Nov 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I chuckled rather loudly at the earthquake, tornado, nuclear bomb meme. Growing up in CA we definitely participated in those drills. I questioned at a young age how in the world they could really help. Crazy

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Me too - including growing up in California.

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Me too - in Ohio.

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Don’t recall it in North Carolina in 50s and 60s. But we focused on reading and math. Knew one neighbor who built a bomb shelter in his yard, everybody thought he was a kook. I’m considering building one now, though, since Joe seems intent on correcting the mistakes of his predecessors who missed the opportunities for annihilation.

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Me, too. In Ohio as well.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lol!! Greta looks just like Hillary.

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Sounds like her

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As a child of the 60's, I loved the old photo of the school desk making you impervious to a nuclear attack! Yes, we really were taught that in public schools in the US!

Even funnier are the "world leaders" that try to convince us we have to shift to green power at all costs, while risking global thermonuclear war for the whims of a senile madman!

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic funnies this am Doc! Thank you! God bless you and take care of yourself! We need you in this battle! You are loved and so appreciated! ✝️💜

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Just one bomb...

...to flatten the curve 💣

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Killing russians is the way to salvation. Saint Fauci and Saint Zelensky cannot be wrong.

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So THAT’S what they are doing to flatten the curve…

…should work

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Maybe it would have worked if they had not waged war against a god.

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I literally have that exact same desk in my basement! I picked it up as a street find when I was living in New York City to use as my computer desk in my teeny tiny apartment. Who knew it was such a powerful instrument of protection. Thank you Dr. Malone!

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great selections to start November Robert . " And the hits just keep on coming"! (AM Radio Voice)

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The llamas and the cat cracked me up!!!! "Bro - are you even vaccinated?" LOL

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Nov 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When I was watching JP I was so distracted by his hair, that I wished he would just cut the stuff off! (The hairdresser in me can't help it). Other than that, nice medley to pick from, the all purpose desk is one I can relate to. Who dreamed that up to freak out all schoolchildren???

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Nov 4, 2022·edited Nov 4, 2022

LOL, I remember doing that under the desk thing when I was six and even at that early age I thought "this is the stupidest thing ever, it won't help one bit other than we'll be orderly as we are vaporized."

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When the schoolboards were asked the questions by parents of the Cold war ICBMs:

What's your plan for all these kids after they sound the civil defense sirens mounted on top of every school in America, Huh? Umm...Gee...hide em under the desks with game called duck and cover?

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We better get those desks out again.

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You know, “future Greta” could well be Hil’s skin tag.

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Okay, Dr. Malone and anyone else who reads it. Look at this gem I found on the website for the large hospital my (now former) physician practice is affiliated with:

"The Pfizer vaccine and the Moderna vaccine use mRNA to instruct the cells in your body to make a harmless piece of the “spike protein” found on the surface of COVID-19. Your immune system is tricked into thinking this is a virus and makes antibodies. A live virus is not included in the vaccine. Your body destroys the mRNA and gets rid of it. It doesn’t stay in your body or alter any DNA. The other ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are salt, sugar, and fat."

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there are laws against health care consumer fraud, making fraudulent statements. Am I right?

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We are learning at many levels that we are blessed with a multi-tiered legal system. What is illegal for you and me is not for "them"

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I think I'll do a screenshot for possible future use. When I went back to the site and looked further, I found that they also say they are offering the shots to children as young as 6 months and are confident they are safe. While they acknowledge no testing has been done as to safety for pregnant or breastfeeding "people," they warn that the risk of covid is high, so these people should consider the shots. They confidently state, "A rumor on the Internet claims a protein created by the body after vaccination is similar to a protein that is needed for placental formation. This is not true. The proteins are not similar nor do they impact fertility or affect a pregnancy. The vaccine manufacturers are monitoring people in the clinical trials who became pregnant."

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I assume so, but when that's the accepted narrative, how can it be challenged? Particularly in NC, where our governor and attorney general are both liberal and do whatever they wish.

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I don't know, Anne. I like your screenshot idea. Here is one optimistic idea: write them a thoughtful, respectful, well-reasoned letter with references. Hand deliver or send certified mail with signature. I can even imagine a crowdsourced letter with the best and brightest minds on Substack. A letter that addresses the false claims one by one. At minimum, if they don't change their clinic assertions, at least you have let them know, and you have a record of that. (Maybe they just don't know? Maybe they don't know that Florida, Sweden, UK and Denmark have reversed course on the covid shots program and they could, too. ) At maximum, you might open some minds or change policies at that clinic.

