The cat herder right on the money (and a really cute cartoon). If Johnson can pull the fractious Republicans together he is truly a miracle worker.

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Gonna need a bigger cat box......

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Yep. And a good scooper

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fauchi size

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Clumping litter would help

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I feel the same.

Lord knows they need all the help they can get... with the mess they've created.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023


I was tossing and turning a couple of nights ago and said out loud, and not at all very loudly, "I hate these sheets" (I won't go into why). The very next day on my computer, downstairs from my bedroom, on my Amazon account (which I rarely use anymore) they advertised queen sized sheets. I never, ever looked sheets up on Amazon or any other site, just purchased them from a nearby store a couple of years ago. My computer and phone are cable (don't use a cellphone), I turn my computer off every night and when out and use no other wireless devices. I've observed this sort of thing before and have wondered if the electronic fire alarm system installed in rooms throughout the house, or other devices such as smart meters, 5G cells, etc. have tracking, listening and even intentional insomnia producing and other EMF neural manipulating effects. A man recently told me that he heard a woman's voice internally speak, like the kind over an intercom in an airport. He didn't catch what she or 'it'  said. Are we to think of AI as a living 'it' and this is at the root of the woke he, she, it etc. pronoun, transexual and transhumanizing, madness? Why do female personalities online or on TV have so much makeup on, including plastic eyelashes, that they look like they're made of plastic? Is this transhumanizing grooming?

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It is just big brother proving he/she is looking out for all of your needs. They already have us used to ordering items for delivery on line so we get us to it. Although it may continue that way in the future, those items will not be ours because they will only be rented. Just like DVD video are becoming obsolete because you are to rent streamed videos instead.

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Subliminal messaging- In My Opinion- I mute EVERY commercial when I watch a few shows on Direct TV, & yes, as the reply notes below" Big Brother" is making sure we buy, or follow suit in every ad! Big Pharma has major ads- "just take this/that pill" & "everything will be alright"! Commercials for meds have turned into Broadway musicals for drugs! I listened to the awesome music video from Five Times August! Amazing band, to-the-point-lyrics, & the beat & tunes Rocks it! I love these guys! The old farts from the Sixties have faded from my music tunes!

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

There's more to it than that. That being that AI is subtly, through unseen and unfelt EM neural manipulations subliminally if not outright (as in mainstream news media propaganda) conducting mind and behavior control tactics orchestrating the transsexualizing and transhumanism of humanity - creating a humanity in 'its' likeness. This includes our use of language eliminating male and female designation pronouns, TV female and online personalities so heavily made up, including plastic eyelashes, they already look like plastic transhumanized Barbie dolls and hideous drag queens showing up in children's schools and librarys' story time events; the grooming of all of humanity. Many like to refer to Stalin's and other ruthless dictators that, once having acquired total power and control, murdered their top officials along with their lesser but useful idiots for they would be the greatest threat to these dictators, as well as demonstrating their capability for unbridled viciousness. What persons would be the greatest threat to AI? They might want to consider their situation as they gloat over their vast wealth, intelligence and technological genius having acquired, as the WEF guru Harari has described as, God-like powers.

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Ah ha, someone else that mutes all commercials. The manipulation is in most of the programming as well. Blackrock owns the world and is making it a dangerous place for regular humans.

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Or it could be those guardian angels that watch over us, insisting/assisting that you go buy some nice new sheets. Maybe look for a new warm blanket too. Winter is approaching. ;-)

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Our brains are malleable, and radio signals are going through them every day non-stop for the last hundred years or so; they are relatively harmless. Cell signals are a completely different animal. E.g., A toxicology report released in 2018 by the US Department of Health and pointed to by those expressing safety concerns found that male rats exposed to high doses of radiofrequency radiation developed a type of cancerous tumor in the heart. This likely did not include 5G, a higher frequency and said to be even more dangerous than previous Generations.

I'm unsure if EMF neural manipulation has reached that point yet, but rest assured they are working on it.

The advances and the rapid increase of science are scary; at the same time, morals are declining. In my mind, the future is bleak, and only God's intervention will fix this messed up world, and it will be very soon, I believe. All the signs are there. Keep on looking up!

