I'm sure everyone knows how Climate Change is a big money grab, but if anyone wants a quick simple resource to give to people who are still unsure about it, here's a quick 5mins article:


Scientism has created this world built on lies and fallacies. The sooner we can know whats real vs what's not, this whole world of illusion starts to come down.


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Jeff Childers at C&C Substack did an awesome job today on the unprecedented volcanic eruption in the Pacific last year that is wholly impacting the climate right now - not CO2...


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Yes- I also wrote a long substack on this last October. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/are-you-a-grasshopper-or-an-ant

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I read all your posts. I will revisit this one and share. I am curious if our el nino this year in CA with tremendous amounts of rain and snowfall (still skiing up at Mammoth I heard) was caused by that eruption...

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Would suggest looking at Geo engineering watch.org to see that our California rain this year was not from a natural event!

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And neither was the snow. Just as the drought in the 5 state region in the Midwest is not a natural event. Just monitor the skies overtime and it is evident. I believe the dimming has already started giving the ultra-milky skies over me for the last 3 weeks.

I watched part of a whistleblower video two days ago. He said the Gov accidentally cause an earthquake in Iceland last year.

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The eruption of a ocean volcano that was seen from outerspace caused it. Unprecedented affect on the global weather and sea warming.

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Can’t find article you refer to. What do you/they believe it was caused by?

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I Love this writing. We were far more self-sustainable in other places; but building a fourth and fifth raised bed for vegatables. Getting other “stuff”. Don’t have room for a greenhouse now. Flippin’ (less than a year old) samcrap fridge/freezer crashed. After 3 months of fighting, no repair. Bought different brand and will start rebuilding stocks. Got canned goods, rice, flour on hand. Back to 180 pounds of dog food on hand. Getting ready to start canning. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

Edit - In uk, miss my guns. We had tons of deer, squirrels, birds, etc. (I am not a hunter; but, can shoot if necessary).

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Read it. Makes total sense. Plus after spending summers in Phoenix I believe we are being lied to. In 2020 the Temps were 120, seemed like every day. No rain during monsoon season.

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One feature of the undersea volcano that is unique is that it not only spews ash, but spews large amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere and warms the seas, too. So it changes the water balance. This according to Jeff Childers C&C substack. Noteworthy that this " instantly vaporized fantastic, unimaginable amounts of sea water, which billowed into the atmosphere, changing the water composition of Earth’s atmosphere and heating it up for years."

Unsurprisingly we are not hearing anything in the news or science outlets about how this affects "climate change" though it would be much greater than CO2 or cow farts.

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Let hope the next super volcano goes off underwater, too.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Atmospheric water vapor is a two edged sword...as simple humidity its a greenhouse gas. As cloud cover its reflective of solar energy in the daytime and insulative of ground heat at night. As thunderstorms and hurricanes, its an energy conversion mechanism converting heat to electricity, wind energy and evaporative cooling. So imo, difficult to say that current climate conditions are due to the H20 per se. Because the problem is, volcanic eruptions in the sea plume not simply H2O, but fairly high salinity salt water that has had massive amounts of SO2 mixed with it. TBH I do not know what the ramifications are of that, but wouldn't be surprised if it were more than a little problematic with respect to climate. But saying its just water is kind of like saying nuclear mushroom clouds are just dust, imo. [edit] And then there is all of the volcanic SO2 that was released as undissolved gas. A simple search result: Does SO2 cause global warming? Large volumes of SO2 erupted frequently appear to overdrive the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere resulting in very rapid Warming.

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And it is more about mastering the human domain, the US Military term for enabling single global control.

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Amen, brother.

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Uhhh…Weather has always “changed”, active volcanos have always erupted…Heck, We lived close enough to see Mt. Baker vent, Mt. St. Helens 1980, I grew up in hurricane-ville (the eye of the storm is wild). Would not live in a mobile home in Kansas, they seem to attract tornadoes…there appear to be these things called tectonic plates (19th floor of a building in a 5.3…uhhh, that was”interesting”) I think it’s call “Earth“. Ed

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The fallacy on which catastrophic anthropogenic global warming is based is an application of the Fallacy of Miplaced Concreteness under which an "abstract" event of the future for Earth's climate system is mistaken for a "concrete" event of the future for this system where an "abstract" event of the future is "abstracted" (removed) from a location in space and time whereas a "concrete" event of the future has such a location.

