As we watch these overgrown adolescents chant for a second holocaust there should be a realization that this is the end result of the Marxist democrats long march. Lucifer along with the leaders who promised fundamental change should sit back, take a deep breath and admire the fruits of their labor. These types of people, their new indoctrinated fellow travelers and all of their policies are the exact reason we have a second amendment. I suggest to everyone exercise your god given right to keep and bear arms. There are thousands of Israeli’s today who wish they hadn’t gone along with their governments gun bans and restrictions. Maybe instead of the fbi’s chasing of parents trying to protect their children from predators, they should have been investigating the Marxist democrat takeover of our colleges, just a thought. J.Goodrich

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Shut down all the factories of mass destruction and just arm all citizens for self protection!

All the derangement that I see is preplanned while our communities as a whole show respect for their fellow humans! The open border is disrupting normality and zBiden is to blame!

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Absolutely 💯 right!

We need Citizen Militia groups like yesterday!

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And I was naive enough to think the Israelis definitely had a robust 2nd Amendment after what the Nazis did to them in WW2. At a young age my father showed me pictures his unit took of the concentration camps. I had always heard then “Never Again.” How quickly we forgot.

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JW, I also think of the sacrifice my father made in WW2. My sister recently told me he had said his platoon had gone out one night, 40 men, all were killed except for my father. When he got back he was the only man left they promoted him to 2nd sergeant. Shortly after that he was shot through his back but somehow survived. I remember his scars. People today don’t understand what is coming. They are naive.

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I do. I was born in 1965. I was the last of 4 children. My father was 45 when I was born. He died when I was 20. He was an awesome father regretfully I didn’t get to speak to him for long as a real adult. I feel his death at such a young age, and when I and my siblings were so young is all a part of the sacrifice he made for our country. This is one of the reasons I am so angry about the open border, it devalues what we have given. The story of 39 of my fathers fellow soldiers being killed in one night produced letters sent to my father by his friends wives and or girlfriends. My sister has the letters. I’ve tried to get even a picture or copy of them, so far I haven’t. While in Germany my father had sent many Nazi items back to the states. There were swords, SS daggers, pins, paperwork, a hand held telescope,etc. My oldest brother, who was an airborne Ranger got all of the items after my mother passed. My brother died 15 years ago, and I assumed his ex wife had the items. I’m shortening this story believe it or not, well she moved to Florida and I asked for pictures of the stuff and she told me she gave it to a connected lady’s husband. I couldn’t believe it. Why didn’t she give it to one of us??? So I ended up hunting this guy down and got i think all most everything except the swords. Still have a chance to get them back. They are in possession of a person we know. All of this stuff intrigues me. I hope to get the other items back... I put a few things in my notes on sub stack. If I get those letters I may post them, I think people don’t get war and the devastating loses people suffer. Many Americans have been terribly spoiled.

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Our experiences with our fathers is similar. Until we retired and moved from LA down to SD I had had a pair of Nazi binoculars and compass that I believe were stolen by movers. My father had taken them off the body of a Nazi officer during the Ardennes campaign-Battle of the Bulge. Dad was an Army cartographer draftee who helped create the Army’s D Day invasion maps and other campaign maps--by the time I was mature and finally retired to really learn what my parents had gone through in WW2 they were long passed. As a combat Vietnam veteran I am reading and collecting his and my remembrances in writing a book that my children and grandchildren can read to understand what shaped the rest of my life’s loves, work and faith.

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I was born in 1946 and memories of World War II were fresh in my fathers and uncles who returned from Europe and the Pacific to tell their stories. I’m sure you feel the same way about your father.

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Oh how I miss the wisdom of men like my father and uncles today.

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Yes, let's have a contest on what "Colleges of Liberal Arts" and "Colleges of Education" could be more accurately described, for the drivel that emanates from them is certainly not liberal arts nor education. At the risk of stating the obvious, how about:

College of Marxist Indoctrination

College of OCB (Overcoming Christian Bigotry)

College of Correct Thinking

College of All Standards are Racist

College of Whitey is so Yesterday

College of Propagandizing Children in the Dark

College of Deprogramming Parental Influence

I'm sure this group can come up with better ones than these!

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Robert, for someone who claims to be so cluey on psyops, I don't understand why you are promoting the one-sided BS about the circumstances in Palestine as you have here. You just projected "safe and effective' onto a political injection which for 80 years has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, displacement, robbery and dispossession, with no test data in terms of how safe is Israel for the people forced to take it, and a middle-east vaccination which without $4B per year of USG underwriting would probably not be viable on its own.

Try reading Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail" to gains some insights into the organized crime connections between the two states. In terms of the USG supporting Ukraine and Israel, two fascists states, that should tell you a lot about what's important to the USG and who is running it.

These Funnies, weren't.

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sadly, not much to laugh at today. The world has gone mad, completely mad. The Dr's Malone captured it well.

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Okay, the sock thing - I had to walk that off. 😂

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ryan Long's video deserves some recognition


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By Sunday, you all will have watched this. But I am putting it in the Sunday Strip anyway - so good!

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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ooh, I’m the first to comment

Panel #8

America is so much safer since Biden’s election!


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Oct 13, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Max Blumenthal, Jewish insider commentary, provides nuanced commentary on both wars. America has been dumbed down by the politicians and the media.


