That Biden cartel employee of the year award reminds me of something the Arizona governor Hobbs said after she stole the election from Lake:

"No, i'm not involved in the Sineola cartel, i'm not taking bribes from them, and i'm not laundering their money. *Laughs* So..um..just kidding." https://bitchute.com/video/X0UCCpQbAIQ8 [12 seconds]


Why California is broke and Texas is not.

The governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the governor's dog, then bites the governor. The governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie Bambi and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.<br>

He calls animal control. Animal control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 for testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the state $200 for testing it for diseases. The governor goes to the hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and getting his bite wound bandaged.

The running trail gets shut down for six months while the California Fish and Game Department conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals. The governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a 'coyote awareness program' for residents of the area. The Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.

The governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training, re: the nature of coyotes. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) protests the coyote's relocation and files a $5 million suit against the state.

The governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and tries to attack him and his dog. The governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The governor spent 50 cents on a .380-caliber, hollow-point cartridge. Buzzards ate the dead coyote.

And that, my friends, is why California is broke and Texas is not. https://bitchute.com/video/WcFgdrweTAdd [2:11mins]

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The sun done rose...

The sun done set....

And here I is...


(My last car trip across the great state of Texas! Hahaha!

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Love the sentiment but the gov of Texas wheelchair bound. Now if you had said Ken Paxton and whatever passes for AG in calif…….

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You never heard of wheel chair races?

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Yeah but do not see Abbott winning one. Obviously not a fan tho am somewhat amazed at how he has suddenly declared war on the d.e.i. going on in state colleges and universities here. Hope that worm is turning

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I agree, surely he is better than any D.

Not sure that any primary challenger would be better

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Let us hope so because that wimp shut down the state and one of the worlds largest economies over a blasted cold. And kept it that way kowtowing to progressives in city and county gov

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One can hope for repentance (though public acknowledgment of such is tricky & not often forthcoming from politicians) & changed policies pursued with vigor.

The problem is always with big cities and their corrupt Democrat machines (& the castrati RINOs.

Let’s hope a DJT blowout win will engraft some new cajones in some & replace others with pols with brass balls.

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That governor was Rick Perry.

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Doubt it. A bush flunky now trying to get phelan reelected.

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Problem/solution in Texas, 'Murican style. It ain't complicated, y'all.

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Love this! Thank you!!!

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Today my first thoughts are with a man that gave his life for the benefit of others.

Most all buildings that stand the test of time are set on a foundation that has been engineered in some manner. If we were to ignore the foundations engineering and began knocking blocks out from the base of the building eventually continued weakening of the foundation would take the building down. Similar to a building placed on a well engineered foundationAmerica was created on rugged individualism, true competitive capitalism, family, religion, life, liberty, private property rights, equal justice, and secure borders. The Stalin like communist left has declared and has waged war on every major foundational block America has rested on for nearly 250 years. The true ironic lefts downfall is without the rugged American individual and without true capitalism for the Stalinist left to feed on, they cannot survive. The left rests out on a limb and continues to chop at it nearer to the trunk of the tree. They attack America from a place of structural weakness. If these radical leftists are able to destroy enough of Americas foundation, and we are not able to stop them, they will become extinct by their own hands. They cannot exist without us.

The leech, that horrible ugly creature. They attach themselves to a passer by and then feed on the hosts blood. Their whole purpose in life is to take more and more so they can produce more and more of their own. The leech teaches us that sin takes all it can from human life and gives absolutely nothing in return. Happy Good Friday to all of you. J.Goodrich

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Very well said James.

The destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge was a double shot across America's the bow from the parasite globalists who are fighting tooth and nail to destroy America because the shimmering US Constitution is the only thing standing in the way of the abject slavery one-world-government planetary scale panopticon nightmare prison they are building all around us.

Shot 1) Destroying critical key infrastructure on a large American port.

Shot 2) The symbolism of the bridge named after the man who penned the "Star Spangled Banner", falling into the ocean. It symbolizes America's birth, and now its death.

The writing is on the wall, America is being gutted both from within and without. Get prepared for the worst or get prepare to starve. But MOST of all, get your spiritual house in order immediately.

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I was trying to come up with what the administration will name the new bridge; The Hunter Biden/Burisma National (Please stay off the white lines) Bridge or Xi Jinping where’s my check Memorial Bridge??