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Regarding heat and your horses, I was just asking my holistic vet this week in Southern California how her horses and mules were doing. She said they are completely heat and desert creatures and it's the flies that are the problem!

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We use "fly predators" (natural control), but agree about the flies!

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Have been bitten by horse flies. They hurt!!!

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It is the female horse fly that bites with a jaw like scissors so it can latch on to pull blood. It needs the blood to finish the egg fertilization process. I have been very fortunate over the years not to experience a bite. I have spent hours every summer evening around dusk standing with my horses to kill them when they land on them. Each horse will come running over to me when one lands on them. They don't mind me wacking them to kill the darnn things. I find ones on the barn windows basking in the sun and I take a fly swatter to them. I bet I kill hundreds with my hands (gloved hands I should say) every summer. They are attracted to large dark heated objects. They even fly around my tractor cab when I am out mowing.

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Several years ago, i was in Tractor Supply (being a kid in a candy store), and I came across this all natural repellent oil spray. Good stuff !

I now havr a bottle in every vehicle, as I sptay myself, shoes, legs when I'm oing to be out anywhere i could come across those blood sucking pests such as flies, skeeters, ticks, chiggers, or politicians. Really works to keep the slimey bastards away, and nearly non toxic too.

Since its all natural cedar, lemongrass and other essential oils, its safe to use on my skin, dogs legs, kids, etc. I spray my boonie hat so they're repelled from my face, eyes and ears. Great for horses, and a bottle lasts me forever.


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I sanded a lot of cedar. I wore a chemical respirator mask (over-kill). You do not want that cedar dust in your respiratory system. Cedar oil can also cause problems for some; however, anything is better than ticks and other bugs. The most common reaction to cedar oil is skin irritation. Ed

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Yeah, it's an oil, and very little of it is actually cedar. I walk away from it as soon as it's sprayed, so I don't inhale it. Being in the trades, wearing a real respirator most of the time, I have been very conscious of breathing in particulates.

Active Ingredients Geraniol 1.40%, Clove Oil 0.16%, Citronella Oil 0.12%, Rosemary Oil 0.10%, Lemongrass Oil 0.10%, Cedarwood Oil 0.10% and Thyme Oil 0.02%

3m's 8000 series half masks with cartridges and pre-filters are still my staple. I have cases of the filters in my shop..


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thanks, I need some of that.

Sounds much better than Coleman's 100% DEET which I use.

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Ha! We had a “very nice” yellow jacket infestation in Washington state. I kept notes…record 122 kills in a year. My Friend had a mouse problem…record 46 mouse kills in a year. It was a funny competition. 😁, Ed

I should have bought stock in DEET for ticks in Illinois…Sheesh. I think I still glow😂. Watch out for the bald-faced hornets (extremely mean) in Washington state.…My Friend had to jump into a river to getaway.

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Deet is perfectly safe, you know, right?

Just don't drink it, as it can change your behavior, quite dramatically.

The Bidens have been drinking it for decades. Doesn't harm you at all from a physical standpoint, but can cause some behaviorial issues, and unintended side effects:

Hairy legs that children will want to rub

Causes you to pick fights with people named Corn Pop.

Creates the overwhelming need to sniff the hair of small children.


It leads to extreme pedophile behavior. Also can make you do lots of illicit drugs, have sex with hookers, neices and wives of your deceased brothers. Might even lead to you groping women named Eva, or eventually if it gets really bad, you could become president, or worse yet, vice president of the USA, and word salads will become your norm.

Yes, Deet is perfectly safe, indeed. Use it at will !

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😂🤣🔥…Laughing so hard, I am in still tears. You are “on fire”!!! Ed

EDIT - Thank Gawd we didn’t grow up together. Sheesh!!! That could have been, shall We say, Problematic.🏴‍☠️, Ed

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This is PRICELESS. I am still laughing tears. 😂 Ed

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We have big....black...wasps visit us every summer. One nailed me on the back of the head last week (dag blasted racist bug)!!! My head itched for a week.

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I’m glad You are Okay. I go back to the States for basic “check-up” stuff in August . Getting an Epi-Pen to keep on hand “just in case”. Ed

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Try black flies… those are fun 😂.

