If we think about all of the illegal unconstitutional infringements this Biden/Harris administration has executed on the good citizens of America like forcing people to get harmful experimental chemicals injected into their bodies against their will (so much for their cries of bodily autonomy) there is one infringement that many, even the closed minded Trump derangement syndrome psychopaths who say they believe in God and Religion, must see as completely unacceptable, and a reason to never vote for the new communist party in America, would be the Biden/Harris policy of blatant unconstitutional closing of churches and trampling peoples right to assemble, talk about tyranny!!!

There is a reason why the freedom of religion is one of the most important freedoms in our bill of rights. There is also a reason why totalitarian parties or authoritarian governments like the Biden/Harris administration hate religion. Most all religions are based on the ideas of faith, hope and freedom. We have all seen when an authoritarian party wants to forcibly impose its will on a population, faith, hope and the idea of freedom are the last thoughts the party wants entering the minds of its subjects. When a priest, pastor, minister, rabbi or etc. speaks of these things to their congregation, and the congregation absorbs these ideas, they all become enemies of the state. This is the motive for governments church closings around the world, just look at the Ukraine.

It’s obvious the mind is such a powerful instrument the authoritarian fears it, the founding fathers knew this, hence the freedom of religion and the right to assemble were front and center in the first amendment.

We should all recognize this power of positive thought. If we allow them to get us down and think our situation is impossible we have given up and things will stay the same or get worse. The enemy would love nothing less than to know they have defeated the minds of their subjects, us. There have been much more powerful authoritarian governments than this democrat communist party, that collapsed because in the minds of the people they no longer believed the parties lies. Through decades of suffering, in many instances, the people will finally rid themselves of the authoritarian communists. It’s so extremely important for all of us to stay positive in our minds. This is why Faith, Hope, Freedom and God should always stay centered in our lives.

“I didn’t always stick with God but God always stuck with me”. J.Goodrich

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Sadly we were where the victims of repressive regimes once looked to for support. Now we are morphing into one of those places they looked at us from. Time for action.

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Insuring that the next generations of Americans clearly understand,

That "WE" the adults in the room....Have not lost our minds, nor our abilities forward.

Such ridiculous experimentations, to put faith, condone, or place any trust in!

We did not work this hard....to let it all fall apart, then smoked into ashes.

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Dr. Nash, now that we see Joe Biden, who won the primary in a landslide, withdraw his candidacy for president, doesn’t it make sense because of his dementia, that someone else was making policy, writing and telling him to sign all of those executive orders, opening the border from day one, forcing people to take the shots, closing churches and businesses, etc.. Who’s been setting these policies? The other thing I wonder about, if the governments inept protection of Trump had turned into the successful assassination of Trump, would Joe still be running today? I bet he would be!!

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James, the progs have been constructing the deep state for well over 100 yrs. They finally took the bull by the horns and a select cabal, funded by (???soros) installed a brainless puppet in '08. Thought they had control but '16 proved them wrong...the Republic was not ready. So rinse and repeat, this time with a totally stolen election in cohorts with world wide progressives (read socialism) and the media. Same cabal, another brainless puppet figurehead. That is my take on the subject.

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Can’t imagine living under Kamala Harris, we’ll never make it!!

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It will take even more massive degree of outright theft. Enough idiots bought into the good ol joe persona that they only needed to steal 40-odd million (thanks Shelley for that number). Despite media lying, cackles is actually despised to the point that they will need to steal a hell of a lot more votes. Need to fire up c.d.c again

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God help us all, I think this deep state will do whatever it takes to continue their plans for the world. Not convinced anything will be different either, after the criminal theft takes place.

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Mark 3 is a good representation of the situation we’re in today: people calling evil good and good evil. Where we’ve gone over the cliff is that the ones doing so are dressing themselves in the "clothing" of the ones they’re oppressing - they talk the talk but walk an entirely different path; I’ve been involved in some 🤔 "discussions" at church (to be clear, BEFORE and sometimes after service, never at an inappropriate time) where my choice for POTUS is considered an abomination: "you know he’s been married thrice?" "And he’s been convicted of all these nasty horrible things?" "And the things he’s said" — and while my responses fall on deaf ears I always ask who charged him, who convicted him, where, why, where do you get your newz, (neuz?); the point being that these folk are basing their opinion of President Trump on the word(s) of the same people that would do the same to them, to me, to us. And they do.