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Well-said. Sadly, I don’t think the flayed Constitution is now the bulwark. It is the American Christian gun owners in the breach.

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Disagree. The power is there if it is used. Been yammering here for some time now about the power the states have if they use it. Ken Paxton giving some good lessons. He has now opened investigation into supplier of Boeings fuselages and particularly at their use of d.e.i. If their poor performance threatens the lives of Texans he figures he has a horse in that race. If more state AGs acted that way a whole lot of wrongs could get righted.

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Agreed on Paxton. In the 90’s the Several States AGs shook down Big Tobacco for $252 Billion over twenty-five years to be used for “Education”.

I had hopes that DeSantis would allow Joe Ladapo to lead a similar effort against Pfarma.

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It is there if they will use it

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Well we've been laying down on the job. It is and always has been our duty to keep the government in check and we have failed miserably. One of the reasons: Political action has gutted civics from schools because civics guts political action of its power.


Here's how it's supposed to work:

Here's the basic premise in the founding of the enlightenment model of the US: Rights were given to you by your creator, not by your government. Your government didn't give them to you so, they can't take them away. Furthermore the 9th amendment to the constitution makes these guarantees explicit. If any person in the government tries to take them away anyway, despite lacking any authority to do so, they are traitors to the citizens and must be treated as such.

A common misconception regarding the US government is that it is not the case that they start with total power and authority and the Constitution then subtracts from those powers. Under the Constitutional principle of Enumerated Powers and despite common wisdom, the government actually starts with zero power. Powers are then granted (Enumerated) by the constitution. This means that our natural rights such as the right to privacy or the right to free speech do not need to be explicitly granted to the populace - we have them by default. (The bill of rights is - quite literally - redundant and completely unnecessary.) What it does mean is that the government cannot violate those rights unless the ability to do so is explicitly granted by the Constitution - which in those cases it is not.

Just to be clear, our government has invalidated itself by abrogating its duties, for breaking and trampling all over every oath of office, for committing every crime we have a law for, and for subjugating us, meaning we do not have one and instead we have a bunch of criminals masquerading as our government.

For too long we've sat back, relaxed, and let the government police itself, and by doing so have given the wolves the keys to the hen house while naively expecting - in our blissful ignorance - for the chickens to be in good hands...

Those chickens have been and are being slaughtered, and the time has come for us to put those wolves in prison and to take back what is ours.

Despite what the government wants badly for you to believe, you do not serve them. They serve you. —https://tritorch.com/covenant

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Interesting. F S Key has some negatives. I heard the Washington Post immediately set about reporting them.

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I am still optimistic.

Like Scott Adams says, I believe that humans are very good at dealing with slow moving disasters.

the rabid left is a slow moving disaster.

Communism, and anything the democrat left touches, is rabid, but it is a slow moving rabies.

Locally, I have noticed the young folks not wanting to be part of the rabid left (and they don't like magnuts that much either)

I am starting to see younger folks abandon both parties.

Hopefully they will start a better one.

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Problem is they are starting out with a knowledge base corrupted by the progressives control of all levels of education. So much ground to cover

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A little knowledge goes a long way, Despite the leftist vermin at my kids public school (and it was one of the better ones) by the time he was 13, he was inoculated,

Charlotte, NC decided to go the rabid route with laws mandating that men could use the little girls bathroom.

My son, who was 13 at the time, asked "what the fark are they doing" (paraphrased)

I explained, he concluded.

"dad, that's not a gender issue, its a genitalia issue"

I was so proud.

Today, he is an eagle scout, finishing up bachelors in 3 years, and then heading off to med school (he is white, so he will get there on merit).

I believe todays kids will not turn out like their rabid democrat or magnut parents,


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Hope you are right. Do not doubt they are tired of woke nonsense but that theyhave been sadly under prepared for the world they have to live in as adults. That includes the socializing we old farts underwent which provided enough scar tissue to withstand the social injuries encountered in every day life.

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I was just talking with an old buddy about "normal" childhoods, where we learned to deal with hearing NO, bullies, and having to work hard to win.

It made me the GD independent I have been.

I put my son thru a lot of "adversity", and he is now very capable of dealing with whiny useless pos that will surround him.

I read some John Rosemond, a child shrink from Charlotte, who forwarded the idea, that we have raised children very successfully for thousand of years, and that the current leftist vermin decided they knew how to do it better. 40 years later, we see the result. I also saw this coming in the 80s, when I worked adolescent psych.