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The Horse farm my wife works at uses the screen face protectors (fly masks?) to keep them out of their eyes. Nothing worse that gnats under your eyelids. Drives me nuts when I'm out walking the trails. Need to get me one of them screens for my knoggin when we're out there hiking.

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I too have always used fly masks, Some even cover the ears. When it is still cool I use fly sheets that cover the neck and body too. The ones I use only weight a couple of pounds. They still get too hot when the temp gets into the 90s - 100s. I also use Shoo fly leggins that keep flies off from the knee down which helps the stomping that will crack the hooves over time.

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I used fly predators for years having them mailed every couple of month. Used them around the barn and the pastures. I don't get them where I live now because my pasture fencing has a dozen cows on the other side. It is a futile and a waste of money. When the green heads show up, I make batches of repellent (concentrated plant oils with Skin So Soft, water, and a little dish soap as the emollient) I wipe on their upper legs, belly and chest. I am highly allergic to regular sprays.

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Thanks! I sent info on these little buggies to my vet in case she doesn't know about them!

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Down here in the southland, many people have misters, like in the outdoor bars in Miami and Key West.

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Misters would not work in my barn where I live. In the summer it is already so humid there is no more room in the air for more moisture. It is hard enough to evaporate our sweat to cool off as it is. It surprises me that FL used them.

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That’s a shame. We are close to the water so almost always have a breeze.

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Dr. Malone, the opening of todays Friday Funnies were the most illuminating information I have ever read in print. I did listen to the two part Ted Cruz podcast interview with Comer also. But you laid it out beautifully!!! So many don’t realize the depth of corruption in our government and it’s so frustrating to me. Honestly Biden is small potatoes compared to Barrack Obama. Joe has sold out America for tens of millions but Barrack has billions, the Clintons have at least hundreds of millions . I did want to mention a very disappointing piece of information I got. Rand Paul said he has not seen enough evidence to impeach Biden. It’s republicans like this, you know the ones that say their fiscally conservative then pass an unlimited spending bill to Joes desk, that will finish untying the last few strands that hold this country barely together. If you want to find out a little more about the crime family in the White House you should watch news max’s Greg Kelly’s interview with Jill Biden’s ex husband. Frank Biden went to his house and threatened her ex,Bill Stevenson, and said give her the house also or else. Joe then went after him with the full force of the government ruining his life. She had messed around with Joe while still married to Bill, and I believe Joe was still married also. Jill was their baby sitter???? You can’t make this stuff up!!! J. Goodrich

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

I read that Thomas Massie (one of a few whom I thought was an incredibly patriotic member of the senate) voted against censuring Shiffty Shiff. Really bummed me out that these reps who claim to be conservative, will do anything to save the uniparty.


Another betrayal of the American people.

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What it tells us is that today the f in "federal agent" is a double entendre.

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I think they call it narcissistic, sociopathic, psychotic, schizophrenic, just plain Evil or some such thing. I am not comfortable putting labels/diagnosis on “things” that are not quantifiable. I probably have every personality disorder “they” have come up with. I’m good with…Yep, by MRI, You have a tear in the scapho-lunate ligament and have a nice little SLAC, DISI to go with that. It just bums me out I can’t do “real” push-ups anymore. Probably wrist fusion if I live that long🏴‍☠️, Ed

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I’ll see if I can find it. It was reported in the Kuhner report this morning. (Kuhner report podcast)

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As per the SARS reports, they have been reported by Rep Nancy Mace, I believe, since May but it went nowhere.

But I think the most chilling Dr Malone conversation was yesterday. Most powerful, compartmentalized organization in the world, the CIA. Need to find a way to slow Steve's interruptions down though.


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I listened to this this morning and again just now👍. Great info!!!

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James, Reading you is Better than the National Enquirer! :)

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I honestly dislike these types of stories that I mention. But it shows such a lack of character and judgement. I have such a hard time understanding how anyone, outside of people in government protecting themselves, can stick with this guy and his family. Notice I didn’t even mention Tara Reade. OOPS 😁

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“You can’t make this stuff up!!!” J. Goodrich

Another more true statement that cannot be made. Ed

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Ed above I posted the news max interview with Jill’s ex, check it out if you haven’t seen it….

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Link for Rand Paul comment? I would like to read/listen.