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We can access and investigate any information we have in question. All the "useful idiots" are volunteers, not victims!

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When the Resident took occupancy of our US Capitol, I ruefully thought: This country cannot take 4 years of this Resident. The Resident and his minions proved me right on “Day 1.” As Kamala famously giggled: “We did it! We did it, Joe!” https://youtu.be/H3lpFE19T78?feature=shared

Distractions, neglect, lies, and censorship led to this. We certainly should worry about what’s happening “over there,” but more important is to realize what’s happening “over here.” Are we just going to let this happen?

The politicians fiddle while our republic burns 🎻 🔥 May the few grown-up patriots remaining -- like Drs. Malone and their readers -- and 2A save our country to live another day.

I did appreciate the sock joke and several others, but mostly they made me long for the good old days of the Cuban Missile Crisis 🧨

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Lessons learned, we all have the right to fight back not only Israel, and not only against terrorism but also against the globalists, the WHO, the WEF, The Cabal and most of all against censorship.

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I want to open a store for used drums.

It will be called REPERCUSSIONS.


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Great ones today. My top 3: Lindsay Graham, Bubba changing to Charlene, and the blind farmer with the axe in the middle of turkeys mooing. Lots of great gallows humor today. Thanks!

Danny Huckabee

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Kudos for a brighter spin to the dark news that has been unfolding, sharing a comment from another site noting the proposed “day of jihad/rage” for those that are awake is more like 2nd amendment appreciation day!

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Amen 🙏


Amén 🙏

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

A few of these cartoons should really be in reverse...

For example, the purple headed kid who "needs a safe place", then in his next few emotional thoughts supports HAMAS. Well, let's put on our thinkers caps for a moment. Who dyes their hair bright purple and is "confused" about their sexual and soul identities? American Liberals and those nations which mimic the trend (which are numerous). Who do they support right now? Well gee, first they sported their Ukrainian flags in uniformity with one another, absolutely sure that that official narrative on CNN/MSNBC regarding Ukraine certainly must be true... Now that the Ukraine chip has been

removed from the back of the head robo-style - Insert the Israel chip. And so, in theory, it isn't "HAMAS" such people are rooting for. It's Israel. Remember? American liberals think 2 million Innocent Muslims should be punished due to the actions of a select few extremists who were

probably trained by the CIA and Western Shadow government forces to begin with to ensure the bloodshed never ends.

Next, Zelesnkyy with a bag of money on his back talking to the PM of Irael - Shows the PM receiving a letter from "Far left" Liberals. The letter reads "Don't fight back". No, I'm pretty sure far left liberals are saying " GO FOR THE JUGULAR AND SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!".. All I have seen all week are far left liberals saying "You get what you deserve Gaza! This is what you get!" with blood in their eyes. Most seem to be totally on board for an eye for an eye philosophy. They're wanting to pump as many resources into this war as we did in Ukraine. The few democrats in congress who are suggesting we not

fund this war and support this war are being called Anti-semetic and jew-haters.

Just the few cartoons I think are a little off.


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The idea that a few Hamas misfits trained by the CIA are to blame is naive at best and misinformed. Hamas was voted for by the Gaza Palestinians. Their weapons and living quarters are embedded with the civilians mostly underground where their water and sewer pipes Israel gave to them should be. They are public in their mission to destroy Jews and Israel the same way the WEF is public about their mission. Both have been and still are executing their mission. There is no measured response until the battlefield ie Gaza is leveled. And then rebuilding will depend on the change of heart of the Gaza inhabitants. Will they choose peace and use their highly favored land for prosperity or will they stay committed to the destruction of Israel?

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Oct 17, 2023·edited Oct 17, 2023

Naive? It sounds like you are, actually. Everything I just said was covered on Redacted yesterday and plenty of evidence presented for HAMAS being an invention/creation of the CIA/US/NATO/ISRAELI agenda. There is more than ample evidence for what I expressed. You'll realize it eventually.

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Doctor Malone, I'd like to ask a special favor.

The human psyche can only take so much bad news even if it is in the form of cartoons.

In view of that, for the Sunday comic strips, could you please consider looking for some old fashion comic strips in an effort to Make Comics Great Again? 😔

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Re: the Racoon and eating Friday breakfast---probably spot on, as Middle East expert Seb Gorka said, a terrorist organization like Hamas does not warn about attacks. They give warnings to generate fear. But his qualifier is to remain prepared, vigilant.

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Hi Dr. Malone - your name came up in this discussion held yesterday.


PS - I'm going with the socks :)

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For a new take on French Toast: Use thick-sliced white bread or brioche. In a bowl combine equal parts of milk & orange juice. Add 2-3 Tablespoons of sugar,(1) tsp vanilla, & one-quarter tsp.of cinnamon. Dip bread in mixture & transfer to baking dish. Bake @ 350 degrees for approximately 30-min., turning once. Once or twice while baking (& before turning), pour a little of the left over egg mixture on top, to make it a little extra eggy.

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Deb, where's the egg direction?

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For this recipe, I use about 6-eggs. More of your're having company. For the 6-eggs, it would be about 4oz orange juice, 4oz mik. I cannot put my hands on my recipe, so I am using my recall. You may need to adjust the liquid.

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