
Rubio Sends Letter to Pfizer CEO on Alleged Gain-of-Function Research

"Mr. Walker stated that Pfizer is willing to engage in this dangerous research because COVID and its variants are “a cash cow” for the company and regulators will go easy ..."


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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

Same scam that unscrupulous auto mechanics have used since the auto was invented. They do nefarious things to the car in for repair so the unsuspecting owner has to come back to them again and again. Only now, the crimes against humanity version.

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Create the disease and sell the "cure."

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The U.S. is the only country in the world that allows pharmaceutical corporations to advertise their shit on our airwaves.

Stop it.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

CARTOON NEEDED: Given the information that Josh Stirling shared on an Epoch Times interview I am wondering when I will get a discount on my insurance for being non-vaxxed just like getting a non-smoker discount. Please, let’s have a cartoon for that idea!

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

Here is an interesting question: "Why would a supposedly vaxxed DAVOS oligarch demand to be flown in his private jet by only unvaxxed pilots?"

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Actually a smoker discount would make more sense in this context. Hot smoke kills respiratory viruses in an obvious and well-known way, and frequent coughing ejects the viruses. More specifically, some Italian doctors noticed early in this "epidemic" that they weren't handling any smokers, and found a specific interaction with tobacco smoke preventing this particular virus from attaching itself to cells.

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That's up to the statistians that project life spans that the vaxxed will have a shorter life span and adjust rates accordingly. Good idea!

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great work, Doc! Wish you had more time on Tucker last night. The lack of outrage and coverage by the MSM leads to two possibilities: either it’s a complete hoax, or it’s true and the pernicious MSM are part of a greater evil. I’m choosing the latter.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

MSM is part of the Deep State.

Many think the media favors one political party over another. It’s far more sinister than that. If you look at their patterns of deceit, the common thread is, they promote a coercive, authoritarian, unelected bureaucracy to rule our lives.

They don’t have to lie, although they do that. All they have to do make the bureaucrats successful in enslaving us is to not tell us the whole truth.

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lie by omission is a lie

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Historical tidbit: The Nazi word for the co-ordination of which you speak was “Gleichschaltung”.

MäskkenFührer is our innovation.

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The politics of Covid were all honed in the politics of "Climate Change" https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Dr. Malone,

Please do some research into the “15 Minutes City” scheme growing legs in Great Britain or some part of Europe. Big Brother on steroids.

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I am aware and covered this lightly in a prior substack

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How telling that the Vax Covidians are so devoted to their religion, they actually defend the making of gain of function research products and release upon the world populace, so that all can be forced to take their "holy" sacraments in the jabs. Truly sick. And literally insane.

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Isn't this something to behold???? As I am reading/catching-up to the latest, here and there and everywhere, I have a personal, verbal drumbeat repeating as background drone in my head. It goes like this: "My vaxxed acquaintances, colleagues, friends and family will stand by Pfizer even when presented with irrefutable proof that this Pfizer executive's words captured on PV tape were all true." How the F did we get here? How is it my non-GMO WholeFoods-buying besties keep running back for more gene-therapy shots, while seething about plastics, hormones in our water and use in livestock, glyphosate, neocotinids, environmental pollution, Monsanto etc etc etc?????????????? wtf wtf wtf wtf???? And as a nearby toddler is wont to say these days - nononononononnooononono

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Non-accidental Mass Formation Psychosis in action.

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Agree! The new religions of climate, big guv, tech and transhumanism. Quite dystopian.

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I’ve been worried it’s a set up. But Tucker has a huge franchise to protect, so I’m assuming his staff did their research before airing it.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is heart warming to see you on the tv with people like Tucker, exposing the lies! Somedays I thought that day would never come. I even followed you from twitter to gettr to here. It has been such a journey for you. But you now have such supportive friends and colleagues, I’m so happy for you.

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Me too. The dam is finally breaking.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would like to be a fly on the wall in the Pfizer corporate suites.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I would bet they're angry the UN hasn't moved faster on "hate speech" and "misinformation" laws.

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I bet there’s a job vacancy now; maybe you could apply & take notes from the inside!

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LOL. But I bet they'll keep him close and quiet since he knows too much. And the guy should watch his back.

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Praying that he doesn't "die suddenly." :(

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Love it!!

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I would imagine something like: "The Monster is setting us up..."

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Laughing their asses off about this limited hangout, probably.

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Perfect example of a criminal not having remorse for what he did but having plenty for getting caught.

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I’m not shocked about Pfizer’s sickening greed and immoral behavior. I am disgusted by Dr Walkers racist behavior after being duped into revealing too much. His adoption of the your a racist rant has been revealed as the go to claim for all defenseless deeds by mostly blacks but just about any white liberal elite progressive useful idiot.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I too saw you on Tucker last night. Good job educating Tucker and viewers. Thank you for your courage (and humor)! Loved the Twitter replies compilation.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Cash Cow Needs To Be Euthanized!