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I would have to agree somewhat with Paul, in that a Biden impeachment tit for tat is (potentially) destructive to conservatives. It'd be good to hear the Bartrimano interview.

What I read that would be much better is impeachment of Garland and/or Myorkas, and possible Gray, that that would shed some real light and be helpful in 2024. Biden is toast anyway.

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https://www.mediaite.com/tv/rand-paul-shocks-maria-bartiromo-with-his-take-on-impeaching-joe-biden/amp/ Here is the link to the interview. I personally have seen and heard enough myself and I do love Rand Paul in a non sexual way. He does make sense. The house needs to indict Wray to get things he has refused to hand over

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You're fast--I didn't have time to find, listen and write before I find you've posted. Seems we aren't far apart. Picked over a bushel of green beans, on top of 2 yesterday, back to work.

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I tried a different green bean this year. They are like low bushes instead of poll beans. It's hard to find the beans and when I do they're discolored with spots on some of them. I detected some strings after cooking. Not growing them next year.

You must be canning. I tried quick blanche and freeze last year. I must have done something wrong because the skins got fibrous after cooking them.

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Found the interview embedded at the page bottom of Zerohedge article.


We really need the context of all that was said. (the part with Schiff is classic) Paul also sees additional evidence that needs to be brought out, so the comment will change based on what he knows now.. Besides, hard to get mad at Paul after the way he's hounded Fauci for the past 3 years--the only one senator, save Johnson, really. (As to the mountain cartoon at the top of this page, well, speaks right to that....)

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Rand Paul made a packed with Turtle the first year after he got his Senate seat. There are certain things he cannot do without Turtle's consent. Perhaps that will end soon now that Mitch seems to be on his way out.

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Shelley, I have to admit that sometimes my brain works slow. I need a night to think of things. Look at Biden’s history what more do you need. Just the border alone. This guy shouldn’t even have been allowed to be a life guard at the pool in Scranton. Even from then he was lying about corn pop. Look at what this man has done and Rand doesn’t have enough evidence. It goes to show what a complete bunch Hitler in the bunker types of politicians we have. SAD James

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We are a Romans 1 nation. " For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.

And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” -Romans1:18:32

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Yep. We’re here. But John 3:16! All who trust in Jesus will, be saved! Maranatha!

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Amen. Pray for more…

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To take existing masterful works of literature and art and remake them to push a social political view would be a huge insult to the original artist or author even should they agree with the message. I'm a realist figure and portrait artist. Doing what I do I can truly appreciate the genius of Norman Rockwell. For example, his completely original style, his historical portrayal of U.S culture following WW2, the humor in some of his his works and how prolific he was (amazing!). I adored his paintings during childhood and wanted so much to be able to paint like him and Maxfield Parrish. A well known gallery was featuring his and other well known masters' figurative works redone with a computer program replacing the original figures with transgendered, gay, and people of varying ethnicities. They completely redid Rockwell's Four Freedoms and some of his other masterpieces like this. I contacted the Rockwell Museum wondering if this would be a copyright violation. I did not hear back. Nevertheless, it's really an insult to the arts and artists to degrade their works in this unseemly manner. Are these woke individuals and corporations incapable of producing their own original scripts, stories and paintings and instead go about debasing the masterful and cherished works of other authors and artists? See the infringed works here: https://youtu.be/hXDiFrGyTh8

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Because I LOVE your posts, I am super happy, very intelligent, and quite beautiful. I really like that made-up study!

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just "liked" your comment and Robert's post, so now I am even happier, absolutely gorgeous, and smarter than Einstein. All studies should be so efficacious!

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PJM announced second day of brownout alerts for the mid Atlantic. But it is regular summer ttime, and not record heat like MSM portrays. The problem is shutting down power plants, and given PJM serves 22% of US electrical market, it leaves the entire area with insufficient power generation. The peak day for electrical demand in the area was 10K MW higher in 2006. This problem will only intensify in the future.

PJM has shut down down 20,000 MW of continuous duty coal fired electrical generation and replaced it with an effective 4 MW of wind power. The installed wind may have 20K MW NAME PLATE capacity, but effectively produces only 4K MW on average, some days not near that. PJM is also slated to shut down an additional 25,000 MW coal fired generation in the next 5 years. Insanity.