I am still optimistic about this current crop of kids.

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Who are the leftist vermin? Certainly not the Dems. Quit misusing the term.

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the leftist vermin are the commies and democrats that force compliance with collective rights, and then the leftist vermin attack individual rights

that is about as simple as I can make it

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There is nothing "left" about the Democrats. The R's and the D's are two corporate cheeks of the same ass. You wouldn't know what "left" is if it bit you on the ass!

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Democrats are not "left". I am.

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if you are left of the democrat vermin, then you advocate for collective rights, the mutilation of mentally ill children, the lynching of babies in the womb, the destruction of the black communities in the democrat plantations, the destruction of cheap energy,, which allows the democrats to kill more poor people.

after all, you guys say we have too many people on the planet

no no, democrat are leftist vermin

the cause, democrats have no idea how any thing works. so they keep voting for more cesspool

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All of you folks keep using the word "left" improperly.

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At the risk of repeating myself, satan's minions do not know they are minions. They do not know that the goal is destruction of God's perfect creation. Which means they do not realize they would be destroyed too. I stand on the reality that God is in charge and, while we might have to deal with some suffering, as have millions of Christians in the last 2000 years, the war is won.

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I agree Meemanator. Suffering can be a tool to teach and bring you closer to God. Without suffering and failure we would become stagnant. I didn’t mean to sound negative with my post. The left is weak.

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All the best, long lasting, lessons I ever learned were earned in hardship. I read a book last week that got me back on even keel. Sometimes we just need perspective. God always keeps a Remnant. But that doesn't mean we are held in a bubble. If Christ and His followers could suffer at the hands of evil - well, I can too. The reality is knowing for sure Who you are suffering for.


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See my post about the definition of "left". It is not what the Democrats espouse.

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liar, if you had actually posted a definition, you would copy and paste it here

now, if you want my definition, I will be glad to copy and paste it here

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Pat, I many times am a hammer and everything is a nail. Sometimes I’m too easy and go along with something to be nice. Im not an English major with a masters in grammar, that’s for sure, but the term left winger, is left not a pronoun? I very well could be wrong but Jim’s obsession with the term left seems to be a typical leftist obsession to control language and you know when it comes to pronouns in their minds that could mean jail time. My other thought is this whole thing could be what Dr.Malone calls Sealioning. Either way I have found it mostly useless to try to talk sense into a leftist that will never never listen to reason. It would be like me trying to talk my sister into voting for DJTrump, it’s just never going to happen. As they say that will happen when hell freezes over. So I guess I’ll leave it at that, chalk this one up to a mental block or maybe reality denier.

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totally agree.

I am glad to see a few folks recognize that negotiating with rabid vermin is useless.

I realized that about rabid muslims (also religious nuts) 20 years ago, and only since 2018 have I realized that todays democrat is a religious rabid cult job, and their is no reasoning with them.

So, I mock their rabid rodent asses. Where I differ from a lot of keyboard warriors, is I am just as inflammatory to their rodent faces. It helps being a large scary old white dood.

Of course, when I mock these vermin face to face, I make sure i am not in a democrat plantation, where the vermin will arrest me if I have to defend myself from a rabid rodent.

Location location location

Today, as soon as a rabid rodent makes a comment, they all follow the same pattern. Its a rabid hive mind. So, easy to identify, like in the example of the fellow who just cant stop lying, here.

When it comes to the rabid left, they are all nails in need of a hammer.

It is a shame how so many otherwise sane people have TDS. My wife actually created her own math to justify her fantasy, that we paid more taxes under Trumps tax cuts, and when I tried to show her the math the IRS uses, she screamed at me. She used to be the smartest person I knew, but now, her delusions make her kind of scary. And so many democrats are like that today.

Its a rabid little cult. Not sure if they can be de programmed. My tact with my wife is I don't say anything political, at all.

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My first thought was sealioning! At any rate, I agree.

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I didn’t I will try to find it Jim.

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2 bucks says he never posted a definition, if he had, he would have copied and pasted it here, like normal people do

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More death and destruction has been done in the name of God than any other reason.

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True - but death and destruction done in the NAME of God isn't done BY God, but rather those usurping His name even as they believe they are gods. This is a pattern that all religions follow. It's an ancient technique used by satan, the great liar/pretender, to adopt a look and then do great harm under the banner. Which is why I don't do manmade 'religion'.