I volunteer to pull the lever and I won't need a mask!

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“I’m a liar... how will I ever trust anyone again?” Can’t stop laughing!

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The video was hilarious and oh so SAD. This is what happens when you “educate” kids to seek “safe spaces.” They become sad little bullies who lie for a living.

My question: Did he lie to impress a date, or did he lie when he SAID he lied to impress a date?

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lies inside of lies inside of lies. That seems to be an increasing trend over the last three years.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The trouble with lies is that you have to keep lying to protect the lies. Soon you become entangled in the web 🕸, and then the spider 🕷 comes to eat 🍴 you.

Let us all continue to be the spiders 🕷 and the lions 🦁 who stop the lies and clear out the webs 🧹 🕸!

(Apologies for all the emojis, but it is Friday Funnies day, after all.)

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The totalitarians’ gift to the world is the Matryoshka doll of deceit, each prevarication nested neatly within another.

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"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)

And that guy apparently has VERY little practice.

I'd like to play poker with people like him at the table!

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He believes all people lie on dates to impress. Wow.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone, for stoking the fires as things are heating up.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"The truth leaks out eventually." A big batch of truth in this case.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

The TRUTH goes viral. No pharma vaccine on warp speed. The only naturally-inmune cohort are the government and lackeys in the 'press'. TRUTH cannot infect them.

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Agreed. They do not even have the thinking skills to recognize the truth, is my guess.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So, he really does work at Pfizer. I get the impression he isn’t making the decisions, though. It wasn’t clear, from what he said, what had actually been done and what was being discussed. We need to know more. Above all, we need to know more about what the US defense department is doing at BSL labs, because that makes Pfizer look amateurish.

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Personally, I think that he is probably a product and consequence of the ESG system.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, and the pressure from living the lies of LGBTQ+, CRT, and DEI has finally cracked this poor egg of a man. I’m not comfortable with laughing at him, though. He needs prayer and mental help.

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Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn't that something? And the WEF pretends such system will save the world!!! LOL...In this tangled web of events it may be working somehow but not how the globalist overlords intended.

God has a weird sense of humor.

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Walker neither looked, acted or talked like an executive. Could be he was giddy with having a date? Far too many people are elevated beyond their merit because of their race. At least he is not a surgeon or a pilot, just seemingly a useful idiot hired for looks.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not sure how an "executive" talks. I am not sure what that means. Wedon't know anything about him. I think Jessica Rose's substack post is the most thoughtful essay on this so far.

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Well, we really don't know. Other than the fact he has loose lips and could sink a ship, we know nothing. We do know that many companies recruit from Yale, Harvard, especially, and the other Ivy League schools and promote them. I infer from your comments that you thnk the guy isn't very smart and, certainly, he made a huge mistake, to put it mildly. I think it is always a mistake to take things at face value and to draw dubious conclusions from little evidence. On the other side of the argument, one can ignore pools of evidence because we don;t want to go there, for example, the findings of the Spanish researchers who looked at the vial contents of Pfizer vaccine, but I digress...

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023

Walker's sentence structure seems more that of someone with only a high school education and no real experience at putting thoughts to paper. (edit: OK, putting his thoughts together, somewhere :)

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I think he's really in charge of cleaning the restrooms. Executive titles are just for public relations purposes. We must have the correct faces on the executive staff, must we? Think of the annual report!

The company I worked for once hired a vice president in charge of 'customer engagement.' No employees worked for her, directly or otherwise. Nor could any of the sales team explain what 'customer engagement' meant. ( I was fond of asking them from time to time just to pull their chain.)

The company had done this for other reasons with other oddball hires in the past, so the rest of us were wise to the deal. It all depended on what the internal or external corporate goals were at the time.

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What about him you figure catapulted him so high in that company a mere 3yrs out of med school.?

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gullible & easily controlled (with the exception of his tendency to blab & brag - unless that was intentional to let Pfizer take the fall) or as Jessica Rose stated, he is likely a Patsy.

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I had in mind 2 ticks on the diversity page

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precisely my point

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Well, yeah that’s a given with his lack of professionalism & common sense. I was just avoiding the “not so politically correct observation “ for the sake of avoiding controversy.

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I have no idea how that works or how high he actually is. For example, companies have many vice-presidents, so I certainly don't know how much authority he has within the company and neither does James O'Keefe, as far as I can tell.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Jordon’s (not Jordan) best move would have been to privately move out of the restaurant and negotiate as a whistleblower in exchange for immunity. Then request a gender affirming surgery and try to disappear into the fabric of Russian society. Just an idea...

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sounds like a well informed idea to me.

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

After rigorous testing in barrooms and saloons within walking distance of corporate headquarters, Pfizer reports that "I heard that he mutates viruses for new global pandemics" is "safe and effective" as a pickup line. Ask a friend or two to pass the word on your behalf.

"News you need to know" with the weekend approaching.

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