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Doing the same here in Texas. Killed 250Texans winter of 2021. Wind and solar worthless and shuttered coal could have turned the tide

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And Texas' natural gas stores were ignored as well during the '21 freeze. We survived six days of no power and below freezing temps with a woodstove and a cord of wood, and a few camping supplies. ERCOT should have never been created; Abbott should destroy it.

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Jul 28, 2023·edited Jul 28, 2023

Ercot harks back to the old Texas Railroad Commission, which effectively controlled the West Texas International oil price and hence the world's price of crude oil not 10 -15 years ago. Brent price was hardly mentioned back then, it was all WTI.

And one shouldn't forget that mad cat driller and oilman T Boone Pickens. He was the biggest promoter of Texas wind power, but along with natural gas. Probably turning in his grave today.

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Wonder how T.Bone survived prorationing. My granddad was the wildcatter that sank the first well in that huge field on the Okla. Capital grounds. Prorationing cut him down to size and held him there

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If he is turning, I hope Pickens is producing maximum kilowatts...

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Sounds like you didn't care for him....

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I am agnostic on T. Boone Pickens. I was being witty.

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Well, they got rid of all the members of ercot that lived out of state so that fixed the prob.....right????

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I had not heard that. If politicians weren't so feeble minded or just in for the $ reward, much of this nonsense with W & S would not happen.

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Here in Maryland we are getting frequent warnings that we are at peak on usage of available electricity. We need to go easy (and be forewarned). We are deep into promotion of renewables and cutting down on other forms of electricity generation.

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Yes, power-hungry (in all forms) evildoers all long to be king of something and to have peasant-slaves do their bidding -- so they are scattered all around the USA and the entire globe.

I don't know how we are going to stop them, but I am sure by the grace of God that they will be stopped.

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Jean-do the warnings mention the cause of the problem, or just heat? Any honesty with them? Do they forewarn of heating problems to come this winter? I imagine wind is marginal today.

It is something PJM has warned about for some time as they have watched the area's fossil fuel generation shut down.



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We have a large grid with many states involved. The warnings relate to the present heat wave. The solutions are left up to individual states apparently. Our state, like OBiden, is majorly in agreement with the UN/WEF 2030 goals. So, we are running up taxes and IMO making matters worse. I would have to concede its at least in part how one views "Climate Change/Global Warming." I admittedly am not buying it.

Thanks for the article. Hadn't picked it up. Will add it to my collection on this topic!!

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Two links above--couple more--look at the energy mix for today--very little wind/solar:


Out of:


Re: how one views climate change, esp in regard to fossil fuels-what I think is one best "one stop shops":


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Great stuff. Published backup! Thank you! Much appreciated!

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The Vaccinated

Sold Their Natural Immunity

- For Nothing.

The Unvaccinated Held On To Their Natural Immunity

And It Is Now Worth

More Than Anything.

More Than Anything That Anyone "Owns".


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But one never knows where another gene modifier might lurk - food stuff, beverages, water - whose knows. May not even be a spike protein but some other mechanism.

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The Vaccinated Are A Mutant Species:

Homo Injectus.

Which Is Latin For:

UnNatural Being.


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I guess we can laugh about it at the same time knowing it is serious.

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A song I have not heard yet. What's its lyrics? Close to mRNA?

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Simian virus 40, a DNA virus. Saw a report where jt has been detected in the lipid component of the jab. The part of the DNA described has the potential to transform cells, i.e., carcinogenic.

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Shelley you are nibbling around something here. I have mentioned that there is an increasing dependence on tech as a substitute for ability and this is where the rubber may meet the road. There are labs. out there working with some seriously dangerous material with poorly trained personnel. I know of an instance where a big n.c.i. money was being spent on gene therapy. The lab had chinese employees who either were clueless or simply too obtuse to obeythe rules but they wers found to have worked with 2 different human viral vectors in the same lab....a major nono. Technically f.d.a..should have been contacted and an audit performed. Did not happen. I can see incidents like this happening all too frequently.

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Tech as a substitute for ability! Yes! Uphill losing battle to get my kid to be able to do for himself. I’m not talented or anything, but, I treasure my skills.

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Some time ago I read several reports by those in the know that any lab making products that have any form of contact with people are audited and most audits find a high percentage of violations on a myriad of regulations. FDA fails to force mitigating measures or assess penalties. If it is that bad in the US it must be worse in China, where most of our drugs are made.