These are the same folk, the accusers, the accusation believers, who 15 years ago couldn’t get enough of President Trump. When I listen to the words of those who are in President Trump’s circle, those who he’s dealt with, those events not reported (and that which is reported without any evidence - "I heard it from a friend of a …".

Oh, I’m not blind but if I had my druthers I’d rather be in the Trump orbit rather than that of HeelsUp, Cankles, 💩 💩 🧠, etc.

And I’ll close with this: family. If I had to choose whose family to emulate based on appearances, I know whose family demonstrates the values most closely in line with my immediate family, and it’s not even close.

Shoot, I lied, I do have another point - I’m not blind, President Trump does have one nearly unredeemable quality: a very well done steak served with catsup. Now, I don’t want my steak mooing when I slice off a bit but at the same time I don’t want to be able to use it in place of a paver; similarly, catsup is amazing - full of umami, I could use it far more than I already do, but…

Isn’t catsup a vegetable?

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Ha ha to the steak preference! I’m even with Trump on that one!

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Catsup is Norwegian salsa. But, beautifully grilled medium rare steak has such good flavor it needs no salsa. And, it won't break you teeth trying to eat it.

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Norwegian salsa⁉️

That’s a new one.

I, of course, avoid the whole possibility of an overcooked steak: while I thoroughly enjoy almost everything about the grilling dead cow experience, I also have taken to "cooking" my steaks ala sous vide to ~135°F and then searing in a pan or on a hot grill. I have yet to make a determination of which I like better - I lean toward the purely grilled steak out of tradition but when there’s a 30mph wind whipping subfreezing air around I seem to find a new tradition.

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We of Norwegian background do not tolerate Hot and spicy well, so for us catsup is the salsa. This goes along with the Scandinavian proclivity for white foods: Fiskeboller (made from minced white fish, flour, eggs, and milk) with small potatoes on the side. In winter, Lutefisk : dried whitefish, usually cod, but sometimes ling or burbot, cured in lye. (essentially Draino) then the lye is leached out when you are going to use it. Best served with Aquavit (potato whiskey) to make you forget about eating Lutefisk.

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SR Miller, I'm sorry to mention one aspect of his family values that may not align closely with yours. Melania has a past flair for soft porn layouts. I'll hear defenses for her all over, but a fact is a fact. British GQ 2000.

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Well, then don’t vote for Melania Trump for prez - wow, that was easy, too easy. Got any more softballs?

Jeepers, DD, Melania was a model, what did you expect? And what are you calling "soft porn?" Scantily clad, topless, frolicking on the beach with a tri-color blowup orb;

DD, what’s yer point⁉️President Donald J Trump is unworthy of the country’s support because his now/current wife posed ???? Years before they were married? 2005 for your database.

DD, to be fair, sounds like you’ve got a case of tds, perhaps low grade and not yet fatal, but you really ought’a see someone about it — I recommend a Trump rally, with boosters at 1 week intervals.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

You missed the point, and the rant towards me with accusations to boot are unwarranted. I'm used to nasty responses and gaslighting from people like Sasha Latypova, but your defenses toward my comment indicate just that, you know what being defensive means?

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Shame shame shame DD - you defame the lovely&gracious Melania Trump (porn, as if) in these comments and YOU take offense.

Shame shame shame

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Are you sure Gonzo 🪿is a girl? I hear from (UN) reliable sources that men can have babies 👶 , use feminine hygiene products 🧻, and beat up women to win gold medals 🥇.

Thanks to you both for traveling the earth 🌏 literally to save the earth and all who wish to live here in peace 🕊️ and freedom 🗽.

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So, what you are saying is what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

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Believe half of what we see and none of what we hear. I must remember that msm from any country is controlled by the same globalist who intend to subjugate the world. Examples; abc, nbc ,cbs ,cnn, msnbc, fbi, cia, dohs, gq2000, bbc, un, eu etc., etc..

