I do see and sense great change which is encouraging. So - here goes -=
Okay - in 1956, my mother, age 41, wife, mother of three, average intelligence, not particularly religious, woke up in the middle of the night with a blinding light at the end of her bed. She thought she was dying. She crawled out of bed and down the short hall to the…
I do see and sense great change which is encouraging. So - here goes -=
Okay - in 1956, my mother, age 41, wife, mother of three, average intelligence, not particularly religious, woke up in the middle of the night with a blinding light at the end of her bed. She thought she was dying. She crawled out of bed and down the short hall to the bathroom and huddled behind the toilet while things appeared in front of her. I never knew if she heard anything but only visuals.
I, age nine, being the youngest sibling, never really heard all the details of her vision, but I recall enough. What unfolded in the next few weeks and then years, changed the trajectory of our lives in all sorts of ways from spiritual to practical.
What I recall most was that she saw invasive surveillance on citizens. Listening and recording devises. I pause to point out we were still on a party line if you know what that is. The internet was just an idea in the mid fifties. So what she saw she could not even explain - how do you define something you've never heard of? The thing that terrified her was that she also saw evil people in the shadows ruling everything. Many years later i learned that the Bilderbergers were just forming around that time - in secret.
When it was over, and she realized she was still alive, she was in shock/panic mode. She, of course, thought all that she saw was imminent so she felt she was supposed to tell everyone. She told my dad and my older married sister and my teen brother. Then she told our minister at the Garden Oaks Baptist Church (Houston, Texas). He then told my dad that she needed psychiatric care.
We were quickly shunned out of the church - so gracious and loving and caring those folks were. But it didn't stop my mother from trying to warn people. She did that the rest of her life and I watched how it isolated her. When she passed in 1987 I had figured out that it's not enough to have good info, you are allowed to determine whether or not to cast your pearls before swine. I went on to live my life expecting that something might happen but not knowing if it would be in my lifetime.
But at age nine was when I chose to seek a personal relationship with Christ, sans manmade doctrine, and I began reading the Bible on my own. I was so young, reading from Genesis to Revelation then starting over, I had no idea what most of it meant but I stuck to it. Time and experience grew me up physically and spiritually and I was able to read a verse I had read many times before and suddenly a new meaning would open up to me - the spirit of the Word not just the letter. As I aged and the internet opened up the world I discovered other spiritual mavericks, some who had lived and died long before my birth but always had the golden truth. Some also had visions similar to my mother.
One day, after my mother had passed, I realized that we keep assuming God is bound to our clocks and calendars. He is not. So, I carried on, living my life, teaching my heirs that this might be a pinnacle time in human history so all you can do is live correctly and pay attention to what is going on, ask questions, stay under the radar and even if there is a delay, every person who has eyes to see and ears to hear will listen, obey and trust, even if they don't understand why - because God always seems to prefer doing the most with the least.
Sorry Meemanator I was driving to another state. That is a great story. I do believe in those types of occurrences. I’ve seen some amazing things happen myself never anything like that. But look at how accurate it’s turned out. Maybe it was a warning to her children and your children. We are certainly in transitioning times to say the least, maybe for a reason…
Ha! While you were traveling to another state Hubs and I were out in our boat enjoying the beautiful spring weather on the lake. One important lesson I learned by watching my mother be consumed by her experience - there is balance and we need to try our best to keep it. We can be serious and concerned, we can be alert and continue to pay attention, but we also need to love our life, be able to laugh, be grateful for any and all blessings and remain assured that God has us, no matter what. So many stories, so little time... :-)
I do see and sense great change which is encouraging. So - here goes -=
Okay - in 1956, my mother, age 41, wife, mother of three, average intelligence, not particularly religious, woke up in the middle of the night with a blinding light at the end of her bed. She thought she was dying. She crawled out of bed and down the short hall to the bathroom and huddled behind the toilet while things appeared in front of her. I never knew if she heard anything but only visuals.
I, age nine, being the youngest sibling, never really heard all the details of her vision, but I recall enough. What unfolded in the next few weeks and then years, changed the trajectory of our lives in all sorts of ways from spiritual to practical.
What I recall most was that she saw invasive surveillance on citizens. Listening and recording devises. I pause to point out we were still on a party line if you know what that is. The internet was just an idea in the mid fifties. So what she saw she could not even explain - how do you define something you've never heard of? The thing that terrified her was that she also saw evil people in the shadows ruling everything. Many years later i learned that the Bilderbergers were just forming around that time - in secret.
When it was over, and she realized she was still alive, she was in shock/panic mode. She, of course, thought all that she saw was imminent so she felt she was supposed to tell everyone. She told my dad and my older married sister and my teen brother. Then she told our minister at the Garden Oaks Baptist Church (Houston, Texas). He then told my dad that she needed psychiatric care.
We were quickly shunned out of the church - so gracious and loving and caring those folks were. But it didn't stop my mother from trying to warn people. She did that the rest of her life and I watched how it isolated her. When she passed in 1987 I had figured out that it's not enough to have good info, you are allowed to determine whether or not to cast your pearls before swine. I went on to live my life expecting that something might happen but not knowing if it would be in my lifetime.
But at age nine was when I chose to seek a personal relationship with Christ, sans manmade doctrine, and I began reading the Bible on my own. I was so young, reading from Genesis to Revelation then starting over, I had no idea what most of it meant but I stuck to it. Time and experience grew me up physically and spiritually and I was able to read a verse I had read many times before and suddenly a new meaning would open up to me - the spirit of the Word not just the letter. As I aged and the internet opened up the world I discovered other spiritual mavericks, some who had lived and died long before my birth but always had the golden truth. Some also had visions similar to my mother.
One day, after my mother had passed, I realized that we keep assuming God is bound to our clocks and calendars. He is not. So, I carried on, living my life, teaching my heirs that this might be a pinnacle time in human history so all you can do is live correctly and pay attention to what is going on, ask questions, stay under the radar and even if there is a delay, every person who has eyes to see and ears to hear will listen, obey and trust, even if they don't understand why - because God always seems to prefer doing the most with the least.
Sorry Meemanator I was driving to another state. That is a great story. I do believe in those types of occurrences. I’ve seen some amazing things happen myself never anything like that. But look at how accurate it’s turned out. Maybe it was a warning to her children and your children. We are certainly in transitioning times to say the least, maybe for a reason…
Ha! While you were traveling to another state Hubs and I were out in our boat enjoying the beautiful spring weather on the lake. One important lesson I learned by watching my mother be consumed by her experience - there is balance and we need to try our best to keep it. We can be serious and concerned, we can be alert and continue to pay attention, but we also need to love our life, be able to laugh, be grateful for any and all blessings and remain assured that God has us, no matter what. So many stories, so little time... :-)