not quite as animated as dogs tho. Thanks!

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Aren’t they great!!??

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Thanks for the laugh James!

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Your sooooo welcome Andrea!!!

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OH James, that is an absolute "ripper". Its early Saturday Morning here and I needed that laught to start the day. Thanks heaps.

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Glad you enjoyed it Les!!!

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I also wonder what this does to the presidential immunity issue?

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I fear the red button will be mistaken for calling the SS agent to take him to the bathroom!

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Seems I recall the second time they tried to impeach Trump, Pelosi declared that the nuke codes needed to be removed from Trump's access because he was deranged. Pretty sure she doesn't feel that way about Obiden because she knows he is not allowed anywhere neat the football.

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Just read John Kass article on the subject, and it is like a bad dream that you experience night after night.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks again, Drs. M!

“The View” - sub-coffee-spitting, but got me.

So let’s seee…. Joe leaves stolen classified documents in shabby boxes in his garage….

Ashley leaves a lurid diary in a hotel room…

Hunter leaves laptops, guns, crackpipes, etc.

Jordan Peterson, take a bow: “Clean your room!” Nemisis is near.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love this donkey! And My pup is running around looking for the squeaky she hears!

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Haha all are awesome..and that is exactly what I see when I see clips of The View 😂

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Insulting to the horse's arses.

Prefer devils sitting in their places. I used to like Whoopie.

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Me too! A brilliant comedic actress. Gone sour.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Since dead people still retain voting rights in many places, they should also be able to change their gender. They should have to provide an affidavit to that effect.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Biden's incompetence and cognitive issues are an integral part of thus psyop plan.

You have an incapacitated (p)resident of. The US. His backdoor partners are the ones actually making the decisions guided by foreign interests.

This prevents accountability to the real parties at work. Biden is a scapegoat for the real, nefarious people pulling the strings, and he will be used to diffuse any blame upon his party, nor those really in charge.

No different than blaming China for the covid lab leak, when it could have been developed in Ft Dietrick, and purposefully released by our own corrupted government. Since China is thousands of miles away, beyond reproach of the pitchforks and hanging trees of the "pissed off" awakened peoples who were harmed, the narrative of hiding the real perpetrators in plain sight continues to effectively mask those culpable of these crimes.

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Was same with 44 but with a mere doofus at 1600. Same string pullers

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We need to keep in mind that the Chinese have infiltrated our infrastructure 5 years ago according to the FBI Director!!!

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin last night was excellent. The screaming chicken was hilarious. The transgender Muslim woman was so bizzare. What a crazy world we live in! Have a great weekend. Remember we are not the crazy ones . It is the liberals that are driving us crazy.

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PS. My state just past a bill that states there are only 2 genders! Hallelujah !

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What an upside down world we live in to need a bill to declare there are 2 genders.

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Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


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The Lunatics are, indeed, running the asylum.

Trump won. He will win again if Election 2024 is honest.

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The lunatics are out of the asylum and they're EVERYWHERE!!!!

I pray 🙏 that your sentiments about the November 2024 results go from your lips to God's ears 👂 👂!

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The Third wins a charm!!

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And same result. Trump wins. Stolen election. And they get away with it. 2024, and loonies are not only not in jail, but are still overlords.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would have commented earlier but the donkey video captured my attention. I need to get a squeaky chicken for my gelding.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I concur with the majority, the view made me laugh out loud.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That view of the view could also be the current administrations cabinet

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I'm offended with the use of horses. Where are the jackasses?

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Being gaslighted for by the horses tushes

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Insulting to all animals

Use pics of the devil

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s understandable that dead people should be able to change genders😉 After all, they already vote. More rights for dead people!! All this nonsense proves to me that the lower nature exists and can be catalyzed at any time unless one is hooked on humanitarianism and the truth.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Last week’s snake eating an egg video was a tough reality to watch, but the donkey and the chicken made up for it. Life is good.

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Feb 9Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Best chuckle I've had in a long while! The ass made my day! Thank you, Dr. Malone!!

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Michael Stinson: " The ass made my day! "

Quoting Kamala Harris meeting with Biden again?

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Can we remove the Pres and VP in one fell 25th Amendment swoop? “President Mike Johnson” has a soothing ring to it.

Dreaming . . .

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Whatever they do, they need to give her a competency test after she's had her weed!!!

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