I am a Christian who chooses to have a One on one relationship with Christ and is how I navigate this fallen world. He is with me because I am for Him. I know there are very good people who work within the boundaries of every Christian denomination but who are also mavericks that understand the spiritual side of life and do not worship their religion.

Christ did not come to create a new religion, mankind had ruined that. He came to make a way back to the Father. Those who wish to know this seek it. Those who don't won't. It's that free will thing.

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James, once again you articulated my thoughts! The foundation of America is indeed being chipped away. Little by little!

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Thank you Barbara L!!

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The foundation analogy and imagery is interesting. But they are not just knocking out the blocks from the foundation. They are using the blocks from the foundation to make the building taller. With the obvious result.

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The foundation of Capitalism is greed. Capitalism brings permanent war, vaccine mandates, homelessness, sickness, and violence. The true leaches are the top couple percent.

And here is one of my biggest objections. You folks continuously call the Dems "leftists" when they are nothing of the sort. They, just like the Repubs are Corporatists and Capitalists. There is nothing "left" about them. I'm "old left" back when the definition was: anti censorship, anti surveillance, anti mandate, anti war, anti health "insurance", pro free speech, pro privacy, and pro government transparency. So, please use the original definition of "left" otherwise you're blathering, ok?

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Jim you sound like a modern right wing conservative. JFK would be drummed out of the party today along with you. Todays left is not you!!!! I think you need a new party title. The modern day left is a combination of Maoist and Stalinist. I stopped calling them liberal democrats, but I do bunch them as leftists. It’s a general term. I don’t consider myself a republican but a conservative that is right. I bunch conservatives and republicans as right wing. But I am called a Nazi fascist capitalist pig by the left wing nazi fascist communist pigs. They call me what they are like so many opposite things they say.

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You got me laughing with that response. I think what you said is valid, but my brain got twisted along the way. I haven't voted for D's or R's since I made the huge mistake of voting for Bill Clinton. We should outlaw these labels as they only divide us. I am here, a supporter of Dr. Malone because I am focusing on an issue that unites us: Medical freedom, anti authoritarianism. (others topics such as free speech, anti censorship, etc. as well)

I don't like it when Dem's are labeled "left". They simply aren't. Then there's the Capitalist, Socialist thing. I'm tired of people here using "Socialism" as a bad word. I worked hard and am liking my Social Security, fire department, police department, etc., all socialistic enterprises. I also get it that when I criticize Capitalism, my debaters never hesitate to point out that we don't have "pure" Capitalism. I reply: that's the inevitable result of pure capitalism because of the "human factor". I think we are doomed no matter our persuasions because of the innate nature of humans. Anyway, I appreciate your tempered response. I actually listen to and analyze comments such as yours even if I don't completely agree with them. Thank you, and keep it up!

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Thanks Jim I really like when we had our differences but we were all Americans. Nice to talk to you.

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James, I enjoy reading all your comments, not only because I agree with you, but they are very nicely thought out. I want to wish all Christians celebrating a Very Happy Blessed Easter. As an Orthodox Christian, Serbian descent, we celebrate according to the Julian Calendar, this year May 5. 2024. Happy Easter! Cheers all from a Canadian!

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Donna I hope you and your family have a peaceful Easter Sunday. The more the anti freedom tyrants infringe on our rights, especially the freedom of religion, the more I will appreciate and enjoy Easter this year. I hope you feel the same.

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To you as well 🙏🏻♥️

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Just finished reading Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" for the first time in my life. It serves as a reminder that people once did just fine without nanny government.

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All that concrete under the windmills. Interesting that Oregon is shutting down small farms using CAFOS rule, that prohibits concrete milking stands in barns. You just cannot make this stuff up!!!

20 minute Youtube -


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I almost used this video - but it was way too serious for Friday!

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Truly it is hard to name a subject the leftys haven't applied a double standard to.

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tooth fairy ! LOL. Read a lot about wind turbines, several countries have to start/run them on petrol, I certainly remember Ireland. Saw some exploded ones as well. And that the broken ones are very hard to recycle. Great selection!

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The real irony is that millions of oxygen giving trees are cut down to accommodate the wind farms.

