Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every Long Hauler knows that an electric semi is a bad joke, an absurdity. Think Eisenhower Pass in Colorado. Think what 15,000 lbs of batteries might do to your long haul payload requirement of 30,000 lbs. Who’s paying you to haul those batteries around? And after that mountain pass has drained your batteries like GPS on a smartwatch, think about all those trucks on the side of the road half way up(lucky) Eisenhower Pass or the 4 mountain passes on I90(in Montana alone!) …. ad nauseum all across the western half of the country. But it wouldn’t even take a mountain pass, really. That 30,000 lbs, now reduced to 15,000 payload and 15,000 lbs of batteries, won’t even get you 20% of the way across Interstate 20, flat as a pancake for much of its length. Then there’s the recharging nightmare. Forget about it. Love’s Truckstops are laughing their asses off, for now. If and when the time comes it won’t be funny and they will let you know exactly what they think.

These people really do think we are dumb as boxes of rocks.

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Hear, hear. The testimony of a man who knows. I learn from your experience. These federal and internationalist numbskulls are so wedded to their subversive ideologies that they'll drive us all off the cliff rather than listen to you and your professional community.

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No, Brien, its THOSE people - the DEI/ESG bunch who are the REALLY dumb ones.

Spot-on about the STUPIDITY and INSANITY of the DC bureaucracy who do not know excrement from Shinola (or) REAL LIFE! For instance the GROSS weight of the EV tractor powered by Lithium batteries as compared to a Cummins Diesel motor & fuel tanks?

How about the EXTREME EV battery weight of an all electric tractor's IMPACT on the entire HIGHWAY system and COST of roadway MAINTENANCE in the US?

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Hot off the press Courtesy of “science is not the answer” substack:

Do Not Get Sick

Item: “Minority Contracting Comes to Medicine”.

Tarrant County’s [Texas] public hospital system, JPS Health, evaluates bids for contracts on a 100-point scale that gives more weight to “diversity and inclusion” (15 points) than to the reputation of a vendor’s goods and services (10 points) when assessing providers of transcatheter heart valves—devices used to counteract cardiac failure and keep blood flowing throughout the body.

This is only one of an increasing many similar stories. Medicine, like every other activity, is determined to DIE. They want you to DIE with them, and when you do, you die.

If you get sick, you won’t know if the quack you see was given his license because she could DIE, or because she can heal. Best not to take the chance: do not get sick. Or, if you do, stay away from doctors.

You have been warned.

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DIE: Diversity, Inclusion, Extinction.

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Or: Dimwits Endurance Insurance?

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I'm gonna give you a big 100 thumbs up on that one! :-)

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Awesome!!! Ed

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Didn't Earn It

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

This needs some long upper level discussions. An article in the American Thinker suggests the med schools are training DEI students for operating AI systems. I took a 1st dive into the WEF/WHO plans for public health. Pages and pages and not 1 mention of Dr or physician. Patients will have monitors read by AI. Big promo. Personally I'm not sold. But if we want skilled, compassionate medical support - IMO we need today's good doctors and ourselves collaborating to see that happens

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So Jean, the current landscape in our universities and medical schools is toxic — it's akin to peeling back layers of a rotten onion. Witnessing the degradation of higher education has taken its toll on me. Medicine used to be a noble calling but has devolved into a pursuit of financial gain.

In both my own observations and within my own family, I've noted a troubling trend: a significant portion, if not the majority, of today's medical students seem to be lured solely by the promise of wealth. It's a harsh reality to confront, realizing that many individuals enter the medicine not out of genuine passion, but rather as a means to fat paychecks. The result? Many find themselves resenting their roles as doctors, trapped in a profession they never truly desired but pursued for the allure of a hefty paycheck.

And to verify this is the case look no further than the elephant in the room—the glaring disparity between physician salaries in the United States and those in other parts of the world. While American doctors enjoy lavish incomes, their counterparts in the European Union or Australia earn a fraction of what their U.S. counterparts make. It's a stark indictment of a healthcare system that prioritizes profit over genuine care.

Furthermore, there's a troubling undercurrent of discrimination against highly qualified white male candidates for medical school. I witnessed this firsthand in the early 1970s, and I shudder to think how it persists today. I recall a Hispanic friend from my undergraduate days who wanted to be a doctor but lacked academic prowess. I also had several white male friends who also wished to pursue medical school—these were accomplished intellectuals with stellar academic records, majors in hard science with high gpa’s and very high mcat scores. They would have made fine physicians. They were all repeatedly denied admission, despite their qualifications. My Hispanic friend is now a surgeon! It's a stark reminder that meritocracy in medical school admissions is elusive, and the consequences are profound.

