
They are about to live stream the proclamation - here is the link, for anyone interested.


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Yes - Robert and Jill - you were born for such a time as this. I am in tears - not sad years, but tears of profound gratitude.

It indeed is "a time of rebirth and hope". I will try not to get "caught up in the grief". I will forgive my brothers "whether they seek it or not". I am grateful that my church has "a commitment to community". And yes, "we are the seeds of regeneration and rebirth."

I wish I could have been there to hear you say these words live. Safe travels to you and Jill. A blessed Christmas to you and those you love.

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This is the dawn of a new age of mankind.

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I feel you

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I run a wedding venue in N. GA which is also a farm & polo grounds. You’d love it. Im not a great cook but I know several and I can make beautiful flower arrangements. I can assure you, we would not cancel you. Come on!

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I just saw Dr. Ryan Cole - all the greats there I assume!

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Listening to this amazing livestream. The citizens of the world are coming together for the benefit of all, even those who don't understand their need. Also loved the new song!

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What an inspiring group of people and proclamation! It's wonderful. Thank you for letting us be a part of it, to be inspired, to resonate goodness, decency, and love into the world. "Interrupt when you see abuses but do it with heart." "Truth is in sight." Why are the Europeans so much cooler than we are? lol Thank god they are. What a combination of compassion and intellect! You all give me hope. And strength.

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Ahh Houston to Apollo....you have a spectacular lift off!....(Squelch)....Copy that Houston!

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Five Times August is Da Man!!! I have shared his music far and wide, especially his piss take of Blackface - not sure I can wean too many folk off Neil Young, who I now despise. My fellow country-man Van Morrison as well Eric Clapton, are probably two of the more prominent artists who have spoken out and their air-play has definately diminshed as a result. They, like us, will be on right side of history.

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I haven't cared for Neil Young since his very offensive "Southern Man" song. I am from the south and he was so off base from what I grew up with. We would call it virtue signaling now. I cheered when "Sweet Home Alabama" came out in rebuttal.

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God bless old Slowhand and Van Morrison. Times like these show us the true greats . Skistimas is the voice of the Revolution for sure. Outayerdaminde made me sing

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Okay , I have a consolation prize ... I have a 30 year old pony , and a 400 acre farm in WV ... I would’ve happy to host you ! HA ! I’m a hell of a cook , people are jealous if they have never eaten in my kitchen (I’m told 🤣) I have a rustic cabin that’s very private , you would be welcome to stay in (:

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Can N. Georgians who also have horses come, pls? Will muck for food!

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Big lol , yes !

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Me too Deb - I would be honored to host the Malones. What an honor it would be!

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Where are you in WV? I am in south central PA, 60 miles from Berkeley Springs and have three horses on my bit of paradise.

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East of Parkersburg , on a lost piece of paradise. Nice and secluded . We run 45 , sometimes more longhorn cattle . And I’m down to a sweet pony and one horse . I’ve ridden a good bit in my time . But I devote my “spare “ time to my dogs . I am a certified search k9 handler . We run a small herd of sheep , to help keep the ground clean . We “free range” the longhorns . Wonderful breed of cattle for this terrain. I’m

From northern Ohio , outskirts of Kent . Parents moved her shortly after the mess at Kent state. To a little collage town , Glenville WV . Hippies up to your eyeballs at the time . Sweet little place . Changed a good bit since then . The area that your from , is a beautiful area !

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Deb - thanks for details. You are about 4 hour drive southwest from me. Let me know if you are ever in my area, come visit. 717-357-7617

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Really enjoyed “There Ain’t No Rock-n-Roll”. I think that’s a potential hit and I agree so much with the message it contains. I am a ‘child’ of the 1960s and 1970s. Where are the artists and the students? What happened to “Question Authority”, a popular bumper sticker in blue states and cities just a few years ago. What happened to “Corporations are not People”, another bumper sticker I used to see in Seattle but which has disappeared. Where are the protest songs and protest concerts?

I used to be an establishmentarian and now I feel like a feckless revolutionary. The tables have turned but those of us on the side of freedom today have got to figure this out.