To your clueless, hmm. Perhaps they are there to do exactly what they are doing. It is so hard to trust anything anymore.

Anything in DNA that was not there when the DNA was formed, probably can be a cancer-causing agent. There must be several ways to penetrate DNA, mRNA, lipids? Perhaps glyphosate that every screams about can on its own with a vehicle?

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I’m not a physician, but a scientist. It strikes me that almost any disease you survive without help means you have some degree of residual natural immunity. I had Covid at Christmas 2019 and then was told I had no natural immunity. BS I thought and had no covid related diseases (common cold and so forth) for over three years!

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks for your highly professional and accurate clinical study about us, your readers. I know it is 100% true because, after all, you are a man of SCIENCE! Keep your equine family in the shade with plenty of water, but I guess you know that. Same with your avian ones, too. We entered the latest Grand Solar Minimum a couple of years ago and the planet will be cooling for the next 35-50 years. This is spite of the fact that the last Ice Age ended 100K years ago and we are warming up, as the cycle for the past hundreds of millions of years requires. The estimated cooling average worldwide will be 3 degrees F. But that means some places will be cooler than that, some areas about that, but other areas much warmer. And the jet stream will be changing, so that means considerable changes in precipitation averages most places. Throw in some volcanic eruptions, or a nuclear exchange with the Russian and/or the CCP, and it might get even colder. That is, for those who survive. Have a great weekend to you and Dr. Jill!

Danny Huckabee

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No idea who that critical drinker fella is, but i can tell you, some heroes do not wear capes

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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

If you're like the Biden's, Victimizing them both comes easy.

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This is why Hunters in the White House....

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There is no man-made climate change.

It has been warming for 12000 years

During the last ice age almost all of Canada, along with parts of Europe and Asia, were buried beneath one to two miles of ice. At the same time, sea levels stood 350 to 400 feet lower than today.

Sea levels were so low that the entire continental shelf, at least in Eastern North America, was above water. Many states on the Eastern seaboard were twice as big as today. New Jersey’s shoreline, for example, stood 60 to 100 miles East of its present location.

Glaciers extended over much of Europe during the last ice age


NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?


Urban areas make up only 3 percent of the entire land area of the country but are home to more than 80 percent of the population. Conversely, 97 percent of the country’s land mass is rural but only 19.3 percent of the population lives there.


Half The World's Population Lives on 1% of Its Land


The Greenhouse Effect is caused primarily by Water vapor in the Troposphere and is the most powerful greenhouse gas.

The ocean plays a key role in this vital cycle of water. The ocean holds 97% of the total water on the planet; 78% of global precipitation occurs over the ocean, and it is the source of 86% of global evaporation.................

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water.

Why? Releasing heat(IR) by evaporation by using water from the oceans, we call it weather and cooling.





Carbon Cycle:

“Carbon is the backbone of life on Earth. We are made of carbon, we eat carbon, and our civilizations—our economies, our homes, our means of transport—are built on carbon.”



Man Made Co2 could increase by 48% and it would be a great benefit to plants and their Ecosystem. In reality, the earth's greenhouse effect is a good thing.

In reality, the earth's greenhouse effect is a good thing. If not for the greenhouse effect, earth's average surface temperature would be -18°C (Celsius), or -40°F (Fahrenheit). Instead, our planet exists at a livable 15°C, or 59°F. We need more CO2, not less.

CO2 is actually a planet-saving nutrient that could multiply food production rates and feed the world more nutritious, healthy plants and ecosystem

It is called the "carbon cycle" and "water cycle" of nature: Plants are a good starting point when looking at the carbon cycle on Earth. Plants have a process called "carbon cycle" and photosynthesis that enables them to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and combine it with water. Using the energy of the Sun, plants make sugars and oxygen molecules. In return plants exhale oxygen which allows you to breathe. We and the ecosystems need more C02, not less.

The reason why the CO2 atmosphere theory can never work is that the Ocean-atmosphere interface controls the amount of CO2 in air – a warmer ocean (which holds 50x more CO2 than the atmosphere) emits CO2 and vice versa. This is very basic physics*.

Taking a cold can of CO2 is actually a planet-saving nutrient that could multiply food production rates and feed the world more nutritious, healthy plants and ecosystems. Prove it to yourself at home - soda, place it on the table, if you let it warm up it will give off CO2.