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Truth there Paul Fischer

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PJ Media did indepth reviews of five medical schools. I had to conclude I wouldn't want their graduates as my doctor. That was before the use and DEI indoctrination. Then we glimps the other side - the advancing AI take over. They anticipate patients wearing monitors with master AI that will inform them for example low blood sugar, high BP and what to do about it. In building monitors for full analses and recommendations. Personnel records to provide to any facility to access. They make the point they must assure all have full confidence in the system.

I worked briefly in 'Professional Relations' in the SSA Disabilty operations. They weren't happy having to deal with Dics. Got the impression they'd be glad to be rid of them. As things are evolving I get the feeling they're inching closer.

A good Dr Patient relationship with a touch of advocacy is pure gold. Admit I've had a mix.

To sum it up. IMO AI has a role as a starting place. It should not replace a Dr Kory, Merrick Urso et al. My retinal spec makes eye shots possible. Older physicians who are Good Docs, with hearts like Dr M are invaluable. Those qualities are being devalued. Anyone considering medicine needs to stay on top of outlooks

If the most they end up doing is steering patients around thebequipment it's not likely to pay well. (Sught not great today so no edit sorry)

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If we fall completely into socialism, those fat paychecks are going to disappear fast. Sort of like in the EU or Australia.

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Not if we end endless wars, health "insurance", billionaires, 800-1000 military bases, money in politics. Then we could have a degree of socialism and all of us could have a higher standard of living.

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Haha !

Keep dreaming. Socialism's only goal is to enslave the masses, while a few elites eat steak, and commute in jets

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"DEI" students to TRAIN "AI" systems?

What could possibly go wrong with that?

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Don't think Dr DEIs will be training. Just guiding patients to the AI analysis banks.

It'll be WOK DEI liberal geeks that will be training the analytics. Don't expect that'll be beautiful

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Oh, well, WOKE DEI liberal geeks - again, WHAT could go wrong?

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I expect Paxton will be on this like a frog on a junebug

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A lot has changed since I’ve graduated close to 40 yrs ago . Disgraceful and disappointing and disgusting. 🤮

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All this was forecast, over and over again, but the MSM sideline, and the willful ignorance put us here today

This is a book all should be made to read. It clearly and concisely explains what they have been doing far longer that you and I have been alive

Gun Control Means People Control by Phoebe Courtney 1974 Paperback

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Unless DEI is EXTIRPATED COMPLETELY from ANY and ALL employment or hiring scenarios, America will disappear into utter chaos and bedlam.

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Which is what they have been working on for more than a century

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We never, Ever looked ar Anyone except as Individual that needed help. Oh…The phone calls I made asing for a Favor; and, Quid Pro Quo. Ed

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a long time follower, the loss of NPR, as a truth source, was difficult for me. Their bias became obvious through omission, as opposed to in your face controversy. I have learned much about the risks, hazards and deaths associated with the mRNA injections. All documented, irrefutable information and data adverse to these injections. NPR, as an objective news source, has an obligation to present all possibilities on all subjects. Yet NPR has never and likely will never announce any news that would cast even a tiny shadow on the risk side of these injections. Seeing that and realizing that our Government along with the B&M Gates Foundation are the primary funding sources for NPR exposed NPR as just another major media captured whore. A sad recognition.

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NPR lost me shortly after the jug earred messiah got elected and all they could talk about was how great obummercare was gonna' be. I don't tend to suffer fools easily and NPR is full of them.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

NPR lost me back in the mid 1980's. The bias was thick, and they had opposing POVs, but the presentation was like a conflict instead of a discussion.

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Didnt Trump attempt to defund govt funding of Nazi Print & Radio?

Pretty sure I remember him being stymied by rinos and other excrement in his circle

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NPR = Nitwit Proletariat Radicals?

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Not Presenting Reality

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Our culture is under attack from every direction. Progressives in Congress and the courts have done everything they can to degrade the bedrock of our nation, our Constitution. They have allowed muslim insurgents to use our guaranteed freedom of religion to recruit adherents for their jihad aimed at our culture and national security. A coalition of perverts are woking throughout our culture and now in our schools to debase the moral fabric of our culture, now, as I have long predicted,pushing to have pedophilia recognized as an approved “sexual preference”. And today we have a dementia riddled surrogate of heaven only knows what source destroying our economy, our food supply and our energy dependency all in the name of the farcical climate change. We need to fight back but it is beconing increasingly unclear as to against whom?

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Do you figure that when someone starts taking them out, will it be referred to as 'ethnic' cleansing?

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Michael, how about starting Round One - by DE-FUNDING some 90% of the worthless, useless and repetitious agencies, bureaus and departments?

