
Obviously, it is Sunday- not Friday and I misspelled a word. Not fully awake this morning.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As long as you're not WOKE it's OK that you're not fully AWAKE. Today you offered one of your best collections of funnies (Friday and Funday)! Thank you!

By the way, I'm watching your Feb 22, 2023 interview with Aubrey Marcus (2 hr 24 min) at https://youtu.be/XYaLgeEBgaU . Such a great not-to-be-missed discussion! Everyone should take some time to listen. Source (your very own Dr. Meryl Nass): https://merylnass.substack.com/p/long-robert-malone-interview

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Long interview, but well worth it! Rumble version:


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Thank you (and Big E) for this. I hadn't seen it and will now. It is snowing and I'm not getting out of my PJs today.

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Envious of your snow! Yesterday in the DC area, we only had a "snow shower" that didn't even stick anywhere. :(

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I'm so grateful for it. We've been in a snow drought for years. A friend told me that it snowed in Pomona, CA too. Pomona is in L.A. County which is basically at sea level. I grew up there - never saw snow there ever.

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All ok especially for the 2nd amendment meme which is priceless.

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Perhaps Jill was out feeding horses and not around to proof you work!

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That's alright, we love you anyhow.

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Obviously, it is Sunday - and I didn't even notice.

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Robert - I watched your interview with Aubrey and heard you say the F word. I laughed out loud. It was sooooo unexpected. Thank you for that! I say that word every day. It’s a good and appropriate word for these times.

And as Big E says. As long as you are not WOKE, it’s ok.

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All that travel probably has you checking your phone to see what day it is. LOL

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It made me feel better about my writing

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another Installment from A.I. Poetry time:

The Tale of Two Malones

Oh, listen ye all, to a tale of two,

Dr. Robert and Jill Malone, a duo so true,

In the world of science, they both excel,

But without Jill, poor Robert would be


For Robert, though brilliant, is often in a


His mind in the clouds, in a curious daze,

He forgets his keys, his phone, and his


And without Jill's reminders, he'd be adrift

on life's boats.

Jill, on the other hand, is organized and


Her mind like a computer, with data so


She keeps track of Robert's research and


And without her, poor Robert would be lost

in no-man's lands.

He'd forget his appointments, his

deadlines, his flights,

He'd wander aimlessly, in search of


But with Jill by his side, he's a force to be


A team like no other, in science, perfected.

So let us all give a cheer, for Robert and Jill,

A team so strong, their bond, unbreakable


For without one, the other would be in


But together, they conquer, in science, each


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This made Jill's day.

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It's funny...your little slip with the 'Friday Funnies' vs 'Sunday Strip' was a perfect coincidence since I actually ran that last night.

"Write a short poem about how Dr. Robert Malone would be lost without Dr. Jill Malone."

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This poem attests to the power of a true team in marriage.

Jill and Robert Sitting In a Tree🌳.


I witness similar power in my own marriage, telling my hubby just yesterday that there's nothing we cannot accomplish when we work together as a team.

Also yesterday, we watched a husband and wife moving team take away some furniture we wanted to re-home. These two communicated with simple words of guidance and affection as they removed some heavy pieces without a scratch to themselves, our house, or the furniture.

Love 💕and teamwork 👬! That's the ticket 🎟!

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife and I are inseparable.... borderline diagnosable maybe even.😉

We met and became friends in the 3rd grade, hung out in the same group all through school. We started dating after university and been together ever since.

We spent every day side by side running our company and now at the ripe old age of 42 we spend our days together homesteading.

I've been very fortunate to find my best friend so early in life. It certainly makes telling old stories easier when she knows everyone I'm referring to since we were eight.

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Gee, I hope you two aren't like John Lennon and Yoko Ono, where if one went to the bathroom the other went also so he/she could experience the others movements.

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I love this

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"For without one, the other would be in disarray..." This is not the conclusion one would draw from this so-called poem.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, the Twitter comments and the media reaction to Woody makes me wonder; can people get over mass formation psychosis or is it a permanent condition?

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I firmly believe that while power corrupts, the source of most power is money. Currently all this wokeness is being funded by money that isn’t theirs. It’s OURS! Give citizen taxpayers the obligation to assign their tax dollar (or NOT) to every line of every spending bill. We are buying the governance we DON’T want. Let us buy the governance we DO want. Furthermore, there should be at least one media outlet that is required to air pro and con public debates on every spending bill. It is amazing how fast common sense returns when the money is actually coming out of YOUR pocket and not pissed away by politicians who will not feel the sting.

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Another fix would be to eliminate automatic withdrawal of taxes from paychecks. Once people had to write a big tax check to the government, they might wake up and ask more questions.

