As a long time follower, the loss of NPR, as a truth source, was difficult for me. Their bias became obvious through omission, as opposed to in your face controversy. I have learned much about the risks, hazards and deaths associated with the mRNA injections. All documented, irrefutable information and data adverse to these injections. N…
As a long time follower, the loss of NPR, as a truth source, was difficult for me. Their bias became obvious through omission, as opposed to in your face controversy. I have learned much about the risks, hazards and deaths associated with the mRNA injections. All documented, irrefutable information and data adverse to these injections. NPR, as an objective news source, has an obligation to present all possibilities on all subjects. Yet NPR has never and likely will never announce any news that would cast even a tiny shadow on the risk side of these injections. Seeing that and realizing that our Government along with the B&M Gates Foundation are the primary funding sources for NPR exposed NPR as just another major media captured whore. A sad recognition.
NPR lost me shortly after the jug earred messiah got elected and all they could talk about was how great obummercare was gonna' be. I don't tend to suffer fools easily and NPR is full of them.
As a long time follower, the loss of NPR, as a truth source, was difficult for me. Their bias became obvious through omission, as opposed to in your face controversy. I have learned much about the risks, hazards and deaths associated with the mRNA injections. All documented, irrefutable information and data adverse to these injections. NPR, as an objective news source, has an obligation to present all possibilities on all subjects. Yet NPR has never and likely will never announce any news that would cast even a tiny shadow on the risk side of these injections. Seeing that and realizing that our Government along with the B&M Gates Foundation are the primary funding sources for NPR exposed NPR as just another major media captured whore. A sad recognition.
NPR lost me shortly after the jug earred messiah got elected and all they could talk about was how great obummercare was gonna' be. I don't tend to suffer fools easily and NPR is full of them.
NPR lost me back in the mid 1980's. The bias was thick, and they had opposing POVs, but the presentation was like a conflict instead of a discussion.
Didnt Trump attempt to defund govt funding of Nazi Print & Radio?
Pretty sure I remember him being stymied by rinos and other excrement in his circle
NPR = Nitwit Proletariat Radicals?
Not Presenting Reality