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Yes, who better to do that than citizen taxpayers. We need the nuts (literally and figuratively) and bolts on how best to universally and simultaneously withhold our tax dollars until WE can assign them to any and all spending proposals. If you had a spoiled child ( e.g our government) who was misusing your tools ( ie tax dollars), what would you as a parent do? Of course, you lock up your tools until the child got your messages… and complied with them all!! We need to organize, work together and stop this government madness dead in its tracks.

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Absolutely, Barbara!

The entirety of the so-called "civil service" - NONE of which are ELECTED - MUST be DE-FUNDED (as they cannot be fired short of MURDER and even THAT is questionable).

I see NO way to accomplish that short of a national REVOLT - except by the CONSTITUTIONAL authority of the CONGRESS as per ARTICLE 1., Section 8.

Unfortunately, our "elected" representatives ( with the exception of a VERY few), are ALL ON THE TAKE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ wise - and do NOT care a whit about the future and the destruction of the America we knew and loved so much.

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Totally agree Micheal.

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I’ve been thinking how many of us are down lately. I wanted to mention these people we are up against are not all that smart. They are just average evil intended crooks similar to the thieves that stole my tools out of my garage years back. Ask yourself a question, does this government really represent the American citizen? It’s pretty obvious, they absolutely don’t. In 2020 there were two major soldier homes in Massachusetts one in Chelsea and one in Holyoke. The previous RINO governor Baker had oversight on these facilities and when the pandemic began pandemic rules flew out the window and they grouped healthy people with people showing signs of Covid. In the end over a hundred veterans died because of Bakers policies put in place. In fact the soldiers home in Chelsea was closed. The state ended up paying out 56 million dollars to the families. Even today veterans have been found in urine soaked clothes laying in their feces. Rodent, rodent droppings and bugs infest the Holyoke soldiers home. Veterans in Massachusetts beg for benefits that by law they deserve and are treated like worthless nobodies. Governor Maura Healy has begun the process of completely renovating the old Chelsea soldiers home to house 100 illegal families. They plan on having a state of the art facility with free housing free food, free cable, free internet, free health care, free transportation, free everything. All this after the state government killed off the old worthless veterans that gave Maura her undeserved freedom her whole evil rotten life. These people are some of the most corrupt inhumane graceless people I know. But their not masterminds. Their actually quite stupid people that worry about all the evils they have committed. Good will win. As we have seen in history this democrat party and all of its tentacles are beginning to be looked at as liars deceivers and crooks. The more they push their deceptions the more insignificant they become. Eventually there influence over us will wither away because no one will believe them. If you think about it it’s happening as we speak. J.Goodrich

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Speaking of soldiers….read today our fabulous US Army has suspended grenade training for recruits because they have become too frail for this exercise…but they still issue grenades to troops in combat. A new avenue for friendly fire casualties in the making there for sure.

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I can speak from some experience here. Throwing grenades is not an exercise I'd recommend for the faint hearted. You do kinda' need to know what the hell you're doing!

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Recall 'training' in 'Sands of two Jima'.

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Should the U.S.S.A. be foolish enough to have so-called "boots on the ground" in a mano-a-mano war, it will be the END of the U.S. as a "military might".

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So true I think my blood pressure is rising! I did believe that Cuomo sent the sick to the nursing homes to get rid of the medicare/medicaid generation. After all there were tents with volunteer medical teams set up in parks as well as the ship HOPE that trump sent to NY Harbor. Did they save money? Probably not which points to their lack of brainpower. I only disagree with one thing - I don't think they are worried that they will be exposed. Psychopaths believe their own lies and will be offended if you don't believe today's lie that contradicts last week's lie. I get a sense that something is turning though. People are starting to speak up. Tucker Carlson's interview of Naomi Wolf is worth the subscription. I think Tucker needs to interview Dr. Malone. That would be eye opening.

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Yes, Naomi's interview was excellent.

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Why I say they worry about their lies are all the emails there are where they try to cover up their lies deceits and crimes and throw in extra marital affairs as well. This also shows how dumb they are as well because it’s all mostly public record. This is why I say they’re just people that aren’t all that bright, we can beat these people. If we do I hope to God they really get exposed. I have to look for that Tucker interview I subscribed but didn’t notice that interview with Naomi Wolf

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Yes truly the top of the list problem is stupidity and commonsenselessness. Tracking human history this pattern shows up fairly often. Dumbness seems to be the flaw that satan uses most often in his quest to destroy God's creation. Thing is though, God always keeps a remnant and the remnant is usually inherently equipped to outsmart the zombies. Dodge and weave, action/reaction. You can't fix stupid but you sure can outsmart it. :-) heh heh heh

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Yes Meemanator, there’s always a trail left, we just need people in. Power that want to expose it. I think that should be what we all work to wards. I am subscribed to Tucker Carlson but was just trying to figure out why I didn’t get the Naomi Wolf interview. The last notification I got was the Tulsi interview in March which was great also, she really can speak well. So I went to resubscribe but it said I already am. So I’ll try his web sight ???? Not really to good with computer technical problems. Frustration!!!!!