RFK Jr. has a great letter here:


And, this is another fantastic letter template:


I choose to remain optimistic, engaged and believe that most people do better when they know better.

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Thank you for the suggestion! I will save these links and think about it. This is not just one physician's office, it is a huge hospital system with many, many providers' offices. The local office I contacted has no option but to follow the hospital system's guidelines. It would need to get to someone who can actually bring about change. I think they would be more inclined to consider it if someone threatened a lawsuit due to fraud. Maybe I could get my local news station to cover this. (Hahahahaha, the station is woke and liberal.) After all, they covered a recent story where a woman went to a established, popular, highly restaurant and called the police because her smoked bbq pork had some pink and she thought it was not done. She's thinking of filing a civil lawsuit. If a court would take that up, that ought to consider my complaint, right?? Right.

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One problem hospitals face now is that the feds require all medicare,/mediaid providers to jab employees and that absurdity was recently upheld by a Supreme (Barrett I think). Stupid but there it is.

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That's interesting. I read this article about how the mRNA isn't really mRNA, because it contains synthetic bases. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/when-is-mrna-not-really-mrna. But the Washington Post says the author is a fraud, so I have to believe what they say.

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Dr. Malone helped create a new uncensored platform. Open to everyone. A forum covering C•19: it’s history, biology, public policies, treatment options, v-safety, + more.

Sign-Up: https://forum.demed.com/COVID/posts

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This one on Twitter today, maybe share in your next funnies column.

"Huge Elephant in Room Dies Suddenly."


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and, shared by Wall Street Silver:

"World leaders on their way to another climate conference."


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Hah Bets, he posted that on "0" hedge quite a while ago. Someone took enormous time to Photo Shop exactly each air craft and I suspect some of them are the real owners planes. I was marveled by the task. Speaks volumes about the global hypocrisy forth wit.

If Aliens have snuck into our social high societies, Who's to say it may be this entire group.

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They left the fleet of flying saucers parked in Antartica.

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Always enjoy these on Friday and Sunday.

The quote from Arthur Miller was interesting. We know from the opening of the KGB files by Yeltsen and before Putin closed them that there were large numbers of well-placed Stalinist spies in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, including Harry Hopkins and Harry Dexter White, both of whom largely controlled or greatly influenced Roosevelt's and Truman's foreign policies. We also know from those same files that Stalin controlled large parts of the entertainment business through his agents who were actors, writers, financiers, and producers. We know that Senator McCarthy and his team were very successful in identifying and purging these men and women because the writers of these KGB files bitterly complained about how effective McCarthy had been in his efforts.

Danny Huckabee

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Interesting how successful progressives have been in discrediting both McCarthy and the House Committee of Unamerican Activities conflating them to the point where many today will whine about McCarthy and his activity on that committee. And yammer about "paranoia when in fact they were confronting an existential threat we still face today from the progressives

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Yes, it's a crime that much of the Right has bought into the Commie Dem Anti McCarthy propaganda.

Diana West has been pretty much canceled for pointing out that McCarthy was / is wrongly demonized (also by much of the Right) and the Commie infiltration was / is real. Her books "America Betrayal" and "The Red Thread" need more exposure.

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Diana West's book "American Betrayal" covers all of that and much more. The problem is most of the Right doesn't want to accept the real history. Diana West has been canceled by much of the Right and of course totally canceled by the Left.

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LOL! And a request: would any of you smart readers be so kind as to link your favorite post covering the change of definition of vaccine that took place in 2021? With wayback machine screenshots? I thought there was a Dr. Malone post, but search did not yield results. I know a great post was written on the topic. I'd like to link to it for my current article on vaccine exemptions, so that I don't spend time re-writing what has already been written brilliantly.

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The cat and alpaca's and the bird are tops for me. Bracing for after the 8th. Happy you folks have a run of good weather to enjoy and be productive in. Still basking in your terrific ss yesterday!

Wishing you a pleasant weekend plus and all of us a super outcome! Very Bestest J

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Regarding the desk to protect against all catastrophes; I saw this morning that there was an earthquake off the coast of El Salvador during the night. This is of interest to me since we have lots of friends there from our past mission trips and it appears that the area we are familiar with did not suffer damage. When I read about the earthquake I wondered right away, did these people prepare for the earthquake by getting vaccinated?? If that is most important for hurricanes, surely it is important for earthquakes also (although earthquakes are a little harder to predict, haha). GET VACCINATED! It may even protect you from nuclear attack.

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