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talking about adverse events! I read recently that Germany is going to cut down an old forest to put wind turbines. How dumb can you get? (Germany seems to have collectively lost its mind)

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This Is worse than dumb - this is fast tracking self destruct.

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More felony than irony

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, was I ever on the wrong track concerning the FFs before I opened the feed - I was expecting "Free Rent" to be about the scourge of the day/week/year: Squattahs (Mr Webster would say, "squat-ERs"). Imagine the skid mark as I veered even further to the right to get back on the mental track I first heard from the Dulcet vocalizations of our departed Rush, now commenting from his heavenly Golden EIB microphone. This may impact how I refer to ol’ President 💩 💩 head - I cannot visualize President Trump sharing space in that vacuous wasteland with 💩 💩 - even if ol’ President 💩 💩 head has the facilities to compartmentalize.

Corruptionberg needs an ocean liner (USS ???) steaming toward it

600 cubic meters, concrete, almost 3M (3,000,000) pounds, 1,400 tons - besides the enormity of this number for just ONE tower, I’m wondering how many potholes could be repaired.

Ya’know, before I began reading the FridayFunnies I never realized I had an issue with mental illness (OK, save for that last bit of late teen angst when I voted for a Peanut in every Pot - in my defense I was EIGHTEEN and it was a different time); now, there are Fridays I’m depressed, sometimes severely, others I find myselves in riotous mania, and yet there are those end of week worries, like today, where I fear that I’m bipolar - I swing from laughter at the outset and conclusion with a deep trough of depression in the middle. Thank God I have katz. 😊

Blessed Easter, y’all; and remember, regardless of what you read, hear or see, today is still Good Friday

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Miles Guo yacht hacked in 2016:

The report stated that the ship's controls were hacked by an unknown third party that gained access to the ship's computer system, possibly using a mobile phone.

Investigation into the incident indicated the malfunctioning of the Lady May's computer system was caused by unknown actors taking external control over the yacht's system and network, the report said.


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If one trends in this direction, one might posit the current disaster is a crisis that won't go to waste. Fed Gov immediately rushes to rescue. Moore's stalwart solid responses provide national recognition. The Dems earn great performance points. Even have another reason to point to for economic issues.

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Congratulations on your case against Stripe Dr M.

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The: Walk Like A Joe Biden" - (Walk Like An Egyptian Parody) | Louder With Crowder is only available on Rumble (in Holland anyway!)

Have e great Easter!

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do believe this is your best yet - anyway, it's my favorite! Everyone of these "cartoons" Is dead-on. (a little play on words there). I'm sharing for sure , as these are too good to keep to myself - then moving to a deserted island. Have a Holy and Blessed Resurrection Day!

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whey Oh Whey Oh!

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

1. The wikipedia edit HAD to come from some resident of the UK! 😆

2. The "that's why aliens fly right past us" was really funny. 😂

3. "Crow on the Orient Express" took me a moment; very clever!

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Mar 29Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh!! A pack of Crows is a Murder! I had given up.

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Friday Funnies. Can’t live without them! The container ship of Biden lies destroying America was especially poignant. But live the music video. Had me up dancing, uh, walking like a Joe Biden! Happy Easter!

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The greatest female wrestler of all time was Andy Kaufman

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Thanks for the good humor! I see 60 million is goint to fix the Baltimore bridge. That was fast, wasn't it????

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With the gov't in charge it'll likely take 60 Million just to get the old bridge out of the water.

I found it a bit odd that our pResident found the need to get on the tv to tell us how the gov't is gonna' save us within 12 hours of the bridge falling down. Gotta' wonder what he is trying to distract us from. Why would he rush into this when that shipping company surely has insurance? Is this an attempt to avoid an insurance investigation? There's a lot of possible questions here.

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I think it is $60M PER DAY! But that figure includes the lost wages of the long shoremen, idled ship crews, etc.

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Look for that union label

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Bring back unions!

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Robert these get better every week.

I miss your emus! For goodness sake don’t cross them with wolves. That could be gain of function.

Almost Easter. We had an enormous bunny in our yard. Somehow the freezing weather in NJ did NOTHING to the clover and arugala. It’s still spicy. She had a nutritious dinner … eating for 6 (order of magnitude estimate).

I was thinking “mRNA-free protein.” I asked the Mrs. if she had a recipe. She was not amused. “Who do you think I am? Mrs. MacGregor?”

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