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Red green - Del Bigtree called the MSM personalities "advertisers" definitely not journalists.

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And what about the Indian – American… er…Black – American, Presidential candidate? Has your deep research uncovered any juicy stuff for readers?

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Here’s another bit of info

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My boy, Bernie. Never worked a day in his life, and still more of a conseevative than Kamelotes. Yes, Kamelotoes worked hard, but in a different sense....

But with Bernie, one never knows just what is on his mind

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Amen! God has always been with me on my life path- I so agree positive thought & faith in God has kept me moving forward, & I pray more folks will wake up & follow God’s path. In my times of life situations I have encountered, God was always there for me , & continues to keep me positive. I continue to pray for a better future, & to kick those evil demons from the radical left- although, that is a hard battle to win. God Bless All…Thank you James.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

Almost daily, my CD player hits this tune, and my mind coalesces around my neighbor Daniel who left us just a few weeks ago at the age of 30.

Daniel was at home, in hospice, tubes connected to him, awaiting his time to enter the next realm of his existence, and on one particular day, he asked his dad, Danny, if " God would allow him to enter heaven, when it was his time to go. "

Daniel passed just hours beyond his 30th birthday, and judging from the 4000 people i witnessed, who showed up to his wake, hes up there now.


I'm pretty confident he was welcomed with open arms. I imagine his grandma, Joyce, was first in line to greet him on his way up.

My wife feels the presence of Joyce in our home, as Daniels grandma lived, and passed away in our residence, as years after Joyces passing, we purchased their family home when it went on the market,. This was 30 years ago, in upcoming March of 2025.

In my mind, I imagine Joyce hugging Daniel, and it gives me solace knowing he's okay with his grandma he never met in life

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Such a beautiful song- this really touches my heart & soul, thank you for your beautiful words. Some days it is hard to get through my daily life, as I lost my husband 12 years ago, & his Mother & Brother all passed within 2 years apart from one another. I think about my husband all the time, & some of the songs we loved together. Thank you, have a Blessed Day!

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

You as well. So sorry for your losses. I've lost my brother's my mother and a plethora of family and friends. I remain faithful to the idea that I will meet back up with them in due time.

A little secret that Micheal might enjoy...

I'm a non professional crooner. IOW, I love to sing. Don't believe me, as my customers, as they walk out sometimes when i'm working on their homes, and complain the radio is too loud, only to discover it's an "off key" contractor belting out Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Aaron Lewis, Chicago, or some other 1970's era tune that touches my soul.

My fat, black DSH feline will come running from anywhere in the house when I start singing. She gets up on top of me, shoves her face in my mouth, and drools all over my moustache and goatee. I can't tell if she likes my "out of tune singing", or if she envisions small rodents down my windpipe.

Ah...... The fresh cat drool on the facial hair, in the morning, can be invigorating.

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Sounds like a cool cat! Music keeps me going, & I’m always singing along to my music! My Mom & Dad loved to play records, throw back the rug & dance! I remember when my husband & I would work in the garage, which had a stereo in it & large speakers, we cranked it up; of course, the neighbor did complain, & we live in rural country! We turned it down every time the neighbor complained!

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Well said James! Thank you!

Khrushchev said, “We’ll take you without firing a shot!” He hit the desk with his boot! I didn’t see it but read it or heard it in the news when news was news.

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I’m old enough to have seen it! His prophecy is coming true.

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A bitter pill to swallow is that the media industry has always been bad. Things seemed simpler because the Mockingbird Media narrative was all that anyone heard.

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Just had to inject my usual remembering of the Native American "ban" on their religion. Most aspects were prohibited by law until the "Native American freedom of religion act" 1978. And then there were two different acts for citizenship of Native Americans, 1924 and 1948 granted more rights. Before that they were technically considered foreigners living in the United States as wards of the federal government. How do you like those apples, James? We think we have it bad?

