May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Honestly liked the loss of trust in government for interfering in our elections meme. I wanted to compliment you Dr. Malone and the subscribers. When I think of people that I allow into my personal world, as most thoughtful people do, there has to be a certain amount of trust. Your real true friends or work associates that you truly trust could probably be counted on one hand, two if you allow. I have found through my years of living, the more people I let in to my inner circle, the higher the risk of disappointment or let down. Many times when this let down happens, it can not only be life altering, but usually it is an unforgettable event that you take with you forever. You will look back at these breaks in trust with disappointment and many times regret that you allowed this trust. As time goes by I notice the few true friends left have what I would call unfaltering trust. This has been earned over a period of time and you know because at that point of vulnerability they didn’t let you down, they stuck with you, and proved to be a true friend. We all know public people and amazingly as strong as they seem, break just at that critical time when so much is on the line. I have only been a subscriber of Dr. Malones for, I guess, 7 or so months, and haven’t seen even a flinch which grows my trust with him and your great subscribers. I do understand peoples lives change. Trust can not and should not be Brocken if people are up front and honest with each other. That to me is a sign of integrity. Deceitfulness is many times what destroys trust. J.Goodrich

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Thank you

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Post of the day.

One of the potential virtues of the whole Covid psychodrama is how it revealed our true selves. The masks have come off and they aren't going back on.

It separated the brave from the cowards. The thinkers from the tools. Those who spoke the truth (sometimes at great personal cost) from the liars, along with those who accepted the lies. The doers from the poseuers. And yes, the trustworthy from the non.

Choose a side and choose it well.

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James, there you go again, with such heartfelt words. I love when you reach in and pull out your truth.

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Wise words indeed James. I am constatntly deeply concerned that the whole business of People interacting with People is under enormous strain. I loved Rowan Atkinsons words, we MUST take heed and "we the good guys" begin to stand strong against those who appear to be determined to undermine all of those values "we the good guys" worked so hard and so long to build. A terrible disappointing example of "free speech" here in Australia. We "Aussies", like our Amerivcan "Brothers and Sisters", LOVE or football. BUT alas, it is being thrust upon us now after more than a Hundred years of BOOING opposition, OR the umpire, it is now forbidden "because someone might be offended, particularly a person of color".

I am anxious to see those who have committed so much crime against Humanity be brought to justice, but whilst there is some great revelation in Durhalms finding, it lacks any apparent accusations that Law Enforement can (or would) act upon.

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"California Fleein'" was great! Thanks for the post!

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May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I prefer "California Leavin" myself. And I'm still waiting my turn.

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Thank you for sharing the Rowan Atkinson video, which I look forward to watching as it is becoming increasingly clear that “hatred of speech” laws are being weaponized to vilify, mute, and stigmatize dissidents.

There is perhaps no clearer example of this than that of Sucharit Bhakdi, whose upcoming trial for “incitement of the masses” and “trivialization of the Holocaust” is Tuesday, May 23. I have chronicled his tribulations in the Profile in Courage I published yesterday:

• “Profiles in Courage: Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-prof-dr-sucharit)

I also launched an #IStandWithSucharit campaign and included graphics people can use on social media at the end of the post.

I know you appreciate Sucharit’s significant scientific contributions and courageous outspokenness since the outset of the COVIDcrisis, Robert, and it would mean a great deal to Sucharit and me if you would be willing to share it and help the #IStandWithSucharit campaign build momentum.

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Here is the great irony about the charge of "incitement of the masses" leveled against Dr. Bhakdi: According to Dr. Bhakdi, "members of the German government's task force on covid spoke openly in March 2020 about the need to foment social panic in order to get the population's consent to new social restrictions. Citing a leaked document from the meeting, (later dubbed the Panic Paper) the group apparently made a strategic decision to harp on the number of infections rather than the number of deaths. Why? Because the number of deaths would seem too trivial to spark the desired state of social panic". This was cited in the book, "The Treason of the Experts" by Thomas S. Harrington, which was taken from Dr. Bhakdi's book, "Corona False Alarm", which I also read soon after it was published. So, the question I ask (if this is true) is, " Who exactly is responsible for "incitement of the masses"? Sounds like the German government to me.

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I hope that "panic paper" is exhibit A in defence of Bhakdi. In fact if it were me it would be only exhibit entered into the court record!

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Margaret, how shall we square the comments of the dear leader echoed by Mr. Atkinson and the dear leaders most recent comments?


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May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Ronwan Atkinson speech is well worth your time to listen and is more relevant today as in 2012.

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Classic Huxley quote. Many keepers today. Bravo!

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May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clear Winner is Rowan.

Regarding LGBTQ+++. I think that if we removed the T ++ and kept LGBQ we would all be in a better place.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I first heard of this notion about a decade ago and my thought was that it was a bit cruel. While sexual orientation and gender identity/dysmorphia are entirely different concepts, members of both communities have historically suffered discrimination and abuse (up to and including murder) from the same intolerant and bigoted segments of society. Now that the LGB component has for all intents and purposes reached the promised land, the T's were not quite at that point. I had believed at that time in strength in numbers. We were stronger together than apart.