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We are far less confused than those pathetic, pitiful collectivist Big Gov Big Media Big Tyranny Antifa Fascism supporters who have a problem. Reconciling an antiestablishment attitude with supporting the goddam establishment. The Swamp. Now, there’s Confusion.

There aint no rock’n roll.

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The rock musicians haven't fallen or changed. They were working for DNC in the '60s and they're still working for DNC now.

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I would say they were working for what the DNC stood for in the '60s and have now changed to working for what the (fallen) DNC stands for today.

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John Fogerty, the man who wrote "Fortunate Son," is an apologist for Joe Biden. In my view this puts him at the top of the pile for irony.

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"I ain't no Senators son, no no no" !!

Doosh bag traitor?

Or too much weed?

That was one hell of a song!

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That does explain it. All those anti-conservative, anti-Reagan, anti-Bush tunes that struck a nerve. Supported by the DNC. How naive of this Canadian ex-fan not to see the ever-present( if hidden) agenda being blasted out of amplifiers in the ostensible name of, you guessed it, innocent music and pure, ahem, entertainment.

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I couldn't leave a comment, it says 'closed'. One of our adult children came by this morning to say 'hi' after hunting (got his first buck this season) and to chat. He is really frustrated with some of the people he works with who still think the unvaccinated should be lower-class citizens and that they should be forced to get the mRNA for 'good of others'. These are not 'uneducated' people, they are engineers (primarily) but they have completely bought in. Fortunately, one of his VPs has become anti-mRNA platform and these jabs in particular. He has a wife with Lupus and the battle for HCQ for her really ticked him off. I fear that when these genocidal maniacs (whomever they may be) release their next biowarfare virus these same people will report 'contentious objectors' to the authorities. We have seen the enemy, and he/she looks just like us.

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At peast people know what happened to the germans in 3rd reich

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 16, 2022

Somewhere in the bowels of the internet, about the time vaxxes jabbed, one of the greatest guitarists of all, Eric Clapton, had ground breaking video of his personal horror story with the British vax and why he opposed it.

Great illustration of Neil Young, he is beyond despicable.

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Poor old Neil Young, gone. To the dark side. A lifetime fan now looks back. Thanks for the memories. Requiem.

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I want to know what ever happened to rockers with actual… man parts? Suddenly so many are spokespersons for the establishment. Elton bucked the norm with his out there glitter suits and glasses. What happened, Reg?

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Aging, dropping T-levels worldwide, simplemindedness. These are a few factors that imho lead minds astray. Those jabs are not designed to pass the blood-brain barrier for nothing.

Its Nanoparticle Narcissism. Toxic feminism,and the psy-op that softened us all for decades via TV etc all combined into a Syndrome of Stupid. They can’t print the Darwin Awards fast enough.

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Recently saw a headline of an article (didn't have time to read it) asserting Seniors that had received the jab(s) had been found to suffer personality changes. Interesting if true.

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My wife noticed a pattern of folks having “flipped” about a year ago. Her hunch was that those nanoparticles designed to cross the BBB got into their brain... recently a researcher posted evidence to prove such an effect. I had figured if u were jabbed, you were blinded to societal division and tyranny.

Both effects contribute imho.

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Now i learn that the tenth cranial nerve, the vagus, can carry poison from spleen to the midbrain via axoplasmic flow. The 2 nd way to bypass the blood-brain barrier

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You and Charles Tate should get together. Birds of a feather and all. I used to think this was unthinkable. Ha!

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The more they censor you, the more we trust you.

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“We need all of our voices in this movement.”

Yes, yes we do! Infighting does so much harm.

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Tribal bickering -- our apparent national pastime these days -- could be the death of us. Just say "no". Let's work to divert focus to what we ALL have in common; namely, the urgent need to depose the greedy sociopathic oligarchs who have us and our children by the throat.

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The S. S. Fully Employed is spot on.

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A few modifications to express my views, which closely dovetail with your excellent post from today:

The United Nations [DEL has been co-opted by the politics of] and the World Economic Forum, were created to specifically implement [DEL and] the New World Order. Although this has to change, [ADD They and their collaborators everywhere, need to be dismantled and destroyed lest freedom never be restored again.