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I have found the Tucker website to be a challenge sometimes. I'm not a complete ludite but I am old school tech. The drop down box at the top should take you to the library of each category but some times things don't show up. I'm thinking this site is new and they will finally get it together. See if this link works -


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Meemanator, I went on the website and l was able to log in and there I found the interview. Just finished watching it after a few interruptions. Absolutely great interview. I’m amazed at what a journey of learning these past 3 years have been for me. It does make me think that we have been placed here at this time in history for some sort of reason I haven’t figured out yet. We will find out as this all unfolds. Thanks for finding the link. I usually get notifications of his interviews, and I subscribe to Naomi Wolf as well.

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"Democrats" James? There are NO "Democrats" today - just SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS with some FASCISTS and MAOISTS thrown in.

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I know I probably shouldn’t give them that title. I figure it rolls all of what you said up into one nice little ball.

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James? How about DemonKKKratCommieZombies? Or DemocRATcommies?

Or, CommieDemocrats? Or. DemoRinoCommies?

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James, we could win this war April 15 if, and only if, we could in mass meaning at least 50% of us taxpayers, could withhold our taxes. Let 150 million Americans refuse to pay their taxes!! Put it in crypto or bury it or whatever it takes but starve the government of its one way to run amuck. Find the lever, turn the key, win the war! If we do not stand together, we all fall separately alone. Somebody young needs to organize this. I vote Elon Musk for the job.

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If this admin. were actually trying to crash our economy.... What exactly would they be doing differently?

What... There is no market for EVs? Let's double down on dumb!

After 35 years in the trucking business as both an operator and an owner I don't have to work too hard to come up with multiple reasons why EVs are not suitable for anything but extremely consistent local/short haul day hauling. Throw in climate variability across our country and the limitations of EVs become so obvious one has to wonder at the motives of someone who would still be advocating for such foolishness.


Rule #1: CO2 is not a pollutant.

Rule #2: If in doubt, see rule #1!

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Absolutely! This admin is putting the final touches on Obama's fundamental transformation. You can tell JRB isn't doing anything because their crazy implementation is actually functioning - no matter how much damage it does to the nation.

I figure they're trying to destroy all the small to medium businesses to make it easier to deal with the larger ones, which are run by their friends and easily controlled acquaintances. By making all the businesses go broke, they'll use a new form of nationalizing them - bankruptcy loans with special fine print.

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Recall that - other than THEFT of private property - Karl Marx and Frederich Engels COMMUNIST MANIFESTO called for the COMPLETE ELIMINATION of the so-called "MIDDLE CLASS" aka the "bourgeois"...which Marx - who NEVER held a REAL job in his ENTIRE life (just like Joe Biden) HATED the "Bourgeois".

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Without CO-2, there would be NO oxygen.

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Exactly! There appear to be a whole lot of lefty climate whiners out there that don't understand that relationship.

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That Lorenzo horse video made my day! The cartoons were more sad reality than funny, which was always the purpose of a large percent of cartoons through all of history. MEMES RULE!

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Seen on a Nissan Leaf bumper sticker on a car parked at a laundromat in Morgantown, WV: “This vehicle powered by coal!”.

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I love that Nissan Leaf driver!

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Not sure just who it is. The laundromat is on one two lane street into town. I no longer live there, but Morgantown is both the seat of the state land grant university and has become a major medical and shopping hub. The Leaf might belong to a customer, but might be the owner’s around town golf cart car as at least one car dealer has them as loaners while your car is serviced. The dealer got them cheap and refers to them as golf carts. I’m not a golfer, but having borrowed a car from them I think I understand. Among other points they are forbidden on the Interstate.

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

#killswitch mandate in 2026 is the brain child of More government overreach.

This NOT #Democracy. Our country’s infrastructure is unlike #Europe where trains are primary transportation.

Why chance a vote today for Dems? #Dictatorship . New Leadership is Imperative.

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The EPA along with a lot of other federal agencies needs to go bye-bye. This is just another example of a dictatorship by proxy. They are just a bunch of unelected bureaucrats living out their wet dreams.