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Abridged information conveyed to me by an AI neural programmer writing code, algorithms for AI machine learning and projects in the brain sciences in biotech fields. He states: "... we must keep our eyes on the potential disruptions that can occur as well. mRNA platforms enable the ability to include optogenetics to extract opsins - (light-sensitive proteins) which then can be delivered thru infections or injections. Vectors such thru novel Adenovirus’s that can include Luminopsins [LMOs]. These Luminopsins or LMO’s can allow manipulation of neuronal activity in the brain, externally. There has been a vast increase in Optogenetics and chemogenetics programs. Besides using modified Adenovirus, (SarsCov-19 it certainly one of these) there is also DREADDs - Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated Designer Drugs ..." "DREADDs allow us to manipulate neurons without having to ever implant anything into our brains. Once the Opsins are inside us they can be expressed in eyes, brains, or skin to turn on or off neurons and manipulate behavior (sudden fear, weakness, deplete energy, or serve as an emotional feedback loop). A terrifying fact that opsins react/activate via remote control by flashes of light or EMF pulses." My input: From devices such as cell phones, wearables, tablets, etc. The TV of course is a hypnotic controlling device as used by the mainstream news media to generate fear and divisiveness.

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What's wrong with no spending bills for three weeks?

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Nothing...it's the 300% tip that hurts upon "return to normal".

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What will REALLY be a miracle will be IF Speaker Johnson actually begins de-funding the profligate federal bureaucracy - starting with the 87 THOUSAND 'new' IRS agents that Kevin McCarthy said would be the "1st thing I will do as Speaker of the House" (when I am elected) that he totally reneged on.

As an aside, whoever the artist is that conjured up the FAUCI 'toon' is a genius! Can hardly wait to see his or her toon mug shots of Biden, Obama, Hillary - the entire rogues gallery of the charlatans that infest DC - (and) the Fake News talking heads, too!

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Unfortunately Spkr. Johnson's interview yesterday with Sean Hannitus Interruptus revealed a far less MAGA conservative than we have been led to believe. The first major move he is making is to approve yet MORE wasteful spending on the Ukraine Launder-mat. Small wonder why he got a unanimous vote from the RINO-infested GOP. But, I will withhold harsh criticism to see what else he considers "priorities"

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Take a moment to listen to Tucker on X. Actually 13 and a half minutes.



"You can say you care about America, but if you’re sending $100 billion to foreign countries right now, you’re lying."

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As usual, Tucker nails it, dead on-target.

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I agree with Tucker Carlson! This current regime in the WH cares about other countries, allowing over 1-2 million (or more?) illegal immigrants into the southern border, and don't have any idea how many could be terrorists! It's time for Americans to keep voicing our opinions- good, bad or ugly, and should not be censored or arrested and jailed for speaking out, especially the truth about what our own government has done to destroy our country!

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I've have had five text messages from MJ since his speaker win, all asking for money. This last one was touting how assisting our allies was very important. I thought you smuck. Then I remembered the picture I saw with GOP House members surrounding him while he gave his speech and McCarthy was all smiles. That was the give-away - their man is in place.

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Can't agree with you here. Kevin is the consummate actor/politician, his smiles mean nothing.

I've got the same, tho not as many, solicitations from Johnson. I think this is because he has relatively little pac $, and knows they'll be gunning for him.

We'll see.

And tho I suspect you've heard it, listen to Matt Gaetz's version of how it all went down that night, (Wed?) how Kevin was unmasked.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

The MJ emails and texts are piling up because there is something wrong with the system. Bush 43 said Pelosi deserved the gavel because she raised record funding for the party. It's like who is the best maffia boss. It is mega donors that select the person who will do their bidding, that's why we got McCarthy and McConnell years ago. The entire system is rigged.

I heard what Gaetz said on the Floor before the vote to oust. He even said he’d rather get his funding from constituents rather than K and Wall street donors. What I do know is Johnson's voting record, at 72, is as poor as McCarthy's. Kern's is 81 and Donald's is 92.

Ukraine will get funded because the NWO requires it.. No more Trump -like stuff allowed as time is limited.

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Agreed on the donors controlling both Houses of Congress. It is the reason for exclusive CRs and omnibus bill the last 2 decades.

The numbers you reference are undefined-what % (I presume) do they represent and who tallied?

