When 50% of Americans are so disconnected from reality that they think our biggest problem is a man that thinks he’s a woman or a woman that thinks she’s a man, we have serious critical problems. This agenda being pushed on our country and mainly on our children will soon devastate and divide our country. This I believe is to distract the American population from the crooked governments real goal of the continued fleecing and rape of our country. Many great societies have ended similarly with lies, distractions and then the fleecing of the countries wealth. J.Goodrich

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The Culture Wars were invented to distract and misdirect the serfs away from the awful truths by overwhelming them with meaningless, petty, and largely contrived "issues".

And it has worked flawlessly.

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Yes. It's a big game of "look over there" and the people fall for it every time. Every time! After all, it's so much more satisfying to engage in protracted tribal bickering (complete with put-downs and other forms of hating) than to actually dig into, and think about, what's really going on.

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And destroy the American nuclear family they will.

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Hard to believe how easily people are swayed away from the serious life changing issues. The mainstream media can in a way hypnotize the people to hide the devastating truths.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Other good resources to help children understand economics and the basics of the free enterprise system are the “Uncle Eric” books by Richard J. Maybury (Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?, Are You Liberal? Conservative or Confused?, and Whatever Happened to Justice?). We used these in our homeschooling curriculum.

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For some crazy reason the social security one resonated with me.

Maybe being 81???

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Cause and affect, or because it effects? Hahah

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Federal Reserve video is so good. I think that most citizens do not understand what the Federal Reserve is.

I was reading yesterday about the top big banks are chipping in to help the banks that are going down. Hmmmmmmm! Does anyone want to play a game of monopoly?

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Thanks Doc for the laughs! Getting harder and harder to laugh though in these perilous times! Good ole Joe is well on his merry way to burning our great country down! Not only are the inmates running the asylum they are destroying the asylum. LETS GO BRANDON!!! 🤬😡🤯🥵

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"About as Federal as Federal Express"

And there went my coffee back out through my nose...

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Ok....like a pike to a Rapala lure I bit. Anything ancient Roman has some learned history value.

But the planet has too many dickheads already. History gonna have sex idol toys for girls and boys.

Just make sure it's not fostered in our youngest classrooms. That's a NO-NO in my book.

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for the funnies! Favs today are the toaster and the dollar bills. All are so darn appropriate! With apt fires, sounds like the opposition is getting uncomfortable. Wish they'd find another way to deal with it (reform? Not that that would be believable).

Have a great weekend! Think I'm picking up big stuff on the horizon. Hoping every bit of it will be a huge success!

Very Bestest and then some!

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The teller robbing the customer at SVB is funny but burns so good like popping a pimple.

I promise I'll get over it......🤣

I wasn't burned as bad as many others.

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Related to both the Zappa quote and the run on banks:

"When your parachute fails to open, you MUST understand the gravity of the situation."

- Ned B.

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Let us not forget the so-called "Federal Reserve" was foisted upon Americans in 1913 - thanks to the Constitution hating "Democrat" president - Woodrow Wilson - which gave a group of PRIVATE BANKERS a (perpetual) MONOPOLY to print paper "money" (which technically was still redeemable for gold coin- until "Republican" president - Richard M. Nixon - killed the gold backed dollar).

Initially, the Federal Reserve was created too - according to Woodrow Wilson and his alter ego "Colonel" Edward Mandel House - "Prevent banking booms and busts from ever happening again". .....Yeah, right!

And that seemed to work as the "Roaring 20s" saw American industry humming along, providing jobs and prosperity for the American people - but after expanding the money supply by 62% between 1923 and 1929, the collective "brains" at the Federal Reserve decided the U.S. economy was 'too hot' and abruptly tightened the money supply - which DIRECTLY precipitated the Stock Market Crash of 1929,

which caused a nation wide panic as people scrambled to withdraw cash and savings form their local banks, with multitudes being shut out from their deposits and loosing EVERYTHING - which DESTROYED the American Dream for over a decade - from 1929 till 1940/41' when the advent of Pearl Harbor jolted the barely moving American industrial giant back into high gear.

Factually, it is PRIVATE bankers that ABSOLUTELY control the fate of generations of American citizens

precisely BECAUSE they have a federal, government granted MONOPOLY...and these Fed "brains" such as Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell ( BOTH CFR members) are making more noises about DIGITAL currency s being the new panacea to banking booms and busts - which THEY CAUSE in the first place via opening the easy money spigot and then abruptly shutting off the money supply.

Heaven forbid that the US CONGRESS would actually engage in what the Constitution CHARGES them to do as we read in Article. I, Section. 8: "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and foreign Coin, and fix the Standards of Weights and Measures".

Note that back when GOLD was required to back "paper" money, there was a law that delineated a RATIO of paper money that could 'legally' be printed per annum with respect to the GOLD supply at Fort Knox. "Tricky" Dick Nixon de facto removed the lock off of the Fed printing presses when he made his edict that America was no longer beholden to the Gold Standard - allowing the "Fed" to print paper money 24/7/365 ever since, resulting in the the actual VALUE of paper dollars to be "worth" about a plug nickel circa 2023. Actually, the value of the paper dollar is very very close to the intersection of it becoming "worth" a NEGATIVE value.