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Embrace the power of "and", DD. It was bad for them AND bad for us. Wrong and wrong. History is littered with the consequences of being a conquered people and is illustrative about what happens and why. Fortunately we have made strides in correcting some of those things that tarnish our past. Even more fortunate for the Native Americans in that they had treaties with us that are finally being recognized.

I'm genuinely curious. Are you Native American? My brother-in-law is. I've learned a lot from him.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

I often write of these travesties of the Original People of this land. Their history goes back further than is taught, and they have their own karma or balancing to play out. No-one really is a victim, yet it certainly seems that way sometimes. I am native in outlook only as far as I know, but since I believe in reincarnation there is no doubt I have been Native as well as Egyptian and many other learning opportunities. Thanks for asking. ( the point that seems to be missed is the "big brother" gov. is still alive and well, after all these years!)

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3


I was working at my octogenarian clients house today, and my conversation went down the road you and I discuss frequently: the followers of "fallacious". So after ranting on and on about these imbiciles we surround ourselves with daily, my octogenarian client looks me dead in the eyes, throwing me a curve ball. and utters these 6 words:

"When did we become so stupid?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, befuddled, and after quite a long pause, replied back, that " I didnt know."

Haven't stopped contemplating the answer since

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Words of wisdom

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Welcome to the WOKE WORLD 🌎 of "Kacalot!"

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Ohhh…Good one Ana!

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I apologize for the double post. My phone 📱 has been doing that and I don't know how to correct it. 😔

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fundamentally, artificial intelligence is trained with pattern recognition. Hallucinations are declared when the AI discovers patterns that the authorities had wished to keep hidden.

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South Park knocked it out of the park ... (sorry, couldn't resist ...) - and congrats to Gonzo, surely now 'Gonza'?

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I enjoy your columns. The information on your farm is such a joy. Now, for the otherwise , what are we going to do about Blackstone sabotaging our voting machines? No one seems to be paying attention.

I hate to see our country come down. Trump needs to get some interest back in his speeches and be much more careful, they are after him to stop him. That's it folks ....

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Safe travels! Congrats to Gonz(a). Is she still plucking Gizmos’s feathers? God Bless y’all 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Jill has been spraying bitter apple all over Gizmo's backside - it seems to be helping.

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Ah ha !

I just fugured out why every morning , while I sleep, I wake to find my wife spraying my manhood, in the wee hours, with that bitter apple stuff !!

And here I thought it was some tonic to keep me healthy !

It all makes sense now !!!

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What an awesome quotation “It takes a lot of balls to win a women's competitions these days.” Under Kamalageddon we will mandate 10% of all public works contracts must be performed by transgenders. Obesity and as yet to be determined other minority preferential percentages are in negotiations. Proof of being fully vaccinated required. How many injections constitutes "fully" is also in negotiations with the pharmaceutical industry.

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I think they are up to ten now

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My weekend has officially started again. The Friday Funnies is my starter’s gun!

My heart goes out to the female Italian boxer who was robbed of her chance to participate in the Olympics because of an inadequate male whose only chance to compete was with the “weaker “ sex! The Italian LADY probably saved herself from brain injury or even death by realizing the strength of the punches she was receiving! I recalled the female volleyball player who suffered severe injuries after being hit in the face by a trans players spike! Is it actually going to take death to stop this nonsense?

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No, it’s going to take radical Bud Light boycotting! Don’t watch and don’t buy from advertisers!!

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The BEE truly showcased and encapsulated the ineptitude (?????) of the secret service with a cartoon depicting a young guy standing on a roof holding a big sign declaring in large red letters....I am going to kill Trump. Nailed it.

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We have followed you and listened to your interviews from the start in 2021. Thank you for your tireless work and fighting, and your expertise!

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Always look forward to your funnies. The satire is great and makes me laugh. Good luck on all your speaking engagements and safe travels. Thank you for fighting this battle. It’s for all of us!!

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone

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Meanwhile, the Middle East is a tinder box ready to explode, which is terrifying for what that may mean for us all. China is smiling like a Cheshire Cat..just waiting. We're playing stupid mind games over gender while the stock market is plunging. Who are the people who are going to become even more rich from this crash?