Gaetz's description of events starts below at about 1:30:


Unfortunately I agree with your Ukraine comment. If only some sort of accounting/presidential rationale can be attached to it.

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The Freedom Index rates members of Congress based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements. It is run by JBS, the John Birch Society, and has been since at least 1985.

I watched the video and am always impressed with Gaetz’s control of the English language. He never stumbles for words. Thank you so much for pointing it out. I can now add another reason Kevin was/is despicable.

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The miracle will include whether he can manage the media and dem attacks on him. They've started, he's not only over, he is the target, they won't let up.

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I advise him to ignore the attacks, do what’s best for America and pray for God’s guidance. He’ll be fine.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A bald man with a wooden leg gets invited to a Halloween party.

He doesn't know what costume to wear in order to not draw attention to his head or his leg, and he has a month to prepare so he writes to a costume company to explain his problem. A few days later he receives a package with the following letter:

"Dear Sir: Please find enclosed a complimentary pirate's costume. The handkerchief can cover your bald head if you'd like, and with your wooden leg you will be a great pirate.

Very truly yours, Faye's Costumes"

The man thinks this is terrible because they have just emphasized his wooden leg, and so he writes a letter of complaint. A week goes by and he receives another package and a letter, which says:

"Dear Sir: We are quite sorry about the misunderstanding. Please find enclosed a monk costume. The long robe will cover your wooden leg, and with your bald head you will really look the part.

Very truly yours, Faye's Costumes"

Now the man is really upset, since they have gone from using his wooden leg to using his bald head! So again he writes the company another letter of complaint, being particularly nasty about how they've failed to meet both conditions with their previous attempts. The next week he gets a much smaller package and a note, which reads:

"Dear Sir: You will find enclosed a bottle of molasses. Pour the molasses over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your ass, and go as a caramel apple.

Very truly yours, Faye's Costumes"

Lots more laughter here: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/doom-break-volume-5-into-laughter

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I went to a Halloween party and decided to dress as a clown. On my way to the party, a man in a suit stopped me. He said he was glad he finally found me. I had to explain that he must have me confused for somebody else, but he told me I was dressed like him. I explained that I was just wearing a costume, but he laughed it off as a joke. He then drags me into his car, and now I'm suddenly a member of Congress.

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It could definitely happen these days. Nothing is too absurd.

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Yes it’s been that kinda week Tritorch

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Just subscribed to your Substack. Laughter is my medicine and supplement. Thank you

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Vaccines (adulteration), vaccine mandates (bodily autonomy), Israel war (Abraham Accords), Ukraine War (Ukraine Peace), 3.50/gal (2.00/gal.), 8% inflation (1.5% inflation), 8.5% 30 year fixed (4% 30 year fixed), WW3 (peace on earth), open borders (Another September 11th), Biden (Trump), derangement (common sense). Boy I could sure go for some mean tweets right about now. J.Goodrich

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"Dark Days are Ahead" ...J.R.B. from his first days in office! The warning was clear. He said it!

Now all we have ruining the Nation is poop salesmen with mouths full of samples.

Step right on up, we got yur remedy right here, and it won't cost you a dime, it's all free....

But first, let's all visit this immigration and inflation, own nothing and be happy?

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Lol. Mean tweets.

Yeah, now all I see on his telegram channel is him whining about how he's being persecuted.

No shit, sherlock. We know what happened to you, is happening to you, and none of us like it.

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On whose telegram channel T?

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Thank you. I am not on any of the SM platforms except Truth Social and rarely visit it.

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You're here.

Thats all that counts, in my book.


I dont do SM either.

(Social Media, not S&M)


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You're up early, Doc.

Nice !

Never heard that song before. Very well done. Lyrics are relevant, and quite poignant.

Thanks for another Friday Funnies, to tickle our bones.

Safe travels today. DC traffic blows

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The song was good totaling up the offenders, I haven't been paying attention to how many were pushing the jab. Quite a lot!

I grew up during the Vietnam protest years, Neal Young and a lot of others sure switched sides.

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Wife and I were sitting eating dinner, last night around 11pm (yeah it was a long day), and a TV commercial came on while I was watching Gunsmoke. It was a football player (no idea who) dancing around, doing a jig, happy, smiling, and having fun. I thought it was an ad for something sports related. At the end of the commercial, it was clear that the dude in the commercial was pushing the "DOUBLE JAB", as he lifted his left sleeve, and showed two bandaids where each covered a death shot, one covid, the other flu.