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Absolutely right. Withhold taxes and power collapses. But by making it an obligation on all citizen taxpayers we skip the step where they put a bunch of us in jail.

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That was (1) why our Founders said no direct, i.e., income taxes so to prevent a burdensome central gov. and (2) why Wilson foisted that amendment on us to provide our Republic with a burdensome ,i.e., progressive central gov.

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And bureaucrats... who won’t be accountable and won’t feel the sting

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I would say that the source of most power these days is money playing over and over again upon all-too-common individual greed that is unrestrained due to the absence of moral behavior. Unfortunately, many of the people in positions of power are greedy psychopaths who couldn't care less about the well-being of others.

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One of the rules would be that ONLY citizen taxpayers could assign. Not organizations, not businesses, not any non-individual even if they pay taxes.

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I also think you have to consider that many of the "individuals" who voice support for insanity in comment sections and on Twitter are actually paid Dem operatives. I've even seen them behind the paywall of conservative sites, doing nothing but trying to start fights and "counter" the "misinformation" they claim is being spread by the members of those sites.

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Oooh, good point! I've actually heard about that

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The lawnmower running over the heads looking up from their phones is brilliant!

Sums things up beautifully.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s from the Dutch expression, “tall poppy syndrome.”

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Thanks for sharing that. I will be using that going forward.

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I started looking at the 'lawnmower cutting heads' meme again and noticed some interesting things....for fear of sounding crazy BTW......

Every phone user in the image is a teenage boy.

I'm not sure how many have viewed Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt's images of the build up of spike proteins in the testicles of young males but it's identical to the pattern of dots all over this meme. No joke, go look.

In the background one can be seen pruning a fruit tree, guiding it's rate of growth one could say.

Any of the boys try to look at what's going on around in the spike protein filled world outside of their phones is considered unacceptable and is treated as such....removed by the headless person hired to maintain what observed.

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So nice to see a Hollywood actor open his mouth and speak common sense. Wanted to mention Rand Paul questioning Sarah Szanton, associate dean at John’s Hopkins. Asked her why are they still mandating nursing students having to get the ineffective blood clotting heart hurting shots to go to school. Of course she had no answers. I think she was pre occupied that she would miss the bank to cash her large paycheck. I love Rand in a non sexual way 🤤. J.Goodrich

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“In a non sexual way”. Gotta love it when today every nuance must be explained.

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These days I feel I have to be succinct.

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I had been waiting for something like that from Woody Harrelson for a long while. It took some time. But in the end he didn't disappoint. On the contrary. The MSM reaction is so telling. I'm so grateful.

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Kudos to Woody Harrelson for having the cojones to live not by half-lies—and to suffer the media smearstorm accordingly:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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I hope Woody doesn’t back down from his own head being pursued by mainstream lawn-mowers. Go Woody!

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The Woody Harrelson stand up is dead on. I wear a t-shirt brandishing "Drug Cartels Are Amateurs Compared To Fauci". Not to put this all exclusively on Fauci, but his hands could not be dirtier. It is hard to except this level of corruption exists. It will be harder not to.

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The reason you go after drug cartel kingpins is to strike fear in the hearts of their lackies. More reason to try and convict Fauchi for crimes against humanity. Let them all be afraid... very afraid.... which they aren’t at the moment.... although watching James OKeefe confront Dr what’s his name Pfizer executive was a a very satisfying object lesson!

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If we can use blackhawks against the drug cartels south of the border, why can't we use them here? At least for practice?

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My mental health is significantly improved by your efforts. Although it’s nice to hear Woody acknowledge what’s obvious I consider it to little to late from another Hollywood opportunist.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for finding these nuanced examples showing there are still intelligent,perceptive individuals residing in this word gone mad.

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Woody has it backward. Government is the perpetrator, not the victim. The problem is that government bureaucrats willingly give corporations power so the bureaucrats can make more money than they otherwise would. Government is corrupt and the one that corrupts, always. In every era of human history, across 1000s of years, nothing has killed more people than government. Some people say religion has; but that was true only in cases where religion and government were the same thing. Government is always the root cause of the problem. This is because - as Elon pointed out recently - government has a monopoly on violence. It's the only entity that can do this.

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In this case, a "partnership" between governments and corporations.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lions KEEP ROARING. To save society we to wake them UP

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Isn’t today Sunday? Still very funny


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See David Linthorne's poem in the comments...

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Feb 26, 2023·edited Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Being a Leo, I am a lion.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Awesome to see Woody speak out.

Loved David Linthorne's poem. Is it true Dr. Malone?

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Jill believes so at times. But it is an ongoing scientific debate in our household.

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That is AWESOME!

You made my day, again.

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