Truth be known, the ONLY thing propping up the paper dollar is the productivity of the American people. Now that yet ANOTHER banking "crisis" is rippling around the globe and "we" are again on the brink of a (global) recession, the pressure to 'convert' to DIGITAL "money" will be intense.

If that happens, ANY pretense of individual freedom or liberty will have VANISHED probably forever.

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God is fully in control.

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Of course, and as I'm sure you know, the Fed doesn't physically print paper money, the Treasury does. But most importantly the Fed DOES control the overall money supply, which in modern times is mostly in digital form.

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The Fed just adds zeros to the central banks, including foreign central banks. From 2009 until 2020, 30 trillion worth of zeros went to those foreign banks.

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Thank you!! And a suggestion for a guest blog or interview -- somebody who is objective about hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin (both calming immune system overreaction). There was a well-known rabbi/physician who saved lives and lungs of his patients by early use of HCQ who recommended it to Trump and was crucified for it.

PS: What does hydroxychloroquine do to your body?

Hydroxychloroquine is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD). It works by calming your immune system. This helps reduce swelling (inflammation) in people with autoimmune conditions, where your immune system attacks your own body.

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I have a script of it and I also have arthritis. A person at a job I’m on keeps telling me to take it all my aches and pains will go away....

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Thank you, James.

Did it help at all? My wife suffers from arthritis - anything that might help would be great.

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I haven’t tried it yet, but a facilities manager keeps telling me to take it and said it will relieve all pains I have. I kept it on the shelf just to have

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That movie on the federal reserve is quite accurate, that is why I own bitcoin. Bitcoin is not fiat money, only 21million bitcoin can ever be in circulation, no government controls it, it can't be inflated, it is the people's money, it doesn't require banks, it is digital gold. It will replace fiat money and government control of money. The more people buy bitcoin the more they will have financial freedom. We are now just in the beginning of bitcoin adoption, it is like the first few years of the internet, when no one knew what the internet would become, that is what is happening with this new money system.

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"it is the people's money"

And that is why the government will stop at nothing to control it up to the point of banning it outright, if deemed necessary.

A government "Of the People, By the People, and For the People" you say?

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Quite so. It just wouldn't do to have a competitor to CBDC.

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And it won't.

MUST READ Tom Renz’s Newsletter: The Tyrants Are Passing State Laws to Push CBDCs (substack.com)

The new Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) being adopted NOW by the States includes this:

“‘Money’ means a medium of exchange that is currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government. The term includes a monetary unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more countries. The term does not include an electronic record that is a medium of exchange recorded and transferable in a system that existed and operated for the medium of exchange before the medium of exchange was authorized or adopted by the government.”

This language means that existing crypto currencies would not be eligible to be considered “money” by banks… a great way to make sure there will be no private competition for CBDC.

He includes what can be done by the legislatures to get around this fate complete.

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PLUS ... the paragraph says that the term "money" can include a worldwide universal CBDC established by an unelected body (IGO) created by way of treaty or other type of agreement between nations.

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Yes Indeed Russ! We all need to get on our legislatures.

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Words out failing banks were heavily invested in crypto currencies and were on the Fed's hit list. One may like to think Bitcoin has the upper hand because people want it... Wishing much good luck.

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SVB also donated $73 million to BLM

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MUST READ Tom Renz’s Newsletter: https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/the-tyrants-are-passing-state-laws

The new Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) being adopted NOW by the States includes this:

“‘Money’ means a medium of exchange that is currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government. The term includes a monetary unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more countries. The term does not include an electronic record that is a medium of exchange recorded and transferable in a system that existed and operated for the medium of exchange before the medium of exchange was authorized or adopted by the government.”

This language means that existing crypto currencies would not be eligible to be considered “money” by banks… a great way to make sure there will be no private competition for CBDC.

He includes what can be done by the legislatures to get around this fate complete.

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Bit coin requires the internet and electricity. Both of those can be easily shut off by the government and other nefarious forces. When the s**t hits the fan you will need a really good mask, soap, clean potable water, a stockroom full of food and a community of good people you can trust and work with.

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The bank customer understanding the shaken down is a hoot. The writer(s) of the diversity meeting has a real sense of the lunacy the woke perpetuate and ultimately why they do it. I haven’t watched the education vid yet, but if it is meant to teach both kids and adults it confirms the seriousness of the situation we are in.

Legislation being used to smuggle in CBDC language is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), a routine piece of legislation passed on the state level that helps standardize commercial and business transactions. Changes to this code are already in 12 Republican-led states for legislative/governor approval. If you live in one of these state please advise those involved to take out the offending language before approval. ND, AZ, AR, MO, OK, IN, KY, MT, NE, NH, TN and TX. IA has already discovered and removed the language authorizing federal digital currency. https://www.glennbeck.com/contributor/12-gop-states-push-cbdc

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I hope the video isn't meant to educate kids. Grabbing bikini tops off women at the beach doesn't seem very kid-appropriate to me.

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What happens when "ALL" of those FEDERAL RESERVE BANK products finally tank into the abyss?

The FDIOU (that is funny) will just keep promising you it's mission promises?

And issue the globe more Promissory notes? I promise that's our mission. (Kamala salad)

FDIC The Federal Depositors Insurance corporation? NowThats'sa mouth full ......(Dic pun noted)

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several posts from inside a Mississauga Fire Hall with Justin Trudeau. " There are a whole bunch of people out there who think the world is flat '.


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