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To paraphrase a commie-in-waiting….the day nixon created the e.p.a. will live on in infamy.

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And still the left hates him.

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Lip service I suspect.

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Or will STRANGLE American industry and production.

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are subsets of these student loans that need to be forgiven. The problem is that they are not telling us which loans they are forgiving.

Some people were promised by the Gov that if they worked in underserved areas for 5 years their loans would be forgiven - the Gov has yet to honor their promise.

Other people took out loans at very high interest rates and because of the type of loans they were never allowed to refinance at lower rates. I know of several people that borrowed $100k decades ago, have paid back $250K, and still owe almost $500K. It is simple usury and abuse and wage slavery implemented by the Gov and it should not be allowed - they paid their loans back Plus More.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Author

I don't disagree with this.

The problem is that this is a massive forgiveness campaign - not "just" for those that have extremely high interest rates (which I did too and was never able to refinance) or for those who for some reason didn't qualify for a government program.

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If you think about it, it IS socialism in action in that TAXPAYERS are forced to pay for OTHERS debts.

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I agree with you. There is a reason that they are not telling us which loans they are forgiving so that they can hide what they are doing.

I was in the same boat with post with postgraduate loans that at the time if you remember were 10-12%.

My wife and I sacrificed daily until they were paid back because we knew that if we didn't do that, they were going to be a millstone around our neck for our entire life. It's wrong, it's communist, it's abuse for others to have to pay the debt of others - If ppl won't believe that then let them try to run up an account at the local casino and see what happens when they try to make my neighbors pay for it.

The Problem is the Democrat/Progressive/Liberal Lie that "Deficits Don't Matter". They want ppl to believe there is a never ending supply of money. If they really believed that, they would abolish taxes - instead they continue abusing the debt to get rich and buy favors.

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Instead of forgiveness, fix the loans that are so messed up. Those who will have to make up for the mistakes of others and be punished for their actions are going to realize they get punished whether they're good citizens or not. If treated as such, act as such.

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A 'friend' of mine advised she took a job with SSA and was very happy to get her student loans fully paid off.

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The taxpayer shouldn't be on the hook for the debt, the banks should be forgiving the debt.

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The banks don't make the loans; the government does. Obama took student lending away from the banks early on.

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Oh, okay. But isn't it reasonable to assume that there are still a lot of loans due that were established pre Obama? Or are you saying that the gov took over pre existing loans that were made pre Obama as well as loans that were made after Obama changed the rules?

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My buddy runs a manufacturing business in CA. They make equipment like the big water trucks that spray water at construction sites and on roads.

The State of CA is now crippling his business as they are now requiring every other truck be built on an EV Platform.

You can imagine why no one will buy the EV water Trucks when they carry 80,000 lbs of water plus the weight of the truck and they have to charge every 1-3 hours. Imagine being at a construction site and trying to find an EV charger??? go figure.

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TOTAL lunacy and ignorance of simple PHYSICS and economics.

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Uri Berliner article. Excellent. Add us to the group of people who have had to leave what has become the utterly disingenuous, fallacious, echo chamber called NPR. All beauty and wonder erased. Their motto, "Leave your critical thinking behind, you cannot discern for yourself, just follow us, and obey". Abhorrent. Aberrant. May Mr. Berliner's thoughts and moral strength prevail. Yes, moral strength. Morality. Standards. They are immutable, truly applied, they never carry a party banner. Bravo Mr. Berliner. We will not always agree you and us, (defunding may indeed be needed to rid us of this parody of public interest journalism, we do not subscribe to all that you may espouse), however if your dreams of having NPR return to its roots were to come true, we would, and gratefully, join again.

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lorenzo is incredible!🤩

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We need some cartoons related to the media machine desperately trying to conjure up another George Floyd as we get closer to election season. Every 4 years guaranteed!

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Apr 12Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Everything else went out of my mind when I watched Lorenzo. He started very young, and he’s an extraordinary athlete. But how he trains those horses to do what they do! One thing I wondered about is his jumping up and down on the horses’ backs. Wouldn’t that hurt them? Or does distributing his weight over two horses keep the weight on one within tolerable limits?

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He's putting half as much weight as he would if he were riding only one of them. I suspect that the pads he uses in the arenas spread the weight out somewhat, but he also has his feet back near their hips where they can handle the weight better. As Jim said he's also flexing at his knees so the weight descends more evenly and softly than otherwise. Plus that allows him to keep his balance as well.

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Yes, I said that about the weight distribution. The video wasn’t very good, but it looked like his jumping was more in the center of the back than near the hips. I’m sure he knows what he’s doing; it just looked strange.

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He's also absorbing shock by flexing at his knees.

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