The sea is a 'buffer' solution of many salts so anything added has even less effect.

There are other reasons why CO2 warmest theory must fail: a) the surface cooling effect of plants b) Non equilibrium thermodynamics in the atmosphere - i.e. the assumptions of the ‘theory’ are nonsense. *Henry's Law.



Growth with CO2:

Consider the carbon atom: without it, life as we know it wouldn’t exist. Together with hydrogen and oxygen, carbon is one of the literal building blocks of all life on Earth—including crops and the countless people who rely on them.

CO2 is a life-giving gas for plants, Commercial greenhouses are aware of this and commonly use CO2 generators(up to 1500ppm) to maximize production.

The U.S. has been steadily adding back forests since the 1940s. According to The North American Forest Commission, we have two-thirds of the trees that we had in the year 1600. But the news isn't all good – cities in the US have been quickly losing critical urban forests.

CO2 is making Earth greener—for now --


A quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.

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Is this a semantics thing, or are you really trying to say the world is completely fine, and there's no issues at all regarding the altering of the worlds climate layer ?

Are you denying that the government has been spraying toxic substances in the stratospherre for nearly 75 years ? This being perpetrated by the US military Air tankers, NASA, and private contractors? How can you deny this when your president Biteme is now saying he supports "blocking out the sun".

Are you denying the whistleblowers who've come forwards who worked for the US Military, who know first hand that we (multiple world governments) have been altering the worlds climate layer for decades?

Denying that researchers are finding toxic levels of aluminum, not only in our air column, but also in our soils, waters, and ice caps on mountains across the globe ? Aluminum is extracted from rocks below the crust, and now in the last 30 years, it's being detected all over the world in pristine places such as Mount Shasta at the peak?

Are you denying the US patents that you can look at which clearly show the process which has been developed for altering the natural climate of the earth through the SAI Geoengineering process?

Are you denying the HAARP facilities exist, when you can see them, and their effects for yourself on global satellites?

Are you denying that the governments of the world have been weaponizing the weather for decades, and now against their own populations?

Climate change as the media spouts it out, YES, I will agree with you, is all a scam game, a tool being used to pilfer the wealth of the US, and other global countries, while suppressing rights, and freedoms across the world in the name of a bogus term: "Climate change'. No denying that.

Operation Popeye didn't exist during The Vietnam conflict ?

How about detonation of 2000 or so atomic bombs, some of them in the upper atmosphere, "Just to see what it does" ? No, no damage there, right ?

How about UV-C penetrating everything, being detected worldwide, which used to be suppressed by the ozone layer ?

Your statement that "There is no man-made climate change." is ignoring the elephant in the room, completely disregarding the constant Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and HAARP facilities which are NON-STOP negatively affecting our climate worldwide. It's irresponsible for not taking in the effect that MAN is continuing to purposely cause damage to our earth's ecosystems. Climate geoengineering is ongoing, never mind being a poor steward of our once blue planet by desecrating her whenever and wherever possible.

When you can get government officials, senators, congressmen, media outlets, real and / or bought and paid for faux- scientists all discussing the real issues at hand, specifically the onslaught of global geoengineering, then maybe we all can have a real discussion over what the answer to this problem really is.

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

You have just pointed out the real issues and manmade cause of odd weather patterns. There was only so much room to point out the facts. I provided the context.

The real issue is Government made geoengineering, this is used to create short effects to create an illusion of an abnormal climate outside the normal four seasons. They are actually making things worse, and creating problems.

Every aspect of our weather is being altered and manipulated by geoengineering programs, including hurricanes / cyclones. Radio frequency / microwave transmission installations have been and are a core component of the ongoing global climate engineering operations.

The 3 minute video below provides evidence of hurricane manipulation.


Geoengineering is happening, for example: China controlling rain across Tibet.


52 other countries also engage in cloud seeding and weather modification.


Most government models have their parameters tuned to what they think they should be or the outcome they want. One can have models to s anything you want., The Art and Science of Climate Model Tuning in Science magazine. A House of cards built on sand. See: Frédéric HourdinLaboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL, CNRS, UPMC, Paris, FranceSource:



For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please follow the links for full documentation:

A. Geoengineering Programs and Weather Modification Experiments,This article lists active geoengineering programs, proposals, experiments, field trials, and weather modification programs worldwide:


B. Weather Modification Laws in the United States of America:


c. Extensive list of Patents:


For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear.