But now looking at how far off the live-and-let-live reservation the T's, along with the other seemingly endless subdivisions of gender-denial victimhood have strayed, I would completely support a schism between LGB and the rest. The deciding factor for me is the children, along with the endless need for constant public validation and Harry and Meghan-level visibility. Go on, live your life however you want to identify as. But FFS stop playing the eternal victim. Get off the cross we need the wood. And leave the children alone. They will figure things out for themselves just as every previous generation has. You don't need to recruit or condition them to advance your "cause". Already confused adolescents don't need your encouragement to permanently mutilate their bodies just to participate in the latest fad.

This "G" says bring it on.

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BradK, thank you for this astute perception of what is happening.

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Thanks for reading my manifesto. :)

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I agree. Well done Brad having common sense.

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"And leave the children alone"


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Check out Christian baker Jack Phillips? Or the Alliance Defending Freedom legal organization that is defending Jack and others.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like the Emu names, I also like salt and pepper.

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May 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

fun to think about naming emus...(also....thank you, Robert, and Jill, for all the fish)

Puff and Smoke

Fish and Chips

Spot and Bother

Diva and Devon

Peck and Trouble

Kind regards from Lindy and Gabriel

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Love Spot and Bother!

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In 1861 Abraham Lincoln wrote in his diary:

“Both sides could be wrong, but both sides cannot be right”.

This is the most eloquent call to weigh in I have ever encountered. My father told me as a young man to always reserve the right to be wrong.

What then? Must thinking people live in some kind of perpetual paralysis of analysis? Not at all! We recognise that opposite sides in matters of morality cannot both be

wrong, and we test our values and our perceptions against the permanent things. The result is confidence. What can be said of the censorious, of those that would prevent

others from giving an opinion that they disagree with?

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Thank you so much for the funnies! I really look forward to them. I almost sent the Aldos Huxley quote to a Trump hater friend in California who will vote for Biden again and thinks the economy is doing great and advocated for arresting antivaxers. But there is nothing to celebrate smugly. The sober reality is that the fight to secure our constitution and return to an uncorrupted life is going to be a long haul slog! Who gets the other emus??

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Anyone thinking this economy is great is a,lost cause

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Or rich.

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Thank goodness I always read to the end! The baby Emu's will be so fun to watch and so will you, being followed. It is hopeful to see some action actually making a difference in the political ring. We could use some more savvy musicians and actors in this arena!

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Society is loosing its moral compass and our religious leaders are absent in defending the rights of all humans. Respect for all is lost and honest public dialog is being trashed. Humanity is at a crossroads and unless we have rational leadership to preserve our basic freedoms we will travel down the wrong road to oblivion!

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I feel compelled to add defending the 'God-given' rights of all humans after reading earlier posts here about LGBT. Human-defined laws are only moral when within the parameters of God's laws. Gs and Bs should not be persecuted or ridiculed but rather persuaded to the right path. That is the only way to save souls. Their marriages and adoptions are a distortion of God’s plan for humans, made in his image.

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Society exists based on Family formation. Man and woman. When God saw that humans were being evil he gave Moses the 10 Commandments! There are root causes of the deviant behavior and We don’t drill down to identify the true causes and stop the harm.

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The proverbial 'we'. A great number of people have been on this topic for decades. Many in academia and religious sects. Their writings and exposés gain little traction because those with a socialist agenda deride their works utilizing whatever the terms of the times are. Currently it’s ‘haters’.

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YouTube just banned The New American, the publishing arm of JBS, an organization I am a member of. They have been espousing family values and warning against socialism and communism since the late 1950s. They also provide Constitutional scores for members of congress based on their voting records and alert their members to both Fed and State legislation in the works so we can fight it. Its messaging can still be found on its website https://jbs.org/video/activate/youtube-bans-the-new-american-activate-america

It also recently banned Michael Matt’s The Remnant which can still be watched on its website. Here is the latest: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/6610-from-transgenderism-to-transhumanism-how-orwell-got-it-wrong/

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And yet people are still arrested in the UK for praying silently in the street, quoting passages from the Bible or horror of horrors not going along with the fiction that a trans woman is really a woman. So called Hate speech and campaigning for LGBTAA etc rights seem to occupy a large amount of police time these days. It seems there is a long way to go. And they locked their people up and scared them half to death during covid.

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It is a dart that was shot from that special gun that only the CIA had. you can see a picture of Goldwater and Tower examining this gun in the pictures that are part of the documents from the Church hearings on the CIA. I heard the news broadcast live, and they said Brady had been shot and it appeared The president had a heart attack. Under freedom of information the doctors report from the public hospital to which Regan was taken stated that at first, they thought he had a heart attack, because there was no sign of trauma on him. Upon closer inspection, a nurse discovered a small drop of blood underneath his arm, where he had been shot by this flechette that was deflected from his heart by a rib, and had punctured his lung. The FBI agents had been trying to strong arm the doctor into releasing Reagan so they could take him to Reed and finish the job. The doctor was a true hero and refused. The FBI actually stood in the operating room, and immediately claimed the flechette. They now claim it is lost, of course repping it as a bullet.

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Diamond, thank you for your reply, I'm going to look into it, in the old days I would've totally dismissed it. I learned the hard way during the plandemic.

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The Huxley quote is both frightening and prescient. And has indeed come to pass. SSRI's and TikTok are the new opiates of the masses.

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SSRIs can be extremely dangerous, for some it is the wrong class of drugs and makes them aggressive and violent.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

It would seem easier for a human to change gender than for a baby emu to change its stripes.

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Suppose the baby emu "identifies" as spotted.

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