Repugnant that I have to even get a glimpse of this garbage when I'm watching Dillon catch the bad guys who kidnapped Kitty.

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I would bet the same ad men that linked up Pfizer with Kelce also linked up the NFL with Swift, and Kelce with Swift. The timing and over the top media attention of it all smells like a massive marketing campaign for ailing organizations.

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Smells like, looks like, feels like, resembles - we gotten to the point we recognize these ploys for what they are. Haven't see any cause no TV.

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me too - no TV for 14 years!

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Kelce is a POS loser🤜

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Seems harsh but he took a ton of money to encourage everyone to get covid shots. It's worse than taking money to sell alcohol and cigarettes to children and pregnant women.

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It's too bad that there isn't a way to forward this link to the football player in the tv commercial....https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/10/no_author/vaccine-killed-3-5x-more-americans-than-covid/

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Neil Young and the rest of 'em made songs protesting against the man. They made a lot of money doing that. Now they are the man.

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Words is out that the hippies and their songs were provocative because they were paid to be. It was the start of the degeneration/degradation of society. Most of the SoCal dwellers pumping out these songs were from rich families on the East coast. It was a very successful avenue as it turns out. Lots of rap does the same thing – vulgar. There are more popular new Christians songs now than ever before, so there is that positive reaction.

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..yup....the "man" makes more money for much less trouble.

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Neil is a POS loser too🖕🏿

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I've always liked 60's rock. But I never understood what anybody saw in his music.

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I fell in love dancing with the man who would become my husband. It was a summer evening, he put on Neil Young’s album Harvest Moon and asked me to dance when the song Harvest Moon started playing. We were on the patio with a million twinkling stars above. I still love that song and the man I danced with that night so long ago. I can’t bring myself to dislike Neil Young if for only that reason.

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I'm surprised at my reaction; that song made me sad. It's not that I really ever thought they were anything but entertainers, it's just that everything is fake. I am so weary of bogus, sold out and fake.

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I hope every last one of them hears the song. Maybe it will wake them up, if they have an conscience left.

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Psychopaths do not have one

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Wow...the song drilled a hole right thru me.........Nice guitars Dudes. Man o man!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm gonna need to watch it a few times it contains so much truth!

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Roger that 👍

It's genius level lyrics 🎶

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Van Morrison continues to Rock and Roll. His last four albums have been about the tyranny and masks and covid we’ve all suffered under. It’s wonderful music as its always been. One of my all time favorite musicians!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I first heard Brad's new song on The Highwire and loved it!! Since then, Jan Jekeliek interviewed him and Matt Azrieli (of Baste Music) and played the song on American Thought Leaders.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I sit here literally in tears over "Ain't No Rock and Roll," I wish you both blessings and safe travels. 🙏🏻

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Candy corn dogs must be a collaborative Psyop by the dental and heart association

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Yep. Remember the days when people actually understood that was supposed to be funny instead of a real recipe?

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That about made me vomit 🤢. lol.

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Don’t knock it ‘til you try it,

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In your corner for the good fight, as long or hard as it gets..... this hill is THE one to fight on......

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Thank you. Drs. Malone, for the funnies and the work you do every day on behalf of ordinary Americans who just want to live their lives in knowledge and freedom.

Mike Johnson, Cat Herder Extraordinaire, was the subject of an in-depth article in Epoch Times today: "How Mike Johnson Became Speaker 'Through Prayer, Not Politics'. The unusual path of a Louisiana congressman, described as a man 'with no enemies,' who suddenly became speaker of the House." https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/how-mike-johnson-became-speaker-through-prayer-not-politics-5516809?utm_source=ref_share&utm_campaign=copy

Love Five Times August! Best songs, lyrics, melodies, and singing today. Website: https://www.fivetimesaugust.com/

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Morning you two, safe travels! Hope the I 95 corridor is the road less traveled by others this Friday

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Wabbit twacks ! Be vewy, vewy, kwiet !!

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Apropos meme for Mr. Shitweasel

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My son's name is Morgan, lad by the sea/ Welsh

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Yeah that one is scary!

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