When a rookie co-pilot flipped the chemtrail switch before taking off


Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are systematically sprayed into our atmosphere from jet aircraft as part of the geoengineering / solar radiation management (SRM) programs, are manipulated with extremely powerful radio frequency signals. These signals are transmitted from countless locations around the globe from various types of transmission platforms (ionosphere heater installations like HAARP, SBX radar, NEXRAD, etc.). The impact of the microwave transmissions on cloud formations is profound and highly visible (square cloud formations are created under some scenarios).



The ability of stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a global dimming effect has made them a possible candidate for use in geoengineering projects [1] to limit the effect and impact of climate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases .[2] Delivery of precursor sulfide gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2) by artillery, aircraft [3] and balloons has been proposed.

Tom Wigley calculated the impact of injecting sulfate particles, or aerosols, every one to four years into the stratosphere in amounts equal to those lofted by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, but did not address the many technical and political challenges involved in potential geoengineering efforts. If found to be economically, environmentally and technologically viable, such injections could provide a "grace period" of up to 20 years before major cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions would be required, he concludes. <br>Direct delivery of precursors is proposed by Paul Crutzen.

This would typically be achieved using sulfide gases such as dimethyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbonyl sulfide, hydrogen sulfide (H2S). These compounds would be delivered using artillery, aircraft (such as the high-flying F15C) or balloons, and result in the formation of compounds with the sulfate anion SO42-.<br>According to estimates by the Council on Foreign Relations, "one kilogram of well placed sulfur in the stratosphere would roughly offset the warming effect of several hundred thousand kilograms of carbon dioxide.



For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear.

Map of U.N. Tracking Weather Modification Projects (1952-1999):



#1 There’s Barium and Aluminum in jet exhaust

Take a look at the IPCC’s report and you will see confirmation that indeed barium and aluminum are indeed in the exhaust plumes of jets.



When a rookie co-pilot flipped the chemtrail switch before taking off


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My apologies,

You, sir and I are on the very same page, except for the fact, you're way deeper in the rabbit hole about this than I thought I was.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, and enlightening me to other sources.

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I feel happier, smarter and better looking now. Thank you!

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you look anything like your photo, you're one hot little pup.

(This coming from an Orangutang)

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Um....I have call B.S. on the Sound of Freedom/Netflix, etc. claim. This seems to be an internet rumor at this point. The movie, sorry "Film", was produced by a very small outfit called Angel Studios (which has its own free streaming service https://www.angel.com) which they are choosing to keep in theaters for now. Netflix, et al, lease blocks of content from the large studios which are mixed bags consisting of a few really good titles, a lot of mediocre ones, and more than a few God-awful stinkers. Or they produce their own content, often overseas with unknown actors and much lower production costs than Hollywood. But rarely do the big streaming platforms bring in tiny, independent content unless it has been picked up by a major distributor already and packaged into a larger block of content.

It may very well turn out that SoF is rejected based on its content, though given its popularity and the backlash which would most likely ensue, that would prove to be a poor business decision. Even more so given that the streaming industry is contracting and looking to both rein in costs while still growing or at least maintaining their subscriber base. FFS, Apple is looking to buy Disney.

The Left of course has its bullshit factories working overtime as well and blaming all of this on the ubiquitous Q-Anon, blissfully unaware that Q-Anon is nothing more than a deep state info op.

May you live in interesting times. And surely we do.

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A gentle reminder: it's "rein" as in a horse's reins, not "reign" as a monarch does. 👍🏼

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Perhaps it was a Freudian slip? :)

Thanks for the correction. I tend to write stream-of-consciousness and my proofreading is terrible.

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Well, I'll let it go simply because you don't have any ears ! My god, man ! How do you get your glasses to stay on ?

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I wear a monocle. Call me Klink.

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I see nothing !

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That was Sgt. Shultz (reborn as Chris Christie).

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I like circle the wagon, but it's the mountain of evidence that hits the strongest.

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Yes we are! Thank you for stating the obvious. LOL.

God bless, strengthen and protect you and your family

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R g, I'm assuming you are referring to the "study" Thumbs up for that!

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You bet!

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