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SS holding press conference 2:00 Eastern.

Harris secures delegates for democrat nomination via roll call vote.

They will not let up.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

I think the whole situation smells ‘off' We’ve got 'bad meat' and both parties are dressing it up and presenting it to the masses.

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Two drumsticks from the same, overcooked turkey.

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LDT: To the melody: "...the rich get rich and the poor get poorer..."

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

Both Biden and Harris were present to greet the Gershkovich, Whelan, and Kurmasheva at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington late Thursday night. Then things got awkward for Harris when she started babbling to reporters shortly after meeting the freed prisoners.

Harris spoke to Americans off-script for the first time as the Democrats’ presumptive nominee and used the opportunity to praise Biden for his “diplomatic” skills. Or at least tried to before quickly screwing up her words.

"“This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy.”


This is the real Kamala Harris, not the corporate media facade portraying her as the most exciting candidate and orator since Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, Biden stood around like a total zombie, sparking even more health concerns from some.


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This is exactly how Lefty influencers talk. I happened to catch an example of it on Rachet News this morning. Walter's assessment was spot on and he gave a great example of how it works using himself. For Kamala, this is not a deficiency - it is the new world of speak. We will be hearing much more of it for a reason. Trudeau uses it, I've heard it used by WEF people and the EU folks.

Watch this for a few minutes at 16 minutes or back it up to the gal talking.

Once Harris is in the Oval (I hope God forbids this) this type of word jujitsu will become common and the reason become obvious.


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Sadly,since they got away with so few press confrences with Biden, we might not have to listen to Harris much at all!!

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Thanks for the link...

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Are you aware of Mark H Sutherland who lives in Sidney? You obviously like history, especially British history. You should check out his book. Watch this interview he did with Michael Matt - https://remnant-tv.com/video/1192/the-eugenics-time-bomb-a-death-cult-from-1921-to-current-day?channelName=RemnantTV

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I will check this link out and read what he has to say.

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Good, sobering link.

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Yes. I watched it all. Kamala made sure she was in the spotlight, right beside the Zombie every moment.

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Kamala‘s labyrinthic sentence structure, her repeat of certain words in their many forms, connected with abstract connotations, is incoherent to the listener, which I believe is her objective. It is a distraction which forces the listener to change how they digest words. Another invaluable tool for the “change makers” which will rival the effectiveness of their successful “politically correct" speech code.

Lenora's Trump comparison failed to note that Trump's use of words makes sense.

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I swear that is NOT Joe Biden. Maybe a body double but call me crazy but I don’t think it’s him.

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John Guy - Harris wasn't wrong, she used too many words within a complex sentence. To simplify: This shows the importance of understanding the power and strength of diplomacy.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

That is because she is not able to think on her feet, like Joe she needs a teleprompter.

She has a habit of using the phase "understanding the significance."

Kamala Harris repeats same expression four times in speech loop.

The vice president, who was speaking on Monday in Sunset, Louisiana, repeated the same phrase, “the significance of the passage of time”, four times in a row.

“So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs,”

“And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children and what that means to the future of our nation,”

“The governor and I and we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right?


"For us, at every moment in time and certainly this one, to see the moment…in time in which we exist and are present….and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist…in the history….and in the moment as it relates not only to the past but the future.”


'What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been'? An oddly philosophical phrase which Harris is fond of trotting out, and deployed it in many speeches.


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And yet, I stand here guilty of repeating the word "shithead", over and over again, in my speeches about the US govt, in general.

My own wordsalad failires, I presume

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3

John Guy, Yes...I watched the clip. One thing both she and Trump do is repeat words/phrases - for emphasis, or from habit. It is a rhetorical device debaters, teachers, public speakers, children, and salesmen employ. It is used consistently in advertisements/commercials.

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In the age of social media that is a bad idea. It will be used against a person making them look foolish.

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It works for Trump just fine...

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Aug 3Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Enjoyed watching Gonzo prep her nest to keep her egg protected and warm. And her little warning honk not to get too close. Adorable!

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Aug 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you must have enough frequent flier miles now that if you could cash them in you could buy your own jet.

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