Unfortunately, this is also true for many other nations, and seems to be led by [DEL an anonymous] [ADD the WEF and its many tentacles -- a decades-long coordinated globalized effort.

We are all part of an [DEL underground] [ADD OPEN] movement not just for medical freedom, but for freedom and individual sovereignty.

My note: The last revision is really important. That you and the others you write about, with so many others that have come OUT INTO THE OPEN (e.g., McCullough, Marik, Cole, Bhattacharya, BigTree, Wolf, Jones, Kirsch, Bannon, Johnson, RFK, Jr., Renz, and on and on, from all walks of life) is what is most needed in order to bust through the walls of tyranny that have already closed in around us. But we still need underground freedom fighters as well; some will never be known by name and in the long-run, their efforts may be even more important to winning this war against evil as were the Underground Railroad heroes of the past.

Wishing all a wonderful weekend as we continue to the battle against humanity.

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"what they sang they never meant"

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We need to raise our voice in unison for our freedoms. The rights to free speech. The right to gather. The right peacefully protest . The right for religious freedom. The right to bare arms. We should have these right world wide .

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Even democrats used to believe in rights like those you mentioned above (except, perhaps, the right to bear arms). See their platforms in 1920 and 1976 for example: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/1920-democratic-party-platform and https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/1972-democratic-party-platform

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I use to not follow party lines. I use to vote for who I thought would be the best person for office. I vote strictly Republic now. The difference between the two parties is extreme.

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Generally true that the parties are very different. However, the Overton window concept is seeing them move ever closer together, mostly with the right moving left (https://conceptually.org/concepts/overton-window). I’ve observed that Republicans are moving ever closer to the left as money and power corrupt them and the desire to win overcomes the desire to do what’s right.

In our state, for example, the Republican Party isn’t as true to the platform or the Constitution as one would hope, with lots of bickering between the Establishment and Freedom arms. Our state also has Democrats registering Republican and voting in the “Republicans only” Republican primaries to depose true Freedom candidates in favor of left-leaning Establishment candidates. And then, there’s the cheating that makes “election integrity” into a joke.

The resulting loss of freedom-minded candidates and true Republican winners has been catastrophic at every level of government and deep state.

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Look at tucker on tulsi gabbard s show via rumble. This is a new age for mankind, no longer bound to sport tribal colors and parties.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

Melanie, Evidently the extreme difference isn't a concern in the scheme of things. I don't really think you would vote for an obvious dangerous, demented, and unprepared promoter of all things vile man to run this country.

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And yet so many did ☠❎

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I find it interesting that you experienced the rejection of your tickets and the cancellation of venues. This is reminiscent of those times when one views merchandise online and then for weeks after ads pop up for this product. I would speculate they have you on a list for harassment, sort of a drip-drip-drip water torture to just make your life harder owing to your resistance to their Pavlovian demands. Robotic coercion like an automated psychopathy. One could get the notion that powerful people don't like them and it is ill advised to annoy the powerful people lest they turn the machines that you paid for loose on you. I would advise filing lawsuits against the instrumentalities, such as the ticket place or a venue. In discovery it would be interesting to sift through their communications to see how they were alerted to mistreat you. Like the civil rights movement did to accompany the sit-ins at hostile retail establishments.

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In the end we are all Munchkins in the Merry old Land of Oz.

Look where the yellow brick road actually leads, and you find our Corporation-Med- America.

Or at the very least, a reasonable illusion of theater controls by bad actors.

Did the wizard have good heart? Or just the quick cover up when caught with his pants down?

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Looks like you have some valuable insight . Your background must be interesting...

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Hey Robert and Jill - when I tried to give feedback, I see this:

Feedback period

03 February 2022 - 08 April 2022

Feedback Closed

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You are right! Someone had sent it to me - that the comments were still open until April 2023! I have just removed the whole section from the substack. I apologize. That is what I get for not checking the comments link (I only clicked on the webpage link)!

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Bummer! Would have loved to leave my comment...as in”never will I agree to a medical passport”!!!

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